Unable To Boot Windows 7?

Feb 7, 2010

I am using windows 7 32 bit. Hp dv5 1050ei,core 2 duo, 3gb ram 2ghz. it was before vista on my laptopand i clean installed windows 7 and from last 2 months it was working fine but tonight when i was starting my laptop it doesnt started and it was black screen completely. i tried many times but failed. then i used windows 7 recovery disc but it is not reading anything from disc i can hear the sound of disc running but nothing else happens. i tried many times but only twice i saw "CDBOOT ERROR : BOOTMGR COULDNT BE FOUND" can repair this i am literally pulling my hair. i tried to boot from disc by pressing F8 but after pressing F8 4 or 5 times a loud BEEP sound comes and nothing else happens. i have windows 7 repair disc (but it is not getting read) but dont have instalation disc

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Unable To Boot Up Windows 7 PC?

Sep 9, 2012

I was returning my Acer laptop to Windows 7 factory default, when the PC froze ith 5:21 remaining until process was to b completed. The PC rebooted and all that came up was "windowssystem32configsystem." It went on to say "A file may be missing or corrupt" I don't have the recovery or Windows Installation disks with me. I can't even reach "Repair your computer" without it going to the windowssystem32configsystem message coming up. I have access to a 2nd PC, USB drives, and DVD ISO burner.

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Windows 7 Unable To Boot?

May 11, 2012

I have an EEE PC 1001p, it's had dodgey booting for the past 6-9 months. It will get to the windows loading screen, with the green progress bar, then it will go to black screen and restart.I have attempted (many, many times) windows startup repair tool(including doing it 3 consecutive times), bootrec.exe and all it's options, memory diagnostic tool, chkdsk and hard drive repair tool from manufacturer. None of these have been able to either find a problem or fix the problem.I gave up, formatted C drive and reinstalled windows 7 fully. The problem persisted, this leads me to believe the problem is with the hardware.Occasionally startup WILL work, and I can boot into windows (usually after some combination of attempting startup repair tool/memory diagnostic), and from there my computer works fine. No problems at all, from here I put my computer to sleep rather than shut down and can run for weeks with no problem. Then occasionally some event will cause my computer to restart, and the problem persists and I have no netbook for another couple weeks.What I don't understand is how it can be a hardware problem but ONLY affect me during boot and never during normal operation of the computer?When I CAN boot into windows, this :unexpected shutdown" error pops up as soon as I log in:


Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7600.
Locale ID:1033 (It used to be ID 5129 but I did something which fixed it, now it is 1033)


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Unable To Boot Windows 7?

Jun 27, 2012

I am able to get to the screen with the Windows logo and the screen "Starting Windows" Then all of a sudden, the computer restarts itself and Windows doesn't load. The recovery CD does not boot either. The recovery CD requires a windows interface, which is not loading, failing at the same spot as the normal boot.

I am able to get into BIOS and a diagnostic tool in the utility partition. There is no problem identified by these tests. I had spilled some soda on the computer fan vent yesterday, so this must be the cause of the problem. However, when I opened up the computer to check for the spill I found nothing in the critical parts of the machine.

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Unable To Boot Into Windows 7

Jan 15, 2012

When i boot up my computer it doesnt reach the user login screen before it loads of startup repair. It looks for a fix but it doesnt find one. In the diagnosis the only error it shows is 'Boot critical file C:\Windows\system32\drivers\vmbus.sys is corrupt'. I have booted kaspersky repair disk and run a full scan which found no viruses or malware etc. From the startup repair window i have tried a system restore which had the same problem when attempting to boot. I can only access the system recovery options screen.I am running windows 7 32bit, and i dont have a windows 7 disk but do have the windows 7 32bit iso file that i used to install windows 7.

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Unable To Boot Into Windows 7?

Jul 2, 2012

I used these files (Windows 7 | Login Screen Reworked by ~alexandru-r-ghinea on deviantART) to tweak my logon, and now am unable to boot into windows it seems. I get past the loading symbol, then i just get a black screen with a cursor, i thought it might just be a display thing so i tried to log on anyways, but no success. Then i tried to get into recovery/restore mode via DVD, nothing, i just get a black screen with a blinking underscore. Now im thinking i might have to clear CMOS and reset BIOS? or perhaps a total reinstall of the OS? Im running Windows 7 profesional 64-bit, and mobo is asus p8p67-m pro.

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Unable To Boot To Windows 7?

