Copying From External HD For Network Folders

Sep 13, 2009

I am new here and new to Windows 7 which I installed on the weekend in order to run my media through the Windows 7 MC.

I ran into a problem when I try to copy from external HD (USB external drives) or shared network folder.

Every time I try to copy something, and it doesn’t matter how I do it whether it is CTRL+C or right click and then Copy, Windows Explorer crashes.

This is very annoying since I have to then switch to Vista (dual boot) and do it from there.

Is this a known problem?

Are there any workarounds or solutions to this?

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Copying 600K Files From External Drive To USB 3.0 Partition - Merge Folders?

Nov 24, 2012

I just spent like 18 hours copying 600K files, 1.33 TB, from a USB 2.0 ext. drive to a 1.36 TB USB 3.0 partition, but at the very end I got a handful of prompts to replace folders that already existed in the newly created folder, asked me to merge the original folder with the one just copied on the destination drive, eventually asking for permission to replace thousands of items and that's what it's doing now. I don't know what's going on. It appears that all files are there in both folders on each drive (with the exception of half a dozen that wouldn't copy due to long filenames).

Nearest I can guess is it is writing DOS names in addition to Windows names so the computer is going to spend more than a dozen more hours doing that. Windows Explorer copy wrongly offers to merge folders Windows Explorer copy wrongly offers to merge folders. The folder being copied that is being merged is called Drive(D), probably from a backup of Win 98SE being restored onto a Win XP machine, so it may resemble a system folder to Windows 7.

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Administrative Permissions And Copying Folders To Another Drive?

Feb 14, 2013

I am at my wits end with using windows 7. I am sure this must have been beaten to death on here and I am sorry but I am not sure how to word it to search for the answer.I hook up a spare HD to the USB with the same operating system and every ******** file I try to open on it I have to adjust it for administrator and da da da and I am sick of this, it will take forever to look at the data. How the heck to I fix this once and for all so I can just open what i want to ? I am the administrator...I don't want to be flagged about administrator anything any more.Secondly, if I want to back up data on a stick and there is already a folder of the same name it asks me if I want to merge it. No I dont so I change the name of the file to something different and it STILL always tells me there is a folder that has the same name do you want to merge i

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Robocopy Copying Folders From The Wrong Place

Jan 15, 2013

I've set up a back up batch file to copy my Documents, Pictures, Music, and Videos folders from my computer to an external hard drive. However, while running the Documents backup, it seems to find, the pictures, music, and videos folders all inside the documents folders labelled "My Music", etc. However, these folders do not exist. When I navigate in explorer to C:UsersusernameDocuments I cannot find a folder labelled "My Music". When I try to navigate to C:UsersusernameDocumentsMy Music it tells me that "access is denied". I cannot find them through command line either. As well, when I try and find the folders on the backup drive, they do not seem to be there either.

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Copying Files To External HDD?

Aug 28, 2012

i noticed something really strange. i tried copying three iso files from my laptop to my external HDD. the problem is that after one iso is copied the copying process stops and resumes again after a pause and after that it pauses again and the third file starts. why it pauses to copy? i tries usb 3.0 and usb 3.0 the spped is around 94-95K Mbps. but once it starts to copy the second iso it drops to around 30K Mbps.its same with both the external HDDs.

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My External HDD Not Copying Certain Files

Apr 26, 2012

I am trying to copy some files to my external hard disk but some certain files doesn't want to move or copy at all no matter how many times I have tried. I also formatted my HDD to NTFS but no result.

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BSOD Copying Large Folders To New WD 3TB Internal Drive

Jul 27, 2012

Just bought a new cyberpowerpc from Fry's, installed a 3rd hard drive (Western Digital 3TB). Everything seems okay except when I try to copy any large files/folders to the new drive. I'm using a folder that is 11.3GB with 686 files. I can copy it from drive 1 to drive 2 no problem. When I copy it from drive 1 or drive 2 to the third drive (the 3TB one), it will start copying then sometime soon after, explorer will close itself down and the computer will end up rebooting itself. Sometimes there will be a BSOD and sometimes it will just reboot without the BSOD.

