Slow Network Copying >12mbs

Sep 13, 2009

we are seeing painfully slow network copies from our windows home server too both windows 7 machines they are duplicate hardware for the 7 machines

server dual zeon 2.0ghz 4 gig ram
dual-port intel gig card teamed

Network switch 3com superstack 3 10/100 24 port layer 3

computer is

Amd 64 3200+ 2.0 GHZ
1.25 gigs of ram
32 bit os installed
windows 7 build 7600
NIC Reatek RTL8169/8110 gig GBE

average copy speed traverling 12 feet of cable and 1 switch is 7-12mbs

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Extremely Slow Copying Speed Over The Network

Dec 10, 2009

I have 32 bit Windows 7 enterprise edition installed on DELL Inspiron 1525 with 4 GB RAM.

I am facing the issue of extremely slow copying speeds. The copying speed hovers around 4-5 Kbps.

Other XP machines are able to do this real fast. I updated from Vista, believing this problem would've been solved in Windows 7... but this is a big disappointment. for all the hype created.

Is there a solution to this..

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Slow Copying Between Partitions (Speed 22 MB/s)

Jul 10, 2012

I have a sata HD which is fairly old (circa 2 years) and I was wondering is it normal that copying speed from one to another partition is 22 MB/s? How can I test it?

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Copying / Moving Files Why So Slow

Nov 18, 2011

Since I got Windows 7 I have learned it is the same as Windows Vista not much difference, well except the new boot loading screen. Anyway why does it take so long for this to copy or move files?I am copying moving 4GB of data from my USB to my external hard drive and it takes forever, it says 1 hour remaining, it;s all ready been here for good 40 minutes now.Why is windows 7 so slow and copying/moving files?

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Very Slow Copying, Transferring And Deleting?

Nov 26, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 on several computers, both laptops and a desktop, and I am having real trouble with extremely slow copying, transferring and deleting files and directories. What used to take minutes in XP, now takes hours, particularly the "preparing to copy" phase.

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Windows 7 Is Very Slow At Copying Files Compared To XP

Mar 2, 2010

Yesterday I needed to copy some data stored on a DVD and it took more than ONE hour to transfer the files (11250 files and 151 folders for 625MB) to the hard drive.

I booted on my WinXP partition (so the very same hardware was used) and it took 20 minutes for it to complete the same task.

The data I needed to transfer were full of very small files and although I could hear my DVD player spinning at full speed on WinXP, it was very choppy on Windows 7 as if it was constantly seeking the files on the disc.

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Why Does Windows SLOW Down While Installing, Extracting, Copying Etc

Mar 29, 2011

I have an enigma with my PC. When i try to extract big files, copy, or install (games or anything) my pc becomes irresponsive and generally very SLOW. For sometimes I even cannot browse on internet, because firefox becomes very unstable.Recently i bought Assasin's creed brotherhood and while i was installing my pc was almost usseless. After installation i started the game and it was NOT playable, even the menu was usseless (cursor was very laggy, and impossible to control, and everything worked maybe at 2-3Fps)Strange thing is when i start task manager (c-a-d) my cpu ussage is at max 25% and memory at 55 max)notice that I can play assasin's creed 2 all maxed at 1920x1080.

Intel Core 2 Quad 6700 (2,66GHz)
ASUS P5P43TD Motherboard
2GB DDR3 1333Mhz
Seagate Baracuda 160GB (system) and WD Caviar 320GB (storrage)
Saphire Ati Radeon 5770 1GB

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Windows 7 Extremely Slow While Copying Large Files Between Partitions

May 27, 2009

Everything is so slow e.g. opening of FireFox, opening of Excel, opening of Task Manager etc. While I'm copying 750GB of data from one partition to another partition, why? I'm running Windows 7 x64 7100 on a separate partition and I have a Q6600, 4GB ram and 5 X 1 TB WD Black edition drives...Task Manager is showing 33 running processors, 3 - 5 % CPU usage and 1.35GB of ram usage. Is this a Windows 7 bug? Windows 7 is super fast when I'm not copying/transferring large files between partitions!

