Boot Manager Cannot Be Found

Oct 14, 2012

Wind 7 is acting up. I went to update instead of custom. Then it told me to remove my disc and do it start it up and put the disc back. I did this and i was prompted that my boot manager was not found and to prest crt alt del to restart. i restarted but am back on this screen.

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Boot Manager Not Found

Jun 24, 2011

In attempting to install W7 64 on generic non-micro ATX [full] form factor desktop, Windows 7 will successfully begin installation. Upon reboot to complete installation I am informed that the boot manager cannot be found. How might I determine what is wrong so that I might correct the problem? Might it be a problem with jumper pins? No-o-o-o, it's not IDE HDDs I'm using; it's ATA. Might Microsoft's installation disc be at fault? I'll try using a different 64-bit disc with the [legal] new license, and then a 32-b it disc with the [legal] new license, but I'm at a loss. If it were the processor, it wouldn't even get to the install GUI that originates from the disc, would it? Otherwise, I'll have to take it to the shop and pay them to do a RAID 0(striped)config/install. The reason I'm posting this here is that I strongly suspect the 64-bit edition discs to be inherently flawed. On my 64-bit processor laptop, the 64-bit disc wouldn't install, but the 32-bit one did. I never worried about that because all I'm using on it are 32-bit apps. It's only on the custom-built desktop I need the 64-bit environment.

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Can't Launch Connection Manager, 'MSVCR71.dll Was Not Found'

May 29, 2012

regsvr32 msvcr71.dll my connection manager will not load cause trhis dll file is missing. Is this file in the manager or is it a part of windows 7

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Realtek HD Audio Manager Not Found In Control Panel?

May 14, 2012

It's not in my control panel, I've reinstalled drivers 3 times from 3 different places, I looked in the Realtek folder for an exe that I'm pretty sure is called RAVCpl64 and found nothing. I found the aforementioned exe in my driverstore folder, but when I run it, nothing happened. I forgot to mention I'm running Win7x64, and am using a custom built PC with an Asus M4A77TD board.

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Cannot Reinstall Windows 7 After Virus - RAID Not Found In Task Manager

Dec 28, 2010

My Acer 7736Z-4809 laptop (pre-installed with Win7 Home Premium 64bit, so I don't have the Win7 CD) was recently hit with a virus. I constantly got the BSOD "iaStor.sys" and a black screen. Startup Repair at first couldn't complete repair, but when I tried again, it found no errors. Tried System Restore to no avail. Was able to do a System Image Recovery using a backup on an external HD, but none of the programs worked (wanted to use Ad-Aware and Spybot to eliminate the virus). When I clicked on programs on the desktop or Start menu, nothing happened, didn't even get an "Open with." Even in Safe Mode, none of the programs worked.

I checked the Task Mgr, and explorer.exe was still there, but RAID wasn't. Went to Control Panel Programs to uninstall/repair programs, but got message that programs seemed to be already was like the programs weren't even recognized. Once in awhile when I clicked on IE8 in Windows Explorer (not via desktop shortcut or Start menu), IE8 actually opened, so I downloaded Hijack This and Avast anti-virus, but when I tried to install them, I got the msg: "Installation must be on a local hard drive." Continued to get the "iaStor.sys" BSOD. I read to run Verifier and disable it, so I tried that (not sure if that made things worse).

Tried to do another System Image Recovery, but this time it couldn't recognize the backup on the ext HD. Tried Startup Repair, and it couldn't complete repair. Went to Recovery Management to reset the OS, but my User ID(?) couldn't be found. Decided to do a Factory Install - during "Setup is preparing your computer for first use" I got the error msg: "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows, click 'OK' to restart the computer, and then restart the installation." Every time I try to restart it, I get the same error msg.

BIOS Setup Defaults:
Quiet Boot: [Enabled]
Network Boot: [Enabled]
F12 Boot Menu: [Disabled]
D2D Recovery: [Enabled]

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Windows 7 Boot Files Or Boot Manager Installed In Wrong Partition?

