BSOD Almost Everytime I Boot

Feb 11, 2012

I'm getting the BSOD almost everytime I boot my pc.

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Bsod Is Happening Everytime

Jan 1, 2013

my computer Blue Screens about once every 24 hours or so, so it's not that bad yet, but it often happens when I'm not doing anything at the computer. It was only three times so far, but I figure that's more than enough to get help with it, so it doesn't keep happening.

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01E Bsod Everytime When Try To Install Something

May 5, 2012

I thought it was my video card but then i swapped it out and it is still doing it. it used to be random but now it seems to do it randomly and when installing new programs and also at 10% install on the new wow exp beta it is at 10% on the dot every time.

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BSOD Happening Everytime Error 0x00000124

Feb 25, 2012

it crashes suddenly and many times and it has given me this problems since i bought it,so i decided to post here to look up for the solution.

My computer's OS is windows 7 x64,it has 8 GB of ram and an Intel I5 Quad core processor 3.20 GHz.

I tried fixing the problem by updating drivers,searching for viruses,setting my pc to low power consumption,improving the heat dissipation with many fans and a new case and cleaning inside it,running chkdsk,uninstalling some useless programs and doing RAM tests but nothing of this worked.

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BSOD Everytime That Windows 7 Tries To Install 3 Updates?

Mar 3, 2012

Every time that I shutdown Windows 7, it tries to instal 3 updates related to DotNet 4.0, and finishes in a BSOD. I dont have the minidumps cause when it starts again it's like nothing had happened, it doesnt show me any "Unexpected shutdown" window.

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Getting BSOD Everytime When Run A Game Which Is Graphic Intense (like Skyrim)?

Apr 7, 2012

I've been getting BSOD everytime I run a game which is graphic intense(like skyrim).I am using Alienware M17x with dual SLI with dual NVIDIA GTX 280m. I used to have a broken adaptor so I've been using a lower voltage adaptor that did not charge the laptop and used the Geforce 9800. This problem has been occuring ever since I got my new adaptor and has been using the 280m.

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Same BSOD Everytime - Page Fault In Non-paged Area?

Nov 5, 2011

lately i have been getting quite a number of BSODs, even though there were no hardware changes.

error code : 0x00000050

according to the bluescreenviewer, it was caused by ntoskrnl.exe & ntfs.sys took out my rams, cleaned the 'golden' area. makes no difference

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BSOD Everytime When Install A Sandbox Style Software

Jul 1, 2012

i have a wierd problem, some months before i used to have a software named sandboxie.Then suddenly some time i started experiencing BSOD errors about a message i dont remember but it was like "wrong write adress in memory".I unninstaled sandboxie and it stopped.Then 5 weeks ago i installed another sandboxie-like software named buffer zone pro and after install same thing happens random BSOD with same message.Also my pc has been formated in the meantime from sandboxie and bufferzone for other reasons but the problem still remains.

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Chkdsk Runs Everytime Computer Is Boot-up

May 17, 2012

My daughter's PC, Windows 7 32 bit, all of a sudden started running chkdsk everytime it is booted up. How do we stop this behavior?Her antivirus is up to date and very efficient so we don't know what the computer is checking for.

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BSOD System Won't Boot / Cannot Boot To Safemode

Jul 10, 2012

My Windows 7 64 bit machine will not boot. It keeps going into Windows System recovery mode. I have tried that multiple times and rebooted each time but no luck.System specs - Windows 7 64 bit, 16gb ram. Core i7-920 with 12 gb ram. This is an OEM disc that I bought from comp store, all parts and OS are less than three years old. C: drive - windows install a few apps, Drive 1 - games and music,

1) tried looking up this error with instructions. online instructions have had me go into the command prompt to perform edits on the c: windowsSystem32 folder. These do not come up in my prompt on my c: drive - where windows in installed. See program files etc, but no Windows32 folder.
2) already have run the c: chkdsk /r to try and fix the disc. It went through everything and comes back saying there are no problems. Still cannot boot to windows either get BSOD mentioned above or recovery mode.
3) Cannot go to previous restored state (one of the choices ) as it states that I have no restore points although I know that I have established at least 2 in the last 2-3 months
4) Tried inserting the Windows 7 disc and running repair from there but it just takes me to the same Windows system recovery mode which still does not work.
5) I tried hitting F8 during boot to go into safe mode but no good. it only takes me to a screen which gives me the option for boot order.
6) run the memory test from recovery console - no problems.

