Always Get Windows Boot Manager On Startup

Aug 12, 2009

I had XP with '03 media center edition. I installed Windows 7 over XP, so I was not expecting that every time I now turn on Windows 7 computer I always get the windows boot manager and have to choose Windows 7 to continue booting up. Is there a way to fix that so it does not come up anymore and just starts up on its own. I realize that even if I do not click it, it is already highlighted and will start up on its own after the countdown is done, but I was wanting to know if there was a way to fix that altogether.

Should also mention that on msconfig and boot menu, the only one listed is the Windows 7 OS system and is default.

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Windows 7 Startup Slow (2 To 3 Minutes) Without Boot Manager

Dec 17, 2011

I have a 64G SSD drive and a 300G hard drive. I set c drive drive to be the whole SSD drive. Cd drive to d: and an e drive to be 100G. (out of the 300G). I am running an AMD phenom quad core with 12 G of memory. I have tried diabling all start programs. I downloaded all of the latest drivers from Gigabyte and also got the AMD series series 7 chip set drivers from AMD. When windows boots, it sits at starting windows for 2-3 minutes and then loads.

I have set custom events for ids 100-110 and it shows nothing or warnings on event 100 with no details. Once the balls become the windows icon, windows brings up my long on. Here is the vital clue, I installed Norton ghost 15. when I copy the drive to a third hard drive, the boot manager comes up. When I select boot windows 7, it load starting windows and then the balls with the windows icon almost instantly. It stays like this way even when I disconnect the 3rd drive. If I remove boot manager, I am back to 2-3 minutes to get past starting windows.

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Boot Manager On Startup---only 1 OS?

Apr 17, 2010

Ok. So when i installed Windows 7 i also had the evaluation copy of Windows 7 on another drive. Everytime i boot the computer it asked me which copy of windows i want to boot to. I erased that driver so i could get rid of that problem but its still there. Even if i try to boot into that drive it errors out and restarts. I want to boot my computer and it boot strait to my ONLY os.

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StartUp Repair Failure / Boot Manager Is Missing Or Corrupt

Aug 6, 2011

I started the StartUp Repair again and it has this error: Code: Root cause found:

Boot manager is missing or corrupt.
Repair action: File repair.
Result: Failed. Error code = 0x15
time taken = 0 ms

What does this mean?

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Boot Manager Failed To Find OS Loader - Startup Repair Giving Errors

Oct 5, 2011

I am currently using windows 7 ultimate x64. I was in the middle of a process restoring my computer to a few days back and suddenly it froze. I did a power shut down and when I turned it back on, I wasn't able to get back into windows. I was brought to startup repair and it gave me errors. 'Boot manager failed to find OS loader'. There was options for restoring, but all my restore points were gone. Recovery wasn't able to find image backup.

"Startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically". I was told to go into safe mode to restore, but whenever I enter safe mode, startup repair would take over and shows the same errors, also I read a tutorial using a repair disc ( made a copy of it on someone elses ultimate x64 computer) and I get the 0x00000e9 error if i boot from disc. What can I do? As of now I don't have the installation disc with me. I wont be able to get hold of it until tomorrow. There's a lot of important files in that hard drive and I really cant lose any.

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Startup Manager For Windows 7?

Apr 14, 2011

I was wondering if anyone knew a good (and powerful) start-up manager that is compatible with Windows 7? I know that CCleaner has one built in, but it is too basic for what I am looking for.

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Realtek HD Audio Manager To Startup With Windows 7?

Jul 23, 2012

In Windows 7 does Realtek HD Audio Manager, need to be on startup? There is conflicting advise on the net regarding it. Does not have it on start up?

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Windows 7 Boot Files Or Boot Manager Installed In Wrong Partition?

Dec 25, 2012

this is what I did, since I have no CD-ROM, to install Windows 7 I created a partion X: NTFS and set it as the ACTIVE ONE, the put there the Windows 7 installation files, and opened prompt command to type bootsect.exe /n60 X: , next I restarted my computer, and automatically it booted into the Windows 7 setup, I installed Windows 7 on the partition C: and formatted the partition C:, everything installed and after the installation finished, a multiple choice menu appears that reads:[CODE]

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Dual Boot - Change OS Name In Windows Boot Manager

Mar 11, 2009

How to Change the OS Name in Windows Boot Manager ?

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Install Windows 7 But Boot Manager Won't Show Dvd Boot

Jan 13, 2013

ihave windows 8 my lpatop is acer aspire E1-531, I am trying to install windows 7 but boot manager wont show me dvd boot !! it show me only network boot what can i do to be able to boot from dvd

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Best Startup Program Manager?

Jul 9, 2011

disable/enable windows startup program. Here are some features I'd like:

- enable/disable startup programs, whether it is in startup folder, or in registry, or started in other ways

- a history of the programs I have enabled/disabled, or a list of the changes I made that deviates from the default

- if I disable a program, and then updating some software causes it to become enabled again, this utility should detect and disable it again

- explain what each startup program does by connecting to some database online to look up the program

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Free Startup Manager Program?

