Copying 220 MB Of Files From One Folder To Two Others On Desktop?

Jan 8, 2012

Advanced user new to Windows 7 - I need to copy about 220 MB of files from one folder to two other folders, all on the desktop. In XP, opening the source folder and doing SELECT ALL would give the COPY, MOVE, DELETE options on the left hand of the folder. How best to do in Windows 7? Use the Copy to Clipboard, then Paste to the two other folders? If so, is the Clipboard big enough to handle the copying of up to 1.5 GB in files?

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Temp Staging Files For Copying Later-folder Pointers?

Jul 2, 2011

I have a lot of directories that need to be transported via USB drive later (the files/folders vary each time). I want the files to remain in their original location, but have some kind of folder or structure where I can group the folders so that when I need to copy them, it is a simple matter of selecting one folder and copying it to the USB drive. I don't want to create duplicates of files or folders. Basically, I want some kind of folder or holding area that will have pointers to the folders/files I need to copy. Can I do this in Windows 7? I had was to use Libraries. That would kind of work, but it isn't drag and drop and is more awkward to add folders to.I know at the beginning of the week which folders I will need for that week, so I want to set it up in advance sow hen it is time to do the copy, it is easy.I know I could setup a simple batch file (with XCOPYs) , but was hoping for a better solution where I could browse the files before I copy them, etc.

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Copying Files Into Windows 7 / System Folder Used By XP Mode

Dec 22, 2011

I am working in Windows 7 XP Mode, trying to install and run a Microsoft utility called: WT1230: Batch File Converter for PowerPoint for Windows 95. (See WT1230: Batch File Converter for PowerPoint for Windows 95). Yes, the utility is intended for Win95, but I'd like to see if I can get it running in XP Mode. The utility installation instructions ask that I copy 2 files to the "Windows/system" folder. Of course, these instructions were written for Win95, not XP, let alone XP Mode. Still... if I copy the files, the core executable runs fine, but it can't find the 2 files that should be in "Windows/System". So, I gather XP Mode must have its own Windows/System folder.

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Copying Files From Desktop To Laptop And Vice Versa?

Jun 4, 2012

I have a desktop running Windows 7 professional 64-bit.I have a laptop running Windows 7 Home 64-bit.I want to share partitions on the laptop so I can copy files (generally using Syncback) from the desktop to the laptop. So, I go into properties, select Share With and Advanced Sharing. Then into Advanced Sharing where I give the partition a unique name. Then select Permissions.HOW do I set the permission so my account on the desktop can copy files to the laptop? I use the same username and password on both boxes. I specified my username on the laptop and got a user of laptopnameusername. On the desktop I can look in "Network", see the laptop, AND see the shared partition. But, when I try to copy a file from the desktop to the partition I get a "try again" and it says "You need permission to perform this action"I don't want to give "Everyone" full control, but that's the only way I've been able to get this work.

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Can't Change Desktop Wallpaper And All Program Files Folder Are Empty

Mar 24, 2011

Can't change desktop wallpaper and all my program files folder are empty?I think it could be a virus or something. I have been told this can be useful.

SteelWerX Registry Console Tool 2.0
Written by Bobbi Flekman 2006 (C)
Error: Key: softwaremicrosoftwindows ntcurrentversionpolicies does not exist!
SteelWerX Registry Console Tool 2.0
Written by Bobbi Flekman 2006 (C)


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Copying A Folder To Drive D

May 5, 2011

I have a folder called Mystuff on the Desktop which contains all my files. I try to copy to a folder named Backup on Drive D, but it wants to copy only files that have changed since my last copy.I have tried doing a 'send to' to Documents but it does the same thing. How can I copy all files in the folder to Drive D then to USB Drive H? It seems I was able to do this up until recently has something in WIN 7 changed?

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Copying A File To A Web Folder In Windows 7?

Jan 21, 2011

copying a file to a Web Folder in Windows 7.I am able to connect to the web folder and see the subfolders. I am able to copy a local folder to the web folder as well. The only I am facing is when I am trying to copy a file. I am getting the error 0x80070057(The Parameter is incorrect). I have checked with fiddler and it does not look like its a server side issue. And I have also tried stopping most of the services as I read on the net that having 'Kaspersky' enabled and running interfered with the I/O for webdav.