Dec 25, 2012

this is what I did, since I have no CD-ROM, to install Windows 7 I created a partion X: NTFS and set it as the ACTIVE ONE, the put there the Windows 7 installation files, and opened prompt command to type bootsect.exe /n60 X: , next I restarted my computer, and automatically it booted into the Windows 7 setup, I installed Windows 7 on the partition C: and formatted the partition C:, everything installed and after the installation finished, a multiple choice menu appears that reads:[CODE]

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Dual Boot - Change OS Name In Windows Boot Manager

Mar 11, 2009

How to Change the OS Name in Windows Boot Manager ?

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Install Windows 7 But Boot Manager Won't Show Dvd Boot

Jan 13, 2013

ihave windows 8 my lpatop is acer aspire E1-531, I am trying to install windows 7 but boot manager wont show me dvd boot !! it show me only network boot what can i do to be able to boot from dvd

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DVD (not Working) Not Found In Device Manager, 1 USB Port Not Working?

Oct 22, 2012

I have a HP dv6910us Pavilion and the DVD is not listed in Device Manager. DVD Tray opens and light comes on but does not play DVD. 1st USB port on left side gets - USB Device Not Recognized.One under it works and one on the right side works.OS Windows7 Ultimate. It is running kind of screwy so I wanted to reinstall Windows7 but with the DVD not operating Can't do it. Seems like maybe something in the register got erased or corrupted. If I can get the DVD and USB port to work I won't have to reinstall Windows 7

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Boot Manager/dual Boot Error

May 5, 2009

I'm having a problem every time I power on the system. I'm dual booting vista ultimate with win 7 build 7100; with vista I have no problem, but with 7 every time I start the system the first boot attempt gives me the error 0xc000000e after the boot manager display: "the boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible".;after a reset the system boots 7 with no problems. Win 7 is installed in a brand new hd(seagate barracuda 1.5tb) and vista on a second hd.

I've search the web for people with a similar problem with no success. I've tryed already many solutions but the problem persists(latest bios for the motherboard, latest intel sata drivers, etc). I'm hoping that this could be a bug in win 7 instead of a hardware failure for the hd. Again, the strange thing is that this only happen after the power on. After that first error, no matter how many reboots, the system always boot without problems.

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Boot Manager Missing / Boot From USB Drive

Nov 26, 2009

For some odd reason, after doing some changes to my partitions in Windows 7 and restarting my computer, I got the ol' "BOOTMGR is missing" message. I have the Windows 7 Repair Disc image file and a 4GB USB Flash Drive, but, sadly, no CDs. Is there any way that I can put the image file onto my USB Flash Drive and boot from it with my Acer Aspire X1200 desktop computer?

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Boot Mgr Not Found, Cannot Boot To Disc Either?

Jul 21, 2012

I recently rebuilt a computer that had a P4 3.2 Ghz, 2 Gb ram, and windows XP. I put in an asus p5n-e sli motherboard, 6 Gb of ram, and an intel celeron E 3200 2.4 Ghz dual core. The computer is my parents, and the new parts are from my computer that I just upgraded. After I installed the new parts, windows would not start, nor would it boot to a disc to attempt repair. I put the hard drive into my computer to get the files that I needed off of it, then wiped the hard drive with it installed in my computer. I put the freshly wiped drive into the other computer in which I would receive "boot mgr not found ctrl + alt+ del to restart" I then tried to install a fresh copy of windows 7 thinking that boot mgr is part of windows. I tried to boot to the install cd, it loads the files, but then just sits at the starting windows screen and does nothing. I put the hard drive back into my computer and installed windows 7 on it from there, then put it back into the other computer. I still am getting the "boot mgr not found" message and it will not boot to windows. It still will not boot to any disc, even a windows repair disc did not work. If i put the drive into my computer, it will boot just fine

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Cannot Boot Win 7 RC From Vista Boot Manager

Jun 25, 2009

I had a dual boot system with XP Pro and Vista Ultimate 32bit everything was great.

I decided to try the Windows 7 RC but I needed a new drive due to lack of space.

