Creating A Separate Disk Image Partition For Running Unwanted Programs?

Sep 5, 2012

I have a workstation on a gaming rig. I work and play games on it. I wanted to ask if I could separate my work files and GAMES setups (installed files) so they don't harm my work data.I do play games with cheats/hacks and they mostly contain malicious files which can damage my operating system. I want to create a seperate DISK image like Vmware in which I can run games without being worried about any harmful files accessing my work partition.

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Can't Extend Partition C Into Unallocated Space On Separate Internal Disk?

Jan 28, 2013

I read up a bit on this on other threads but none of them are exactly specific to my issue.I need to expand my C partition by utilizing the free unallocated space on disk D (a separate disk) that I just made by deleting the only partition on there.I guess this is not possible through windows disk management tools but I didn't want to start downloading any 3rd party software for this before I got some guidance from here. lease take a look at the following screen and let me know if using the 238.38GB of unused (unallocated space) I can extend the C partition without having to delete that partition, having to backup the files on it or making images. I already backed up everything I had on the D partition and then went ahead and deleted it through the computer management tool.

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Creating 2 Separate Passwords For Same Wifi (guest & Regular)

Jan 25, 2012

I want to know that whether my router Netgear JWNR2000 has facility of creating a temporary password, which expires in 15 mins. For e.g. when I enters airport, then they provide me a password which limits my connectivity to network for 15 mins only. After 15 mins I need to have diff password issued from airport authorities.

I want this facility for my guest users only not normal/regular LAP wireless PCs i.e. Guest password shall expire within 15 mins although my normal password shall continue as usual for my LAN PCs.

P.S.: I have one redundant router (Netgear WGR614v7) which is in working condition but is of no use.

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Getting Rid Of Unwanted / Unnecessary Programs On New Laptop?

Jul 24, 2012

I bought a new Samsung laptop a week ago. I haven't loaded any of my own programs yet, since I want to uninstall all the unnecessary stuff. I don't know which programs are safe to uninstall though, and which ones are necessary... (4GB RAM and 500 GB hard drive, Windows 7 OS).

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How To Delete Unwanted / Unknown Programs And Such Stuff

Feb 13, 2012

I have a 64 bit laptop. When I go to 'my computer' and OS appears under Hard Disk Drives, it says I have 25.3 GB free of 283 GB. I deleted a lot of images and folders and programs that I didn't need, I even deleted over 5,000 songs I've had but it's made no difference. I've gone through all the folders that I know of and into Uninstall and gotten rid of what I could. The bar is red and there is not much room left. How can I find things to delete to make this go down? It never used to be like this and I think it's messing with the performance majorly.

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Two Separate Drives Running From Same Windows 7?

Jul 5, 2012

I want to run two separate drives from the same windows. I want to have all of my personal stuff on one disc and my business on the other disc, but still just running one windows from one hard drive. What is the best way to do this?

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Running OS X And Windows 7 On Separate HDs On Same Computer?

May 12, 2011

I have Windows 7 on a 30GB SSD, and a 2TB HD I keep most of my games and whatnot on. I want to learn Objective C programming and Cocoa Touch for developing Apps. But to the point, I need to run the SDK. I can't do that on Windows (I think) and buying a Mac just to learn programming is out of the question. I may be able to build a hackintosh, but I'd rather not. That being said, I want to know if I can create a Dual Boot system where Windows 7 is my main/default OS, and have a separate Hard drive for the OS x leopard. I've seen some tutorials stating on how to partition ONE drive. I don't want that. I want two separate drives. One only for OS X, and the other only for Windows 7. Is this possible? I'm willing to buy a 1 TB drive and get it going. Have Windows 7 and OSX. Want both on my PC without having to partition one drive. Want separate drives for each OS.

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Creating A System Image

May 8, 2011

When i got my 500 gig internal HD, I messed up and the C: partition is too small. I can't move anything else outta the C partition into the much larger D partition. SO now I want to create a system image on my external HD, so I can re-install Win7 Pro, and not use any partitions. WELL, when i try to create a system image on this external, which sez only needs 396 gig,Windows tell me the external doesn't have enuff space for the shadow volume? There is nothing ON this external. Has 434 of 465 gig free. SO why is that NOT enuff space?