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Syncing And Copying Huge Folder

Oct 20, 2012

I have a video folder that is quite large and I don't want to lose the files in it.I copied the folder to a separate drive but the drive is small(160GB) and will not allow me to copy the folder twice to it.I add more files to the original folder and when I go to coy/backup I end up having to delete the folder on the separate drive so the original folder with new files will fit.My question is:Is there a way of 'Syncing' the folders so only the new files are copied? Or should I use Windows Backup just for this folder?

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Moving/Copying The AppData Folder?

Mar 22, 2012

I made a really dumb mistake last night while setting up a VPN. Long story short I deleted my user account. Now, I did not lose any data at all (the account's folder still exists, untouched, in the /Users folder), it is just the user account picture and log in information that are gone. I have no way (that I know of) of re-referencing it so that it appears on my log-in screen again.My issue is that I effectively lost some programs and all configuration files that were exclusively associated with that account. Which is years of config data that I would HATE to have to do again. My questions are as follows (which are two sides of the same coin really).

Is there some way to re-reference this user account so it shows up and loads up like normal on windows login once again? (The system displays it as "User Unknown")f not, is there something that I can do with the /AppData folders of the new (recently created) and old ("deleted") accounts to make my new account be just like the old one?

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Copying Folder Over Network With Same Permissions

Jul 29, 2012

I just want to share my problem regarding with the folder copying with the same permissions. Here's the scenario I installed domain server in my company and create a users ofcourse and in client pc we make 2 partitions in it(hard drive) C & D on drive D I make a folder Users with the permissions.

- C Drive OS Installed and basic programs
- D Drive (with Users folder)

This is where I want to put the profiling on every users login on a client pc. My problem is:

1. How can I copy the Users folder in every client pc with the same permissions so I don't need to set in one by one on a client pc.
2. If there's a software or simple program that can do such thing transferring a folder to another pc over network with the same permission.

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Copying Files To Mydocs Or Program Files

Feb 3, 2009

I tried doing this. Example, game files/data from my XPdocs on C: to my Windows 7 docs on D: couldnt do it, just gave me a chime, no dialogue box or anything. Also tried to move a file from my desktop to either mydocs or to program files folder, same thing. After that, even took ownership of all affected folders/files, ones being moved and destination folder. Still the same.

Question: is there some type of security setting i am missing? anyone else test this? I have moved files to mydocs before, and now i cant move anything to there, has me confused now. Nothing special about a file or folder i am trying to move, permissions ect.

Tried both cut and paste, and copy, same problem either way. No protected files/folders involved

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'Access Denied' After Copying A Folder From Old XP To Windows 7

Dec 26, 2012

I just did an install of W7 on a new partition. I was trying to carry my Firefox settings from XP to the new install in W7. I followed some instructions I found online and copied the Profile folder for FF and merged/replaced it with the one in W7.Now the Mozilla Profiles folder is read only, and I get an "Access Denied" message if I try to change it. I also can not "take ownership" of the folder or change any of the security options.

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Copying EMailsfrom WIndows Live To Documents Folder?

Jan 28, 2012

I recently moved from an XP system to WIndows 7. Under XP, I could easily copy any EMail from Outlook Express to any other location on my hard drive, like My Documents. I'm now using WIndows Live under Windows 7, and see no way to do that simple thing.

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Copying A Folder Occasionally To A Backup Hard Disk?

Mar 24, 2012

I have a folder that I'd like to periodically mirror to an external hard disk. How can I easily copy the source to the target, deleting files now deleted in the source, updating files that have been changed in the source, and adding new files to the destination. Would an XCOPY with the appropriate set of switches do the trick - maybe something like

xcopy c:sourcedir d: argetdir /e /h /o

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Copying User Folder To Backup Disk - Action Cannot Be Completed

Jun 16, 2012

Trying to copy "user' folder to a back-up disk drive but informed: "Action can't be completed because this file in open in the system" ???

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System Reserves Extra Folder Names When Renaming Or Copying?

Dec 14, 2012

I've got a weird problem I couldn't find any solutions for on google. In trying to move my 'Users' folder to my new 1 TB Media Drive M: I accidently moved the directory (right click>Properties>Location Tab>Change directory path) "C:UsersScottMy Music" to "M:UsersMy Music" where the system MERGED it with "C:UsersScott" instead of creating it adjacent to that directoryAfter that the system has decided that the directory structure of "M:UsersScott" is the same as "M:UsersMy Music" so whenever I move a file or folder to "M:UsersScott" in trying to complete the migration it puts it in "M:UsersMy Music" instead.If I create a new folder in "M:Users" and rename it to 'Scott' the system asks if I wanted to merge the two folders as it thinks Scott already exists, even if it shows My MusicThis problem is not a huge issue and because of other potential problems this may have caused I am going to create a new profile, move my data over, and remove this profile, but I wanted to find out what is causing thi

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Copying Exe Files From Server To Pc?