My original drive is IDE, I bought a SATA drive and moved the OS's to the new drive.

I wanted to keep the old drive in system for storage so I formatted it and changed BIOS boot priority.

After fixing some minor issues with drive letter assignments due to the fact the bios reads the first and second IDE channels first then SATA.

I was all ready to install Windows 7 RC on an unallocated 100gb section of my new drive.

Note: that the old drive has a single partition formatted NTFS but is currently blank.

And I did follow the "Golden Rule" of installing the oldest OS first when I set up the computer in the first place.

The Install went fine.

Now for the problem.

Windows 7 did not add an entry into Vista's boot manager so no option to boot into Windows 7 without the install disk in the drive.

I used EasyBCD 1.7.2 from within Vista to add an entry for Windows 7. But when initially added easyBCD assigns the drive partition a drive letter that I don't have.

Therefore the entry does not show up on reboot. I changed the path to the correct drive and then the entry does show up on reboot.

But when I select Windows 7 the boot manager refuses to load Windows 7 saying that "cannot verify the digital signature of the file winload.exe"

I have tried wiping and re-installing the Windows 7 partition 3 times I've tried using the Windows 7 install disk to repair startup problems.

None of these has worked I'm at a loss as to what is happening.

If Windows 7 created a hidden partition for recovery and boot files I'm unable to find it, I thought of trying and Linux Live CD to look for the hidden partition but have not done it yet. My thought was to delete this hidden partition and wipe the Windows 7 partition and format it before re-installing either from within Vista or during the Windows 7 install process via a command prompt in an attempt to keep Windows 7 from creating this hidden partition. The problem is that I don't believe this will solve the problem due to the digital signature error reported by Vista's boot manager.

Can anybody help me with this or at least bring a perspective that I may be over-looking?

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PXE -E53 No Boot File Found

Aug 17, 2011

My system is a dell Studio XPS 435MT running W7. I just replaced the motherboard. Everything is working fine except the Boot is taking forever. It is getting stuck prior to windows loading and saying " PXE-E53" No Boot file found. In my research this has something to with the system trying to boot from the LAN.

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Boot Device Not Found

Nov 22, 2012

when i start my laptop the windows logo hang,all keys not function.i push off power button for 5 seconds and i open it together with f2.start up menu registered ang when i follow the step the result is boot device not found 3fo

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Boot Device Not Found

Jan 2, 2013

When i am start my HP Ultrabook II then error is boot device not found please install an operating system on your hard disk hard disk- ( 3f0 ) f2 system diagnostics for more information,visit: [URL]and press f2

system diagnostics
f1 system information <run complet>
f2 staert-up test <run complet>
f3 run -in test <run complet>
f4 hard disk test <hadr disk not exist >

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No Boot Device Found

Jan 4, 2013

So loaded up a older laptop from 2009, with the common issue " no boot device found". So I went pooped in the restore CDs and reloaded the OS and went through and redid everything. " thought it fixed issue" shut down and reloaded os. With same msg " no boot device found" so i pressed F2 and choose boot proprity hard drive and then it loaded OS as if nothing happened. So i thought maybe my hard drive could have issues, Did harddrive all passed, So i think now that it could be my motherboard or the sata connecter?

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Boot Mgr Not Found On Install Disk?

Dec 31, 2011

I have a digital download verson of Windows 7 Pro64 that i am trying to install over my Vista Home premium 32 install. I have burned the contents of the download to a DVD, however when i try to boot to the DVD it says BOOTMGR is missing. The file structure is the same on the 7 DVD as it is on the Vista disk, and both have BOOTMGR on the top of the Disk.I do have hardware that supports 64bit, and i can boot from the Vista CD, so i think the issue is with the burnt 7 Disk.

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Boot Device Not Found On Windows 7?