I have read the BSOD thread but everything there seems to assume that you can already boot into Windows at sometime and download the exe to run. (I cannot get into windows at all)Does anyone have any suggestions? I built this one myself (4th build) and have never in the 10 years of using Windows had a problem which I could not get into at least safe mode.I can go to maybe until this weekend but need to use my computer by Saturday cob.If I have had no luck at that point i will have to reinstall windows (it is on its own harddrive with most all of my applications on separate drives. So that may be a small blessing.I have had no strange occurrences while using the computer which is on pretty much 24/7.Is this what happens when a harddrive crashes? This one is about 2.5 years old and there have been no warning signs that something was amiss (no clicking etc)

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Pc Recognized Differently Everytime

Feb 23, 2011

I use sky player online, and anybody who has used it before will know that it registers your pc as the main registered computer and you can change this once a month.

Anyway, everytime I log on to sky player, it is recognising my pc as a different pc, for example first time I log on it'll recognise my pc as PC1 then the next time it will be PC2 etc, meaning that within 2 log ins I've reached the maximum changes per month and can no longer use sky player.

It seems to be a setting with pc somewhere rather than sky player as its the same when I log on to my alliance-leicester internet banking. The log on uses a username and password as standard but also asks an additional security question when it recognises you've logged on from a new unfamiliar pc, but its asking me this security question everytime I log on meaning its not recognising my pc as being the same as I used the last time.

I have 02 broadband, windows 7 32bit and am using a netgear router.

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Always Start Updates Everytime Log Off?

May 3, 2012

I don't know why but,everytime i logging off,the windows always start update and some of my file in my computer got corrupt here are the example: i previously installed an Alienware theme and patched my computer,so the theme can work fine: im using Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit

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[BSOD] Windows 7 Cant Boot After Bsod?

Apr 10, 2011

im having a strange error i got after modificating DEP and after that got BsoD's and the windows cant boot now.full story in that thread

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Program Skips Everytime Play MP3

Apr 2, 2012

A year ago I bought a new computer and had Windows 7 Ultimate loaded onto it and I have had problems ever since. The computer is an Hewlett-Packard that I bought from a local shop and it originally had Vista on it but I wanted Windows 7 so the shop took Vista off and loaded Windows 7 onto it and while I do like Windows 7 the relationship has not been a smooth one.Windows Media Player has never worked at all for me. The program skips when I try to play my MP3's or the sound drops out at random times and I have never been able to get the program to ever play a DVD. I have posted here several times and have gotten great suggestions but nothing I do will get it to work. Also, Internet Explorer 9 has never worked. When I start it the program hangs and freezes as if it has a mind of its own and it is really frustrating. Once again I have posted here about the problems and have gotten good suggestions but nothing I try helps at all. I like the speed, ease of use, features and just about everything else about Windows 7 but these bumps in the road are driving me nuts. I am using Firefox as my Internet Browser and until yesterday I was using VLC Media Player for my MP3's and DVD's but this new release of VLC has so many bugs in it I can't use it anymore.

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Moving External USB HDD Must Take Ownership Everytime?

Jun 12, 2012

I have an external USB HDD that I want to be able to move between computers. Problem is everytime I move and try to open a folder on the next computer I get the permission error and must take ownership of it with the new computer.I want to be able to switch the drive between the computers without having to take ownership everytime.Im assuming there has been some kind of error or should it be like this? Is it possible to fix it without having to format it?

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WiFi Connection Disconnect Everytime?

Aug 10, 2012

I have ADSL connection, i use WiFi enable adsl router (ZTE ZXV10 W300) for share that connection internet connection with my home other devices. My ADSL internet connection not disconnect but my WiFi connection drop most of the time.

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PrtScr Pastes On Desktop Everytime

Oct 7, 2011

I play World of Warcraft, and whenever i want to capture my screen in-game i hit the "PrtScr" button on my keyboard, "Screen Captured" pops up in-game, but when i open up paint and paste it, it just pastes my Desktop everytime. Is there a way to fix this?

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Latop Freezes Everytime I Startup

Jan 21, 2012

i have a samsung laptop and everytime it starts up it stops and freezes on boot from ACHI cd rom with a blinking cursor.

