"status 0xC000000F Windows Failed To Start. A Recent Hardware Or Software Change Might Be The Cause"

Nov 19, 2012

net book wont start. i turn it on and it says this----"status 0xC000000F windows failed to start. a recent hardware or software change might be the cause" this is on a acer aspire 1 netbook. it asks for a disk to repair it but the net book does not have a cd drive.

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Windows Failed To Start / Recent Hardware Or Software Change

Feb 21, 2013

when i am formatting my laptop with windows7 usb drive it completed 85% and after that i am geeting the below error: windows boot manager windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. to fix problem:

1. insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. choose your language settings, and then click "next."
3.click "repair your computer."

if you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.when i click on enter it go to another window where it shows us to press F8 but when i m pressing f8 it goes to same error window.

1) when i restarted it start with dell logo i press F2,F12,F10 all three i have press to open bios setting but nothing works it will go to same window so now i a not able to get into windows bios setup

2) i tried to format it again as my dvd writer does not work so i tried with usb when i restarted my laptop it does not load the files and agin redirect to the same error window.

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Windows Failed To Start, A Recent Hardware Or Software Change Might Be The Cause

Oct 4, 2012

I am currently using a different computer to ask for help, Everytime I startup my computer it says "Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. Of course, normally their is Launch Startup Repair, And Start windows normally. If I press enter on either of those it says "windows is loading files" It does that twice with a white bar then returns me to the same screen with the same 2 options. It is the same problem no matter what, I have tried pressing enter on startup to go to safe mode, but safe mode does the exact same thing. I tried going to the system recovery page, it does the same thing, cannot access anything on my computer. But, if I enter on Star windows normally twice, it does indeed say starting windows, then back to same screen first time, Then second time it will go to Aptio setup utility-Copyright (c) 2011 american megatrends, inc. It has the Main, Advanced, Security, Boot, Exit options with computer specs, product information so on so forth. I have absolutely no idea what any of these do, so I usually exit and again the process repeats, I go back to the 2 options, they either bring me to that Aptio Setup page, or back to the same page. It's frustrating that I cant use system recovery since it goes to the same page and Startup repair wont work, I have absolutely no idea what to do and am in need of serious help. This problem occured when a windows thing popped up saying "A virus may be on your computer" generally I clicked it, my computer shut down automatically and thats what started this whole repetetive process.

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Windows 7 64-bit Failed To Start A Recent Hardware Or Software Change?

Jan 10, 2013

After a power failure my windows 7 system will not boot....tried startup repair 3 times also from the dvd. all safemodes will not boot, when the windows animation starts the cpu restarts. also system restore to an earlier time fails.

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"Windows Failed To Start.A Recent Software Or Hardware Change Might Be The Cause."

Jun 6, 2011

I've got a problem that was sprung on to me yesterday, I continualy get blue screens of death on the startup of windows. I'll post the message and then how it happened...(my computer is a dell xps m1530 running windows 7 professional 64 bit) TURN ON COMP "Windows failed to start.A recent softwaare or hardware change might be the cause."Gives me an option for Launch Startup Repair and Start windows normally Both of these options gives me this: BLUE SCREEN: "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer

(the normal blurb)


The only changes I made (and think may be the problem) was I was updating/ fooling around with my ASIO drivers. I was using a recent project of mine, a converted acoustic to electric drumkit with BFD lite standalone (which uses ASIO4all). All was working well and i have used this in the past, however, i was trying to find a way to run 2 applications with ASIO4all so i could play along to a track without havigng to bring my external soundcard to the other room....so I installed winamp, foobar2000, a multi asio app from steinburg and the plugins to allow winamp and foobar to use asio output. The weird thing in the blue screen didnt crash my computer...I just did a normal restart to 'flush' my computer after all those installs and tinkering around, and the blue screen hapened?

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"Windows Failed To Start. A Recent Hardware Or Software Change Might Be The Cause"

Sep 3, 2012

When I start up my computer, a black screen pops up saying "Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:....I don't have the disk, though. What do I do!

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Error Loading OS / Missing HDs / Windows 7 Failed To Start / 0xc000000f?

