Adding Old Hard Drives To New Computer?

Mar 30, 2012

I just bought a new computer with Windows 7 Professional 64 bit . I added 2 hard drives from my old computer to the new one. The old computer was Windows XP 32 bit with a Raid 1 configuration. I just want the added hard drives as storage and non raid. The installation went smoothly but the new computer recognizes the 2 added hard drives as one drive. Also when I boot up, the boot screen from the old computer shows briefly with the intel raid 1 info.

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Can't See Hard Drives In My Computer

Nov 1, 2009

i can't see the hard drives in my computer

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Computer Will Only Search One Of Hard Drives?

Jun 4, 2012

i recently built my computer and it has four hard drives, a new SSD, and three HDDs all taken out from my old computers. when i open my start menu and type something in only the results from the SSD will come up, how do i fix this, also all my old HDDs still have their operating system on the i never bothered working out how get rid of them.

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Windows 7 On Two Hard Drives In Same Computer?

Jan 6, 2012

I recently completed my first build within the last two weeks. After tinkering with everything for a while I decided to pull my HDD out of my old Dell and use that as a backup.

I then got to thinking about how it might be useful to install Windows on each hard drive and use whichever one I want for whatever I want to do with the computer. IE: One HDD will be only for games and the other HDD will be for everything else I want to do. I've done a few searches and found conflicting results. To add to this problem I returned my Gygabyte MOBO for a different model. I know I will have to reformat my current HDD that Windows is installed on. So here is the twist.

When I get the new MOBO hooked up I want to use my old Dell HDD as my primary HDD because it is bigger. Since Microsoft thinks Windows is installed on the other HDD and different MOBO what will happen with I install it on a new HDD and new MOBO? It would be essentially the same as installing it on a different computer which is obviously not something Microsoft wants happening. How is this done?

Now, given that I get that to work can I then disconnect my primary HDD and plug in my second HDD, boot from disc and install all over again. I have no problem going back and forth disconnecting and connecting which HDD I want to use when i boot up if I cannot have them both hooked up to the MOBO, but I assume I can and will just choose which to boot from in BIOS. I do not plan on moving data between the two drives as I will use an external HDD for any data backup that I might need.

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Windows 7 On Two Hard Drives In Same Computer?

Dec 25, 2012

I can not select my boot up drive anymore from my two hard drives, two OS pc. Both drives are SATA drive, but one of them appears as IDE in Bios. What is going on here?

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Computer Hard Drives Started Clicking

Feb 23, 2012

Recently my computer's hard drives started clicking, both of them. I wasn't able to copy off my files or boot up as it would constantly freeze. So in order to save my data I bought a sata to usb cable to connect to my laptop to copy off the data. When I connected it I was able to save all my data and the hard drive didn't freeze one bit...a friend of mine suggested that it wasn't the hard drive but in fact the power supply that was causing it. Could it really be that or is my HD really dying or is it something else?

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No Hard Drives Detected / Computer Does Not Starting Up

Dec 1, 2012

my computer does not starting i choose to press f12 then diagnostics then it shows that no hardrive detected -warning.

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Two Hard Drives Already Loaded XP/Windows 7-Install Into One Computer?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a new computer that runs Windows7 64 bit. I have an older computer hard drive that has XP.I needed something from the old hard drive and hooked it up with the cables from the Windows 7 hard drive and it booted up and ran. I've since gone back to using the Windows 7 hard drive.How do I proceed to add that second hard drive running XP to the new computer so I can have the option of running either OS? I've read through some posts, but they all presume you are installing the OS to new clean hard drives, not have them already installed.Is it as simple as hooking the XP drive into the computer as a second drive and booting it up? Do I need to change some external setting on the hard drive to have it recognized as a slave? Will Windows 7 automatically change the boot to recognize the second OS and allow a choice at startup?

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External Hard Drives Doesn't Show In My Computer?

Nov 13, 2012

I recently noticed an issue when trying to connect to external hard drives. Initially noted that it wasn't showing in 'my computer' and so assumed I had driver issues and sought to update them from Dell's site. After doing so there was still no change, but noted that It was appearing in 'device manager'.I even tried updating the USB hubs from the Device Manager, and it states that they are all up-to-date with the correct drivers. Both external hard drives that i have tried has worked on other PC's so i assume that mine is the issue.