Jan 23, 2013

Last night I recover my dell inspron from the recovery disk. After recovery of windows on factory when i boot the system it stuck on a error boot device not found and said that i should repair it from windows 7 DVD which i didn't have. Is there any manual way to repair the boot files from another source or through flash drive

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Boot From AHCI CD-Rom: Operating System Not Found

Aug 15, 2011

my computer crashed last night and when I have tried to switch it on since it gives me the above message.I have tried entering setup by pressing F2 and changing the hard disk to be the primary boot device, but the same thing occurs.I have created a Windows 7 32-Bit recovery disk by downloading the iso file on my dad's pc and burning that to a dvd. I am able to load this, but when it first starts up it has a table supposed to list operating systems but it is blank and I cannor select anything. It says if my operating system isn't listed, "click load drivers and install drivers for your hard disks" but I don't know where on earth these are located and neither does google seem to.then working through the option on the menu:

-if I click start-up repair it tells me "startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically"

-if I click system restore I get an error message saying I must specify which windows installation to restore

-if I click system image recover it gives me an error message saying "windows cannot find a system image on this computer" and if I try to select one none appear.

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Grub Boot Error 15, File Not Found

Jul 23, 2012

I just recently returned from a trip out of town and found when I tried to boot my computer I had a Grub boot error 15, file not found. I've never heard of grub4dos before I began trying to figure out what was wrong with my computer and found that it is used for dual booting. I run windows 7 ultimate x64 and have never dual booted my machine. While my laptop itself is not password protected, I do require a password to get into windows.

get around the required password to install grub4dos, install linux, then copy my hard-drive, leaving it useless when they're done? If not, is there some other way, a virus or trojan, that could cause windows to fail and revert to grub? I did remove my hard-drive, put it into an external case and try to look at it on another computer. In the disk manager it shows that it's healthy, has 465gb avail and the format is RAW.

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Boot Device Not Found Hard Disk (3F0)

Jun 8, 2011

I reinstalled my hp notebook after getting message boot disk not found (3F0). I am running System Type x64 hp pavilion Dv7 with a AMD Phenom P840 Triple Core Processor.After restoring it from the recovery disk to.. from box condition and reloading all updates and drivers system still gives me the same message. The first time i reinstalled it to factory default and it didn't work. That is why the second time I did the from the box installation. I think I have created more than one operating system now and I don't know how to fix the problem. When it was originally loaded from Staples in January this year it wasn't really running great but I thought it was just my wireless connection was slow. Then it started to take a long time to do anything, on or offline. I went into the updates history from Microsoft and noticed that the first 14 updates they did failed. One of them was for display amd M880G with ati mobility. The computer began lagging worse and worse and starting to become unstable. That was when i decided to run the recovery disk not knowing that it was creating more hard disks. The message is back and now there is more than one hard disk and the last one i did was complete and all updates drivers were successful. I am still getting the boot devise not found message and sometimes it won't start at all.

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Boot Device Not Found Hard Disk (3F0)

Apr 22, 2012

I recently bought a lop top and have seen the blue s reen 3 times. When downloading AVG anti virus a start up test popped up and said boot drive not found also said Hard disk (3FO) not found please help me fix and down load drivers that I need.

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Get Rid Of Windows 7 Boot Manager?

May 7, 2010

I tried to install WIN 7 to a NEW HD (clean install) since you cannot do a WIN XP upgrade install. I left my old C: drive (WIN XP) hooked up while I installed WIN 7 to the NEW drive. Afterward I decided that my computer is too slow to effectively run WIN 7 so I took the NEW drive out (WIN 7 installation) and intend to put it in a new faster computer.Now when I try to boot up my old C: drive with WIN XP, I get a WIN 7 Boot Manager. What a PAIN in the A--. How do I get rid of the Boot Manager so my WIN XP will boot up normally?

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Windows 7 Boot Manager?

Nov 17, 2012

I have a windows 7 home premium 64 bit. And when i start the system i get the following message.Boot Manager:Windows failed to start. A recent hardware of software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:1.Insert your Windows installation disc and restart the computer.2.Choose your language settings, and then click "Next".3.Click "Repair your computer."If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.Info: an error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration dataI searched the forums. But unfortunately i don have the installation disc.Is there any other way to get through this.