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Creating Image Stopped?

Dec 29, 2011

I was trying to make an system image of my Win 7 OS to my hard drive...all went well until it finally stopped with the following message: backup failed! System could not find file specified ( 0x80070002 ) close. Nothing is one suppose to make sense of this? Does this mean i can never make an image file of my system? Prior to the backup, Win 7 said that it would check system to make sure its OK to make backup. After it did the checkup it gave me the go ahead to do it

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Creating System Image?

Oct 16, 2012

After my problems reported elsewhere, I decided to make a system image after I got things working. This was recommended by inference by one of the gurus who responded to my questions.So I got the system up again and I needed to learn about system images. So I hit F1 and read about creating a system image. Clicked here, clicked there, specified by external hard drive and told it to only include my system drive C:. Whir, whir, whir . . .. system image created.Now, I've cleaned the system of any possible Malware, so I want to create a new image of my system drive. So, I click here, click there and specify my external hard drive but NOW it won't let me include only drive C:, it wants to include my data drive, E:. The check box for E: is greyed out so I can't uncheck it.

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Creating Image For Other OS From Within Windows 7

Sep 7, 2011

I work for a company which needs to make small specialized PCs running Windows so they can run a specific program, hopefully on an 8gb CF card. I'm in the process of stripping down a copy of Windows 7 to be small enough for that, but that's something else. I need to be able to install the reduced copy of Windows 7 and our own software and then probably use Norton Ghost to create an image that I can just apply to every one of these computers we make in the future. Is there a way of creating this image from within my main OS instead of just creating and booting to a separate partition?

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Creating A System Image?

Nov 19, 2011

I just bought all the parts to build a new computer and I'm putting them together right now. Next step is gonna be installing Windows 7 Professional 64-bit and I'd like to make a backup copy of that fresh install, in case something goes wrong in the future or maybe if I just wanna go back to a clean Windows installation after a while.

Currently I'm thinking of using the "Create a system image" option in the Backup and Restore category from the Control Panel, right after I finish the installing Windows. I've read that this tool creates a .VHD backup of the disk where Windows is installed but I have a couple of questions about using this method:

How big is gonna be the resulting backup? If I installed Windows in a 120GB partition is the backup system image gonna be 120GB in size or is just gonna be ~30GB-ish i.e. the size of Windows system files and folders?

If I restore that system image after using the system for a while is it gonna wipe clean the whole partition and reset it to the state it was when I made the image or is it just gonna bring back the files and folders from the backup and leave alone any other files I had put in the partition?

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Put OS On A Separate Partition?

Dec 22, 2012

I read that some people put their OS on a separate partition from their data. Are there any drawbacks to this?

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Creating A Windows 7 Image Of The C: Drive Only

Jun 18, 2011

I recently installed an SSD in my laptop and moved the HDD to the secondary drive (I have room for two). I did a few of the prescribed steps for optimal SSD usage (moved user profiles to HDD, moved temp directory and page file, etc). Initially I was able to image only my C drive (about 30GB required). This was when I could still dual boot to my original partition on the HDD.

I've since removed the old Windows 7 install from the HDD and made it a single partition. However, now when I try to make a drive image I'm unable to deselect my HDD when creating an image. I'm given no option except to create an image for both drives with a resulting size of 209GB. I'm already backing up my user data already and don't want to include it in the image.

When I view the disk manager my HDD (drive E) is Disk 0 and my SSD (drive C) is Disk 1. I've run bcdboot c:windows /s c: to ensure I have the boot files on my SSD. I'm able to boot my machine on the SSD if I disconnect my HDD but it doesn' like that my profile isn't available. I've also tried to change the disk order in my laptop BIOS but I don't have the option of changing the order of the individual disks.

What I want to do is be able to do is image only my SSD and not the entire system. I also want to do it on a regular basis and avoid having to open up my laptop and disconnect the HDD.

Is this related to the order of my disks in the disk manager or is that just a red herring? How do I make it so I can only select the SSD when creating a disk image?

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Creating And Using System Image Backups

Aug 31, 2012

I have a few quick questions regarding System Images...but first, let me give you a little background.