Dec 18, 2010

We update our client's software *.exe programs by storing the update code in a blob record in a server based MySQL database.

When the user logs on to the main program on his PC, if there are updates, a dialog message displays and the updates are written from the server to the local directory -- the same directory as the main program resides.

This has worked very well on XP (where we used *program files* as the directory).
It has also worked fine in vista and 32bit windows 7 (where we use the user's app data oaming directory.

On Windows 7 64-bit however, the update fails. It opens the file name of the updated program with zero bytes and then displays the message:

"Could not write to... c:Users[user]AppDataRoaming.. etc."

I've tried running the main program as administrator. I've turned off UAC. I suspect this is a security issue, but is there any workaround?

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Copying Files To External HDD?

Aug 28, 2012

i noticed something really strange. i tried copying three iso files from my laptop to my external HDD. the problem is that after one iso is copied the copying process stops and resumes again after a pause and after that it pauses again and the third file starts. why it pauses to copy? i tries usb 3.0 and usb 3.0 the spped is around 94-95K Mbps. but once it starts to copy the second iso it drops to around 30K Mbps.its same with both the external HDDs.

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My External HDD Not Copying Certain Files

Apr 26, 2012

I am trying to copy some files to my external hard disk but some certain files doesn't want to move or copy at all no matter how many times I have tried. I also formatted my HDD to NTFS but no result.

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Copying Files Across The Network?

May 5, 2012

I have windows 7 pro 64 bit running on my box. One of the devices on my network is a media reader and a local drive connected to it. Whenever I try to transfer large files (350 mb and above) the transfer speed never displays and the copy animation runs until I get an error message telling me that Windows 7 can no longer access my media reader. Smaller files copy without issue. I've seen other posts with a similar problem but they don't appear to be exactly the same as this.

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Freezes When Copying Files

Apr 1, 2009

Got a weird problem that happens when I try to copy files over my network to other PCs. It just freezes when I copy large files!

For example, I tried to copy the Windows beta ISO over to my 2nd computer and the computer just froze. I waited a few minutes but nothing happened so I had to press the reset button.

Is there anything I can do?

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Can't Move "note Pad" Files To Desktop Folder

Jan 9, 2011

I mostly use my computer for photography. I keep a folder on my desk top where I store photos that I have printed.I also write adjustments I have made to the photos in "note pad" but find that I cannot move these files to the folder in which I want to keep them. Nothing I have tried works. Drag and drop doesn't work. Nor does using control+C and control+V.

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Copying Windows 7 Files Onto USB Stick?

Apr 28, 2011

I have a brand new windows 7 home premium package and I would like to install on it on my laptop (windows xp). The cd drive however does not work and I was wondering if I could load the contents of the disc on my desktop and save them onto my USB stick, which would then go into my laptop?

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BSOD Copying Bulk Files From HDD

May 3, 2012

I have a 1TB external HDD attached to my laptop.Whenever I attempt to copy multiple files to another HDD I am confronted with a BSOD.

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Computer Freezes With Copying Some Files From DVD To HD

Aug 2, 2010

my system is

ram: 8G
cpu: i3
system: windows 7

the files are small like 500mb

but the whole computer freezes when i m copying it to my harddrive

it's just too laggy that i couldnt even perform ctrl + alt + del.

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XP - 7 Upgrade Copying Files Problems

Jun 6, 2009

I run my system on two partitions, one had XP and one 7 Beta. When i installed 7 RC1 i upgraded the XP install. This put all my files into a "windows.old" folder. All very well so far. All the files in this i can happily copy/cut and paste anywhere.

Except the files in My Music. This is a problem as i have a few 100 folders in there(each artist has a folder). The only way i can move (or even look in) them is to take ownership, which involves quite a lengthy clicking through dialogues. Fine for 1 folder, not for 300. I have tried running explorer in admin mode, in safe mode, whilst logged in as administrator (can i be admin any more times?!) to no avail. I get the dialogue:

"You need permission to perform this action.

You require permission from Jamie-PCJamie to make changes to this folder."

Oddly, Jamie-PCJamie is the user im using...

Im way too lazy to spend 2 hours doing each file individually so please come up with another way Thanks, Jamie


Whilst writing this i had a brainwave - the user on my beta install had the same name. So i booted into the beta instead, and happily copied all my files over. As there's no feedback button any more im not sure how to report this quite large flaw, so feel free to suggest a way to do that. It's clearly not right as is, what if i had wiped my old install, as you usually would after installing a new OS...