May 2, 2011

I had just finished upgrading my computer to Windows 7 using a multi-computer upgrade disc. Windows 7 was running just fine.However when I booted up I had to choose from " Windows XP Media Edition setup" and "Windows 7". I found this annoying since I didn't have Windows XP anymore. So I went in search of a way to delete that option, like boot.ini. But found out Windows 7 no longer has boot.ini.I did find where I could uncheck the box that shows the boot choice for 30 seconds, and where I selected Windows 7 as my default system.I then rebooted to see if this worked and of course it tried to go to Windows XP which isn't on the computer anymore and just tells me it can't find a system.It no longer pops up with the choice of operating systems, I can't do anything.I tried booting from the upgrade disc, of course that doesn't work. I then made a recovery disc from my laptop that I had loaded Windows 7 on earlier.The computer doesn't recognise the disc (DVD) as it tries to boot.

Here is what I have tried so far:I made a system recovery disc from my laptop, the desktop does not recognize it. I have the bios boot from the cd/dvd rom, no luck.I tried using my copy of windows xp media edition, no luck.I tried using my Windows Vista recovery disc, no luck.I tried using an image disc, no luck.My computer does not give me an option to use a USB drive.F5 and F8 don't allow me to get to safe mode. All it gives me is a choice of boot devices. None of which work.It still just trys to load the old Windows XP Media edition, and won't give me the option of selecting Windows 7 which is installed and was working great until I tried to "fix" my boot menu!It does recognize the 3.5 floppy, but alas no Windows 7 floppies out there that I can find. And since all I have is an upgrade version, I assume trying to do a clean install is out of the question.You would think that one little check box (Time to display list of operating systems) wouldn't cause so much trouble.I was able to make a bootable USB thumb drive, loaded my Win7 upgrade, and of course it didn't work. My computer recognizes it, but then I get bootmanager not present.

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Windows 7 Unable To Boot

Jan 19, 2012

Had a great runnng win7 system earlier today. I noticed that one of my usb external hard drives wasnt being recognized by windows. I fiddled with the usb connections and it connected. Then i tried to check out another drive which was attached and the drive would only partially read, ie could access some files but not access others

Went into windows, manage, disk manager and noticed that this second drive said something like mbr not set or something like that. Neither of these drives are my boot drive ie c drive

Tried to reboot and windows hangs at 'starting windows'. If i try to go to safe mode and choose windows repair it runs for awhile but then says unable to repair

When trying to boot to safe mode im unable tomuse my mouse or keyboard so im unable to do anything. Note that mouse is wireless but keyboard is usb wired

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Unable To Boot Windows 7?

May 18, 2012

Trojan.ZeroAccess it was with adware Virus( SmartFortress2012 } and rootkit activity 4.. First i deletd SmartFortress2012 and i replace the Infected File Cdrom.sys i fixed Trojan.ZeroAccess and SmartFortress2012 ... i restartted the computer everything was working fine and then i got a pop Up rootkit activity 4 once i deleted the MBR infection It gone. i restarted the computer couple of times everything was working fine.

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Unable To Dual Boot Windows 7 And XP?

Jun 6, 2011

I have installed windows XP on a Separate partition on hard drive which was havin win 7 on C drive.I want to boot from both.I have tried running EasyBCD free version with .NET 2.0 framework, but it is not working, as I have seen in most of the content that I can use EasyBCD tO fix the dual boot problem but since this is not working is there any other way or free software by using which I can fix this problem. Currenly my PC is booting with XP by default, and I am not able to boot it from win

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Windows 7 Unable To Boot Or Repair?

Aug 3, 2011

I've installed Windows 7 alongside Ubuntu and was using grub2 bootloader, after changing my graphics card and moving removing some old hard disks when I try to boot the Windows partition I get the blinking underscore screen indefinitely.I tried recovery from the DVD, the Windows install is not recognised in the list, it's just empty, clicking load drivers I can navigate to the drive - it's there as D:, I can see the Windows directory and files, the C drive is another NTFS partition without a Windows install. As it doesn't recognise the install, startup recovery doesn't work.I then tried bootrec and bcdedit from the command line, eventually I hit a wall with an error that there is no recognised file system - despite it being available in the Load Drivers dialog earlier.

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Unable To Boot Windows 7 Installer?