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Windows 7 Freezes On Startup Everytime

Jan 22, 2012

Weird one guys. When I start up WIndows 7 - 64b, my machine locks up during startup. I have narrowed it down to my PCI-e USB card. When I unplug the card, all is well. When I reinstall it, it freezes every time. My question is how do I correct it? I really need the card to increase the number of usb slots on my system.

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New Version Crashes Everytime I Open

Jul 2, 2012

My browser of choice is Firefox. The new version crashes every time I open it. I am a Windows 7 Professional user. I see a message BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID 1033 when Windows repairs so it can open Windows. I see a crash message before that which says to disable Cache and/or Shadowing. I've tried disabling Cache (internal and external) in BIOS. That did not help. I really don't want to have to begin using IE or Google Chrome or Bing. Can anyone suggest a fix for Firefox on Windows 7?

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It Configure Update Everytime I Turn On Computer

Sep 8, 2012

I recently purchased a Lenovo and figured that I should obviously get the Windows updates for it. I went to download the updates and all went well, that was until it tried to configure them with my computer. Everytime I turn on my computer now, I have to wait for it to try to configure updates. It gets to 15% completed, and then it suddenly says that the updates failed to configure, so the computer restarts, and then I have to wait for it to start up AGAIN. I've tried this at least 8-9 times and get the same result.

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Clicking Sound Everytime Click Mouse

Jan 24, 2011

Now I have a clicking sound every time i push the mouse and change screens . what is going on??

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Computer Hangs Everytime I Choose New Window

Jun 17, 2012

My computer hangs every time I choose a new window. Can take upto a minute or two before it shows. No errors or blue screen. This happens in internet explorer and mozilla firefoz. Dell inspiron window 7 home, 64 bit.

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Windows 7 Reboots Everytime I Select Shutdown

Dec 4, 2010

I recently did a reinstall of Windows 7 (64 Bit) which went well and everything was working fine until my pc encountered some kind of error last night & rebooted. Since then everytime I shut it down, it just reboots instead. I've tried quite a few things after reading the net but nothing has worked.

I've tried changing power management options in the device manager, looking in the BIOS for anything that looks off and I've just completed another reinstall of Windows but the problem still persists.

The only thing that's not fully up to date are the motherboard drivers as when I download them from the Asus website, I just get a ROM file that I can't seem to use.

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Have To Restart PC Everytime Plug In A Usb Device For It To Function

Jun 14, 2012

where I have to restart my PC every time I plug in something to a USB port, even if I've had the device in use for years.The devices don't get recognised or found by my PC unless I restart.How do I stop this from happening!

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Everytime When Open Office Have To Enter The Product Key?

Oct 23, 2011

I open up word 2010 (or any office program) and it says its unlicensed so it opens up a window and tells me to enter my key in. This is a 100% legitimate key; my dad bought it from his work. Whats wrong with office?

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How To Disable Admin Prompt Everytime Want To Install

Jan 31, 2012

keep getting this admin prompt to enter username and password when i installsomething. the machine is part of a network. and i am logged in as a user. how do i change settings so a user never gets the prompt

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Gateway Disappears Everytime Restart System

Oct 21, 2012

i m suffering from the problem every time I restart my lappie I have to change my default gateway IP in my Network and sharing settings.

It is vry irritating windows saves everthing but not my default gateway IP i had dell studio 1558 with windows 7 home premium 64bit

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Constant Updates Everytime Computer Shuts Down

Oct 5, 2011

Every time I shut down my laptop, there would always be the notice "installing update 1 of 1". This has been happening for a while and I'm wondering what's going on.

In addition, many random files have been created in the Local C drive as shown: Corrupted Image removed - please re- upload

I don't know if I should just delete them but anyway, I chose not to just in case.

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Kept Having To Set The Screen Resolution Everytime Open Computer

Nov 28, 2012

i kept having to set the screen resolution everytime I open my computer

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W7 Extends My Display Everytime I Close My Laptop's Lid

May 20, 2009

I have a ThinkPad T400 and I'm dual-booting Vista and 7 (but I only really use 7). In 7, when you press Windows+P, you get 4 display options: Computer Only, Duplicate, Extend, and Projector Only. Since I just have one laptop screen, I obviously want Computer Only.

But every time I close the lid (or restart), it reverts back to an Extended display, which means when I move the cursor to the right of the screen to use a scrollbar, close a maximized window, or desktop peek, I have to be precise or else the cursor will fly off the right side of the screen into my non-existent extended display.

Any ideas to fix this?

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