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Copying Files Across The Network?

May 5, 2012

I have windows 7 pro 64 bit running on my box. One of the devices on my network is a media reader and a local drive connected to it. Whenever I try to transfer large files (350 mb and above) the transfer speed never displays and the copy animation runs until I get an error message telling me that Windows 7 can no longer access my media reader. Smaller files copy without issue. I've seen other posts with a similar problem but they don't appear to be exactly the same as this.

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Copying Folder Over Network With Same Permissions

Jul 29, 2012

I just want to share my problem regarding with the folder copying with the same permissions. Here's the scenario I installed domain server in my company and create a users ofcourse and in client pc we make 2 partitions in it(hard drive) C & D on drive D I make a folder Users with the permissions.

- C Drive OS Installed and basic programs
- D Drive (with Users folder)

This is where I want to put the profiling on every users login on a client pc. My problem is:

1. How can I copy the Users folder in every client pc with the same permissions so I don't need to set in one by one on a client pc.
2. If there's a software or simple program that can do such thing transferring a folder to another pc over network with the same permission.

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Copying From External HD For Network Folders

Sep 13, 2009

I am new here and new to Windows 7 which I installed on the weekend in order to run my media through the Windows 7 MC.

I ran into a problem when I try to copy from external HD (USB external drives) or shared network folder.

Every time I try to copy something, and it doesn’t matter how I do it whether it is CTRL+C or right click and then Copy, Windows Explorer crashes.

This is very annoying since I have to then switch to Vista (dual boot) and do it from there.

Is this a known problem?

Are there any workarounds or solutions to this?

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High CPU Load When Copying Files Over Network

Jul 20, 2009

I've just installed the Windows 7 RC on my lab-pc. It's a 2,4GHz Celeron, 1GB DDR-RAM, everything installed on some old 160GB PATA-HDD. Two hi-speed USB Keys are used for ReadyBoost (love that feature).

Everything works like a charm, except the file transfer from my WXP machine.

I mount the SMB share (which is on my WXP) from the Windows 7 machine and start to copy some big files. Transfer speed is ~1MB/sec on 10MBit, ~5MB/sec on 100MBit and ~11MB/sec on 1GBit. When I start file transfer the CPU load pops up to 50% while 10MBit is active, for 100 and 1000MBit it jumps to 100% and stays there until the transfer is over.

Since I read about IRQ issues I tried some NICs. An onboard SiS-900, an RTL8139 based PCI card and an Intel Pro 1000/MT Desktop adapter. I thought that - at last - the Intel NIC should stop my problems as it comes with IRQ moderation and TCP/UDP checksum offload.

None of these 3 NICs solved my problem.

All these NICs run on the driver Windows 7 has found for them. None of the vendors had a special driver for me.

What I tried to do in addition:

- disable Windows 7 firewall

- disable IPv6

- disable QoS

- tried another CAT5e cable

- restart the switch (Netgear GS108)

- hit the whole machine

Note of the above worked.

I just hope you just have an idea left for me. Just ask if I missed out some details.

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High CPU Usage While Copying File Over Network

Aug 28, 2009

for some reasons, while copying a 13 gb file over the network (accessed from servernamee$ to my C drive, the CPU usage is going close to 100%.

When I look at task manager, I see System using more than 30% of the CPU, SMC.EXE is using between 15% and 18%...

Does anyone have an idea why system is taking that much CPU?

I tried disabling the antivirus to reduce the SMC.exe process, without success..

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Win 7 Freezes When Copying Files To LaCie Network Drive

Jan 27, 2009

Having a weird problem with a LaCie 1TB Network space. It is plugged into my router and i can see it on my windows 7 computer, map its folder as a network drive and even create folders/new word documents on it.

However whenever i try and copy a file larger than a few kB my entire computer freezes (completely unresponsive). The computer recovers fine on a hard reboot.

Any Ideas?

Also my computer freezes after being left on for a while (this may be due to utorrent, saw some mention of it causing windows to crash after an hour).

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Windows 7 Client And 2003 Server: Network Slow In Very Big Network?