Feb 8, 2012

I recently took on repairing a friends computer, trying to remove multiple virusesUnfortunately I was unable to repair the os without a fresh install. I successfully wiped the hard drive with active@ killdisk, but now the dvd drive won't detect the windows 7 install disk. I did some more investigating and found that it reads cd's but not dvd's anymore. I tried making an iso image of the install disk and create a bootable flash drive with unetbootin and the bios detects the flash drive but when i choose to boot from it, the computer jumps to the next bootable device. I'm in a pickle, either I need to find a way to split Windows 7 into multiple cd's or any other way of installing without buying a new dvd tray for them.

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Unable To Correctly Boot Into Windows 7?

Feb 26, 2011

I was playing around with a program called PartitionMagic, because I wanted to convert my external harddrive from NTFS to FAT32, but it didn't work, so I tried another program. Partition Manager. As soon as the installation started, the computer had a BSoD, and has started having this every time I try to boot the Computer.At first I thought this was only caused by the harddrive, but I put it to a test, by removing the harddrive, and adding my laptops harddrive instead. Sadly the same thing happens. It boots into the Windows logo, and then a BSoD appears, restarting my PC yet again.I've tried launching the Startup Repair, but it results in failure. The description tells me that the "Boot Configuration is corrupt", so I tried searching for a fix on this.

That led me to trying bootsect.exe and bootrec.exe on the command prompt, through both the advanced startup repair thing, and through the Windows 7 Installation DVD.Even though all the commands I've ran say they were executed successfully, it still gives me a BSoD on startup.As a last resort, I tried to format my harddrive through the Windows 7 DVD. This is where I noticed that it recognizes my harddrive, but tells me there is only 100 or so mb on it.Also if I try to do a system restore, it gives me "an unexpected error: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x8007001F)

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Unable To Boot After Windows 7 Installation

Mar 5, 2011

i have hp pavilian core to dou system with 2.2 Gh processor, 1 gb ram. it was running successfully with windows ultimate new but it was corrupted and i have lost the dvd of ultimate new. Now i am installing window7 ultimate it installs successfully but after installation when i boot my system from hard drive then it is unable to boot.a blank black screne appears with blinking cursor. but no message to display.

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Unable To Boot Into Windows 7 Without BSOD

Aug 23, 2012

Attached is all of the information. This is a new build, completed on saturday with a fresh install of Windows 7. I have ran memtest86 for 4 hours, completing 4 passes with no problems. I have reinstalled all motherboard drivers. I tried using driver verifier a few days ago and was unable to boot into windows without a BSOD. Was able to boot into safe mode to disable it. Have either been browsing on firefox, idle, or in a random application during each BSOD.

I have not yet had a BSOD while in safe mode (with or without networking). The BSOD tend to happen fairly often, with the longest time in between one occurring almost 20 hours. That only happened once, however, as all the other ones occurred within 5-10 hours of the computer being turned on. The next step I was going to take if I can't get a good answer would be to either reformat or do a "repair install" which I'd have to read up on before trying it.

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot - Unable To Get Into BIOS

Nov 16, 2011

Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit suddenly switched off, reboot does not show on screen which reads "HDMI CHECK SIGNAL CABLE". Using ATI HD4350 fanless with heatsink connected via HDMI lead. tried another monitor using white dvi cable monitor stays blank then shows power saving mode. So that eliminates the monitor & hdmi lead. Could a duff graphics card show this error? No on board graphics. Unable to get into bios no bleeps, Windows 7 dvd no good either, all fans come on and motherboard MSI X58 on board indicator light goes from amber to green when pc turn on so m/b must be ok.

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Unable To Boot Windows 7 Via Recovery

Jun 27, 2012

i have a acer aspire 5745G . 4 gb ram and 500 gb hdd.my windows 7 home premium edition had crashed and was unable to boot. plus my whole hard disk was FOrmatted .."including the windows recovery partition.".i have made the recovery cds and i am desperatly trying to boot from the cds but when i insert the recovery cd nothing opens..i.e. it is not booting. i have checked the boot order and everythng else.. somehow not able to install windows. my harddsk has no O.S. now.i need to start y laptop what do i do ..why isnt my recovery disk booting(it used to boot esrlier).is it because the recovery partition was erased.

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Windows 7 Unable To Fully Boot?