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Wake Computer Without Waking External Hard Drives

Jul 25, 2011

I am running windows 7 64 bit, and have 4 external hard drives attached (not the best way, but until I can afford a server, the only way). I am using my computer as a media center only. When I wake my computer it can take a while (30 seconds to a minute), before I can use it, due to it starting up my external hard drives, but I have noticed a couple of times, my computer will wake without starting up my external hard drives (able to use media center within 2 seconds). Does anyone know if there is a way to get my computer to wake up without starting up the external hard drives every time?

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Just Upgraded Computer But Not Hard Drives And Usb Headset Won't Work

May 18, 2012

I just updated to a z77 i5 3.4 and everything has installed fine except for my creative arena headset usb. It was working just fine on my other machine earlier today but now that I have a new mobo and cpu it will not install the drivers. My SSD and HDD were not reformated and I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers a few times with no change. I just get 3 rapid beeps when I plug the USB in.

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Newly Built Computer - Windows Backup Won't See Hard Drives

Nov 23, 2012

I have built many computers but am having a little bit of a problem with some things and my new one. My new install went great. All programs installed without a hitch. Fast and furious is the way it went to get everything installed. Now, after a week or so I have started having a couple glitches. When I go to install a new program or update it the program just sits there for 4 or 5 minutes before doing anything and then finally starts to do its thing. The other issue is that I am trying to do a backup and image clone to get my new system backed up. The problem there is that the windows backup won't see my hard drives. I then tried Norton Ghost and the same thing happened. What is causing this?

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Adding A Second (Used) Hard Drive?

Jul 23, 2011

I'm running a custom built system, but want to add a used hard drive to the system so I can copy all of the old important files off it to the new hard drive. I had them all on an external, but the external failed a day or two after the backup, just my luck.Is there any risk in me just plugging in the second hard drive to a SATA port?

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Hard-drives Apparently Corrupted After Attempted To Install A Second Hard Drive?

Oct 8, 2011

make a dualboot comp by adding windows XP to a new partition. I created the new partition with 20gb. (From the 500 of my actual harddrive)But before I actually installed on that, I got distracted with a second harddrive that my dad got(for no reason). It had a full copy of Windows XP backed up on it from another computer, so I figured I would just use that for the dualboot. I plugged it in (wired the same way as my old harddrive, but different data slot), restarted, checked the harddrive in explorer - all the data was there / reading correctly / etc, and I used 'easyBCD' to add the new harddrive to the boot list.(Which, of course, crashes if I try to start it. I just wanted to see what it would do). For a reason I can't remember, I unplugged the second harddrive for a bit, started the computer on accident (I don't know if anything loaded before I shut it off), and then when I plugged it back in.Windows 7 would not launch. It goes to a DOS-like window, except it's just a flashing _ and it never does anything even after a few minutes. XP didn't work still.. so I decided to reinstall XP (as I couldn't tell which harddrive was which on the list, I unplugged the main harddrive while installing onto the new).. and when I did this.. it formatted and installed fully... then restarted.. then restarted.. and restarted.. and just kept restarting, never showing any thing past the manufacturer logo/BIOS load-button-message-thing. So, I then try to use my 3-disk Windows7Recovery disk(burned myself with a program apparently included by the manufacturer.) It installed fully, appearing to work.. but when I launched it, it said "Invalid Partition Table" and wouldn't boot past that. When I insert my driver installer disk, it gives me a basic DOS window thing. dir A: shows the files in the disk. dir B: for some reason shows the same. C: says "Error reading from drive C: DOS area: general failure". All other letter:'s just say "invalid drive". (I'm doing this with both harddrives in.) I attempted connecting the harddrives to an old computer, but it gave an error for both. (It detected the harddrives, but said it had an error reading from it. Windows Explorer asked me to format it... {i'm willing to format one of the drives if anybody thinks it will help, but the old harddrive has data I'd prefer not to lose.} ) Looking on google, I saw several problems that all have similar problems (less overdescripptive than I am though) but none of the fixes suggested worked for me. Also - as I have two different with different errors, I only need to make one of them work.)Also - my other available computer has a CD burner / floppy drive if either are required. I also have several USB's. The computer can boot from USB's and CD's (tested), and I could easily take the floppy thingy and connect it to the computer.also - this computer is probably still under warranty unless unscrewing the hard drive voids it. .. does that count as modification of the computer?

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Adding Hard Drive On Windows 7 Will Not Boot?