Feb 10, 2012

Yesterday I came home from work to a black screen that said "Error Loading OS". Not sure how this happened, so I restarted it and it came right back to that. Spent a few minutes digging around and found out that my hard drive was not set in the BIOS as a boot drive (although no idea how that changed), so I switched it back and the computer booted fine.Today, I come home from work and again, I see the black screen that says "Error Loading OS". I restarted, went in the BIOS, and saw that of 4 hard drives in the system, only 1 (non boot) showed up. This is weird. I shut down for a few minutes, booted it back up to the BIOS, and my primary hard drive was listed again. Selected that, and Windows booted up fine.

Was using the computer for about an hour when everything just froze. The mouse still worked and moved, but nothing else at all was working. So I restarted again, and I got to a "Windows failed to start" / 0xc000000f error. Off to the BIOS again, where again, only 2 or 3 of my 4 hard drives were listed. I shut down, left it for a few minutes, rebooted back, and selected my primary drive again. Then I went ahead and created an image of my primary drive just in case.I have no idea wh thought it might be a hard drive failure, or it could be something messed up in my motherboard. I have a 64GB Crucial M4 SSD drive that is less than a year old, along with an ASRock Z68 PRO3 motherboard that was bought at the same time.

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Can't Boot Into Windows 7 Status: 0xc000000f

Dec 8, 2012

i cant get windows every time i try i get the message "File:ootBCD Stauts: 0xc00000f Info: an error occcured while trying to read the boot conifguration data." ive tried going into windows repair from my repair cd but theres no os in recovery options

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Black Screen/Status 0xc000000f Showing?

Oct 29, 2011

I am new to this but hopefully somebody out there can offer some pearls of wisdom? My Packard Bell laptop (I think it is called an "Easy note TJ71) model will not work. When I turn on the power a black screen telling me to "insert my Windows installation disc" choose my language and then click "repair your computer" appears.I copied recovery discs and driver discs etc when I bought it (about a year ago) but no "Windows installation disc".The system running on it is the Windows 7 one.Is there anything to be done (other than trying to contact Windows for a copy of the install disc).

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Windows 7 Fails To Start - Recent Hardware/Software Change Message

Jan 7, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 64 bit on a gigabyte ga-x58a-ud3r

A few weeks ago, I shut down my PC completely for a regular cleaning. I do a regular cleaning once a month, this was the first time I had an issue.

After I finished, I powered up the machine, and Windows would continually fail to start - rebooting at some point while the Logo load screen was up.

After several Google searches, I tried pretty much everything I could think of or advice i came across - Nothing worked. I could not boot from the Win7 Disk, System Repair did not work, advanced boot options did not work, etc. At this point I thought the HDD might be bad (WD Caviar Black 1 TB).

So I went and purchased a new HDD, the same model actually as it was on sale. Windows installed fine, everything got up and running with no issue.

I then took my HDD which I had believed had failed and plugged it into a Thermaltake BlacX Docking station and I was able to locate the drive in the device manager after scanning for new hardware.

I actually was able to go into the hard drive and recover the few bits of data I hadn't backed up (mostly gaming files). The HDD was completely fine. Fast forward a few weeks, and feel free to laugh at me here - I'm in the exact same situation with the new HDD once again after cleaning my PC case.

So, I'm not sure what is happening. I've rebooted the PC many times without issue but today was the first time that I fully powered down the PC to do a cleaning.

I suspect something is causing Windows to fail to recognize the HDD itself, but honestly this is way beyond my knowledge how to fix. I took a risk and I removed the sata cable from the "GSata" slot on the motherboard and put it into one of the standard ICHR10 - to no effect.

I've once again exhausted every option I actually know how to safely do, advanced boot options, repair attempt from Win7 Disk, etc. Nothing is working. I'm debating running out yet again and grabbing a cheap HDD just to get myself up and running again, but I thought I'd turn to Tom's Hardware first for some ideas - and because I don't want to be going through this issue everytime I want to give the PC case a good cleaning.

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Windows Boot Manager Windows Failed To Start For Windows 7 Status 0xc0000225

Jun 8, 2011

I am getting the following error from past 2 days :-It says "Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.

2. Choose your language settings, and click "Next."

3. Click "Repair your Computer".

Status: 0xc0000225.