Feb 20, 2012

I downloaded and installed my GPS software from Tomtom. It starts everytime windows starts, and there is nowhere in the preferences that dictates that startup or allows me to disable.If there a free program startup manager type program out there that anyone is using?

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Network Manager Startup Freeze

Oct 12, 2011

Randomly, on start-up, my internet browsers and networks do not work properly if at all.The things I notice is:It's always on system start-up.Network manager icon on right side of task bar freezes with "loading" icon.No error messages

-Unable to access network manager
-Unable to access network adapters control panel
-Unable to use internet browsers

Sometimes it will fix fix itself after a long time, but I usually just do a restart and that works.Closing Firefox, steam, and other useless services in task manager during problem does not help disconnecting the LAN cable does not help,sometimes non-internet programs will fail to start during problem.

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Get Rid Of Windows 7 Boot Manager?

May 7, 2010

I tried to install WIN 7 to a NEW HD (clean install) since you cannot do a WIN XP upgrade install. I left my old C: drive (WIN XP) hooked up while I installed WIN 7 to the NEW drive. Afterward I decided that my computer is too slow to effectively run WIN 7 so I took the NEW drive out (WIN 7 installation) and intend to put it in a new faster computer.Now when I try to boot up my old C: drive with WIN XP, I get a WIN 7 Boot Manager. What a PAIN in the A--. How do I get rid of the Boot Manager so my WIN XP will boot up normally?

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Windows 7 Boot Manager?

Nov 17, 2012

I have a windows 7 home premium 64 bit. And when i start the system i get the following message.Boot Manager:Windows failed to start. A recent hardware of software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:1.Insert your Windows installation disc and restart the computer.2.Choose your language settings, and then click "Next".3.Click "Repair your computer."If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.Info: an error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration dataI searched the forums. But unfortunately i don have the installation disc.Is there any other way to get through this.

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Windows Boot Manager

Jan 15, 2013

on power up the computer goes to a screen and at the top says Windows Boot Manager. insert windows disc. language, repair, Status: 0xc000000f
info: boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible. So, I hit enter and it always goes back to same screen. I will not let me F8!!! I will let me F2 and F12. I do not have any disc to reinstall windows.

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How To Use Windows 7 Boot Manager ?

Mar 7, 2009

I have a system running XP. I partitioned my drive in half and installed Windows 7. I tried to start XP again and messed it up. I think it's trying to use XPs boot manager. Do I need to re-install 7 to use it's boot manager?

Now that I know this .iso works great, I want to put 7 on a partition on my main Vista system. I can't afford to lose everything like I did on the XP system. When I tried to start XP after installing 7 I got an error. "windows root system32 hal.dll is missing or corrupt"

I can't have that happening to my main system. Is this normal? Did I do something wrong? Will it happen to Vista?

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Windows 7 Startup Repair On Every Boot But After Startup Repair Hibernate Works?

Dec 14, 2012

windows 7 startup repair on every boot but after startup repair hibernate works. How to fix?

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Compressed Boot Manager In Windows 7

May 13, 2010

when we compress the disk space entirely by going to my computer --> right click on the c: drive icon ---> properties ---> compress disk drive, the compression utility in win 7 accidently may compress the boot manager files that include the file bootsect.bak and the boot folder also . when the computer is restarted the machine hangs up and says "boot manager is compressed " and shuts down .at the prompt type notepad (since the recovery option boots from a seperate wim image it has notepad built into it ) press ctrl + o which invokes the open file dialog go to the open file field (ALT+N) and type c:oot and also see for the c:ootmgr file. right click it and deselect the option of "compress files to save disk space" when we apply the boot manager is again decompressed. also if someone finds this harder we can directly deselect the compression option by reversing the process used to compress the drive thats it . we are done

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Windows Boot Manager Screen?

Jan 21, 2012

I used to have both XP & 7 & removed XP. I used to have to select from a black & white screen called Windows Boot Manager. Now it shows only 7 and I have to select it. How do I get rid of this screen?

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Windows 7 Boot Manager Missing?

Nov 14, 2012

I'm having an issue where my Windows boot manager is missing. However when trying to repair, there isn't even a win7 installation file on any of my HDDs. However if I search for a driver that may be located in a file, I can view all of my files on my C drive.

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Corrupt Windows 7 Boot Manager?

Aug 16, 2012

When I start my computer I receive a message that says "Windows Boot Manager: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.: When I try to use the Windows 7 Recovery Disk to repair the computer I get a blue screen of death. I have a reburbished Dell GX620 that currently runs Windows 7 that I believe orginally had Windows XP.

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Windows Boot Manager Keeps Starting Up

May 12, 2011

Everytime I start up i get this annoying screen:

1. How do I removed this from my startup

I have set my msconfig right:

and i also did disable here:

What the **** is wrong!

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Windows 7 Os Boot Manager Usage

Jan 19, 2012

I am told that the Windows 7 OS uses a bootmgr to boot up windows. Can anyone explain this process in a way that I can understand.