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Copying Files To External HDD Freezes?

Sep 30, 2012

A few months ago,I bought an External Toshiba E.Store 3.5" 1.5 TB.I use it on Acer Aspire One-Netbook Processor Intel Atom1.66GHZ,2gb ram When I wanted to copy some files,regardless the amount of the files,or their capacitive,the copy just ended well.I use Teracopy.A bit after,my copy is just freezing.Netbooks is working well,ram was not at high percents,neither cpu.I had to open Task manager to close teracopy.Other times, the -file copying- was ended well,other times not.I did a format to my netbook,because I have searched and I found that maybe on my operating system was the problem.After the format nothing changed.
After a lot of search again,I found that chkdsk may help on the solution of this problem.3 days ago,I pluged my hdd and the *disk checker*(sorry if this is not the name)appeared.AutoCorrect file system errors 2)detection and recovery of bad sectors on the disk?This check was going well,but hangs a lot of hours at a sertain number of file.I stopped the check,restarted windows,and opened Safe Mode to run check here.Same problem appears.Check hangs at the certain number of files.But my hdd seams to be working,like the blue light is blinking.I saw on a forum that one person had a complete full 2TB external hdd and he took 47 hours to made check done.I am desperate for help,I can't copy a file bigger than 700mb-1gb.

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Only Getting Just Under 4 MB/second Copying Files From Hard Disc

Apr 17, 2012

For some reason, the transfer rate on my 2TB Western Digital internal hard drive has dropped through the floor. I'm not sure what has happened but when when I try to copy files on HD I'm only getting a maximum transfer speed of 4MB/second, which is abysmal. For example, as I write I'm doing a test copy of a folder (to another folder on the same drive) containing 90 gig of misc. files. Windows is reporting that this transfer will take around one day to complete!

I error checked the drive and it came up healthy, and in all other areas, it seems to be working fine. All these problems seem to have started since I decided to reformat the hard drive and reinstall Window, a job which I've done on this particular setup at least a couple of dozen times before with no problems at all. I must say though that installing Windows was SLOOOW this time though, a lot slower than normal, and I'd say it took about 3 times as long to do as normal.

My setup:

Hard Drive: Western Digital WD20EVDS-63T3B0
Motherboard: ASUS P6TD Deluxe BIOS rev. 0608 (latest)
GFX card Nvidia Quadro 3800
CPU: Intel i7 975
12 gb RAM
Windows 7 Home Premium x64

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Copying / Moving Files Why So Slow

Nov 18, 2011

Since I got Windows 7 I have learned it is the same as Windows Vista not much difference, well except the new boot loading screen. Anyway why does it take so long for this to copy or move files?I am copying moving 4GB of data from my USB to my external hard drive and it takes forever, it says 1 hour remaining, it;s all ready been here for good 40 minutes now.Why is windows 7 so slow and copying/moving files?

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TeraCopy Slower + Not Copying All The Files?

Oct 13, 2011

I've just purchased a Seagate FreeAgent goflex ultra portable drive 1 TB usb 3.0 which I'm using it on my usb 2.0 port on the back of the computer. I've a front usb ports but its not giving it enough power so it's only working on the back side.I'm trying to copy some files using TeraCopy from my old transcend 500gb drive into this new seagate goflex 1TB drive. But its only giving me speed between 15-22 mb/sec on usb 2.0, without TeraCopy its even much slower. Both drives are connected on usb 2.0 on windows 7. Why is it not giving me atleast 30 mb/sec ? Should I return this drive and buy some other brand like Western digital or transcend ? Which external hdd get atleast 30-35 mb/sec on usb 2.0 ?Another problem is that the folders which I dragged and dropped into TeraCopy originally has 106,301 files inside them but TeraCopy says it is copying only 106,277 files. Why would it not copy all the files ?

My system specs:

Intel core 2 cpu 4400 @ 2.00ghz
windows 7 SP1 32 bit home premium
4gb ram

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Another BSOD After Copying Files From Hard Drive?

Feb 15, 2012

its been a long time since i last posted about my bsod and after i fixed them i began to get more of these. the only way i can replicate the problem is when i move or copy+paste files in the computer, mostly if it is from my computer to a external hardrive or usb... i attached the latest minidump file i got

Edit: Go another bsod... if it helps i uploaded the minidump from that crash

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