Unable To Map A Network Drive?

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to map a network drive with an address like this: Quote: [URL] It's basically a folder on the school network, I can access this folder and view its contents perfectly fine through an internet browser, but when I try to map a network drive to it, it doesn't work, I keep getting errors like this: Quote: A device attached to the system is not functioning Why do I keep getting this message? And why am I able to access that folder through a browser but not through windows? I am using Windows 7 btw.

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Unable To Push Large Files Onto Network Drive?

Nov 8, 2011

This is my set up. I have my PC running Windows 7, connected through wireless to the internet and my home network via Apple Airport Extreme. I have a harddrive connected to the Airport Extreme acting as a network drive.I can see the network drive, and I pull files of all sizes from it, but I have not been able to push large files to it. I can push smaller files to it with no issues (so far success with up to 706MB). I tried pushing a 1.4GB video file to it and it keeps giving me the error message: "There is a problem accessing A: Make sure you are connected to the network and try again" I have an iMac hooked up to the network. I can push the same 1.4GB video file from my PC to the iMac over the wireless network. I just cannot push it onto the network harddrive. While I have no problems pushing large files onto the network harddrive from my iMac.So in summary:Pushing large files from PC to network harddrive - FailedPushing large files from PC to iMac - SuccessPushing large files from iMac to network harddrive - Success I've tried most of the proposed solutions I found on the internet. 've turned off the firewall - no change. I've turned off my anti-virus - no change. I've tried disabling autotuning - no change. I've turned of the power setting on my network adapters - no change

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Unable To Push Large Files Onto Network Drive?

Nov 8, 2011

This is my set up. I have my PC running Windows 7, connected through wireless to the internet and my home network via Apple Airport Extreme. I have a harddrive connected to the Airport Extreme acting as a network drive.I can see the network drive, and I pull files of all sizes from it, but I have not been able to push large files to it. I can push smaller files to it with no issues (so far success with up to 706MB). I tried pushing a 1.4GB video file to it and it keeps giving me the error message: "There is a problem accessing A: Make sure you are connected to the network and try again" I have an iMac hooked up to the network. I can push the same 1.4GB video file from my PC to the iMac over the wireless network. I just cannot push it onto the network harddrive. While I have no problems pushing large files onto the network harddrive from my iMac.

So in summary: Pushing large files from PC to network harddrive - FailedPushing large files from PC to iMac - SuccessPushing large files from iMac to network harddrive - SuccessI've tried most of the proposed solutions I found on the internet. I've turned off the firewall - no change. I've turned off my anti-virus - no change. I've tried disabling autotuning - no change.I've turned of the power setting on my network adapters - no change. I've turned off the Remote Differential Compression - no change. I've tried the file transfer in Safe Mode - no change.

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Unable To See Home Network Computers In Windows Explorer Network Screen

May 14, 2012

Unable to see home network computers in Windows Explorer Network screen.

I have a home network with 2 laptops and 1 desktop. The desktop I use as a "file server" in that all work done on the laptops is stored to the desktop. The desktop computer name is HAL. One laptop is fine and sees the network. The other just stopped seeing it; rebooted the laptop; rebooted HAL; did a number of refreshes without any luck. I opened EXCEL and found a worksheet that was listed that I knew was saved on HAL. Was able to open the file and when I tried the SAVE AS I could navigate through all of HAL just as normal. Went to Windows Explorer and still no HAL listed as a COMPUTER on the NETWORK. I have a internet connection so I know I am making it to the router at least. And when I check NETWORK AND SHARING CENTER it shows an active home network. The laptop is running Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 Build 7601.

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Unable To Format The New Flopy Drive Showing Error Windows Is Unable To Form

Feb 28, 2012

i have new flopy drive when i m formatting its showing the error that windows is unable to format the drive

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External Hard Drive - Drive Letter Changed - Unable To Change Back?

Aug 21, 2012

I have a USB external hard drive that I keep all my documents etc on (had it for years)I upgraded from Vista Home to & Home Premium then had to upgrade recently to Professional to run my Sage. Through all these upgrades my ext. drive ran fine. Occasionally the drvie letter would change if I had something else plugged into the USB, this was always easily corected in disk management by changing the drive path.The connection on the case packed up so I had to get the drive put into a new case, now when I plug it in the drive is assigned G instead of F, I tried to change the drive letter allocation in Disk Management but it won't let me as the program still thinks I have a second ext. hard drive which is labelled F. I suspect this has happened because when the usb connection broke the drive was disconnected suddenly instead of a proper eject.How do I get Disk Management to remove the inactive drive - i can't find any obvious way - eject, delete etc are all missing when I click on tools or tasks.