Since i dont have the recovery disc so i downloaded the one from torrent but of no use as it failed to read from the USB.

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Start Menu - Change Number Of Recent Programs To Display

Jul 15, 2011

How to Change the Number of Recent Programs to Display in Windows 7 Start Menu ?

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0xc000000f File: BoodCD Error Cannot Start Windows 7

Jul 7, 2012

When i start up my dell inspiron laptop i am getting error 0xc000000f and I literraly cannot do anything. I have windows 7 in a usb and it showed to repair my bootmgr and when i click next it comes up with an error start options cannot be opened.

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Unable To Start, Error 0xc000000f?

Dec 29, 2011

So i have get this error 0xc000000f, which is very common. It's asking me to insert windows 7 cd and do start up repair.But when i insert 7 cd it won't boot. Hence i can't repair.When i insert xp cd into drive, it get boot. But after initial loading it says some files are corrupted.Now i want to ask that, does this problem persist because of any fault in hard disk or motherboard.My pc is under warranty but the man from whom i purchase my pc is out of town and will not come untill february. Father not giving me money to repair. I don't want to shut my pc for whole month

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Status 0xc00000e9 - Windows Failed To Load Because Kernel Missing Or Corrupt

Oct 29, 2011

I turned on my pc, and it would not let me get past start up, saying
file : Windowssystem32
status : 0xc00000e9 Info:
Windows failed to load because the kernel is missing or corrupt

I tried a few things, mostly the startup repair option that it would (recommend) to me next to the start windows normally option. this did absolutely nothing, and the problem continued. So I said ok, I give up, and decided to back up everything and completely reformat and reinstall windows. I did this, it installed successfully. I couldn't believe it...even after completely reformatting, I could not get past start up. The system repair option still does nothing, even with the disc in and I tried reinstalling it a bunch of times, but now it wont even do that correct all the way through, keeps coming up with errors talking about files either missing or corrupt. I wiped partitions and tried again alot of times, but nothing. Now it doesnt even recognize windows 7 as being installed at all. [URL]

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Local Disk Management Status Failed?

Sep 19, 2012

I searched the forum and had seen a similar thread , but lost track of it and so i decided to post a new thread.My problem is this-My Laptop hard disk of 500gb shows missing in the Local Disk Management & the status indicates FAILED.It so happened that by mistake I formatted a drive (H: ) using a program WintoFlash. & the problem was i had ran the program from the H: drive itself. So i ended up formatting the H:half way & the laptop restarted. Since then it didnt load the OS.I finally decided to remove the hard disk from the laptop & hook it to a spare computer which i already have . (500gb & Windows 7 installed)I checked My Computer & the drives didnt show up. So i checked the Local Disk Management & found a cross mark on my hard disk. & it showed missing. & status as Failed.his is how it looks:Shot at 2012-09-19Is there anyway i can get my data back?

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Change Printer Status Offline To Online Windows 7?

Jun 23, 2011

I once was able to print wireless windows 7. Now it shows offline. I cannot find any option to turn it online.

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Change Printer Status Offline To Online Windows 7?

Dec 24, 2011

Change printer status offline to online windows 7

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Change Printer Status Offline To Online Windows 7?

Dec 28, 2012

All of a sudden mylaptop will not print to my HP 7200 series printer. It says offline. My desk top works fine. I have reooted everything......What else is there to get it back......

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Windows 7 Fail To Start - Recent Hardware Or Software Might Be The Cause

Dec 13, 2012

After I upgrade my laptop from win7 home premium to win7 ultimate during setup my system suddenly pop up saying "window fail to start. A recent hardware or software might be the cause." And below I got only two option lunch startup repair(recommended) and start windows normally i tried windows start normally but just page come and then get restart and then I tried startup repair but it failed saying "Windows Startup Repair can't automatically fix the problem" I even try to install win 7 newly but boot dont read it...

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Windows 7 Recent Items List On Start Menu Fouled Up?

Dec 13, 2011

I unfortunately listened to the husband of one of my wife's friends and ran CCleaner on my Win 7 PC and now the Recent Items list on my Start Menu, which I use a lot, is totally fouled up. The settings are correct and I've edited the registry but the number of items displayed is never consistent, never more than 6, and sometimes disappearing completely, whereas I have it set to store 10 items.

