Adding Virtual Network Adapter?

Jan 29, 2009

how I can get to this dialogue in Windows 7?

I need to add a virtual Network Adapter (Microsoft Loopback Adapter), but all I can do is to get to a "waiting for connected devices" dialogue... Is there any way to manually add some device in Windows 7?

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How To Add Virtual LAN Adapter ?

Mar 18, 2009

How can I add Microsoft Loopback Adapter LAN using Windows 7?

The procedure was easy in Windows XP but I couldnt reconginze that in 7

Any idea?

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Will Adding A 2nd Network Card Improve Local Network Transfer Speed

Jan 23, 2013

This sounds really noobie of me but is it possible to improve local network transfer speed by adding a 2nd network card. I was planning to connect one exclusively for lan transfers and another one hooked to a separate wireless router.

Right now only a maximum of 3 users can stream SD videos off the PC before it gets a little choppy.

The pc in question runs on windows 7 and it's board has built in gigabit, I happen to have a spare gigabit card.

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Windows 7 Virtual Miniport Adapter?

Nov 24, 2012

im having a problem with my wifi miniport adapter. its not working anymore. I tried reinstalling it but it doesnt work. i tried disabling it and enabling it but also not working

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Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter

Jun 27, 2009

I recently found this in my network connections and I'm curious to what it is used for...

Anyone have an idea?

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Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter Not Working?

Jun 19, 2011

my above device is not working properly as per report .i had updated the divice driver ,tryied manuall install dell's driver but all are useless, its stil not working i think.

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Errors With Starting Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter

Nov 8, 2012

I'm trying to create a virtual wifi AP using the Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter and the netsh wlan command line context, but it's giving me a headache."netsh wlan show drivers" in the command line includes the output line "Hosted network supported: Yes" so my wireless card should be supported, correct? I can setup the hostednetwork fine with "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=blah key=blah" but when I try to start it with "netsh wlan start hostednetwork" I get the following output:"The hosted network couldn't be started. The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation."My network adapter is a Rosewill RNX-N1 which contains a Ralink 2870 chipset (that chipset has been confirmed to support hostednetwork).

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Disabled Network Adapter, Restarted And Now Not Showing Up In Network And Sharing?

Feb 11, 2012

I disabled my network adapter then restarted and now the adapter is no longer showing up in my network connections. How in the world do I get it back? I have looked at other options (like under the registry which was suggested on a couple of places). I have never seen this happen before. I even reinstalled my drivers and still nothing. How do I enable it again?

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Adding Files To Network Share Not Inheriting Security?

Jul 9, 2011

I have a network share set up with everything working. My roommates can see, read, and download files from me, and my WDTV Live can play back music, videos, etc. These folders that are shared have Security settings with the user "Everyone" with Read & execute, List folder contents, and Read set to "Allow". The problem I'm having is when I add new files to a folder that is shared; it doesn't inherit this "Everyone" username permission to it's Security tab.

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Adding Folder To Library Returns Error Network

Dec 12, 2009

I am trying to share my MUSIC folder on my Windows Home Server (WHS) to my Music Library.

Pretty simply structure, so thought this should not be a problem. If I add the entire folder to the Library only 1/3 of my songs are listed. In trying to understand what is happening I found that only 2 of the 5 sub-folders under MUSIC are included (Songs1 and Songs5).

Starting over, I removed the "MUSIC" folder from the Library and then proceeded to add each sub-folder indivually. What I found is I could add 2 sub-folders (Songs1 and Songs5), but adding the other 3 sub-folders returned an error message, "this network location can't be included because it is not indexed". If I add any new folder under MUSIC I can't add it to the Library either.

I'm thinking this has to be some type of security or user issue but can't think of what it would be since some of the sub-folders under MUSIC can be recognized, while others, including new folders, can not be added. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Network Adapter Not Shown In Network And Sharing Center

Aug 23, 2009

I have a linksys usb600n (v2) using the Windows 7 driver from linksys. It installs and is displayed correctly in Device Manger - BUT it doesn't appear in the Network and Sharing Center as an adapter. This same device and driver were previously working just fine in this system - but I rebuilt the OS (clean install) after testing a number of security products out.

The initial install went fine - no problems that I remember - just plug in the adapter and install the drivers obtained from Linksys (Ver I tried the same thing on the re-build and it looks fine until I go into the Network Center and can't set up wireless networking since the adapter does not appear.

SIW shows TWO (2) linksys USB adapters under Hardware/Network Adapters, but does not show the network adapters in the Network Information section.

Any ideas?