My HP Pavilion dm-4 has a bum hinge, so I'm sending it to HP for them to fix it. They told me that they typically test the computer before sending it back, and thus also perform a complete system recovery (to go back to factory settings). Obviously, they want me to backup my data.

So. It's question time:

1) Can I restore a "System Image" to get my computer back to its current state upon receiving my laptop back from HP? (is a system image just a duplicate of the hard drive?)

2) Are all hard drives capable of creating a System Image, or just some?

3a) Are there any Hard drives you guys recommend?

3b) My C: (local disk) capacity is 441GB (303GB Free) and my D: (RECOVERY) is 23.5GB (3.43GB Free). Does that mean I have to buy a Hard drive that is at least 465GB...or could I get one that's just 160-ish GB

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BSOD At The End Of Creating System Image?

Sep 13, 2011

I was creating a system image with Windows built-in utility. It had been running for at least six hours and I think it may have been either finished or very close when my computer shut down due to a BSOD.

Is there any way to find out whether or not the image was finished and created successfully, or if not, is there a way to continue and finish writing the last little bit to salvage the image and have one that would work if I needed it to restore my computer?

The image was writing to an external HDD, and I think it had to erase/write over the previous image due to space considerations.

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Windows 7 Creating Image And Restoring To Different PCs?

Oct 1, 2012

I've been placed in charge of setting up new PCs at work.These are tablet PCs and the hardware in each is identical...I've now setup one PC to function EXACTLY how I want it.My question is, what's the best way to image the entire drive and then load it onto subsequent PCs (please nothing like PXE) the restore will be done from a USB thumb drive.

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Creating System Image For Laptop

Apr 12, 2011

I'm creating a system image on my laptop. Is it safe to use my computer while creating a system image?

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Creating An Image File With MS Office?

May 16, 2011

Our small office has several laptops, some with Intel chips, some with AMD. I'm trying to find a way to create an image for each laptop type that would include Windows 7 and MS Office.

I've looked around a bit, and I'm finding plenty of info on creating the Windows 7 image, but can't really find anything in layman terms for also including MS Office and any other necessary programs (snagit, Adobe Reader, etc.) to include or how to include, in the image.

Obviously, free (shareware) software is good to do the job in order to keep the cost down. I think I might even have a copy of WinPE I inherited from the person that was there before me, unfortunately, no documentation....Like I said, I've never done this before and I could use a step-by-moron-proof-step process if one actually exists...

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Separate Partition For OS And Apps?

Oct 6, 2010

I made 3 partitions on a 128G SSD. I installed Win7Pro64 on the first partition. Now I'm ready to install some programs and I just realized, I don't really want to change the default directories at all...I think that's just asking for confusion and trouble.

I was so convinced I needed a separate Programs partition. good reason to have a separate partition for your programs?

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External HDD Not Recognized When Creating A System Image

Sep 30, 2011

I am trying to create a system image ready for installing a larger HDD (WD20EARX), but when using the Windows 7 wizard, the drive, Buffalo 500 USB External HDD, is not in the drop down selection box. The drive is there OK and can use it OK for normal work and there is over 450GB available. My original HDD is 160GB.

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Why Is Separate 100 MB System Bootmanager Partition Not Always Necessary

Apr 13, 2011

As far as I know Win7 introduces a new Bootmanager system.At old WinXP times the bootmanager was put into the first bootable partition on the first hard disc.This partition could contain the actual Windows XP itself in addition.From Win7 times on Bootmanager should be installed in a separate (only 100 MB small) additional primary partition.When booting the system at first this Bootmanager "meta" partition is called which in turn calls the actual Windows 7 OS partition.Ok, currently I prepared three partition on my hard disc:

- 40 GB for Win7
- 100 MB for Bootmanager
- 500 GB for data

When I installed now recently 64bit Win 7 Pro everything was put on the first 40 GB partition.The installation procedure did not ask where to put the Bootmanager. Where is it? Is Bootmanager only created/established when a SECOND OS is installed on the hard disc?

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Dedicate A Separate Partition For The OS On A Harddrive?

