Change Work-group Name In Windows 7?

Mar 28, 2009

trying to change the workgroup name in Windows 7 Build 7057. I think this is why Windows 7 can't see the XP machines on my network.

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Hide NAS Drive In Windows 7 Pro Work-group?

Oct 24, 2012

we have a NAS drive used for backup & would like to prevent it showing in Windows Explorer.Individual shares are already hidden with the $ append, but we'd like to 'loose' the drive too.The NAS is a Buffalo TeraStation Pro, the PC's run Win 7 pro.

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Windows 7 PC Can't Access Work-group Pcs But Can Use Printers

Jan 7, 2013

I have a Windows 7 Pro 64bit SP1 laptop that for over a year was happily on our hardwired work workgroup. A couple of weeks ago I formatted the laptop and ever since I am able to see and use the networked printers but can't see any computers on the network through the Network section on the Windows 7 pc.I am so blocked out that even my own pc, which does show up in networking, rejects my connection attempts.I can access the internet.I can ping other pcs.I can remote access to other pcs.I only can't access shares and browse other pcs.The other pcs on the network are a combination of WinXp and Win server 2003.I have tried the network sharing and registry edit fixes that are regularly proposed. I have turned off the win firewall and uninstalled Norton.

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Cannot Enable Admin Shares In A Windows 7 Work-group

Oct 12, 2011

I have tried to enable the $ shares on a windows 7 64 bit machine in a workgroup.i have tried the regedit that is suggested on the internet and added the Qword without success. Has anyone successfully done it?

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Method To Change Group Policy Settings In Windows 7 From A Remote Machine?

Nov 16, 2011

Is there any method to change group policy settings in windows 7 from a remote machine? WMI....i dont want to login and do it locally! is there any alternative for these?

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Can't Get 2-way Access To Computers On Work-group Network

Jan 31, 2012

I am running Windows 7 on six computers. I can see all of the six and they can see mine. I have finally figured out through some internet research, how to get their computers to access mine. However, when I go from my computer to theirs, I get asked to enter a network password. All of the password protection is off. It's saying something I'm not understanding underneath the user name and password request boxes. It says Domain: and has my PC name on it. How can I get the access to go on their PC's?

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Accessing Work-group Computer Shared Files?

Dec 10, 2012

I currently have a workgroup set up with a server (running Server 2008) and 4 identical (literally) computers. Each computer has certain shared files. There is no problem seeing or accessing the files on these computers.I am trying to add a fifth computer to the workgroup. I have added the new computer and can see the other 4 computers. However, every time I try to access any of the other 4 computers on the workgroup, I am asked for my network username and password. It doesn't matter what I put for the username and password - nothing works. It continues to say "Logon failure: unknown username or bad password".

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Change Color Of Selector In Application Group List?

Apr 5, 2011

im wanting to alter the colour of the selector in the grouped application list you get from the task bar - is it possible?

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Cannot Change Settings Of The Group Policy - Security Options?

Oct 19, 2012

I was trying to disable the 'Network Access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication' since it was enabled which meant I couldn't save passwords. When I right clicked it and opened properties, the options of enabled and disabled were grayed out. Also, there is a padlock on the icon of the Security Settings tab and so does its subtabs. I am on an administrator account but it still doesn't allow me to change the settings.

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Computer Shuts Down Every 30 Minutes Totally Have A Work Group For Home Use Through Comcast?

Feb 6, 2013

computer shuts down every 30 min totally- I have a work group for home- use through comcast, running windows 7- on hp computer.

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Windows XP Peer To Peer Work-group And Windows 7 Home Premium?

Oct 15, 2011

I have a Windows XP desktop - wired to my Motorola router/modem from AT$T for a while. I been able to run a Vista Desktop and a Windows 7 Premium Home with no problem. I got the A V Guardonline spam ware. I was able to clean it up using Combo Fix and Malware Byte. After Combo Fix - at first I didn't an Internet connection. I had to go off. When I came back decided to check the Internet before I deleted the network driver. However, it turns out the Internet fine and I can still see and access my Vista computer on the network. However now the Windows XP Peer to Peer network doesn't see my Windows 7 laptop. The laptop and see the network and connect. However it can only see the vista desktop and not the Windows XP and even though it connects no Internet access. In network and sharing it shows unidentified network public. I think this should be set to HOME. How can I do this? I have Windows 7 Premium so I can't use secpol.msc. What to do? I have turned off all feature or services with the Home Group. My IP address is I know that means I not getting a valid IP address. Also when I on Windows 7 laptop in network and sharing - I connect to my network - it sees it but then says it can't connect but when I check it is connected. It sending and receiving bytes but it can't ping or see the router.

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Change Windows Vista To 7 For Laptop Sony Vgn-cr309e But Capture Key Not Work

Jan 29, 2013

I change windows vista to 7 for laptop sony vgn-cr309e but capture key not work

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Change Windows Xp To Windows 7 Now Webcam Dont Work?

