Wirelss Network Virtual Profile?

Nov 15, 2012

I recently purchased a desktop computer with Windows 7 already installed. I set up my wireless connection to my home's wireless network, but when I first connect to the internet, it connects to a virtual profile instead of my wireless network. I've tried setting my wireless network as the default network, but after I shut down and restart, it just goes directly to the Virtual Profile. I've even tried deleting the VP, but the computer finds it and goes straight to it as soon as the computer starts up again. Is there any way to permanently disable the virtual profile?

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Profile Added, But Can't 'see' Network

Dec 13, 2011

I managed to add a wireless network profile to my IBM lenovo T400 laptop which runs on Win 7 OS. However I am not able to see it listed in the list that apperas when I click on the wireless transmission icon on the bottom right of the screen.

I can confirm that the 'wireless radio' button in the said laptop is turned on and is able to see other wireless networks in the vicinity. I can also confirm that the particular wireless network is actually functioning as I am able to access it from my Win XP machine.

In the WinXP machine, my security type is 'WPA2-PSK', I am not able to find the same option in the Win 7 machine, so I selected WPA2-Personal. I also tried playing the with the other 'Security Type' options in the Win 7 machine, but nothing solves the problem.

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Cannot Delete Network Profile

Nov 25, 2009

I have a Lenovo T61 that I upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate from Vista Ultimate. Wireless networking works fine except for one profile that was used in Vista. When I try to connect to that particular site, the network attempts connect but always fail. The network trys to connect to a profile that was previously used in this situation, however the properties indicate Windows Vista. I believe if I could delete the profile, a new one would be created and connection could be made.

The problem is: I cannot delete the profile. I cannot locate it on the system. The only time it appears is when trying to connect to this particular site. A text file is generated when I use the troubleshooter. Read more at the forum...

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[Windows 7 UIt] - Network Profile Will Not Save?

Nov 20, 2011

I've been experiencing a strange (and very frustrating) issue in the last few months in relation to my wireless network profile. At home we recently changed our wireless router. It seems to be working fine on every machine in the house (running everything from XP to OSX to Win 7) except my machine which does the following:On reboot, no matter what, it seem to not want to save the wireless network profile and will continually look for the old wireless network (which I try to delete but seems to re-appear every time) and force me to re-enter the password for the new network. It reverts to the state it was in before the new wireless was picked up, trying to connect to the old network which should be removed.

Today, I tried to run a "clean" start-up. I went into msconfig and under the "services" tab and disabled all services not from Microsoft - This stopped it from reverting and looking for the old network. I got the idea from a thread on the microsoft forums which said to try and locate the service related to the wireless card (I was not able to find mine from the list). As i start to bring the services back in, it puts it back in the state with the old network and does not want to save the new one. One of the services seems to be holding something to stop it from saving in the way it should beIf this helps, this screenshot has all the services (the only one cut off is "Steam Client Service" - Valve corporation which i tested in isolation and did not seem to cause the issue)I've searched this to death and can't find any solution, one of these services seems to be holding it.

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Windows 7 Public Network Profile?

Jun 13, 2011

Under "Advanced sharing settings", one can really turn off a lot of network sharing features to secure a computer.The "Public folder sharing" switch allows one to turn off Public folder sharing, but people logged on to "this" computer can still access these folders. Does anyone know if this means *remote* login? If so, is there a way to deactivate this so that it is only accessible at the "console"? And by Public folder, does that mean a folder that is user-specific (and controlled by owning user), but open to the public? Or does it mean a file space "commons", accessible and controlled by all users?The "Password protected sharing" switch allows one to restrict access to the computer to only those who have an account and password on the computer. Again, is there a way to ensure that access is only possible from the console?

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Profile Added But Cannot See Wireless Network

Dec 13, 2011

I managed to add a wireless network profile to my IBM lenovo T400 laptop which runs on Win 7 OS. However I am not able to see it listed in the list that appears when I click on the wireless transmission icon on the bottom right of the screen. I can confirm that the 'wireless radio' button in the said laptop is turned on and is able to see other wireless networks in the vicinity. I can also confirm that the particular wireless network is actually functioning as I am able to access it from my Win XP machine. In the WinXP machine, my security type is 'WPA2-PSK', I am not able to find the same option in the Win 7 machine, so I selected WPA2-Personal. I also tried playing the with the other 'Security Type' options in the Win 7 machine, but nothing solves the problem.

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Loss Of Wirelss Connectivity In Windows 7?