May 27, 2012

The reason I ask this question is because I have heard of it but never really known how or, how large to make the partition. Also what are the pros and cons of this method vs using the whole drive as one partition?

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Partition - Separate The File System

Apr 30, 2009

So after 0 signs of problems I restart the computer and get the bsod after windows loads everytime. I decided to order a new hdd and i'm going to install 7000 on it so I can download 7100 on it next week. I decided to try putting windows on a seperate partition but I have a couple questions and concerns. First, is there a way to seperate the file system (program files, documents, etc.) so that I can install into these places. Because I'd still like to have the start menu programs and also, many programs just automatically install things into my documents automatically and I don't want anything other than drivers and system files on the partition so it doesn't become fragmented. Is there any way these issues can be addressed?

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Creating A System Image In Safe Mode With Windows 7?

Oct 15, 2012

I am attemptin to make a backup image of my hard drive. The new Image will be complied on an external hard. The drive has a 1TB Capacity with 450 Gigs free. I am receiving an error code during the image compilation stating that there is a problem with the I/O device. I ran chkdsk and found no problems. I also switched USB ports just to rule that out. I have used this same external hard drive to image a different laptop with no issues last week. My next approach would be to try this in safe mode. When I am in safe mode, I cannot find the location of the software which windows uses to create the image. I typed the location into the address bar and it pulled up a link in the address bar which took me back to the control panel. Can anyone tell me if this is possible to do in safe mode and if not, what my next step would be. Windows error: The Operation failed due to a device error encountered with either the source or destination. If the source or destination volume is on a disk, run CHKDSK/R on the source or destination volume and then retry the operation. (0x8078012D) Additional Information: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error (0x8007045D)?

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Creating System Image Fails Every Time - Run CHKDSK /R?

May 1, 2012

I want to create a system image on my NTFS formatted portable WesternD HDD. Now It has about 250GB of space left(the portable HDD), and the Laptop PC that i want to create the image of, tells me I need about 199GB for the system image.Then first time I created the image, it gave me a failure message saying I should run a CHKDSK /R and ty again. I ran a CHKDSK /R on the external drive and tried making a system image again, where it got about halfway and gave me the same message. What is going wrong every time?

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Windows 7 / Creating A System Image: Formatting All Partitions?

Jun 30, 2012

I have 3 identical PCs with 2 partitions: C and D.I created a system image for one PC, C only.But when I restore that system image into the other 2 PCs (using Wind7 DVD), it formats both C and D and restore.The problem is that I have data on D and I don't want it to be formatted. I only want to restore the C image.

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Windows Backup Stalls When Creating A System Image?

Sep 21, 2012

My laptop has been backing up once a week fine (except for an error about a missing file that is on the target drive, not the backup drive) for months. In the past few days, it has suddenly failed with repeated attempts to backup, it always stalls at 57% while creating a system image. I've tried a clean boot, same results. I'm backing up to a network drive (USB hard drive attached to the router), 274GB free of 458 total, and the total backup size has been pretty small as no heavy data is kept on the computer.

Lenovo SL510
Windows 7 Professional

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Creating Mirror Image On Backup External Drive?

Jan 4, 2013

I am replacing my HHD with a SSD and made a mirror image on my backup external drive. When I tried to do the system image recovery, it fails to find the recovery information. It says the no disk that can be used for recovering the system disk can be found.

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Taskbar - Separate Pinned Programs

Jan 3, 2010

How to Sort Pinned Programs into Categories on the Taskbar ?

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Dual Boot With Two Separate Drives Vs Partition

Sep 22, 2012

I have read that using a computer specifically for financial transactions with known and trusted entities (such as a bank) is a good way to reduce (though not eliminate) the risk of your accounts being hacked by reducing the likelihood of inadvertently installing a malware, spyware, or virus by reducing internet sites visited. Assuming this is correct, I was wondering about dual booting one computer with two physical hard drives (each with its own OS) versus one hard drive with two partitions. I figure the former would be "more secure" since one drive would be isolated from any unwanted programs. However, since they shared a few things (motherboard and such), is this set up as "secure" as having two computers? If so, how does one go about setting up a dual boot with two separate hard drives of the same operating system using one computer?

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