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Unable To Access Network

Jun 6, 2012

I am having problems with my daughter's laptop accessing the internet with her wifi, She accidentally reset her laptop back to factory settings. She also didn't make any recovery disks. The problem is now the laptop keeps asking for a network user name/Password when she tries to access the internet. I have researched this issue but to no avail. I am curious as to how to resolve this issue. I feel the only way may be to reset the wireless router back to factory settings and start again.

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PC Unable To See Wireless Network

Sep 25, 2011

Prior to Saturday morning, my computer was able to detect the router and connect to the internet. However, as of yesterday, my computer is no longer able to see any wireless networks.My dad did change the frequency of the router yesterday, but all the other PC's in the house are able to connect again - except for mine. I've tried rebooting the livebox, rebooting my PC, pressing the wi-fi button, changing my adapter's usb slot and also reinstalling my adapter's drivers. None of these have made a difference.

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Unable To Set Network Parameters

Aug 29, 2009

I have a weird problem when I want to enter my IPs parameters.

In the "Network Lan Properties" of my network card, when I select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPV4)" the button "Properties" is disable thus I can't enter the IP address, Netmask and Gateway. I tried to disable IPV6 and reboot but it went without any success.

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Unable To Map Network Drives

Jan 1, 2010

I have two desktop PCs running Windows 7 Ultimate, a HP laptop running Windows XP SP3 and a Network Storage Device (Dlink DNS 343 with 3 Raid Volumes) networked via a D Link DIR-635 wireless Router. Both PCs and the DNS-343 are hard-wired to the router: the Laptop connects wirelessly.

Since installing Windows 7 on the PCs, I am unable to map the network drives on the DNS-343 even though all network components are visible and functioing in Windows Network Map, Pure Networks Map and Norton Internet Securities 2010 Network Map(with Full Trust).

This was not previously a problem with one PC running XP SP3 and the other Vista SP1. The DNS-343 does NOT appear as a network device in Windows 7 Windows Explorer: nor does the Laptop, on either PC. The laptop running XP is able to Map network drives as before and access shared folders on both PCs.

To date I have reset the factory defaults on the router and DNS-343;disabled all firewalls and minimised security controls (eg: MAC filtering) as far as I am able. I can ping each device successfully. The problem is I cannot "see" the DNS-343 in Windows 7 Windows Explorer to map the drives.

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Pc Is Unable To Connect To Network?

Jan 11, 2012

my pc is unable to connect wireless network eventhough connections are available.it shows that there is a problem in network adaptor and windows cannot connect the hidden network.

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Unable To Connect With Wireless Network?

Jul 15, 2011

the icon says i am not connected and there is a network available but i am actually connected!

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Unable To See Network Printers In List?

Feb 7, 2011

I am using a Windows 2008 R2 domain controller and File Server. Whenever I add a network printer I always make sure the "List in the Directory" (meaning Active Directory) is checked under the sharing tab in the properties of each printer. On Windows XP machines I can go through the add printer wizard and it finds all printers in the domain.On windows 7 professional clients when I got to Add Printer then select "Add a Network, Wireless, or Bluetooth printer" it does not find any network printers from my file server. I have the file and print sharing enabled on the Windows 7 clients and the File Server.

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Unable To Connect To Any Wireless Network?

Apr 9, 2011

Just started having problems connection to any network or internet. Have new lappy that was working great until today. I am going out of town for a while and I was setting up my Slingbox. Somewhere along the line, I lost ANY connections, even to the router.

Have tried 3 different restore points. Can connect with wire to the router & get internet. HP, 64 bit.

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Unable To Connect Network And Internet

Dec 19, 2011

I've been having connection problems for the last year, it's really annoying and so hard to understand whats happening. The internet connection is my dads, he lives in the garage beside me. He's with talk-talk fibre optic. The small modem type thing that connects is in the garage along with the main router that connects to the small thing, not sure what this is but it obviously connects to the fibre optic.His PC is connected to the router by wire, there is then a wire that runs from that router up through the garage and into the house through the wall in one of the bedrooms, this is were I have a router or two, (i've tried two routers with mixed results.) I'm connected via wireless through the second router in a room upstairs and get full signal when connected. I have a belkin 54g and a netgear dg834n. Now this morning after leaving my computer on all night, i woke up and it wasn't connected. Although this happens everyday when i turn my laptop on, i have to connect via wireless to the main router in the garage, then reconnect to the router up stairs to get the connection to come on. This time round it wont work at all. The netgear gives me - "Windows Networking TroubleShoot Error: The connection between your access point, router, or cable modem and the internet is broken."