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How To Remove Windows 7 Boot Manager

Oct 10, 2010

When I turn on my computer windows boot manager pops out. How to get rid off it? I would like windows to start normally. Should I format my computer? (I did it twice yesterday)

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Windows 7 Boot Manager Comes Up Even After Reinstall

Sep 9, 2010

I recently installed Windows 7 professional and had some problems with my first install, so I decided to reinstall. In the course of getting everything working on the the second install the Windows Boot Manager comes up everytime I turn on the computer.

It is very strange because: I have only Windows 7 installed on my computer and no other OS. The only selection is one instance of Windows 7 (I know sometimes when you reinstall the same OS will be listed twice, this is not the case for me) there is no countdown timer to automatically start windows. I have to press the enter key or it just stays there. Other than that, windows 7 is working fine for me. It is very annoying since I sometimes leave the computer after I turn it on and when I'm back it still is on the Boot Manager.

These are the things I have tried to get it working: I've went to msconfig-->Boot Tab and looked to see if there was a more than one OS listed. There is only one instance of Windows 7 listed. I went to my computer properties-->advanced system settings-->advanced and set the boot manager to not run, but it still comes up even after I change this setting I also tried reinstalling windows 7 twice. Once with just formatting the partition. Once with deleting the partition and recreating it before the install.

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How To Edit Boot Manager From Within Windows 7

May 10, 2011

How does one edit the boot manager from within Windows 7?

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Cannot Disable Windows 7 Boot Manager

Oct 3, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 on my MSI Wind Netbook using a new Seagate 320gb sata drive and every time I power on, Windows Boot Manager loads and I have to select Windows 7 as the OS even though it's the only OS that has been installed. The first time I installed I let Windows 7 create the partitions but I thought that might have been the problem because of the 100mb system drive it created so I deleted everything, made 2 partitions and installed Windows 7 on the active partition but still it boots into Boot Manager. I've been into msconfig and Windows 7 is the only OS and there is no delay set but still it persists. I've also tried EasyBCD but it made no difference either. The ONLY time it doesn't boot to Boot Manager is if I have the external USB DVD drive connected with the Windows 7 disk inserted... then it says press any key to boot from CD/DVD which I ignore and Windows 7 loads normally.

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How To Edit Windows 7 Boot Manager

Aug 30, 2012

How do I make windows 7 boot into a thumb drive?I've tried f8, (f9 like it says when it boots up) and it still won't work

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Windows 7 Won't Boot (Can't Even Boot Startup Repair)

Aug 8, 2012

Hardware Information (This is from memory and may not be completely accurate):The computer model is emachines The processor is a dual core Intel Pentium The graphics card is NVIDIA (Can't remember the model.)4GB of RAM installed Software Information (Also from memory, but this is likely to be more accurate than the hardware.): Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Antivirus software is Comodo Internet Security - Also the firewall (product information).I often used Advanced System Care for optimization.-product information.after searching the internet for ways to fix my problem for the past three days, I'm at a complete loss. I was told by a professional that my registry was likely corrupted and that my best bet would be to re-install Windows entirely. I was hoping it wouldn't come to that, but was prepared nonetheless.So I inserted the installation disk, and wouldn't you know it, the installer wouldn't recognize my hard drive (BIOS recognizes it though). Searching for reasons why this was happening only turned up people saying to make sure it was recognized by BIOS, which I considered a no brainier. When it still didn't work for people in certain threads, they were told to try wiping their hard drives. I've done it. Windows still doesn't want to notice my hard drive.After that, I decided to try and install Windows to an external hard drive. I know this isn't how Windows was designed, and I knew it wasn't how Windows was meant to be used, but I was (to my knowledge) out of other options (Also, the external hard drive has 1 TB of space on it, so I wasn't concerned about speed loss). So, I searched for ways to do that, and I came across PWboot. The first half of the installation worked, the second half did not. I began getting an error that read (bootmgr is missing press ctrlalt+delete to reboot.) Which I did. But that didn't fix anything. So I tried the entire process again, and it didn't work.The "Repair your computer" feature in the windows install disk turned up nothing as well. I can't "Factory Reset" because it can't detect any installation of windows, the startup repair function can't "repair this computer automatically", and none of the other options will even open (with the exception of the command prompt, but most of the commands aren't valid for some reason.)

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Boot Manager/dual Boot Error

May 5, 2009

I'm having a problem every time I power on the system. I'm dual booting vista ultimate with win 7 build 7100; with vista I have no problem, but with 7 every time I start the system the first boot attempt gives me the error 0xc000000e after the boot manager display: "the boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible".;after a reset the system boots 7 with no problems. Win 7 is installed in a brand new hd(seagate barracuda 1.5tb) and vista on a second hd.

I've search the web for people with a similar problem with no success. I've tryed already many solutions but the problem persists(latest bios for the motherboard, latest intel sata drivers, etc). I'm hoping that this could be a bug in win 7 instead of a hardware failure for the hd. Again, the strange thing is that this only happen after the power on. After that first error, no matter how many reboots, the system always boot without problems.

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