Dec 4, 2011

A couple days ago the power flickered at my house (all my electronics and computer are hooked up to surge protectors), and when my computer came back on, it got to the starting windows screen with the animated logo, but never got past it to the logon screen. It stayed there for about 15 minutes before I shut it off and ran repair.I ran the repair utility, and it said after a while that it was "unable to repair" the problem, whatever that problem is. I ran bootrec /fixboot and bootrec /fixmbr successfully, but the problem continues. Chkdsk also found no problems.This is where it gets weird. I Reverted to an earlier restore point in hopes that would do it, and it still hung up on the startup screen. Last known good also made no difference. I got desperate and loaded a previous image of my computer (which took almost 6 hours), I left it re-imaging while I went to work, when I got home, it had completed, and was sitting on the windows startup screen, just like before. That's where I started to panic a bit.I reformatted the computer, as a last act of desperation to get my computer at least working, nevermind my data. It worked at first, I got in once it completed the install, but after installing some of my drivers and doing a few restarts, it once again hung up on the startup screen. The drivers I was using before all this happened I had been using for months with no problem, restarts included.

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Unable To Boot After Reinstalling Windows 7

Feb 28, 2012

I did a fresh install of windows 7 ultimate I was really just uping it to the 64bit beause I accidentally installed the 32 bit. So after doing all of this Windows 7 is working fine however upon boot up where normally I would have the option to choose which OS I wanted to start up, it just goes straight to windows instead of giving me an option. I had the latest version of Ubuntu, and I know that when I installed widows I put it on the right partition of my C: drive. Do I need to know reinstall Ubuntu as well or is there some kind of setting I have to change to get it to show me the OS selecting screen.

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Unable To Boot Windows 7 - Bootmgr Is Missing

Dec 30, 2011

Method 1: Message states a fix was made.Root cause found: The partition table does not have a valid System Partition.

Repair action: Partition table repair
Result: Completed successfully. Error code = 0x0
However, problem persists after reboot. The wizard indicated that multiple reboots may be necessary, but the wizard does not restart after reboot.

Method 2: Attempted to use Bootrec.exe /FixMbrMessage: The operation completed successfully.

Attempted to use Bootrec.exe /FixBoot
Message: Element not found.
Attempted to use Bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd
Message: Element not found.

Attempted to export and delete the BCD.The command bcdedit /export C:BCD_Backup returned:The store export operation has failed.The requested system device cannot be found.Method 3: When I attempt a system restore, it errors with: To use System Restore, you must specify which Windows installation to restore.When I view the System Recovery Options dialog box, no Windows installation drives are listed.In addition, when I view the C: drive in the DOS window (my Windows installation drive), that drive lists as empty.

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Unable To Boot From Windows 7 Upgrade Disc

Aug 16, 2010

I am trying to perform a clean/custom install of Windows 7 Professional 32-bit on my VAIO SZ-650N. I have the upgrade disc and though its primary purpose is to upgrade from Vista to Windows 7, it is confirmed to work with clean installs as well. Since I want to perform a clean install, I must boot the installation from the disc and not within the OS. The problem is that when I insert the disc into the drive and start up the computer, it'll pause for a moment longer than usual, as if it detects that the CD is there, like I can hear the disc spinning in the drive, and this little gray underscore will blink on the screen, but it will never give me the "Press any key to boot from CD" message and it'll eventually just load up my OS.The disc is in perfect condition and I can view its contents and run it from within the operating system...I just can't boot from it. Even the directions for clean/custom installs that come with this disc say that it must be done from the disc, not when the OS is loaded. The problem can't possibly be my BIOS startup order, because first of all the disc drive is selected to load first thing and when I insert other bootable CD's such as my beta copy of Windows 7, I can boot from it fine.

Edit: It will not let me do a custom install from within the OS regardless because it is unable to detect any drives/partitions to install Windows 7 onto. And the "advanced" option isn't there...I'm guessing because it's impossible to wipe the drive clean when the OS is already loaded.

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Unable To Boot Windows 7 After Unistalling Ubuntu

Dec 20, 2010

After deleting the partition on which Ubuntu was installed and enlarging the windows partition to fill the old space at the same time( stupid I know), I am unable to boot to Windows 7. All I see is a command line message that says Unknown File System and on the next line says Grub Rescue> with the option to input commands. After looking at this forum and Ubuntu forums I'm still unable to resolve the issue. I would like to be able to boot into windows 7.

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Installed Windows 7 On Same Partition As XP Unable To Boot The Former

Mar 10, 2011

Now, I've installed Win 7 (Professional) on the same as XP is installed. When I try to boot from HDD, I only get the XP entries, but can only boot Windows 7 through.

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PC Unable To Boot After Installing Windows 7 Updates?

