0xc000000f - Windows Selecting Incorrect Installation?

Apr 17, 2012

i am having trouble repairing the error. i have tried all the bootrec commands etc nothing is working do not really want to reinstall as it has important files on it . problem occured after wife installed some software that worked fine on her old xp system

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0xc000000f - Windows Selecting Incorrect Installation

Jun 18, 2011

I have two hard drives, C and D. I had Windows 7 installed on both at one point. Now, I only have Windows 7 installed on C. However, it still comes up asking which installation it wishes me to boot on startup.

I was getting annoyed by this, so I followed a guide that told me how to stop it, by unticking the "Wait 30 seconds before selecting" option.

Now, however, on booting, Windows automatically selects the WRONG installation, which gives me a 0xc000000f error with device inaccessible. I need to get into my C: version of windows to retick that box until I can figure out how to get rid of the menu the correct way.

Booting from disk to repair doesn't do anything, I've tried repairing both installations but it didn't help.

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Can't Boot Into Windows 7 Status: 0xc000000f

Dec 8, 2012

i cant get windows every time i try i get the message "File:ootBCD Stauts: 0xc00000f Info: an error occcured while trying to read the boot conifguration data." ive tried going into windows repair from my repair cd but theres no os in recovery options

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0xc000000f File: BoodCD Error Cannot Start Windows 7

Jul 7, 2012

When i start up my dell inspiron laptop i am getting error 0xc000000f and I literraly cannot do anything. I have windows 7 in a usb and it showed to repair my bootmgr and when i click next it comes up with an error start options cannot be opened.

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Error Loading OS / Missing HDs / Windows 7 Failed To Start / 0xc000000f?

Feb 10, 2012

Yesterday I came home from work to a black screen that said "Error Loading OS". Not sure how this happened, so I restarted it and it came right back to that. Spent a few minutes digging around and found out that my hard drive was not set in the BIOS as a boot drive (although no idea how that changed), so I switched it back and the computer booted fine.Today, I come home from work and again, I see the black screen that says "Error Loading OS". I restarted, went in the BIOS, and saw that of 4 hard drives in the system, only 1 (non boot) showed up. This is weird. I shut down for a few minutes, booted it back up to the BIOS, and my primary hard drive was listed again. Selected that, and Windows booted up fine.

Was using the computer for about an hour when everything just froze. The mouse still worked and moved, but nothing else at all was working. So I restarted again, and I got to a "Windows failed to start" / 0xc000000f error. Off to the BIOS again, where again, only 2 or 3 of my 4 hard drives were listed. I shut down, left it for a few minutes, rebooted back, and selected my primary drive again. Then I went ahead and created an image of my primary drive just in case.I have no idea wh thought it might be a hard drive failure, or it could be something messed up in my motherboard. I have a 64GB Crucial M4 SSD drive that is less than a year old, along with an ASRock Z68 PRO3 motherboard that was bought at the same time.

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Gateway Laptop Running Windows 7 Crashed - Error 0xc000000f

Nov 3, 2012

My Gateway laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) recently crashed, and when I rebooted it, it displayed this: Windows failed to start. A recent hardware of software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."
3. Click "Repair your computer."

If you do not this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: The boot selection failed because a required devices is inaccessible.

The thing is, I don't have a Windows installation disc! I was just browsing the internet when my laptop crashed, and now I can't do anything; repair your computer, safe mode, boot from last known good setting, etc. all result in the same error screen.

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My Windows Keep De-selecting

Feb 5, 2013

I've noticed in the last month or so that any open windows keep deselecting. This problem was much worse when I was having problems with McAfee, and seemed to stop once I solved those.However I have noticed that it is still occurring, just not as often. This happens in Chrome and in Windows.

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Recovering System Error 0xc000000f?

Apr 9, 2011

Recovering my system a faced this error after the instalation was started, so now my HD is formated and I can't start my windows in anyway, when I try I get the follow message:Windows couldn't.a recent hardware or software change might have caused the problem. To get fixed: 1-Insert the Windows installation disc and restart your computer. 2-Choose your language settings and click "Next. " 3-Click "Repair your computer ". If you do not have the disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance. Status: 0xc000000f________My pc is an acer aspire with was runnig windows 7 ultimate can?

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Unable To Start, Error 0xc000000f?