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Unable To Connect To Network Error 651?

May 25, 2012

just built my computer and when I tried to connect it to the internet through an ethernet cable it created a broadband network connection. Then when I try to connect it tells me the modem had encountered a problem it's error 651 and I can't connect to

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Unable To Access Network Shares

Sep 4, 2009

When i try and access a network share windows seems to be searching for files on my HD. Also i cant find the "display run command " option in start menu properties.

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Unable To Change Network Sharing To Off

Sep 27, 2012

I have Win 7 x64 and originally set up and used one account that was an Admin account, thinking that I had all rights and priveleges as I should have, being the sole user.

Then I started noticing strange things like I was unable to change my Network Sharing to Off. I would select that option only to have it back On.

To my horror, I then realized that my computer had been hacked and a Default account had ALL rights and privileges and limited my account!

I called a computer specialist that reset my computer back to the original settings and am starting over. This time I have two accounts - an admin and regular account. I only work in the regular account now.

When I log in as an Admin to check up on things, I am am once again unable to disable network sharing even though I have a Homegroup.

How can I know if a hacker has taken over that account?

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Unable To Connect To Network Shares

Oct 25, 2009

Windows 7 install went perfect. Loving it so far.

Came home and hooked up to wireless network. I can see my server and the 5 shared folders available. But I am unable to connect to any of them. Each time it says

"Windows cannot access serverstorage"

"You do not have permission to access server.

Any ideas?

FYI Yes I have network discovery on etc etc. These ARE password protected folders, but it's not even prompting me for a user/pass. When I attempt to Create a network drive and use different credential which is an account on that machine it says "it's currently mapped using a different user-name and password".

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Unable To Change The Network Type

Nov 6, 2009

I have two network cards in my PC. A wireless and an ethernet card. The wireless connection is identified as a public network and I can change it.

My ethernet card is connected to another PC and I've got the two of them connected directly to each other...no routers or anything. I am unable to change the network type and it is stuck on Public Network. Is there anyway to fix this?

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Unable To Connect To Wireless Network

Nov 15, 2009

Have a brand new pavailion quad cord windows 7 home premium 64bit. i also purchased a usb wireless adapter[url]...

this adapter was working fine for a few hours. the internet connection is cable, the adapter gets about two bars of connectivity, and now when i try to connect to network i get unable to connect to network. i have removed the wirless network, have added it back, entered the security key and nothing. i have a netgear wireless router. not sure what the deal is. i have made sure the power settings on the adapter are off, and this adapter doesnt seem to have the sleep mode option on it. windows 7 also found the drivers automatically. the machine is brand new, other machines/devices on in the house get to the internet just fine.

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Unidentified Network - Unable To Change

Dec 11, 2009

I have new emachines g525 laptop with windows 7 installed and updated (today).

The laptop has both cat5 and wifi networking and the issue I have is with the wifi although I haven't attempted it with the wired network.

My network consists of a gateway computer (not running windows) that has both an internal and external network interface, and there is a WiFi access point for the internal network.

The laptop connects to the access point and obtains an internal IP address using DHCP. The only access to the outside world is via a squid proxy on the gateway machine.

The problem is that when I connect with WiFi it sets the network as an "Unidentified network" and hence sets it as a "Public network". I can manually modify this each time to "Home network" via the "Choose home-group and sharing options" in "Network and Sharing Center". If I go to the "Set network Properties" popup it displays the Network name as "Unidentified network" and the icon as a bench. I am unable to change either of these properties even though the Network name field looks to be a text entry box. I would like to change the network name and have the laptop automatically use "Home network" for this connection.

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Unable To Access To 3g Network Through A Dongle?

Dec 14, 2012

as when i connect to the internet i cannot access to the 3G network but only to a 2G network.

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Unable To Connect To Internet (Identifying Network)

Jan 19, 2012

I have a hp pavilion windows 7 home premium that will not connect to the internet. When i ping google.com i get "ping request could not find host google.com. please check name and try again.". however, when i ping i get "PING: transmit failed. General failure. 100% loss". I have also tried to connect while in safe-mode but not luck and i also reset all setting in IE. I have two other computers connecting to my 2wire modem and they are both working fine. The last attempt was installing a new network pci card. I have also swapped out the cable but i still get "Identifying... No internet access."