I have tried to attach the dmp files etc...using the recommendations of the forum. I'd like to use this new drive for backups (it's the reason I got a new pc, my old one crashed and I didn't have a good backup system).

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Copying Files To External HDD Freezes?

Sep 30, 2012

A few months ago,I bought an External Toshiba E.Store 3.5" 1.5 TB.I use it on Acer Aspire One-Netbook Processor Intel Atom1.66GHZ,2gb ram When I wanted to copy some files,regardless the amount of the files,or their capacitive,the copy just ended well.I use Teracopy.A bit after,my copy is just freezing.Netbooks is working well,ram was not at high percents,neither cpu.I had to open Task manager to close teracopy.Other times, the -file copying- was ended well,other times not.I did a format to my netbook,because I have searched and I found that maybe on my operating system was the problem.After the format nothing changed.
After a lot of search again,I found that chkdsk may help on the solution of this problem.3 days ago,I pluged my hdd and the *disk checker*(sorry if this is not the name)appeared.AutoCorrect file system errors 2)detection and recovery of bad sectors on the disk?This check was going well,but hangs a lot of hours at a sertain number of file.I stopped the check,restarted windows,and opened Safe Mode to run check here.Same problem appears.Check hangs at the certain number of files.But my hdd seams to be working,like the blue light is blinking.I saw on a forum that one person had a complete full 2TB external hdd and he took 47 hours to made check done.I am desperate for help,I can't copy a file bigger than 700mb-1gb.

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Copying Image From External To New Hard Drive

Oct 23, 2011

I Image my C drive on the 2nd partition of the same drive. I then copied the image to an external drive. If I lose my drive that my C drive is on and then replace it with a new drive can I Image from my external drive to the new Hard drive and it will be the same size and make? The reason for this question is my image will be coming from a different drive than it was image to.

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Copying Folders To Backup Hard Drive Resets Created Date

Nov 23, 2010

I've just recently realized that copying folders to a backup hard drive resets their "created" date. Should my computer ever crash, all my backup files will state to have just been created on that certain date. Me, being the organize-freak I am, have been looking for a solution so my backed up files can have the same time stamps as on my computer right now. I've done a little searching, and have found that people always recommend Robocopy. Problem is, I can't understand a word of the tutorials. How to run Robocopy to carry out what I want? And also just for the heck of it, is Robocopy the only solution? Is there some sort of back up program on Windows 7 that can do that?

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Random BSOD When Copying Files To External USB Device?

Sep 7, 2011

I often get random BSOD's when copying files to an external USB device. I haven't been able to tell what's triggering them. It can be a large group of files or sometimes even smaller files, so don't know if it's related to file size Am unfamilar with troubleshooting BSOD's.

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BSOD Copying/moving Files From Internal/external HDD

Jul 29, 2012

my machine is unstable IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL

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Copying Files Across The Network?

May 5, 2012

I have windows 7 pro 64 bit running on my box. One of the devices on my network is a media reader and a local drive connected to it. Whenever I try to transfer large files (350 mb and above) the transfer speed never displays and the copy animation runs until I get an error message telling me that Windows 7 can no longer access my media reader. Smaller files copy without issue. I've seen other posts with a similar problem but they don't appear to be exactly the same as this.

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Copying Folder Over Network With Same Permissions

Jul 29, 2012

I just want to share my problem regarding with the folder copying with the same permissions. Here's the scenario I installed domain server in my company and create a users ofcourse and in client pc we make 2 partitions in it(hard drive) C & D on drive D I make a folder Users with the permissions.

- C Drive OS Installed and basic programs
- D Drive (with Users folder)

This is where I want to put the profiling on every users login on a client pc. My problem is:

1. How can I copy the Users folder in every client pc with the same permissions so I don't need to set in one by one on a client pc.
2. If there's a software or simple program that can do such thing transferring a folder to another pc over network with the same permission.