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Missing Boot Manager?

Apr 17, 2011

When receiving this message on boot up attempt running windows 7 home premium on a dell 1545 laptop with a fresh install and new hard drive would the problem be hardware related or software? Any chance it could be hardware related to the motherboard or is it most likely software related to the OS install?

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Boot Manager Is Missing

Oct 17, 2011

I've divided my disk into partitions and accidentally removed boot loader of windows and now I get "boot mgr is missing", so I cant load my windows I have a disk and put boot order in BIOS but it still does not give me an opportunity to install windows, so I have only openSUSE right now, and 2 partitions of windows with C: and D: disks. How to restore this bootloader or at least make install windows 7?

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Boot Manager Error

Aug 31, 2009

I have a problem thaI am hoping someone has a solution to. I had previously installed Windows 7 RC on my computer. I then installed a SATA RAID PCI card and also installed a second HD. I attempted to install Vista on the second HD, but had problems and uninstalled it. When I try to boot up the boot up screen gives me the option of Windows 7 or setup. If I choose Windows 7, there is no problem. If I do not choose and the boot up continues in the setup mode I get an error message on the blue screen of death.

The computer shuts the start up in order to preserve the computer. It instructs me to remove the PCI card and HD and reinstall them. I have done that. I undertand that the boot up files fromVista are still on the the HD in a hidden folder. How do I correct this situation? Can I re-install Vista on the second HD and achieve the desired result? I formatted the second HD after the blue screen, but should I use a drive scrubber and remove all traces? If you know or believe you have an answer, I hope to hear from you.

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Boot Manager Fails?

Oct 30, 2012

its a acer corei5 home premium 64bit,, recently i was deleting some files from my documents.. i dont know if i have included to delete some the default program files to run the windows normally, then one morning when i turned on my laptop,, boot manager windows with blue stripe above and gray body with 3 options that i dont even know what it means.. when i try to open one of the options i hear a very sharp sound that goes on with the beat of the hard disk,, start-up manager comes out,, but after repairing.. boot manager window still shows everytime i turn-on my laptop.. i do further research on the internet and try system recovery tools on my disk,, i tried one-by-one including commands such as: bootrec.exe /FixMbr; bootrec.exe /FixBoot and so-on but everytime i turned it on, the same problems exist.. i also have tried sfc /scannow.. problems still exist.. it seems the only problem of my laptop is the START-UP,, because honestly theres an option of 'start windows normally" and my pc works fine after that.. but again when i turn it off and turn it on again.. the same problem display.. i also tried restore options for so many times.. tried all those tools for so many times.. but still my start-up problems still exist.. it seems my laptop is loop into different events that i;m doing with it

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Boot Manager Problems

Oct 3, 2009

Firstly i'd like to mention i've never used dual booting, i've never ran more than 1 OS on this computer...

When i start up the computer i get the dreaded "DISC BOOT FAILURE" message.

IF i have the Windows 7 or even the Vista dvd in my primary dvd drive i don't get that message and i will load into windows.

I've been having this problem for ages now, even when i was on Vista before i formatted to 7 a few days ago...

I thought formatting would fix this problem but it hasn't, it seems it is still not finding the boot manager...

I've used EasyBCD to check the installation of the boot manager and it says everything is there and nothing is corrupt...

I've even tried reinstalling the boot manager...

Nothing is working, this is really getting on my nerves now lol as it takes me ages to boot into windows and i'm not very patient when it comes to rebooting .

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Win 7 Has Disappeared From Boot Manager

Nov 24, 2009

Can anyone help please? I added another drive to my computer today. I am dual booting Windows 7 with Vista x86 and I was using Acronis disk manager to format the new drive and it asked me to reboot. After this is where the confusion started. My windows 7 got stuck in the windows splash screen. I had to install the installation disk to start it. After this it seemed fine until I rebooted into Vista to make sure that it was okay and it appears that acronis was completing it's disc management within this.

It booted fine into Vista but my boot manager shows 2 versions of vista instead of default Windows 7 and Vista.

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