Sep 6, 2011

My problem is windows 7 hangs and freeze when access 2003 server Enterprise edition. This is not a small network, one of the biggest network.i have doubt on individual users on domain. before 2 months we had department wise users mean, for example Accounts@domainname.local. But after we created the individual users like john@domainname.local to all users. this is i believe the cause of problem. When we acess the server via the software it freezed for 5 seconds and then repeat to normal state. And after some time it hangs for 2 minutes.

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Copying Files To Network Location Hangs With "5 Seconds Remaining"

Nov 15, 2011

When I try to copy large files (over 100 megabytes) to a network location, files begin to be copied, but soon hang after "5 seconds remaining" appears in the copy progress dialog.

I can copy smaller files without problems. I've tried this on two laptops: one with Windows 7 Home Edition and one with Windows 7 Enterprise edition.

By contrast, I can copy large files to said location from my work PC, which is based on Windows XP. But I'd need to be able to do that from home as well.

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Performance Slow Network

Jul 7, 2009

I have searched through some of the threads and there seems to be an issue with the realtek drivers, but I am wondering if anyone has any other ideas.

I am currently running build 7237 and everything runs great except if I copy something across my network. I have attached a picture that shows my network utilization spiking up to almost 99% when just coping files from one computer to the other. This only happens under 7, not on xp or vista.

I have tried playing around with adapter settings, etc but nothing seems to help. My motherboard is a Gigabyte with the built in 8168/8111 nic card. Connecting to a Linksys WRT54GL router. I have checked gigabytes site and they don't have any new drivers for 7 yet.

Anyone have any idea's I could try?

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SLOW Network All Of A Sudden?

Sep 19, 2011

I RMA'd my ASUS PCE-N13 already, I'm on an N network, and it's faster if I connect through my laptop sharing internet over a cable...

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Slow Network Shares

Sep 1, 2009

Just set up Windows 7 RTM on one of the machines in our office and I'm noticing something very strange: when we try to open a network drive, it's taking upwards of 40 seconds. You double-click on the drive and then just sit there as the green bar just CRAWLS across the address box and then finally displays the contents of the drive.

What's worse is that it does the same thing every time you change a directory on the network drive.

Opening network resources via URI does the same thing. It's just strange.

I've already disabled RDC on the machine, and it hasn't made a difference after a reboot.

Has anyone seen anything similar? Any thoughts?

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Why Is Network Connection So Slow

Aug 15, 2012

my router is brand spankin new, 802.11n. the modem has since been replaced... but for the life of me, i cannot get a decent download/upload speed.I Used to get 28-31mb download on then later it dropped to 17-25, and i said, Ok, thats not bad, not great, but not bad. now im down to .81mb-1.2mb average if im lucky i pull 3 or upload speed has always been no higher than 1mb. i am not 100% sure why, im prety sure they do it so i dont run servers, but it still seems a little low IMHO.I dunno whats going on, i have a bit of network experience, but all software end, nothing hardware end in the way of routers etc?

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Slow Internet / Network

Nov 24, 2009

I bought a week ago a Dell pc with Win 7 Pro 64 bit. When I connected it to the network (40-50 pc & laptops), I realized that when I am trying to copy from the network and download from internet, the speed is really low. I changed Speed&duplex from auto to 100 mb full, I disabled Remote differential compression, I updated all the drivers, etc but still the same problem. Does anybody has any idea what do I have to do to make this work properly?

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Slow Network Between Vista And 7

Nov 27, 2009

I have a main "server PC" with a lot of shared data on it running windows vista.

People in the house who also have vista can access the network drive super fast basically as if it was their own.

However my computer which is windows 7 profession 64 bit has a slower access time.

Wondering if anyone know a fix for this.

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Network Speed Slow - 450 Kbps

Jun 10, 2009

I have 2 home computers joined through windows 7 home network:

1 is a desktop connected to the d link draft n router via a cable. The other is a laptop with an Atheros wireless n adapter.

Both computers get good internet speeds (20-25mps desktop, 10-20 mps laptop) but the file transfer speeds over the network are usually around 450kbs, once it made it to 1.3mps. Is this a normal speed. Not sure if my settings are off.