Jun 4, 2011

So, I've added a second hard drive to my Windows machine and now it will not boot up. I added the new hard drive on SATA 3. The original is SATA 1, and my DVD is SATA 0. This is how it's always been; I've changed nothing else. I don't have any idea where to start fixing this. I have a dual boot with Ubuntu on the same SATA drive 1, and that boots just fine. I switched on the new hard drive in the BIOS, and flipped a few other options on and off to no avail.When the computer boots I choose the Win7 install. Then it will take me to a screen that asks me if I want to start windows normally, or do a disk repair. Starting normally gets you nowhere, it will just end up resetting the computer. Starting the disk check will do a scan for a few minutes and then ask me if I want to send an error report. Clicking yes or no doesn't seem to matter because after that the only option is to shutdown or reboot.When this first started I at one point had the option to do a system restore, but I didn't think it was necessary so I didn't. I no longer receive that option or I would try it at this point

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Adding Internal Hard Drive, Not Showing

May 5, 2012

I have a dead laptop, I believe it was the hard drive, anyway. I took the hard drive out, connected it to my Network computer, all looks well, I heard it spinning (Good sign?) and then I booted the computer, it didn't actually load windows 7, it spent like a good 10-15mins saying "Loading windows 7" so I turned it off, moved the SATA cable to a different slot, it booted.. then when trying to detect the drive, it doesn't exist. I will need to format it, as it does have windows 7 on that drive aswell.

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System Slows After Adding Second Hard Disk?

Jun 6, 2012

I just installed a second hard disk on my MSI GT780 machine with 8GB of RAM, both drives are detected working perfectly. The old hdd, a generic 5400 rpm, is mainly for storage and the new one, 7200 rpm is where I installed my OS. Both are 500GB in capacity.The only thing I noticed is that I'm getting some lags, CPU usage would spike up to 90-100%, RAM never goes over 50% while gaming (Batman Arkham City and Battlefield 2). This never happened before I added the 2nd hdd and before then, I can have 2 games in the background (GTA4 & Battlefield 3) while browsing and music steaming with no problems at all. I updated the motherboard and VGA drivers after a fresh install on the new hdd.I'm using a 64bit Windows 7 Ultimate using the same installer I had for the old hd.

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Adding Windows 7 Imaged Hard Drive To XP Machine?

Jul 20, 2010

My company is running several XP machines. All of these machines will need to have a hard drive added to them that will be imaged with our corporate Windows 7 image. How can I get the Windows 7 bootloader to recognize the XP install? We don't want to have to use a 3rd party app such as EasyBCD. We would like to create a batch file that utilizes the capabilities of bcdedit.exe to modify the bootloader so we can repeat the process multiple times with out installing the 3rd party app. (plus, the boss doesn't want us using the 3rd party app).

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Windows 7 Stops Booting In UEFI Mode After Adding Another Hard Drive?

Aug 17, 2012

This week, I encountered the following strange problem for which I haven't found a final solution so far, though I have found some bandaids. But having a complete solution -or at least a reason why this problem occurs- would be great:I have a working installation of Windows 7 Professional x64 in UEFI mode. The main disk, SSD #1, contains the following partitions (using GPT): ESP, MSR, system, data. An additional disk, HD #2, with a single data partition (using MBR) is also attached to the system. With this setup, everything works fine.Now, after adding another disk, HD #3, to the system -my old system disk (bootable, using MBR, one active primary partition and an extend partition with three logical disks)- Windows will no longer boots completely: The boot process begins, the Windows logo is shown. Then, a message is shown in text mode "Windows is loading files" with a loading bar. After a while the boot process stops and I am dropped into the EFI shell. After removing the offending HD #3, Windows boots normally again.

I tried removing HD #2 and only attaching HD #3 together with SSD #1, but this yielded the same problem. Using SSD #1 by itself works fine though. Booting from a Linux live-cd works without problems. All disks and partitions are found and can be mounted. There, I erased the disk signature from the offending HD #3 and now Windows was able to boot and also found all disks and partitions correctly. But after a reboot the same problem reappeared

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Adding USB Display To Computer?

Jun 29, 2012

I'm looking to add a USB display to my computer. I don't know which brands are any good. I'd like it to display email, IE, EVGA eLeet.

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Adding Xp Drive To Windows 7 Computer?