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Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter - Update Lost The Network

Nov 1, 2009

Installed Windows 7 on two home-network computers. Everything appeared to be good, including networking, but I could not access printers (linked through each computer) with the opposite computer. Windows update offered an update for the Broadcom 802.11n network adapter, but when I installed the update I completely lost the network.

I had to revert to the old driver in order to reastablish the network. But the printers still are not recognized. The network adapter on the secondary computer is a Linksys WMP300N. I did try turning the router off for ten seconds with the updated driver but that had no effect.

Anyone had this problem?

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Adding Network Printer To Windows 7 Machine - Error 0x0000000d

Mar 11, 2012

I have a Kodak ESP 5250 printer attached to an XP machine - and have a Windows 7 machine that functions well on the network with the XP machine otherwise, but when I attempt to add a network printer to the Windows 7 machine (the printer is the Kodak mentioned above) I receive the error message above 0x0000000d.

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"Microsoft Virtual WiFi Mini-port Adapter" Has Disappeared

Apr 30, 2012

My "Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport adapter" has disappeared. How do I activate it again?

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"Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter" Is Missing

Nov 4, 2012

I used to see Wireless Connection 2 (Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter), but now it has disappeared.

I have tried netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=<name of network> key=<password>. However, this hasn't brought back the connection in "Network Connections".

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Virtual PC Cannot See Host Network

Apr 18, 2011

I have done as you instructed. The WinXP VPC I set up can see the internet but for some reason it does not see the host Windows 7 machine. When I ping the host from the VPC I get no response. I can ping the VPC from the host machine. I intend to run the ArcInfo license of ArcGIS Desktop on the VPC. That license requires communication with a license server. The license server is running on my host machine. If I can't ping the host then I won't be able to use the license server.

I have done this on another machine with WinXP as both the host machine and the VPC and the VPC can see the host via ping.

I've turned off all the firewalls but no joy.

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Wirelss Network Virtual Profile?

Nov 15, 2012

I recently purchased a desktop computer with Windows 7 already installed. I set up my wireless connection to my home's wireless network, but when I first connect to the internet, it connects to a virtual profile instead of my wireless network. I've tried setting my wireless network as the default network, but after I shut down and restart, it just goes directly to the Virtual Profile. I've even tried deleting the VP, but the computer finds it and goes straight to it as soon as the computer starts up again. Is there any way to permanently disable the virtual profile?

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How To Hide VPN / Virtual Network Adapters

Aug 18, 2012

I have several VPNs and Virtualizing software installed, and they have this virtual network adapters in the network and sharing centre. In the "connect to a network menu", one shows working internet connection, while the other one shows no internet access, How do I get rid of those entries? I dont mind messing with the registry or the system files.

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Setting Up A Virtual Private Network

Oct 9, 2009

my girlfriends pc at her university blocks certain ports which are required by a website which she uses to watch tv online. Therefore as a work around, she bought a service which offered a VPN. This meant that she on her uni pc be connected to the uni internet, however then open a VPN connection which meant she would then be connected to this VPN and browse the internet through them whom do no block ports.

My question is could someone please advise me on how to do this, I have WIndows 7 and she has XP Pro. I tried setting up my pc as a host, allocating her a username and password and allowing incoming connections etc. however upon trying to get hers to connect to me, it just timed out and could not connect!

I would appreciate if someone could give me a step by step guide on how to set up my PC as the host and her PC as the client, in order for her to browse the internet using my internet, not her universities. I don't want remote desktop as dont want her having control and seing my desktop, just sharing my internet.

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No Network Visibility Within The XP Virtual Machine

Aug 5, 2009

Running Windows 7 RC 64-bit. Everything working fine within Windows XP Mode. All of the network and network devices are visible. All systems have same user account and password. Network is workgroup called WORKGROUP.

Per the instructions, I uninstalled the previous versions of Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode, downloaded and installed the new RC versions of these products. Everything installed fine, but within the XP virtual machine I do not have access to any of the other resources on the my network. Previously they were all visible.

I went though the normal XP network set up, but the only thing that is visible within XP is the XP machine itself. My network is a simple non-domain network named WORKGROUP. What do I have to do within the Windows XP Mode virtual machine to see the printers and other systems on the network.

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Ping Virtual OS From The Host And From Another Network?

Nov 8, 2012

I have three virtual OS (windows 2003)installed on my server (window 2008), I can ping it from within the network but I cannot reach it from outside the network. However, I can reach the host and any other physical pc from outside the network.

I also installed VMware 5.0 on my laptop running window 7. Windows XP is on the VW. it can ping the host but the host cannot ping it. I have set it to bridge but it is still not the host cannot still ping the OS on the VM.