Sep 8, 2011

I change windows xp to windows 7 now webcam dont work , how to intal back ????

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Change Mouse Pointers Link Does Not Work

Nov 11, 2009

will the repair install fix system links that do not worK? cursor choices show up in Cursors file in Windows. Problem is after installing windows 7 Professional the link to the mouse pointers does not work and if you go to mouse properties they are not there just the mouse driver details. Any ideas on how to fix this?

I did the RC of windows 7 to see if I would like it...the mouse options was not available in the RC thought it would get fixed in final release. As instructed when received my upgrade after final release went back to Vista home premium, upgraded to 7 home premium (had to buy it, had ordered and recieved 7 pro) then upgraded to the 7 pro. still no mouse pointer options to change the pointer.

The pointers are in the Cursors folder in Window, but when I click on 'Change Mouse pointers' nothing happens. In the control panel when I click on the mouse icon nothing happens. I am using a usb mouse on my laptop but this feature does not work with the touchpad either. Worked just fine in vista, any suggestions

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Icon Change And Program Doesn't Work?

Dec 14, 2011

My itunes and safari icons have both changed to a completely unrecognisable icon. I cannot run either of this programs on my computer. I have tried reinstalling but this didnt work.

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Windows 7 Home Group Needs PNRPsvc?

Oct 29, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version[CODE]I have two Gateway computers and I am trying to resolve a problem with homegroup sharing. I ran the network diagnostic and got the following:Either the Peer Name Resolution Protocol service (PNRPsvc) or the Peer Networking Identity Manager service (p2pimsvc) is not running. The Peer Networking Grouping service (p2psvc) depends on both these services to run properly.Then the diagnostic said failed and not fixed.

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Windows 7 Cannot Leave The Home-group

Apr 12, 2010

My desktop PC is running Windows 7 64 bits. I have already created a homegroup on it. But when I try to view password, system does not show anything there and if I try to change the password to a new one it fails to do! Further I can not also leave the homegroup as the system shows the message 'windows cannot leave the homegroup'.

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Not Having Security And Group Policy Windows 7 HP

Sep 3, 2011

I know that Win7 Home Premium does not have the group policy management console.As i only connect directly to my modem and do not file share or edit the computer remotely etc. From a security point of view, which policies would you recommend to change from their default state?,I'm aware that some if not all policies can be edited in regedit, are the registry values easy enough to find or should i just bite the bullet and upgrade my Windows 7 to Win7 Ultimate.

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Home Group Password From An Old Installation Of Windows 7?

Dec 26, 2011

I've just completed a fresh install of Windows 7 Home Premium. When I connected the pc to the wlan, Windows asked me to type in the Home Group password from a machine called "Uss-Enterprise". The odd thing is that "Uss-Enterprise" was the name of the previous install of Windows on the same PC...So, I'm just curious of why the fresh install of Windows did manage to get network setup information from the previous installalation. I'm shure I deleted and formatted the Windows partition before re-installing Windows, and named the PC something else.

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Debugger User Group Restart In Windows 7

Apr 26, 2011

I would like to set debugger and remote user groups to be able to not only log off their machine, but also restart and shut down.

How can make these changes without giving those groups access to install software?

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Disable Group Policies In Windows 7 Home Premium

May 10, 2012

I installed Windows Tweaks V4.0 and now I can no longer change my settings in Windows 7. For example, After exiting Windows Tweaks, my notification icons had all disappeared. When I tried to re-enable them, Windows 7 said my network admin had disabled my ability to make changes to my PC via Group Policies. My PC is in my home, not on a Network and I AM the Admin, yet I am locked out. I have Windows 7 Home Premium so I do not have a 'Group Policy Manager' program. Also, I can not disable the 'Group Policy Client' Servicesa either. I restored back to before I installed Windows Tweak and Windows Tweaks is gone but the policies remain and I am unable to modify anything. Is there a way aroound this without re-installing Windows 7 from scratch?

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Two Windows 7 PC's On Home-group, Shared Files Not Appearing?

Nov 8, 2011

I have two computers running windows 7. One is a laptop, one is a desktop. Both are connected to the same router. The desktop is direct wired via ethernet, and the laptop is wirelessly connected.I set up a homegroup and successfully connected both computers to the homegroup.If I share one of the "Libraries" folders on either computer, it instantly shows up in the Homegroup folder where shared items should appear. Any other documents or folders that I share from either computer do not appear, no matter what I try.I right click, choose "share with" and then "homegroup read/write". It doesn't appear accessible from the other computer. I choose "specific people" and then add "everyone," "guest" and "homegroup" all with read/write, and it doesn't appear on the other computer.

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Vista Laptop Connects To Windows 7 Home-group But Not To Internet?