Dec 29, 2011

So i have get this error 0xc000000f, which is very common. It's asking me to insert windows 7 cd and do start up repair.But when i insert 7 cd it won't boot. Hence i can't repair.When i insert xp cd into drive, it get boot. But after initial loading it says some files are corrupted.Now i want to ask that, does this problem persist because of any fault in hard disk or motherboard.My pc is under warranty but the man from whom i purchase my pc is out of town and will not come untill february. Father not giving me money to repair. I don't want to shut my pc for whole month

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Black Screen/Status 0xc000000f Showing?

Oct 29, 2011

I am new to this but hopefully somebody out there can offer some pearls of wisdom? My Packard Bell laptop (I think it is called an "Easy note TJ71) model will not work. When I turn on the power a black screen telling me to "insert my Windows installation disc" choose my language and then click "repair your computer" appears.I copied recovery discs and driver discs etc when I bought it (about a year ago) but no "Windows installation disc".The system running on it is the Windows 7 one.Is there anything to be done (other than trying to contact Windows for a copy of the install disc).

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Windows 7 Active Window Keeps De-selecting Itself

Jan 24, 2013

For the past six months or so I've had the problem of having my active window deselect itself many time during a session...as often as every ten seconds or so. I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit installed on a Dell Xps 15z-i7.I have read most of the windows forum suggestions on this topic, and none have work for more than a week or two. I have run ARO software checks and Advanced System Care 6 Pro.

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Marking / Selecting Text In Windows 7 X64

Aug 19, 2010

I had no problems with windows or anything,everything was fine, until this morning when i started computer and in Google Chrome marking text became nightmare, either it isnt marked at all, or it just mark last couple of letters on last word...sometimes even pressing back or forward button isnt recognized, or any other button on browser btw when i booted win this mornin' i got updated flash player.And then i tried to mark text in windows= SAME THING.

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Selecting Multiple Windows In Taskbar

Nov 18, 2010

I've recently migrated from Windows XP Pro to Win 7 Ent and now I see that it's not possible to Ctrl+Click on taskbar to select multiple windows and then e.g. close them all via context menu. I'm wondering if this is something that can be configured in Win 7 just like it worked in Win XP?

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Winload.exe File Missin Or Corrupt, Error 0xc000000f

Jun 2, 2012

I am using Vista and the computer just restarted for no reason. The problem though the computer will not start. I am at a black screen with the message that the file windowssystem32winload.exe is missing or corrupt. The error code is 0xc000000f. I don't know what to do. The computer is asking for the startup disc. I did not receive one when I purchased my computer. I am lost as to what to do.

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Selecting All Emails In Windows Live Mail?

Mar 6, 2011

Having selected the messages I wish to delete in my inbox I then wish to "Select All" , how to do this totally defeats me at the moment ! (Its very time consuming selecting one at a time for deletion ! )

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Selecting A User In Windows 7 Welcome Screen Using Only Keyboard

Jul 2, 2011

how can i choose a user in the win 7 welcome screen using only the keyboard (without using the mouse)?

I'm hoping there is some sort of key combination that may be used to choose the user so that i won't have to use the mouse in order to login.

I would prefer not having to change the standard welcome screen to the domain login screen in which i believe it is possible. I'm using Win 7 professional.

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Selecting Multiple Files In Windows 7 - Not Working In Certain Programs

Jun 18, 2012

In Windows 7 I have no problem selecting multiple files in a normal folder for example. The problem is when using a program (such as Freestar AMR MP3 Converter) I cannot select multiple files at once. This can make using the program extremely tedious and time-consuming if there are large numbers of files to convert. It is not just this one program that does it, because other programs also fail to allow me to select multiple files. Again, I must state that this only seems to happen when using certain programs and not generally in Windows 7. Also, a small unrelated question: how do I get out of 'Libraries' view in My Documents and basically disable the Libraries view permanently, and just have it normal like in all earlier versions of Windows?

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"status 0xC000000F Windows Failed To Start. A Recent Hardware Or Software Change Might Be The Cause"

Nov 19, 2012

net book wont start. i turn it on and it says this----"status 0xC000000F windows failed to start. a recent hardware or software change might be the cause" this is on a acer aspire 1 netbook. it asks for a disk to repair it but the net book does not have a cd drive.