Jul 12, 2012

I'll be ecstatic if this could be solved. After installing windows updates my pc no longer boots. It turns on with some beeping noises and then is just stuck on a black screen where I can move the mouse cursor around to my hearts content but cannnot do anything else as it doesn't boot any further. I am not sure if I still have the windows disc as I upgraded from vista many a moon ago but it maybe here somewhere.It doesn't give me the option to run in safe mode, do any sort of system repair or go to the BIOS screen due to the fact it doesn't boot up that far.

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Moved Partitions - Unable To Boot Windows 7?

Jun 2, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire 1810TZ with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. The HDD is 160GB.Yesterday I moved (without resizing!) both the 100MB system reserved partition and my 40GB C: partition towards the "beginning" of the HDD for the purpose of creating an unallocated space of some 110GB towards the "end" of the HDD. (The C: partition had previously been shrunk using Win7 disk management and the system worked fine after reboot prior to partition move).llowing the partition move I can however not boot into Windows anymore. Windows boot manager gives the following info:Status: 0xc0000225Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessibleThe boot manager also suggests I reinstall Windows, but of course the restore and rescue DVDs I burned based on Acer's eRecovery tool does not work.

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Unable To Boot Into Windows 7 Desktop In Normal Mode

May 25, 2011

I have win7 on C drive and WinXPsp3 on D drive. Drives are separate. You can see full specs below.

I boot into XP on D fine. I can also boot into Win7 on C fine, but here is the catch. The computer wants to go into a chkdsk if I boot into win7. If I let the computer do this it goes through a very long process and when it comes out of that process it reboots and goes through its normal procedure.

But then when it gets to the very last step, the step where it shows the wallpaper, icons and taskbar, all I get is blank screen.

If I boot into safe mode I can see everything. If I boot into safemode with networking I can see everything. As a matter of fact that is how I am typing this message now.

What do I need to do to get my computer to boot correctly?

Here are my specs:
Drive C: W7 Home Premium 80GB NTFS (IDE)
Drive D: WinXP Pro sp2 80GB NTFS (IDE)


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Windows 7 - Factory Reinstall Completed-still Unable To Boot?

Aug 1, 2011

Upon turning on the computer, the recovery console loads - because windows will not boot.

Performed system dianogtic check - everything looks good.
Performed a system recovery successful but computer will not boot.
Performed a reset to factory settings successfully, but computer will not boot.
performed a command prompt reset - as was listed in another topic.


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Windows 7 Unable To Boot - Displays Error Page

Feb 23, 2012

i managed to delete my windows/system64 contents on my dell laptop while trying to free space, only to find that as soon as i rebooted the laptop it continuously get's stuck at an error page for about a second and then displays me with two options of: Launch repair and start windows normally - i have done both several times both to no avail and i have tried booting in all of the different modes. I.E safe mode - last known good configuration?

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Windows 7 Unable To Boot In Normal Or Safe Mode

Apr 11, 2012

When I turn it on, it loads the compaq screen, then says "windows is loading files". It then attempts to take me to the startup repair screen, but cannot load the startup repair options and just stays at a blue screen (NOT the blue screen of death).

I am unable to start the computer in safe mode as it gets to the same screen and does the same thing.

I have accessed the boot options screen and loaded windows from the disk in an attempt the repair it that way but I can not restore the computer from an earlier point in time and startup repair does nothing but search for problems for hours with no progress.

Im running windows 7 home edition 32bit The computer is a compaq presario CQ42

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Windows 7 Cannot Install, Unable To Boot To XP ERROR LOADING OS?

Dec 7, 2010

Loaded 7Ultimate and got to Install screen. Selected drive and made new partition. Clicked next. Received error: Quote: Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition. See the setup log files for more info. I don't know how to get to the logs, but what does this message mean? I have tried almost 6 or 7 times and even once with my 7 Home edition disk. Ran the startup repair a couple times. Tried formatting the drive from my XP Pro sp3 disk.So now here's where the real problem comes in: ERROR LOADING OPERATING SYSTEM. Now I can't get back into XP! Tried booting from ERD Commander 05, but I get an error code 4096 with that, and "File SETUPREG.HIV could not be loaded".How can I get XP back to booting properly? Maybe it's a faulty hard drive and needs returning. But it is extremely important that I get this computer back up and running immediately.

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Unable To Boot Laptop Using PenDrive (Windows 7 ISO File)

Sep 13, 2011

I have a dell studio 1535. My cd rom doesn't work, hence I tried formatting my laptop through a pendrive. I downloaded windows 7 iso file, extracted to 4GB pendrive. After that when I try to boot my laptop my using my pendrive all that I get is a cursor blinking on my screen. [URL]

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