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Slow Network Copying >12mbs

Sep 13, 2009

we are seeing painfully slow network copies from our windows home server too both windows 7 machines they are duplicate hardware for the 7 machines

server dual zeon 2.0ghz 4 gig ram
dual-port intel gig card teamed

Network switch 3com superstack 3 10/100 24 port layer 3

computer is

Amd 64 3200+ 2.0 GHZ
1.25 gigs of ram
32 bit os installed
windows 7 build 7600
NIC Reatek RTL8169/8110 gig GBE

average copy speed traverling 12 feet of cable and 1 switch is 7-12mbs

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High CPU Load When Copying Files Over Network

Jul 20, 2009

I've just installed the Windows 7 RC on my lab-pc. It's a 2,4GHz Celeron, 1GB DDR-RAM, everything installed on some old 160GB PATA-HDD. Two hi-speed USB Keys are used for ReadyBoost (love that feature).

Everything works like a charm, except the file transfer from my WXP machine.

I mount the SMB share (which is on my WXP) from the Windows 7 machine and start to copy some big files. Transfer speed is ~1MB/sec on 10MBit, ~5MB/sec on 100MBit and ~11MB/sec on 1GBit. When I start file transfer the CPU load pops up to 50% while 10MBit is active, for 100 and 1000MBit it jumps to 100% and stays there until the transfer is over.

Since I read about IRQ issues I tried some NICs. An onboard SiS-900, an RTL8139 based PCI card and an Intel Pro 1000/MT Desktop adapter. I thought that - at last - the Intel NIC should stop my problems as it comes with IRQ moderation and TCP/UDP checksum offload.

None of these 3 NICs solved my problem.

All these NICs run on the driver Windows 7 has found for them. None of the vendors had a special driver for me.

What I tried to do in addition:

- disable Windows 7 firewall

- disable IPv6

- disable QoS

- tried another CAT5e cable

- restart the switch (Netgear GS108)

- hit the whole machine

Note of the above worked.

I just hope you just have an idea left for me. Just ask if I missed out some details.

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Extremely Slow Copying Speed Over The Network

Dec 10, 2009

I have 32 bit Windows 7 enterprise edition installed on DELL Inspiron 1525 with 4 GB RAM.

I am facing the issue of extremely slow copying speeds. The copying speed hovers around 4-5 Kbps.

Other XP machines are able to do this real fast. I updated from Vista, believing this problem would've been solved in Windows 7... but this is a big disappointment. for all the hype created.

Is there a solution to this..

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High CPU Usage While Copying File Over Network

Aug 28, 2009

for some reasons, while copying a 13 gb file over the network (accessed from servernamee$ to my C drive, the CPU usage is going close to 100%.

When I look at task manager, I see System using more than 30% of the CPU, SMC.EXE is using between 15% and 18%...

Does anyone have an idea why system is taking that much CPU?

I tried disabling the antivirus to reduce the SMC.exe process, without success..

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Win 7 Freezes When Copying Files To LaCie Network Drive

Jan 27, 2009

Having a weird problem with a LaCie 1TB Network space. It is plugged into my router and i can see it on my windows 7 computer, map its folder as a network drive and even create folders/new word documents on it.

However whenever i try and copy a file larger than a few kB my entire computer freezes (completely unresponsive). The computer recovers fine on a hard reboot.

Any Ideas?

Also my computer freezes after being left on for a while (this may be due to utorrent, saw some mention of it causing windows to crash after an hour).

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Windows 7 Can't See Folders On An External Drive

Jul 15, 2012

I have a Windows 7 machine with external drives. I bought a new machine, also with Windows 7. When I moved the external drives over I can't see the folders. I thought the drive might be damaged so I moved them back to the original machine and I can see the folders. Why can't I see the folders on the external drive with the new machine?

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Default Settings For Folders In External Hardrive?

Jan 8, 2012

I had this problem last week when all my folders in my hardrive turned into a .lnk file or shortcuts. They said that it was a virus and i tried to unhide all the folders including hidden files, system files, etc. throught attrib in Dos command (c: attrib -r - a - s - h /s /d /l g:*.*)I finally got all my files and folders and deleted all those shortcuts and .lnk files, then scan with my antivirus,antispyware and malware. It all worked out. But the thing is... all the folders/files that supposed to be hidden is now showing. I have a 500GB external drive with a thousand files on it.I dont know which files/folder should hide and others that shouldn't be. Is there any command/system/software to be used in order to make my files/folders in external hardrive back to where it should be?