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Laptop Cannot Boot Into Windows, Possible 0xc000000f Boot Failure

May 1, 2012

whenever I turn on the laptop, it seems to boot into Windows 7, in that the "Starting Windows" text appears and the little animation of colors forming the logo shows, but as some point it fails. This message appears on screen:autocheck not found - skipping AUTOCHECK After a few seconds a BSOD shows up, but too fast for me to make out what it says. It used to, but after some hasty fix attempts no longer does, cycle around to a menu that informed me of this error:Status: 0xc000000f Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible. Here's the longer history:As some point in the past I decided to try out dual-booting Windows 7 and Linux on the laptop. I got it to a state where this worked fine. I had partitions roughly as follows:[Ubuntu][Windows 7]([Data and files][Boot]) The parentheses denote a logical partition. The Boot partition was very small and only held what was necessary to launch GRUB. This week, I realized that I hardly ever used the Linux partition and decided to get rid of it to reclaim storage space. This is where the trouble begins. I rebooted into a thumb drive that could run GParted and modified the hard drive layout in the following steps: Delete the Ubuntu partition Delete the Boot partition Grow the Data/Files partition to take up the space left by Boot Shrink the Windows 7 partition to make it faster to move Move the Windows 7 partition to the front of the volume Expand it to take up the remaining space. What I ended up with was: [Windows 7]([Data and files]) My naive and fatal mistake was to trust that the Windows Repair CD could fix any boot issues, and also that there would be no catastrophic hardware failures. Both of these assumptions turned out to be false.

First, the laptop's CD/DVD drive has either broken or is too unreliable to use. I have noticed it becoming more and more unstable over time, but now (when I need it most!) it simply does not seem to want to spin up and function at all. This forced me to create a Windows Repair USB drive. However, I can't load any installation media. This is because the laptop did not come with an install DVD. It had a recovery sector, which I cannibalized for the Linux partition. I did copy the stock recovery stuff to a series of DVDs, but, well...This is all to say that any solution that requires a DVD drive is straight out until I can replace it, which I'd like to consider a last resort.My expectations for the Windows Repair CD/USB have been dashed. Attempting to automatically fix boot issues either fails for some specific reason (I can probably reproduce it and provide the details, if necessary), with a dialog to send a report, or fails because it cannot detect any problems. I have tried a variety of things based on my own research to fix this through the command prompt: Running chkdsk /x /r on all drives. Does not find any errors. Running various bootrec commands: /fixmbr, /fixboot, /rebuildbcd, /scanos. All complete successfully, but the last 2 report finding 0 Windows installations. Using bcdboot and bootsect to recreate the bootloader. Again, no errors result, but it does not fix the issue. I guess it should have been obvious that none of the boot record fixes would matter, since the laptop does boot into Windows 7, briefly.

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Time Is Incorrect On Windows 7 X64?

Nov 2, 2011

The time on my win 7 x64 ultimate is incorrect. I am in the uk so am on London time. We have recently entered Daylight Saving Time. So the clock should have gone back one hour but it appears to have gone back two! A week ago the time of day now would have been 00:20, the time now should be 23:20 and the time my clock is showing is 22:20. I have looked in control panel > Clock Language Region - and my time zone is set correctly to UTC Dublin Edinburgh Lisbon London as it should be. I try unticking adjust for daylight saving time and click apply but this doesn't even change the time( not even by one hour as it should) it seems to not matter whether it is ticked or unticked, my clock remains an hour behind what the current time actually should be.

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Windows Incorrect Time

May 7, 2012

The OS on one of my W7 machines doesn't want to keep the correct time and I can't figure out why. The first thing I did was check the BIOS and it keeps the right time. I've gone into date and time and confirmed that the time zone is correct (MST) and even manually set the time several times but it always changes to an incorrect time. I've changed the time sync server to different servers and it has the correct time at first, but inevitably changes within a few minutes to a wrong time. The only thing I can find on google suggest it's the CMOS battery, but it's a new motherboard and the BIOS keeps the correct time, as I've said above. Below is my system specs.

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Incorrect Password On Windows 7?

Nov 2, 2012

I have just started up 2 new Samsung laptops and entered Windows 7 passwords into both - standard formula passwords for our latpops. Now, when i have rebooted, neither of them will accept the password. Both say Incorrect. Has anyone else found this and, if so, how did you fix it?