Mar 8, 2011

On my desktop PC I run Win 7 Premium 64bit and I also have a new Dell XPS 16 with Win 7 64 bit Professional laptop connected to a homegroup with the desktop using wireless It works perfectly. I need to add an HP laptop to the homegroup network with a wireless connection. Connection to the homegroup is fine but the HP, running Vista, cannot connect to the internet. The HP laptop has no need to share files or anything on the homegroup except maybe the printer, once in a while. The homegroup has excellent access to the internet, the HP has access to the homegroup but no access to the internet.IP and DNS servers are set at "Automatically connect.." Router is a Billion 7800N with latest firmware. The desktop is in my home office, the Dell in the family room (about 30' one wall) the HP is in an adjacent bedroom (about 20' with two walls). The dell works superbly in that bedroom. Core two quad 2.8 Ghz (Q6600_ 9600GT GPU I cannot sort this one out.

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Enable Local Group Policy Editor Windows 7 HomePremium 64 Bit?

Mar 5, 2012

how can I enable Local Group Policy Editor Windows 7 HomePremium 64 bit

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Windows 7 Pro X64 Group Policy Error - Mapped Drives Not Connectable After A While

Apr 6, 2012

Our domain controller is a Win Server 2003 R3, and we recently replaced several workstations with newer hardware running Win 7 Pro x64. For the most part, every thing runs smoothly. We have a shared folder on the 2003 machine that everyone uses to store their data. Everyone logs on to the domain, not the local machine. The problem happens when a machine is left on for more than one day. I don't know if it is on a regular interval, but I haven't noticed it as such. Eventually there is an error when trying to connect to the mapped drive: "U:\ is not accessible. An unexpected network error occurred."

When trying to browse the server from the Network in the Start Menu I get this: "Windows cannot access \\servername Check the spelling of the name... Error code 0x80070035 the network path was not found." I get a positive response when I ping the server's name and IP address from the client computer, and vice versa. I checked that the following services were running on both machines: workstation, server, tcp/ip netbios helper, DHCP client, DNS Client. The client computer's Ethernet adapter settings uses the server as the Preferred DNS Server in the IPv4 properties [it is set manually].

I tried ipconfig /flushdns on the client, then ran gpupdate in an administrator cmd window, still got an error. I ran gpresult /h gpreport.html and will attach that file for inspection. There are some errors in the system event log with GroupPolicy as the source and 1030 as the Event ID. Sometimes there is an error in the log with NETLOGON as the source and 5719 as the Event ID. What really makes it aggravating is that it only happens when the client computers are left on for more than a work day. If they are rebooted, it works fine.

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Failed To Connect 'Group Policy Client Service' Windows 7

Nov 19, 2012

Someone out there please help me. I've been working on this problem for like 6 hrs.Failed to connect, "Group Policy Client Service" windows 7. Failed to Connect with "Group Policy Client Service".I copied the message and saved it as an image. I also ran dds and attach report.

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Windows Mail Updated - Lost Contents Of Group Contacts

Nov 21, 2012

Recently updated my Windows experience including Windows Mail but when I start to type in my group contact (25 names) the group enters the To... part of the email message, I type the email message, then click send, nothing. In my contacts folder I check the group and they are all there, yet when in the email message, they are not.

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Group Policy Edited In Windows 7 X64 - This Type Of Login Not Allowed

Jun 11, 2011

I recently edit my Group Policies in Windows 7 x64. I disabled several SQL accounts and set those accounts to deny logon locally. When I rebooted the machine none of my accounts can log in. The machine is not a domain controller, but the error is along the lines of this type of login is not allowed on this machine. How do I resolve this?

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Can't Connect To Home-group From A Domain-joined Windows 7 Computer

Apr 19, 2012

I have a Windows 7 PC that's joined to a domain. The network location says "Domain network" and cannot be changed. According to Microsoft, you must set your location to "Home" in order to be able to join a computer to an already existing HomeGroup.My advanced sharing settings for both Home and Domain (domain being the current profile) show all the sharing and discovery settings enabled. HomeGroup Listener and HomeGroup Provider services are started. My Windows Firewall is enabled. I can connect to \computername of my HomeGroup computers.However, I cannot join the HomeGroup. It says "There is currently no homegroup on your network." [URL]I verified the group policy settings do not prohibit me from changing my network location from Domain to Home so that I may join a HomeGroup. However, I still cannot click on "Domain network" in order to change it to Home.How can I join this computer to the HomeGroup?

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Packets And Bytes Sent And Received / N-work Connection / Why Did Network Randomly Change To "network 3"

Oct 26, 2011

(the bytes sent and received). It seems skype calls and watching in browser videos shoot them up into the billions after a few hours +. Upon googling around i am quite alarmed. Why did my network randomly change to "network 3"? A few weeks ago it just said 'network'?

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How To Change The Screen Resolution In Windows 7 When It Is Not Allowing To Change

Oct 3, 2011

i'm not able to change the resolutions in win 7

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