Jan 24, 2012

I read the dual boot thread, with two hard drives. Just want to be perfectly safe. My wife doesn't like Win 7, I would like to install the XP drive from the previous computer. Both are sata, I have the XP drive in, but have not used an XP install disk. I don't want to lose data on either drive. My thoughts are to use XP on the new computer, and just copy any data from the Win 7 drive to a thumb drive, then to the XP drive. Eventually, the Win 7 drive could serve as backup, with Win 7 ignored. I do not have a Win 7 install disk.

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Corrupt User Profile When Removing And Adding Computer To Domain?

Nov 23, 2011

We have removed a computer from the domain because of some network issues.When we logged in to the computer as a local administrator we've noticed that the user folder of the domain user who was previously logged to that computer was almost empty(except for the appdata folder).When we joined the pc back in the domain the computer made a new profile.Unfortunaly the user did save some documents on his dekstop in the old profile.

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Two Hard Drives Same CPU?

Apr 6, 2011

i built me a gaming computer with windows 7, its up and running. I have a old Dell with Windows Xp that i have had for 5 years. I want to put that hard drive in my new computer. is this possible? will there be any conflicts? I want to make it so maybe in bios i can select witch OS to boot up. Or maybe it defaults to Win7 and i can switch to WinXp whenever i wanted.

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Use 2 PC Hard Drives?

May 16, 2011

I've recently purchased a PC with 1 64GB SSD and 1TB HD. Contrary to instructions the seller uploaded everything onto the SSD at C: and not just the OS. He now says I should use a disk partitioner to transfer the files. Also to reset my BIOS.

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Win 7 And 2 Hard Drives

Dec 16, 2009

I currently have a dual boot of Windows Vista Ultimate on one hard drive and Windows 7 RC1 on the other and was planning on

upgrading to Windows 7 ultimate. I have could either upgrade my Vista hard drive which would be easy or I could upgrade the release candidate Windows 7 which is a fresh install on a new drive. Which should I put Windows 7 on?

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How To Use 2 Hard Drives As 1

Feb 5, 2013

If I Format my Hard drives ,do I lose all my systems ,Like Windows???

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Hard Drive Partition: Adding Free Space Back To C Drive?

Sep 7, 2012

I installed Ubuntu on my computer a few months ago and created another partition for it on my 1TB hard drive. I didn't really care for Ubuntu so I decided to delete the partition it was on. That might have been a mistake. Well, now there's 87.68GB of free space on my hard disk that I can't use and I don't know how to add it back to my c: partition.

There was another post about this a couple years ago, but I don't understand the instructions and am not actually sure if it worked. Can someone explain how to do this, please? I'm not completely computer illiterate, but I'm not familiar with partitioning disks. It was just the one time with Ubuntu.

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Hard Drive Partition: Adding Free Space Back To C: Drive

Jan 15, 2013

I installed Ubuntu on my computer a few months ago and created another partition for it on my 1TB hard drive.

I didn't really care for Ubuntu so I decided to delete the partition it was on. That might have been a mistake. Well, now there's 87.68GB of free space on my hard disk that I can't use and I don't know how to add it back to my c: partition.

There was another post about this a couple years ago, but I don't understand the instructions and am not actually sure if it worked.

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How To Swap Hard Drives

Jun 3, 2011

I have two laptops that are identical...HP Compaq nw9440. I have a 100gig drive in LAPTOP#1, and a 750gig drive in LAPTOP#2. Both drives are running an identical Windows 7 Enterprise typical install. Can I put the 750gig drive in to LAPTOP#1? Can I create and save an NTBTLOG.txt file from each laptop (I.E. ntbtlog-LP1.txt) and select either one during the boot-up? The reason is LAPTOP#2 is not running very well. It has been dropped and I fear the motherboard may have a crack in it causing random boot problems. Sometimes the laptop doesn't even recognize the hard drive.

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Hard Drives Became Switched

Jul 28, 2009

64installed on c, win 7 later installed an d. dual boot has been working perfectly until

something caused the drives to switch. now win 7 starts ok but looks for all it's files on c, which is locked.

vista starts up fine, and sees all it's files on c as it should.

my windows 7 repair disk, created at start of win 7, does not correct problem, nor does system restore.

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Recycling Old Hard Drives

Dec 23, 2009

After upgrading, I've found that I have 7 IDE hard drives ranging in size from 1 GB (!!!) to 200 GB. I'd like to get rid of them all. Is there a free reliable recylcing service out there. I've already wiped them clean (except for the 1 GB drive which won't spin up. It's from 1994).

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