Sep 26, 2012

I recently downloaded updates from MS and since rebooting I have lost all wireless connectivity. When I ran ipconfig /all in a command window it shows ethernet connection but not wireless. In network it shows wireless card is connected but there is no TCP/IPv4 or 6 connectivity. I am using Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 AGN wireless adapter. I have updated to the latest drivers for the adapter but NO success!Diagnostic message is about windows not being able to bind to TCP stack etc.Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bitProcessor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.20GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10Processor Count: 2RAM: 4090 MbGraphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce G 105M, 512 MbHard Drives: C: Total - 464838 MB, Free - 82861 MB; E: Total - 381554 MB, Free - 171085 MB; F: Total - 2861578 MB, Free - 510054 MB; G: Total - 476939 MB, Free - 64575 MB;Motherboard: Packard Bell, SJM50MVAntivirus: BullGuard Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

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Windows 7 XP Wirelss Connection Not Working?

May 8, 2011

I have a 3 PC network (no WEP or WPA security) attached to a Thomson 760W wireless router with the latest Firmware ( PCs (Angua and Carrot - dont ask!!) run XP SP3 (all latest updates); 1 PC runs Windows 7 Ultimate (all latest updates)There are no active firewalls,When all PCs have a wired ethernet connection to the network, everything (shares etc) works fine,When the W7 PC is connected to the network wirelessly ,W7 can access the shares on Carrot, cannot access the shares on Angua (). I suspect it cannot even see Angua and the reference is there from an earlier wired connection, cannot access a network drive that points to a share on Angua,Angua can access the shares on W7,A 4th PC running XP SP3 (not a normal part of the network) connected wirelessly can access Angua and can be accessed by Angua and the W7.W7 can ping Angua and the 4th PC (time=1ms)And Angua can ping the W7,I have the same items showing under the Wireless network Connection properties on both Angua and Carrot. They are Client for MS Networks File and Printer sharing QoS packet scheduler TCP/IP Under Network Connction details everything seems to be OK. There is an IP address and NetBIOS over TCPIP says Yes The Troubleshooter (Shared Folders) Couldn't identify the problem' and under details "no issues detected" but attempts to access a share in explorere are met with \Anguafolder is not accessible. You might not have permissions etc etc"(When hooked up wired W7 reports the permissions on the shared folder as, everyone)So it seems that is is something to do with the combination of settings on W7 and Angua,So please, what do I have to do to get the wireless component of this network working remembering that

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Sometimes Pc Cannot Find Perfectly Working Wirelss

Aug 27, 2011

O.s. win 7 ultimate 7100 32-bit.I have a wireless connection set up at home that works perfectly, however sometimes my win 7 netbook cannot find the wireless network anymore.this is annoying since i didn't install new drivers, didn't change a thing and besides, my android phone and another xp computer connect without problems.i tried to restart the windows wireless auto-configuration service as well, turn on/off the wireless or remove the saved wireless network.of course in the router properties, i enabled broadcast of network ID and it's not hidden.the only things that work are either:

1) rebooting the router, after that finds network OK
2) restarting only the WLAN connection, after that finds network OK
3) removing the battery sometimes fixes the problem without 1 or 2
4) shutting down and leaving the pc to rest 5 minutes sometimes fixes the problem without 1 or 2

this is very odd, i upgraded wireless drivers to the latest. i have an Asus n10J 1.6ghz overclocked to 2.1ghz and network card is Atheros 928X.oh and by the way in the network properties i enabled "connect even if network is not broadcasting its name SSID" // which clearly is not working even if the router wouldn't broadcast it for good.i start to think that it's a bug in the network card hardware or driver.

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How To Find Security Key For Wirelss Router

Feb 19, 2012

how do i find security key for my wirelss router which i lost. i still have my password.

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Virtual PC Cannot See Host Network

Apr 18, 2011

I have done as you instructed. The WinXP VPC I set up can see the internet but for some reason it does not see the host Windows 7 machine. When I ping the host from the VPC I get no response. I can ping the VPC from the host machine. I intend to run the ArcInfo license of ArcGIS Desktop on the VPC. That license requires communication with a license server. The license server is running on my host machine. If I can't ping the host then I won't be able to use the license server.

I have done this on another machine with WinXP as both the host machine and the VPC and the VPC can see the host via ping.

I've turned off all the firewalls but no joy.

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How To Hide VPN / Virtual Network Adapters

Aug 18, 2012

I have several VPNs and Virtualizing software installed, and they have this virtual network adapters in the network and sharing centre. In the "connect to a network menu", one shows working internet connection, while the other one shows no internet access, How do I get rid of those entries? I dont mind messing with the registry or the system files.

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Setting Up A Virtual Private Network

Oct 9, 2009

my girlfriends pc at her university blocks certain ports which are required by a website which she uses to watch tv online. Therefore as a work around, she bought a service which offered a VPN. This meant that she on her uni pc be connected to the uni internet, however then open a VPN connection which meant she would then be connected to this VPN and browse the internet through them whom do no block ports.

