Bsod On Startup After The Bios

Jan 24, 2010

I've been having a problem recently with windows 7. Mainly on start-up.

After the bios and during the windows start up screen or even during the log in screen, I'll get a bsod either just a memory dump or Reference_by_pointer. I use the windows recovery on start up next boot and it does its thing. After the system restart windows logs in but then explorer.exe crashes and the desktop windows manager crashes.

Which leads to a BSOD (Reference_by_pointer). I would try to access the dump file or the file that windows dumps the error into but I cant access my system and safe mode boots up with no taskbar or icons and eventually blue screens.

I have ran Diagnostic tests on my HDD and RAM both check out. Also this doesn't just happen when im using my pc. Like when I re install windows its fine I can restart 100 times and it will still boot, but when I turn the system off for the night... well thats when it all goes south.

System specs if this helps)

AMD Phenom II 925
MSI NF750-G55
DDR3 1600mhz 2gb stick

also using two WD 320GB caviar drives in a Raid 0 but b4 I got the raid set up this issue was happening.

Programs I ran this install hope its just a program issue)

Comodo Firewall and AV
google chrome

I hope someone has had this issue too or knows how to fix this. cause I've google'd the blue screen and it seems people get this with network issues.

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BSOD On Startup Error 0x000000f4 Startup Takes Long Time

Jul 27, 2012

i used to get the BSOD very often so i decided to recover the system to the initial state . i did that and everything was fine , then i updated the windows 7 service pack 1 and finished the installation and rebooted my computer , the start-up at least took half an hour at that time and the service pack 1 installation showed "not successful " i tried to again to update the service pack1 which showed 73.6mb - 892.6mb so i updated it again and again the same thing happened.

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Computer Only Goes Into BIOS At Startup

Feb 21, 2012

I've had this problem for a while on my new-ish computer, it's a full original build. Whenever I restart, or startup from shut down I have to enter the BIOS. It doesn't actually give me any option other than pressing F1 to go into setup. I've checked the order in BIOS in which it should try to boot from, changing it seems to have no effect whatsoever. When I try to start using Windows boot manager, it just goes into Startup repair and then fails to load at all. To get it to boot I have to enter advanced repair using a boot disc in my discdrive, then go to the memory diagnostic tool. Next I have to restart, enter windows boot manager and then cancel the memory test, it then puts me straight into the windows login screen?

Here are my specs:
Asus P9X79 Pro
Intel 3930k S-e hexcore at 3.2GHz
2x Asus GTX 590 SLI
32 Gb G-skill Ripjaws DDR3 at 1866
OCZ Agility 120GB
Hitachi 1TB HDD
Corsair AX1200 Gold PSU
Some DVD drive that I don't remember
Currently my boot order is: Windows boot manager > DVD drive > HDD

There's no option to put my SSD (which is where windows is actually installed) in that list for some reason, even though I can select it from the boot menu. When I do though I just get a black screen.

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How To Enter BIOS On Windows 7 Startup

Aug 25, 2010

I recently got win7. However, when I press the BIOS button on startup, it goes to advanced windows setting instead of BIOS. how can i enter bios?

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Startup Isn't Booting Properly After BIOS Update

Nov 14, 2011

i went to update my BIOS after one of my games(call of duty: Black ops) was lagging badly and i did everything to reduce lag even though my computer could run it on high settings. BTW the lag was gone after i upgraded BIOS for the game i mentioned above.So a friend suggested that i update the BIOS. i did and then after restart my computer would freeze but when i unplug a usb device from 2 ports grouped together it booted. Today i got the boot until i remove a USB device but now i get crashes in games. it also decided to install printer drivers...again even though the printer has been working fine since the day i installed windows 7 x64 months ago. My version is not a beta or a RC its a full version fully updated with some minor tweaks like UAC turned off but nothing major that would cause startup to fail.i know i dont have a virus or a rootkit. Thats the first thing i checked. This didnt happen till after i updated the BIOS. so here is what i have done so far:Startup repair twice(i chose the recommended option).....neither time it worked it just reverted it back two days.did a antivirus,rootkit, spyware,etc... scan found only small stuff that wouldnt cause this much problems. in other words small stuff that i got rid of easily that is fairly common such as data miners and tracking cookies.also ran combofix....didnt find did a scan using Advanced windos Care 2 didnt find anything wrong with the disk or anything else.also ran chkdsk also didnt find anything.i ran out of options of stuff to do. i dont mind re-installed windows 7 but kind of want to use that as a last resort.

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Bios Starts By Itself And Asks To Set Date And Time On Startup?