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Unable To Network Two Windows 7 64bit New Computers

Oct 8, 2012

Yes, I have read the many network issues associated with Windows 7 64 bit Computers(as with other OS's).Have have tried many suggestions... everything seems to be set the way it is suppose to be, but I am still unable to share files between two Windows 7 64 bit Computers.

My Equipment:

Two new Windows 7 Premium 64 bit Computers (Service Pack 1), one is a Dell XPS 8500, the other built by NCIX... both are Intel i7 processors. One is using an add on NIC card (Intel) and the other using the internal NIC card(Realtek drivers).I have attempted to create a homegroup with both computer with success. The other computer was able to join the homegroup also with success.The issue is that I can see both computers listed in the network and sharing center, also in windows explorer on each computer. If I double click on either computer icon and either computer, I get this error message (see ntw1.png)

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Unable To Connect To Internet (Identifying Network)

Jan 19, 2012

I have a hp pavilion windows 7 home premium that will not connect to the internet. When i ping google.com i get "ping request could not find host google.com. please check name and try again.". however, when i ping i get "PING: transmit failed. General failure. 100% loss". I have also tried to connect while in safe-mode but not luck and i also reset all setting in IE. I have two other computers connecting to my 2wire modem and they are both working fine. The last attempt was installing a new network pci card. I have also swapped out the cable but i still get "Identifying... No internet access."

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Windows 7 Unable To Connect To Network Resources?

Mar 29, 2011

I recently moved from an XP machine to Windows 7 Home premium and I am now unable to connect to network shares, printers, etc at work. This is a laptop that I use both at home and at work and it's not in the domain (neither was the XP machine). On the XP machine I just mapped network drives and printers using the server name and then used my network credentials (domainusername and password). The Windows 7 machine is in the network (it's wired through ethernet) and I can access the internet through our proxy server. When I look under "Network", I see all of the servers and clients on the network, but when I try to connect to one of them, I am prompted for login/password- once I enter these, it says "Logon failure: unknown username or bad password".

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Local Access Only: Unable To Set Home Network?

Apr 29, 2011

why, when connecting wirelessly under Windows 7, to a wireless access point I am unable to change the "Network Type" from Public to Home, thus no connection to the Internet is allowed? I cannot change any of the parameters of the network at all. Under XP on the same network I have no problems at all.I have set up three access points by simply adding additional wireless modems (of the same brand as the primary modem), turning off DCHP and U PnP and assigning a unique IP address, to avoid DCHP conflicts (as I understood it).Which change would I have to make to the access points such that Windows 7 fully recognises each access point and allow me to assign them to type "Home"?

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Unable To Connect To Home Wireless Network?

Nov 2, 2011

When i am in sch, i can use my sch wireless.However, when i reached home whenever i try to connect to my wireless network but its say unidentified network. My sis have no issue with the internet.The problem is solved whenever i restart my modem. Anyone here can kindly tell me how to solve this problem? I am running on windows 7 professional with my sch domain connected to my com.

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Unable To See Existing Homegroup On Wireless Network

Dec 24, 2011

After reformatting my laptops hard drive, it is unable to see the existing homegroup on my wireless network. Before the reformat, I was able to share files and printers using the existing homegroup on my main desktop computer. I have tried homegroup troubleshooter without success.

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Win7 Unable To See 2008 R2 Server On Network

Aug 22, 2009

I just upgraded my fileserver to 2008 R2 (clean install) and also upgraded my home PC to Windows 7 (also a clean install). Both are connected together using a linksys 8-port gigabit switch and each machine has 2 NICs which are bridged. The server has a static IP and the workstation currently has a static IP as well (although I've had it set for DHCP and the problem still occurs). Network Discovery is enabled on both and they are both in the same workgroup.

Now with that being said, here's the issue.....

Periodically, the workstation no longer can "see" the server if I try to browse the network. However I can still ping the server by IP as well as name, browse fileshares and even RDP into it. The only thing that is affected is if I'm using a program on my PC and need to access files that are on a network share, then the server isn't listed under network to allow me to browse to the share.

When this happens, I can usually reboot the server and then it will show up, but there seems to be no set pattern as to when it will disappear. If both machines are left on and not rebooted, the server sometimes will just show up under Network for awhile and then disappear again. One final note, on the server, the workstation does show up when browsing the network.

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