Slow Network Connection Between Windows 7

Aug 11, 2011

I connected two notebooks via a TP-Link router (Wlan 54g). The first computer is a brand new Samsung RF511 Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit with Intel I7, 8GB Ram. The second is a 5 year old HP Pavilion DV5000 device with Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit.

It dosent matter if i connect via Homegroup or direct over the network to the files. The speed of transmission between the two computers is about 3-400KB. Sometime, i get about 7-800 KB.

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Why Is Network Connection So Slow

Aug 15, 2012

my router is brand spankin new, 802.11n. the modem has since been replaced... but for the life of me, i cannot get a decent download/upload speed.I Used to get 28-31mb download on then later it dropped to 17-25, and i said, Ok, thats not bad, not great, but not bad. now im down to .81mb-1.2mb average if im lucky i pull 3 or upload speed has always been no higher than 1mb. i am not 100% sure why, im prety sure they do it so i dont run servers, but it still seems a little low IMHO.I dunno whats going on, i have a bit of network experience, but all software end, nothing hardware end in the way of routers etc?

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Network And Sharing Center Extremely Slow When Initializing New Connection (Tethering/dongle)?

Jan 30, 2012

Windows 7 N&S center is really slow. I have no idea what's causing it.Symptoms not present when I connect to my wireless router.But when I tether (get a connection from a USB device) the N&S Center stops responding for about 10 minutes.At some point, it will come up with the "Public Network?" box.How can I debug this?Even after the network is initialized, the N&S center is still very slow.I assume it's doing some automatic something or other that keeps pinging this, that or the otherThe USB device would serve an internet connection that has a reasonably high latency.Lots of network tools seem to slow down, especially while the connection is configuring itself. This is probably because all of the services involved are interlinked somewhere, and are waiting on the same mutex to be released or something.

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Windows 7 Client And 2003 Server: Network Slow In Very Big Network?

Sep 6, 2011

My problem is windows 7 hangs and freeze when access 2003 server Enterprise edition. This is not a small network, one of the biggest network.i have doubt on individual users on domain. before 2 months we had department wise users mean, for example Accounts@domainname.local. But after we created the individual users like john@domainname.local to all users. this is i believe the cause of problem. When we acess the server via the software it freezed for 5 seconds and then repeat to normal state. And after some time it hangs for 2 minutes.

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Vpn Connection Is Very Slow?

Apr 10, 2012

i configure vpn server on windows 2003 server.and client on windows 7. the client can access shared file of my local network. but the speed is very slow,when the client access shared folder and copy some thing into that, the the coping is very slow

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My Internet Connection Is Slow

Sep 29, 2011

Lately I've got the computer back from a guy who repaired it. Everything on it works fine, except the point that I have problems connection to different networks. An example is at home, where I sometimes get cut off the internet and the internet connection is really slow. I can't even play games without have freezelag where everything is stopping. Even though I got problems with my connection, other persons which is also using the internet here are not having any problems with the internet

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Slow Internet Connection?

Jan 19, 2012

My internet conection got slow and I used hijackthis to find what is going on.*mod edit: removed HJT log and moved to Windows 7. Slow connection can be caused by other things which should be investigated first. If logs are needed you will be directed to the Prep Guide.~ Queen-Evie*

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Very Slow Internet Connection?

Jan 22, 2012

Well last month I was using an HP laptop (winXP) and it was running 54 mbps, which is fast for me. I got a new laptop (a week ago) and it's a HP and has Windows 7. Every since I started using it it's so slow and running at 12 and 18 mbps, it takes like 1 min. to load up a page. I have a Netgear router for wifi as well. So why is it running so slow the laptop is new?

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Slow Internet Connection - How To Use VPN

Apr 22, 2012

What is vpn. I can't surf more about it because of slow internet connection. I am using broadband and its truly slow 20kbps is the maximum speed I guess. So interested using vpn.

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How To Slow Down WiFi Connection

Jan 5, 2013

i'm getting annoyed with my sister because she uses too much bandwidth on her laptop than i can get, he uses facebook, twitter, Internet, and utorrent at the same time and i'm only using Internet, visiting forums and playing games. how do i slow down the wifi speed so i can make her internet usage more pain in the ass?

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Internet Connection Slow And Keeps Disconnecting?