Nov 6, 2011

everytime i turn on my computer the bios starts up automatically and asks to set the date and time and save via F10. How can i resolve this?My motherboard is msi x58 gaming motherboard for intel i7 920 processor and the os is win 7

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Get Into The Bios Setup At Startup On An Asus A50 Series Laptop?

Feb 15, 2012

How do you get into the bios setup at startup on an Asus a50 series laptop?

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Software To Removal Of The Bios Password Upon Startup For Sony Viao?

Oct 31, 2012

free software to removal of the bios password upon startup for sony viao?

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Occasional BSOD After Bios Update?

Jan 25, 2012

Ever since I updated my bios after being advised to by a Ubisoft employee, my system occasionally crashes to a BSOD. Sometimes it happens twice a day, sometimes not for a week. I'm not sure what's causing it, but I'm rather bumped, because I love my current system. Attached you find my BSOD file (the health report is in Dutch, but hopefully you can manage).

My system specs:Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit; Full retail version installed this a half year ago.The original windows was Vista, 32 bit which in turn was updated to 7, 32 bit. After installing extra ram I switched to 64.

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BSOD 124 On Install After BIOS Update

Aug 19, 2009

Windows 7 works fine, except some things. But I wanted to reinstall it after I updated my BIOS from 1.1 to 1.8.

After it loads my working install dvd, it gives me BSOD with stop code 124

Its the same problem he has: windows 7 crash on install bsod stop 0×00000124 - Windows 7 Forums

But i'm in another situation.

Maybe I could downgrade my BIOS, but I don't know how. Or maybe ill just have to change a BIOS setting.

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BIOS Update BSOD No Display On Boot

Oct 19, 2012

Earlier I was trying to fix a DCP latency issue and latencymon suggested I update my BIOS. I got the BIOS from Asrock directly. During the update I was given a BSoD and memory dump. The dump froze at 15 and I eventually turned off the computer. Upon rebooting I was unable to get a display.

So far I have reset the cmos, switched between gpu and integrated graphics, removed the gpu and other adaptors, let the computer stay off for 30min; all of which has not worked. When resting the cmos I used both the jumper switch, quick clear, and battery removal.

Dr. Debug shows no errors when starting the computer and it appears to continue cycling boots, despite the lack of error.

O.S - Windows 7 home premium x64
CPU - i5 3750k 4.2gz
Motherboard - Asrock Z77 Extreme 4
Gpu - MSI 550ti
SSD - Corsair Neutron Gtx 128gb
Ram - 2x 4gb 1600 9-9-9-24 patriots.

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MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSoD After Installing AMD FX-8150 And Updating BIOS?

Sep 16, 2012

I recently bought a new AMD FX-8150 and installed it on my ASUS m5a97 mobo which has 24GB of ram. 2x4 and 2x8 of DDR3. Everything was moderately fine before I replaced my old CPU (AMD Phenom II x3) with the AMD fx-8150. After that, I couldn't play some of my games because apperently I needed to update my BIOS, which i recently did.  thats when things got weird. I keep getting blue screens, mainly memory management so I ran a standard and extended windows memory diagnostic test and came up with no errors. I have not done prime or 86+ yet. I, personally, think there are some instability issues here despite the fact the cpu is on the supported list for my asus mobo. Also some other weird things have happened. My google chrome crashed in such a way that it corrupted my profile and i had to reinstall it and it would not save the favicons in my bookmarks bar. my xfire kept crashing, too. when i try uploading a file to the internet and browse to DESKTOP via a windows explorer window, chrome crashes. I've ran a full malyware scan with no threats and cleaned by registry with CCleaner, i do not know what else to do. I don't think reformatting will help since i believe this to be a hardware error.

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Lots Of BSOD / Lock Ups Or Hard Drive Not Being Detected By BIOS

Apr 13, 2012

Lots of BSOD, lock ups, hard drive not being detected by bios, is it failing? Let me start by saying my PC is custom built, most parts are only a year old. The oldest parts are the harddrive (about 5 years) and the soundcard (about 7 years). I have never had major problems until now (a year after building it).

It all started with a blue screen.
Reboot windows and it seems to start up fine, gets to the desktop and locks up.

Reboot windows and I get another blue screen.

I try to start windows from the last good configuration. Error. Registry file failure. Cannot load hive file. I try booting from the windows cd and running a chkdsk. Hard drive starts making a buzzing sound. It gets to step 3 of 5 and stops. Failed to transfer logged messages. Status 50. Now the bios rarely even "sees" the drive. When I can get it to boot and see it, any attempt at diagnostics and repairs produces errors, locks up, or fails.