Desktop set to auto negotiation for speed / duplex, wireless set to N (40 bgn)

Any tips to speed this up?

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2 Computers On Same Network - 1 With Very Slow Internet

Feb 2, 2011

I am connected to the internet fine and I have another second computer wired up to the router and I can access the files over the network fine, its been working fine now for about 8 months but just recently on the second computer I have noticed that the internet speeds have dropped right of to useless and it even constantly disconnects too. The main computer does not disconnect and it does not slow down, working perfect in fact.

The only updates/software that has been installed on the second computer are windows updates. I've even purchased a new router/modem thinking that was the issue but alas it is not. My wife also has a wireless laptop and that works just perfect too, so the problem seems to lie with the second computer and I don't know what to do to resolve it. It will connect to the internet but its dam slow and majority of the time is useless, its a wired connection via ethernet straight into the router.

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LAN Speed Very Slow And Network Drives

Mar 15, 2011

I have speed issues when working with files on the LAN network. They open and save much much slower than XP. On the other hand the ADSL internet connection is fine and running at full speed. What is the problem? The computer is brand new and with fresh install of Windows 7 x64.My other problem is with mapped network drives. On the second computer, which is running fresh install of Windows 7 too, we have mapped network drives which are accessable on the whole network. The problem is that every time we start that PC with the mapped network drives Windows says "Could not reconnect all network drives" and all computers on the network show them with red "x" on the icons. I want them to automatically open at startup.

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Slow Network Transfer & Disconnect

Mar 15, 2011

I'm trying to transfer between my Desktop computer (XP) and laptop (Windows 7). When I do it wifi it only transfers at speeds between 1MBs to 3MBs. When I physically connect to my router I get better speeds at 10-11Mbs. However in both cases on large files it loses connection.It says that connection lost/failed and gives me option of retry/skip. When I hit retry it still doesn't work. When I disconnect and retry that method it starts up again from scratch however rarely does it fully transfer a file. These files are anywhere from 2GIGs to 4GIGS.I don't have anti-security on either computer. I'm using new Netgear router.

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Opening More Than One Program Slow Down Network?

Jul 14, 2011

I am wondering if opening more than one program at the same time would slow down the internet connection. If one opens for example msn, skype, streaming video, many tabs, and other internet connected programs, does this will significantly slow down the internet speed?

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Slow Network Connection Between Windows 7

Aug 11, 2011

I connected two notebooks via a TP-Link router (Wlan 54g). The first computer is a brand new Samsung RF511 Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit with Intel I7, 8GB Ram. The second is a 5 year old HP Pavilion DV5000 device with Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit.

It dosent matter if i connect via Homegroup or direct over the network to the files. The speed of transmission between the two computers is about 3-400KB. Sometime, i get about 7-800 KB.

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Windows 7 Network Setup Is Slow

Oct 2, 2011

I realized, that the setup of the Network IF of windows 7 is slower than it was on XP. Sometimes the setup is also not working correctly resulting in an unavailable Network connection, so that I have to deactivate and reactivate the network adapter (even this does not help every time) Setup means the phase after rebooting or waking up from hibernate.

There is no difference on different networks. The Network Interface is a �Intel 82567LM Gigabit�. Driver are the newest from MS.

Are there any tricks to get a faster/ reliably network set up time?

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How To Fix Slow Startup According To Network Search

Oct 4, 2011

After starting Windows 7, the system is setting up the network connection (blue circle on network sign). I bought my Dell computer 2 weeks ago. It was very fast until this weekend. Starting up takes 10-15 minutes. When the network is found everything works fine again.During the network searching it is possible to access internet by Chrome. IE and Firefox are not working.

- I tried to fix this by enabling all the non-windows related services, but no changes.

- I uninstalled and reinstalled the driver of my network card, with no success.

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Network Slow To Connect After Booting Up?

Jun 15, 2012

I find my machine Windows 7 guest os is slow in connecting to the network after booting up.It has not always been like that though I cannot remember when it started.It boots fine and then the exclamation mark comes on and it takes maybe 30 seconds till it connects.

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