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Deleting And Editing Files And Folders On External Usb HD

Aug 28, 2011

I have a Windows 7 pc. My old one was running xp. I have a Seagate external HD that was hooked up to the old pc, and now to the new one.

When I access the external now and attempt to delete folders, or maybe add something to a text file and save, I'm basically told I can't.

I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact that most of these files and folders were created when I had my xp machine? Have tried to go into permissions and make changes, but don't really know which ones. Everything I try yields the same result...NO-CAN-DO BUDDY! This is my computer and these are my files.

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Folders Disappearing From External Hard Drive?

Dec 13, 2012

few folders in my external hard drive are missing. I am running a scan and hopefully it'll fix, but it takes so long to scan the hard drive as it's a 3 TB hard drive.

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External Hard Drive Is Showing No Files In Folders?

Feb 2, 2010

I am using a brand-new Dell Inspiron One model with a Lacie-model external hard-drive, on Windows 7. All of a sudden, when I click to view my folders, they are completely empty. When clicking on the My Computer option, my hard drive is there, showing 76 GB free out of a total of 232 GB, but everything appears to be gone. When I click on those files, I receive the error stating I am afraid to re-start or unplug my hard drive.

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External HDD Slow After Windows 7 Reinstall - Cannot Open Some Folders

Apr 27, 2012

I recently reinstalled windows7, and now my storejet 1.5TB external hdd is much slower, I can view/open nearly all my data except for a few folders. Some threads say that it is a virus? These folders I cannot delete either.

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Unable To Delete The Files And Folders In The External Disk?

Jun 12, 2012

i have files and folders in my external hard drive- transcend 320 GB. but now it is almost full with the documents. i want to delete some folders and file but it is not possible to delete. How to delete my documents in my transcend external hard drive?

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Unable To Copy Files And Folders To External Media In Windows 7?

Mar 26, 2011

I am not able to copy files and folders to external hard drive or flash drive. I get the message 'you need permission" etc. But on the same laptop, in vista

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External Hard Drive Shows Used Space But Empty Folders

Mar 23, 2012

I have a 500gb seagate external hard drive, and already used 240gb space. It worked fine until yesterday suddenly i could not access the files at all. I checked disk management, and it showed that my external drive became RAW drive. I tried to do chkdsk that I learned from one of the forum, and then it somehow has fixed the RAW drive back to FAT32. However I still cannot see any of my files. I opened command prompt, and typed in dir /a and it said 0 files 0 bytes, 4 DIR 288,714, 293, 248 bytes free. How can I bring my files back?? I don't want to lose my files.

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Copying Files To Network Location Hangs With "5 Seconds Remaining"

Nov 15, 2011

When I try to copy large files (over 100 megabytes) to a network location, files begin to be copied, but soon hang after "5 seconds remaining" appears in the copy progress dialog.

I can copy smaller files without problems. I've tried this on two laptops: one with Windows 7 Home Edition and one with Windows 7 Enterprise edition.

By contrast, I can copy large files to said location from my work PC, which is based on Windows XP. But I'd need to be able to do that from home as well.

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Can't Get To Shared Folders Without Going Through Network

May 10, 2011

I have no problem networking the two operating systems and sharing folders and printers (use work not home on Windows 7). BUT, the minute I open network and/or network sharing on the windows 7 computer I lose my internetconnection on both computers and have to go through a shut down of the Windows 7 computer and unplug the cable modem and the router and restart everything.You can't get to shared folders without going through network. If you do you have to restart everything to get back internet connection.

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Shared Folders Over The Network

Feb 1, 2009

Windows 7 is running flawlessly except I have this one problem. When I go to install ANY anti-virus software it kills my ability to access the shared files and folders from my Windows 7 machine. I uninstall the AV and all is back to normal.

Is there something I am missing or doing wrong?

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