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Windows Contacts Birthdates Incorrect

Aug 29, 2010

I have recently upgraded to Windows 7 Pro and when trying to input information in Windows Contacts, I noticed that the birthdates displayed are not the dates that I input, but the previous day's date.

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Windows 7 It Keeps Telling Password Is Incorrect?

Nov 23, 2012

When I try to log in on windows 7 it keeps telling me password is incorrect, but I know its the right one .When I log in via safe mode it accepts the password with no problem I have changed the password a few times but when I reboot it says wrong password So I need to start safe mode etc.

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Windows 7 Error 87 - Incorrect Parameter

Aug 24, 2011

I drag a file from a device to another on my computer and I get the error 87 : incorrect parameter. What parameter is this about?

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Password Incorrect On Windows 7 Startup

Apr 14, 2010

I changed the administrator password. Since, when I start or restart Win7, I get a message saying that login or password is incorrect. I have to type in the new password each time.

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Selecting New AMD CPU For Main System?

Feb 7, 2012

Well I had a motherboard failure when it just stopped working (Thi it had something to do with reading the ram as it stopped seeing my 2 sticks as duel channel before it outright stopped working.Right now I got a few days before I can buy my hardware, I was going to get an FX6100 hex core, but after reading about it a bit more I figured it might be better to go with a AMD Phenom II X4 975 Black Edition.I am really not sure what I should get and could use some advice. I figured out the ram and motherboard I will get, but with what I seen I have no idea what to do about the CPU anymore.


So any advice on a decent CPU that will not break the bank. I was trying to stay around $300 for the three parts I am getting so Intell is pretty much out of the question (besides I like AMD)

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Dual Boot, Selecting Which OS

May 7, 2009

How do I remove 2 options that are in the boot selection, they are both windows 7, but i had removed the files, and they no longer work. I am Running windows 7 currently.

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Slow Scrolling While Selecting

May 15, 2012

I am having problems with slow scrolling while selecting down. If I go to the bottom and select up it works as expected (selects and scrolls quickly) but when I select down it doesn't. It seems to be isolated to my user. I logged in to my local guest account to verify this. selecting while scrolling worked as expected in my guest user account. the 2 user accounts do have different applications in them. I'm at a loss for why I can't select quickly while scrolling down. By the way, simply scrolling works fine in any direction. the problem only presents itself when I try to select and scroll down; then it slows down to a snails pace, only slower. The only thing I can think to do is to do a clean install by re-formating and reinstalling everything. It doesn't seem like there are any settings that can address this and it seems to happen in any application on this user. I would prefer not to migrate to a new user nor do a clean install but I'll do it, only as a last resort. I'll try to boot into safe mode to see if that helps but at this point, I don't think it will. I don't want to have to boot to safe mode every time i want to use my computer.

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Computer Keeps Selecting To Desktop?

Dec 16, 2012

I am new here so go easy on me, and this problem is hard to describe. Recently there has been this problem with my computer, where whenever I am in the middle of something it would be as if "someone" would click to my desktop but my window, or game would stay open and mouse cursor would be in the same position. Even typing this paragraph is hard because it keeps deselecting the the browser. It would pause, minimize, or window all my games, and stop my typing until I clicked on the screen to continue whatever I am doing.

What I have done: updating all drivers, searching online, different mouse and keyboard. What I have not done: virus scan, installing recent windows update, re install windows 7.

The only way it get fixed is when I shut down my computer and turn it on. It stops for a while then it occurs every so often, and then it does it every 30 seconds. It has not done this until a day ago when my computer crashed during windows updates, and then my hard drive got messed up, until I unplugged it for a minute, then it started up and finished the updates.

I also have another problem after the crash and ill give a little info on it, or post in another thread. Randomly both my monitors will turn off as if it is going into sleep mode every time I move my mouse, and it is similar to the problem above. It will also project audio as it goes black and then turn back on.

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Keyboard Display Incorrect After Update Windows 7?

Oct 1, 2012

When I press some keys, windows display incorrect both in Word, notepad, browser,etc... , such as press backspace window display '=', press enter windows display '' , click left arrow windows display ']'...I try to change region of keyboard but error still display. When I try to re-install Windows 7 professional 64bit, error un-display, all of keys display correctly. But error display again after I execute windows update automatically. So I think it is error of windows, maybe.

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