My question is could someone please advise me on how to do this, I have WIndows 7 and she has XP Pro. I tried setting up my pc as a host, allocating her a username and password and allowing incoming connections etc. however upon trying to get hers to connect to me, it just timed out and could not connect!

I would appreciate if someone could give me a step by step guide on how to set up my PC as the host and her PC as the client, in order for her to browse the internet using my internet, not her universities. I don't want remote desktop as dont want her having control and seing my desktop, just sharing my internet.

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Adding Virtual Network Adapter?

Jan 29, 2009

how I can get to this dialogue in Windows 7?

I need to add a virtual Network Adapter (Microsoft Loopback Adapter), but all I can do is to get to a "waiting for connected devices" dialogue... Is there any way to manually add some device in Windows 7?

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No Network Visibility Within The XP Virtual Machine

Aug 5, 2009

Running Windows 7 RC 64-bit. Everything working fine within Windows XP Mode. All of the network and network devices are visible. All systems have same user account and password. Network is workgroup called WORKGROUP.

Per the instructions, I uninstalled the previous versions of Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode, downloaded and installed the new RC versions of these products. Everything installed fine, but within the XP virtual machine I do not have access to any of the other resources on the my network. Previously they were all visible.

I went though the normal XP network set up, but the only thing that is visible within XP is the XP machine itself. My network is a simple non-domain network named WORKGROUP. What do I have to do within the Windows XP Mode virtual machine to see the printers and other systems on the network.

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Ping Virtual OS From The Host And From Another Network?

Nov 8, 2012

I have three virtual OS (windows 2003)installed on my server (window 2008), I can ping it from within the network but I cannot reach it from outside the network. However, I can reach the host and any other physical pc from outside the network.

I also installed VMware 5.0 on my laptop running window 7. Windows XP is on the VW. it can ping the host but the host cannot ping it. I have set it to bridge but it is still not the host cannot still ping the OS on the VM.

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Delete Many Duplicate Virtual Network Adapters?

Sep 9, 2012

I have over 50 virtual networking adapters in device manager, I have posted this question in many forums, and still cannot get rid of these pesky unused extra adapters. I know they have been created by using Virtualbox, and by creating many virtual machines and updating virtualbox. Unfortunately, I have tried uninstalling virtualbox and the drivers all remain in devicemanager. DeviceMgmt also does not allow me to uninstall or delete the adapters, (When I do they just stay there, even after rebooting.)I most likely have to go into the registry and delete them, but they are in so many different places there, I need to know the correct place to delete them. I have a bet that this is the forum where I will get the answer for this even though I have posted in virtualbox forums, technet, MSDN, superuser, serverfault, and stackoverflow.

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Virtual Machine Booting From A Network Location

Oct 8, 2009

I am looking at a solution to tap into the portability of virtualization across hardware. i.e. if I have my development environment as a VM, I can access it and bring it up from any machine on the network. This will enable me to be not attached to any physical machine and allow me to access my development machine seamlessly from anywhere if it is stored in a network location. I have mainly two questions around such a setup.

1) Is there anyway of hosting the VM without incurring the expense of both the host operating system and the guest operating system? The only functionality of the host operating system to host the VM.

2) Is it viable from a performance stand point to have a VM booted up on a machine from a vhd placed at a network location?

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Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Enable Incoming VPN Connections

Jun 18, 2009

How to Configure your Computer to Accept Incoming VPN Connections in Windows 7 ?

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Virtual Private Network (VPN) – Enable Outgoing VPN Connections

Feb 26, 2009

How to Configure Your Computer to Initiate Outgoing VPN Connections in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 Host - Accessing Wireless Network From XP Virtual Machine

Jul 28, 2011

I have an XP virtual machine running on a 64-bit Win 7 host. I have a home wireless network that I need to access from the XP VM in order to use printers attached to the other computers on the network. All computers currently on the network have the same workgroup name. I have networking on the VM set to use the wireless adapter on the host laptop. With this configuration I can see and access the host, but I cannot see nor access any other computers on the network.

Now, it seems to me that I will need to run the XP Network Wizard to set up the network on the VM before I am able to see the network, but after reading dozens of articles and posts on networking a VM, I have never seen this step mentioned. (I am at work now, so I can't test this out on my network until later.) So, my questions are:

(1) Do I need to run the XP Network wizard to get the VM to join the wireless network, and
(2) if I don't need to run the wizard, what DO I need to do to get this to work?