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Delete Many Duplicate Virtual Network Adapters?

Sep 9, 2012

I have over 50 virtual networking adapters in device manager, I have posted this question in many forums, and still cannot get rid of these pesky unused extra adapters. I know they have been created by using Virtualbox, and by creating many virtual machines and updating virtualbox. Unfortunately, I have tried uninstalling virtualbox and the drivers all remain in devicemanager. DeviceMgmt also does not allow me to uninstall or delete the adapters, (When I do they just stay there, even after rebooting.)I most likely have to go into the registry and delete them, but they are in so many different places there, I need to know the correct place to delete them. I have a bet that this is the forum where I will get the answer for this even though I have posted in virtualbox forums, technet, MSDN, superuser, serverfault, and stackoverflow.

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Virtual Machine Booting From A Network Location

Oct 8, 2009

I am looking at a solution to tap into the portability of virtualization across hardware. i.e. if I have my development environment as a VM, I can access it and bring it up from any machine on the network. This will enable me to be not attached to any physical machine and allow me to access my development machine seamlessly from anywhere if it is stored in a network location. I have mainly two questions around such a setup.

1) Is there anyway of hosting the VM without incurring the expense of both the host operating system and the guest operating system? The only functionality of the host operating system to host the VM.

2) Is it viable from a performance stand point to have a VM booted up on a machine from a vhd placed at a network location?

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Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Enable Incoming VPN Connections

Jun 18, 2009

How to Configure your Computer to Accept Incoming VPN Connections in Windows 7 ?

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Virtual Private Network (VPN) – Enable Outgoing VPN Connections

Feb 26, 2009

How to Configure Your Computer to Initiate Outgoing VPN Connections in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 Host - Accessing Wireless Network From XP Virtual Machine

Jul 28, 2011

I have an XP virtual machine running on a 64-bit Win 7 host. I have a home wireless network that I need to access from the XP VM in order to use printers attached to the other computers on the network. All computers currently on the network have the same workgroup name. I have networking on the VM set to use the wireless adapter on the host laptop. With this configuration I can see and access the host, but I cannot see nor access any other computers on the network.

Now, it seems to me that I will need to run the XP Network Wizard to set up the network on the VM before I am able to see the network, but after reading dozens of articles and posts on networking a VM, I have never seen this step mentioned. (I am at work now, so I can't test this out on my network until later.) So, my questions are:

(1) Do I need to run the XP Network wizard to get the VM to join the wireless network, and
(2) if I don't need to run the wizard, what DO I need to do to get this to work?

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USB Network Adapter For Windows 7?

Apr 3, 2011

I just got a new computer with Windows 7. My old one was using XP and I had a Linksys USB adapter for it, but it's not working on 7, and I guess it probably shouldn't. So I'll need a new one to connect to my router wirelessly, right?

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VPN Network Adapter Failed

Dec 23, 2011

My VPN does not work any more and kept getting the message that "Failed to connect for following reason :activating VPN adapter failed ". This happned after my system got hit by the Trojan "Win 7 Antispyware 2012 " and malware was run to remove it .

I am on windows 7 OS .

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Wireless Network Adapter

Oct 14, 2009

im running windows 7 on my toshiba sattelite L15 S104 and and i cant find a driver for my T60N871 802.11 b/g WLAN wirless adapter. its made by intel but it says foxconn with it also. ive tried and and still cant find it. does anyone know where i can because i really dont want to go buy a new wirless net work adapter.

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Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter

May 1, 2009

I upgraded my windows 7 beta last night to the RC1 release. The only issue i am having is that now my wireless driver is not working correctly.

under the device manager the error is "Windows cannot initialize the device driver for this hardware. (Code 37)"

I am using a macbook pro with bootcamp on it, the initial beta public release of Windows 7 picked up the drivers fine. For some reason after upgrading i can get no wireless though. I have tried downloading vista drivers, and just about everything i can think of. I also downloaded the Bootcamp Vista 32 Update from mac, but it did not resolve the problem either.

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Network Adapter Issue

Jun 20, 2009

I loaded some software that I didn't want to 'activate online' and to insure that there wasn't any internet connection I manually disconnected the cable from the port. I plugged it back in and I'm reconnected, until, I reboot.

Once the computer has rebooted I'm no longer connected. I either have to do one of two things, one disable/enable from the device manager or two uninstall and reboot till Windows 7 finds it and re-connects.

Any time after that if I reboot I never get internet connection. If I try to load the drivers I get a compatibility error/issue and if I do a driver update from the device manager it says I have the current/latest drivers.

Edit: I'm getting the yellow exclamation, to be more specific.

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