Is this a bad hard drive? I would hate to spend the money on a new one only to find it is a bad mobo or virus. How can I diagnose this? If it is a bad drive I would like to save what juice is left in it and try to recover a few files before it dies. Most of the important data has been backed up but I would like to try and get a few game save files if I can. But its not a disaster if the drive data is not recoverable.

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Switching BIOS SATA RAID/AHCI Setting Causes BSOD At Windows Start

Mar 30, 2012

I just changed my disk setup from:

1 SATA HDD Primary OS Disk
2x SATA HDD Backup Disks in RAID 1


1 SATA SSD Primary OS Disk
1 SATA HDD Backup Disk

Everything worked great, no problem. So, since I don't have a RAID array anymore, I decided that I could change my BIOS setting to AHCI instead of RAID. I have a Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R v1.0 mobo.

These are my steps:Settings > Integrated Peripherals > "SATA RAID/AHCI Mode" = RAID
--> Changed this setting to AHCI Reboot Windows Start screen shows up, but as the color orbs are spinning into focus, BSOD and immediate restart Repeated reboot several times, same outcome
Next Step:Launch BIOS settings Integrated Peripherals > "Onboard SATA/IDE Ctrl Mode" = RAID
--> Changed this setting to AHCI Reboot Windows Start screen shows up, but as the color orbs are spinning into focus, BSOD and immediate restart Repeated reboot several times, same outcome
Switch both settings back to RAID, reboot, and Windows starts up just fine, no issues.

What am I missing? Why can't I set it to AHCI mode without BSODs?

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BSOD On Startup

May 26, 2012

So I get this BSOD when my machine starts up, right after the BIOS/memory/harddrive screen. Can someone please tell me what this means?
(Sorry I cant get a dumpfile because I cant get past this and get the OS up.)

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BSOD Usually On Startup

Jun 14, 2012

I hope I have done everything correctly as far as following the instructions to report my bsod problems. I've noctice it usually resets and bsod after I logged into windows? if it doesn't crash in the first few minutes upon entering windows then it seems my system would be stable for hours on end.

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BSOD On Pc Startup?

Jun 18, 2012

Recently I built a new pc and I've been getting random BSOD's while on startup or soon after my desktop loads and also during shutdown sometimes.Here's my recent crash info from WhoCrashed:


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BSOD On Startup

Jul 26, 2009

Had to install in safe-mode. After install, my graphic card was recognized and the drivers started working! 64-bit is WAY faster than 32-bit...Or is it just 7600 being faster than 7100...

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Startup BSOD With RC1

May 6, 2009

I attempted install of RC1 on a new hard drive and got as far

as "Completing Installation". System reboots and after logo goes

to black screen. No error codes.

Reboot and selected Safe Mode. Win 7 says "Can't complete installation

in Safe Mode".

Reboot, press F8, select Low Resolution. Same results. Black screen.

System configure:

Asus P5Q3 Deluxe Wifi

4 gb DDR3 memory

E8500 Intel Processor

EVGA Nvidia GeForce 9800GT with 512 mb ram

On board Marvel Lan

On board Ralink Wifi

On board sound

1 - 500 gb SATA II hard drive

1 - Sata DVD

This machine runs Windows Vista Business with absolutely no problems.

This machine runs Mac OS X 10.5.6 with Absolutely no problems.

This machine runs Windows 7 Build 7000 with absolutely no problems.

I use a different hard drive for each operating system and I have

a brand new drive that I'm using to install Win 7. The drive I'm

using to install Win 7 can run Win 7 Build 7000 perfectly.

I do a clean install attempt to install RC1 and I get above results.

I reinstalled Win 7 Build 7000 on the same drive and just before boot

it says "Checking Vidoe card performance", then reboots and Win 7,

Build 700 is installed.

On clean install of Win 7, Rc 1 it appears to get to the exact same pont

(although I don't see the message about testing performance), reboots,

and gives black screen.

I have been on a couple of board and the predominant them is BSOD's

at boot for machines running Nvidia graphics. It would appear that RC1 has fouled up the Nvidia drivers.

I can't get into Low Res mode to load the approved 9800gt drivers from

EVGA so I can't complete the installation.

I'm hoping someone from Microsoft sees this and comments.

Any other thoughts or suggestions would be welcomed.

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BSOD And Cannot Startup My Computer

Apr 30, 2012

This also happened to me (the BSODs) but not after installing RAM - I'm not sure what the error code was though, I upgraded my OS from Windows 2000 Professional to Windows 7 (I actually installed Windows 7 on a different partition) and didn't actually do an "upgrade" - but I wasn't sure if I should "uninstall" or delete the old Windows OS from the other partition. Not sure how to go about doing that - just by deleting, or having to clean registry keys, etc. I also had to install a new video card - since my previous one would not work right under Windows 7.