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Browsers Can't Load Profile Settings On Main Windows Profile

Oct 8, 2011

so I was on my desktop main account and then let my dad log on to a guest account I recently created for him since his laptop isn't working, then when I came back I logged onto my profile I couldn't open any browser, in the case of firefox this came up (firefox can't load host something, missing profile) and chrome (your preferences cannot be read)

then I couln't open some shorcuts (windows cannot find the target. and my utorrent setting reset as well, like if I had never used it, BUT the guest account works perfectly.

I'm able to open firefox with open as administrator but all addons, bookmarks are gone, I can't open the document, picture, and music links on the start menu either

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Big Mess After Creating New Profile And Deleting Original Profile?

Jul 9, 2012

Originally I had all my data files in drive D and only programs in drive C. Somehow my old user profile got corrupted and the Backgound wall paper is not working properly. So I created a new admin profile to fix it but now I have a mess.After I created a new admin profile and moved the old users folder/files to the new user , I decided to delete the old profile after everything seems to be working properly . When deleting the old profile I elected to save old user files to my desktop ( fortunately) . I now have a very fragmented system . Some of the folder/files are still under my old username in D drive, nothing in my new user name in D drive plus almost all of the folder/files from the old user ( in drive D) are now in a folder on the desktop where windows elected to place them when I elected to save the folders/files. I really need all the old user folders.I would like to have the Data in either under my old or new username in Drive D instead of fragmented all over the place. I realize I ended up in this situation because I didnt understand fully what windows will do when creating and deleting user profiles.

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Creating New Profile / Run Program From Another Profile?

May 18, 2012

i have problems with adobe cs6 installing, and it's been suggested i install it under a new profile. no problem with that, however, will i be able to access / run it under my 'normal' profile? finally, will doing this affect any of my existing programs in my 'normal' profile?

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Make Windows XP Mode Use A Virtual HD For Virtual PC 2007?

Dec 14, 2012

I upgraded to Windows 7, but I have a few software I installed on Virtual PC 2007 before. I use XP mode but can't find a way to use the virtual HD created with Virtual PC 2007. Is there a way to convert the virtual HD so that XP mode can recognize?

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Windows Virtual PC - Change Virtual Machine Settings

May 5, 2009

How to Change Virtual Machine Settings in Windows Virtual PC ?

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Windows Virtual PC - Delete A Virtual Machine

Jul 25, 2010

How to Delete a Virtual Machine Created with Windows Virtual PC ?

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Windows Virtual PC - Boot From A CD In Virtual Machine

Jan 31, 2010

How to Boot from a CD or DVD in a Windows Virtual PC ?

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Windows Virtual PC - Create Virtual Machine

May 1, 2009

How to Create a Virtual Machine in Windows Virtual PC ?

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Windows 7 Virtual PC: "Cannot Attach The Virtual Hard Disk ..." Error?

Sep 6, 2012

Got a new Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit machine, found that it did not come with virtual PC. Downloaded the critical patch Windows6.1-KB958559-x64-RefreshPkg.msu and installed it. Windows Virtual PC shows up in my Start Menu. Good so far. I go through the steps to create a virtual machine and use the option to 'use an existing vhd file' and when I click 'Create' I get the above pop-up message "Cannot attach the virtual hard disk to the virtual machine. Check values and try again". A factual message but completely useless as with all error messages from Microsoft. I have tried the following:1. When I attach that vhd using Disk Management, it mounts in drive E:, I can see the files and browse the dirs in E:. In the Disk Management View, the drive shows up as 127 Gigs but 107 is unallocated space. The physical size of the vhd is only 25 Gigs2. Others in my company were able to create the virtual machine with the same vhd, checked the byte size and timing, so nothing is wrong with the vhd file itself.

3. Tried to create after shutting down all virus protection including the Micorsoft antimalware protection service. No luck4. Tried Vhd resize to resize the vhd to a smaller size (since it showed up in disk management as 127 Gigs, I thought maybe it was that size), but VHDResizer could not open the input file, gave an errors "Can only load fixed or dynamic drives"

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User Profile Service-service Failed Logon-user Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Nov 17, 2012

when i try to create a new user profile ~ with or without a password, it shows up on the main login page, but when i click on it to open, the message "UserProfileService_service failed the logon_user profile cannot be loaded". i have searched microsoft support with little solutions listed. and the ones that are listed seem too technical for me to be trying on my own. there are many posts there with this problem, but they all seem to be several years old.

i am using windows 7. i have never been able to create any accounts other than my administrator account & the one account i use for all my general computer use. i have been using norton 360 with no problems. i have resorted to just using any "log in/log out' links on all the sites my husband wants to use.i am really not all that confident doing anything super technical to fix this, since i don't have a real understanding of different extensions or types of files. i am afraid i could really mess everything up really bad. but, it would just be SO MUCH EASIER & FASTER if i had my account & my husband had his own account.

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