Nov 18, 2011

got a new dell xps laptop few weeks ago. internet runs fine at home but when i connect to internet in my house at college it is very slow and keeps disconnecting. the other guys i live with all have laptops and have no trouble with it.

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Internet Connection Slow After Few Minutes

Sep 9, 2011

When i surfing internet after few minutes left some web sites get too much times for load, they're loading loading loading. This problem mainly happen for Firefox. Chrome not like that. So what is the issue? I think its not that web site issue because of i can visit that web sites easily by using Firefox but some times Chrome also slow down in some web sites.

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Videos Extremely Slow On LAN Connection?

Apr 15, 2012

i am currently living in a dormitory in germany. i was given a cord to connect to the lan on the wall, as there is no free wi-fi in this dormitory. a few days ago, Internet videos and other videos played just fine, as usual. now, however, it takes 30 minutes to load 5 minutes of a Internet video. i'm not exaggerating. anything i can do? i'm wondering if it's just because there are more people in my dorm now or if i did something to my computer (which is probably unlikely since i know nothing about computers).

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Really Slow Internet Connection After Install

Jun 19, 2011

I've been having really annoying issues with my internet connection since i moved from vista to windows 7. I looked the forum several times to find an answer to the problem but i can't find anything close. I used to have this driver: 802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter version , my internet speed was running at the usual 10mb but i there was a lot to freezing and buzzing while the driver was installed making the usage of the computer impossible, so i updated to the same driver but version which came out in april this year.Now mi internet connection can't even get to 1mb ( the house connection is 10mb) i checked the other computers to see if it was an overall problem but it looks like my computer is the only one affected.the others computers in the house run with windows vista and don't show any signs of troubles with the network.i have no clue what to do , but I've read that is actually the windows 7 that is presenting problems with network driver , is that true ?

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Connection Speed Astronomically Slow?

Feb 2, 2012

a couple days ago or so i hopped on bf3, and reallized that it was going super slow, i got on fb, and pages werent loading, i whent to and that took awhile to load also, so i finnaly ran a speed test, TWC gave me a 26.6 mbps download and .96 upload. that is astronomically slow seeing as how i am running a wired connection on a 50mbps connection. i ran anti virus, came up with nothing, i am cleaning up trash and have reset the network multiple timee

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Wireless Connection Network Says It Is An Unidentified Network?

May 12, 2011

Recently when I try and connect to the internet my wireless connection network says it is an unidentified network with no internet access. This never happened before.

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Wireless Card Causing Slow Connection?

Sep 26, 2011

I have a broadcom 802.11g PCI wireless card but recently it is giving me a slow connection when on a full bar signal. I then randomly goes back to running at normal speed but then cut out again and goes slow. There is nothing wrong with the connection as it works totally fine on my laptop. I tried a USB wifi adapter at that works fine giving me a fast connection. I been inside the router to make sure all the setting are fine and searched for driver updates etc. I don't think the card is damaged in anyway. I really have no idea why it is giving me such slow internet speeds but then occasionally work fine

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New Build Causing Slow Internet Connection?

Dec 2, 2012

So after I got my stuff all installed and things are working well, I hooked up my router to the new computer and the connection is significantly slower that it was before.

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Windows 7 Network Connection Not Working?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a Dell inspiron mini tower that had some apparently critical either net driver deleted. I'm not entirely sure which driver it was or how to get it back. I've tried downloading a few drivers on another machine and then just transferring them to the bad one but it's not working (3 separate ones now). It was working perfectly before this "thing" was accidentally uninstalled.

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Network Lan Connection Windows Xp And 7 Computer?

Jul 18, 2011

computer #1: windows 7 hpcomputer #2: windows xp proI managed to lan cable connect and share folders/files between 2 windows 7computers. And the same between 2 windows xp computers.Then I wanted to lan cable connect and share folders/files between a windows 7 hp and a windows xp pro computerI tried for hours, running the same settings in circle.At a point it worked. But I don't know why it suddenly worked.The difficult thing was, to make the network icon appear on "the other computer".Do you have a detailed step by step manual, on how to config settings in

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Windows 7 64 Not Recognizing Network Connection?

Aug 31, 2011

I have an internet connection, but it is not recognized by Windows. I have tried repeatedly to set up a wired network connection but it does not work.