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BSOD Within 2 Minutes After First Startup

Mar 20, 2012

Getting this BSOD when starting it up in the morning. Afterwards the computer runs normally.I've tried to enable creating minidumps, but 3 days in (and 3 bsod's) it hasn't created one yet.I've copied info from the BSOD and Event Viewer below. Please let me know if any more info is needed.-Technical Information from the BSOD below: Code: *** STOP: 0x000000F4 (0x0000000000000003, 0xFFFFFA00E399B30, 0xFFFFFA800E399E10, 0xFFFFF80002F935F0)

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BSOD At Windows Startup

Feb 20, 2012

i just recently started getting BSOD at windows startup, ive attached a Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 file.

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Almost Constant BSOD Soon After Startup?

Apr 7, 2012

I had a thread before with some blue-screen errors, mostly memory errors, so upgraded my RAM (8Gb DDR3), installed a new operating system (32bit to 64bit) and on the first boot-up: CRASH.

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0x0000001e BSOD On Startup?

May 27, 2012

Recently I've been getting this BSOD over and over. It happens about 20 seconds after my computer reaches my desktop when I start up. I happens about 95% of the time I start up my computer. The other 5% it starts up normally w/o any problems. ( Which I think is weird)I had recently bought a graphic card (check my specs), but I had it for about 2 months before I started getting the BSOD.

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BSOD At Startup After SP1 Installation?

Jun 3, 2012

Windows 7 told me it had downloaded SP1. I set it to install and it said it would take 30 minutes so i walked away from the laptop.
I came back, and now I get BSOD very time i switch it on.for some reason i can't download the system file collection app, but i have zipped minidump.attached minidumpB is without any system config, normal windows startup with graphics adapter disabled,attached minidumpRestrict is with 'selected startup' with windows services disabled and no startups. with graphics adapter disabled.Both of them enter BSOD shortly after startup, after the windows icon has come, and when you would usually expect the wallpaper to appear.safemode works 7 professional 32bit. laptop 2 years old. 6 months ago I had mother board fried and when i got laptop back repairer had partitioned hd into C:

System D: 1.11gb free of 1.46gb
HDDRECOVERY 544mb free of 5.63gb

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:2057


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BSOD On Startup Or Restart?

Jun 22, 2012

I am experiencing BSOD on nearly every boot or restart. Once the computer has been up and running for about 10 minutes, after perhaps two boot attempts, I seldom BSOD until I boot up or restart again. Sometimes the BSOD occurs before windows even fully loads, and sometimes it occurs a few minutes after the desktop appears.I have attached everything requested in the posting instructions (I think). Additionally, I have included the last four dumps

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BSOD On Startup Self Built

Jul 4, 2012

So I am getting BSOD on startup of my newly built computer. This started occuring yesterday, 6 weeks after the computer was built. I am suspecting a hard drive failure (booting from a SSD)

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BSOD On Startup After Installing New GPU

Dec 7, 2012

went from 7850, to 7970, to gtx680 that is now RMA back to the old 7850, and getting a new 7970 on sunday. Now, I uninstalled everything I can find that has to do with either nVidia or AMD, and it still BSOD right on startup: Used Driver Sweeper to clean all drivers, and even went manually and deleted every single one that has AMD, Gigabyte or Radeon written on it.

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BSOD On Windows 7 Startup - Not HDD?

Dec 10, 2012

I have an Acer 3400 desktop. Tonight, its started BSOD.

When I start it - the Windows 7 splash screen appears, after a few seconds, every time, the BSOD appears. The error comes up very quickly (far, far too quick for to read).

I've tried booting from a different HDD (I'd did a Windows clone a while back to a (hybrid) SSD, so tried booting from the original HDD) - but still get the same problem - so I'm assuming not a Windows corruption or HDD problem?

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BSOD On Startup Caused By Atikmpag.sys

Dec 24, 2012

yesterday I started expericing BSOD on startup with the following error message, I can boot system from safe mode; and i have ran memory diagnostic test and hard drive test can no problem has been found. Btw windows boots normally when I removes atikmpag.sys, I have attached a error dump file.

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Startup Repair Or Boot Into BSOD

Dec 26, 2012

Recently my computer has been randomly just giving me the BSOD. Normally this problem was resolved by a simple restart but tonight about an hour before I posted this, the blue screen sent me back to startup but instead of giving me the usual "Security mode" and Regular Startup. It gave me Startup Repair and normal startup. After clicking normal startup just to see if it would correct itself like normal,my pc instantly BSOD'd, bringing me back to my two options. I've been sitting here staring at the startup repair screen for about an hour now.

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