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Windows 7 64-bit Not Recognizing Network Connection?

Jan 25, 2012

win 7 64 bit Cisco wyfi, D-link router, IP address missing, computer says its connected but no internet access. How can I set an IP address?

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Laptop's Internet Connection Is Slow When Connected Via Wireless?

Jan 30, 2012

It's been some time since my Dell XPS M1530 laptop has been having Internet issues when connected via Wireless. It currently sports an Intel 4965 AGN ard with Windows 7/8 pre-installed drivers and is connecting wirelessly to a Thomson router.It connects smoothly, but its reception of packages sucks: I can't connect to FTP, load pages at all, and downloads are around 8 kB/s. (Max should be 250 kB/s). Whereas other laptops are able to load pages normallyAll cords are correctly connected, and I don't believe the card is the one malfunctioning since I can connect to other routers flawlessly.

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Internet Connection Slow On New Computer And Fast On Old Laptop?

Jun 9, 2012

After installing Windows 7 Pro and populating my HD with the normal games and programs I usually run I decided to test my connection speed on I was shocked to see a barley got even 4Mbps/down and .67 up.My Connecton is usually 23Mbps down and change (I pay for 24) and 4 Mbps up. So I ran the speed test with my laptop, sure enough it was running at normal speed but my new build is not.I tried internet connection optimize in System Mechanic, and that did not have any affect on performance.

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Laptop Became Very Slow And Connection Lost When Talking On Skype

Jul 22, 2012

The issue came when I was talking on skype, the connection was lost and the whole pc became very slow and unresponsive, I thought that the problem was on skype so I uninstalled it, but the issue appeared again when I opened 3D games. I made everything possible to solve the issue but nothing happened. I also checked that my rams were installed correctly, the pc says that I have 4GB of rams and the available physical memory is 2GB of rams.

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Windows 7 Network Setup Is Slow

Oct 2, 2011

I realized, that the setup of the Network IF of windows 7 is slower than it was on XP. Sometimes the setup is also not working correctly resulting in an unavailable Network connection, so that I have to deactivate and reactivate the network adapter (even this does not help every time) Setup means the phase after rebooting or waking up from hibernate.

There is no difference on different networks. The Network Interface is a �Intel 82567LM Gigabit�. Driver are the newest from MS.

Are there any tricks to get a faster/ reliably network set up time?

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Slow Windows 7 Machine On Network?

Sep 14, 2011

Why would 5 of my windows 7 machines be running slow on our school network. I have updated drivers. We also have new laptops which are running windows 7 and access the network wirelessly. These are fine. The Main server is 2008 r2 while the data is stored on a 2003 server.

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Windows 7 Slow To Connect To Network?

Feb 7, 2012

Win7 slow to connect to network members,is there any means to speedup this operation?

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Slow Network With Windows 7 Machine

Feb 28, 2010

I upgraded to windows 7 ultimate a few weeks ago (clean install) and since then when I go to access files on my file server (running vista home premium) it takes forever to pull up thumbnails of photos I have stored or any other data for that on the drive. I never had this problem when my comp was running vista home premium as opposed to windows 7 I flashed the BIOS on my mobo to the latest version and I have all windows updates. Any ideas what I can do to speed things up when accessing this drive?

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Network Connection Timeout For Some Users In Windows 7

Jun 22, 2011

I have a network set up with file sharing. I use a Windows 7 PC to host files that are shared with around 8 other PCs - some on Windows 7, some on Windows XP. The file sharing works but sometimes some users are unable to get access to the files. The error message is something like \PCNAME is not accessible. The user can connect if the machine storing the files is restarted but it will happen 4-5 times during the day.

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Windows 7 Wireless Connection To Home Network?

May 2, 2011

I have a 3 PC router based workgroup network. 2 PCs are XP SP 3, one PC is Windows 7 When all PCs are wired, everything works just fine. All PCs (W7 and XP) can see and share files with all other PCs (It took a bit of doing but I got there eventually)If I try to connect the W7 PC wirelessly,

* the W7 PC cannot access/share files on the XP machines

* the XP machines can see and share files on the W7 PC

* The W7 PC can access the router and can ping the other PCs

There is no firewall in operation on the XP machine What do I need to do to get the W7 machine to access/share files on the XP machine via wireless connection?

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