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Recent Change In Software/hardware?

Jan 8, 2013

I recently built a new computer with these specs


I had installed windows 7 on the harddrive prior to building the computer, I put everything together and I powered it up, it beeps, first screen is the Gigabyte BIOS page, then it seems it's about to start windows and then jumps to "recent change in software/hardware" screen, where I have the option to either start normal or safe, etc. (I cant go back to last know working config because Windows 7 was freshly installed.)I hit enter and again same thing.I have a repair DVD so I can boot from the disk and hit Repair. I put it in the drive, I powered on, hit F9 to change the BIOS so it will boot from the CD/DVD, then enter, again, same "recent change in software/hardware" comes up.So I decided to power down and power up, DVD-ROM light comes on and then beep, gigabyte bios screen comes up, scripts come up, says boot from CD/DVD and then windows logo for about a sec and again "recent change in software/hardware" comes up, this is an ever ending cycle.I have noticed that the DVD-ROM only lights up for a couple seconds only when I turn the computer on, when the screen shows Boot from CD/DVD I dont see the light on, this is a new SATA samsung DVD-RW that I had for about a year, I never used it before becuase my old computer didnt have any SATA. This new gigabyte motherboard is all SATA.I am not sure if the DVD-RW is working, either way I ordered a new DVD-RW SATA that should be coming in today.

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Boot Error Say's Status Windows Status 0xc0000428?

Jul 26, 2012

So a couple of days ago my computer started to act up but this morning when i turned it on, i got a blue screen and it never wanted to turn on ever since. So i tried reinstalling Windows 7 again on the current system because i do not want to lose my pictures. Is there any way to fix this?

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Windows 7 Failed To Start - Repair Or Start Normal?

Dec 28, 2011

Last night I was on my computer and then I shut it down. Today when I came home from work it keeps saying windows failed to start. I tried hitting f8 and loading to the last good configuration doesn't work, safe mode same thing, repairing nothing, so my last resort was my windows 7 cd. So I went into bios and made my configuration boot from cd/dvd popped it in and restarted, a black screen came up saying windows is loading files, then the windows 7 menu came up, picked my language, next, and first I tried repair my computer, I get the little circle meaning its loading for like 5 seconds them it does nothing, rebooted again but this time I chose, install and I've been on the setup is starting for like 20 min. And forgot to mention, when it boots seem like it does good then comes to the screen where it says windows failed and gives me two options repair our start normal, if I pick repair it just reboots and start normal takes me to like the pick your user screen but its just blank no users, so I can't even restore our access the computer.

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Recent Change To System - Can't Re-position Desktop Icons + More

Jul 18, 2012

A few days ago (16th July 2012) the Resident Shield of my AVG Internet Security 2012 reported an issue with the 'Services.exe' file located in C:WindowsSystem32 - specifically stating 'Trojan horse dropper.Generic_c.MMI' and saying that the 'Object is white-listed (critical/system file that should not be removed'.

I use the following command in the cmd box: "sfc /scanfile=c:windowssystem32services.exe". After doing this I had no more problems reported with services.exe.

Problem 1:However, now, my desktop icon arrangement has reset and grouped to the left side of the screen. I can re-position each icon however, upon reboot or the desktop Refresh command all Icons return to the left - to exactly the same position. Auto arrange icons is turned off and align to grid can be turned off however, it keeps turning itself on upon reboot.Icon re-positioning was always retained previously - this problem has only just appeared.

Problem 2:Upon double-clicking the desktop Computer icon I am now unable to permanently set the view from 'Tiles' to 'Details' (I can, temporarily) - this was never the case until the issue above (i.e. all explorer/folder views were permanently set to detail via 'folder options/view/apply folders').So, something has changed very recently. I've ran full scans using avg (virus,tracking and rootkit), malewarebytes mbam, spybot but the problem persists. I've re-checked system files using 'sfc /verifyonly' and no 'integrity violations' were found.

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Users Not Seeing Recent Items On Start Menu?

Jul 22, 2011

I'm configuring Windows 7 Enterprise for my office. I've gone through and installed all the programs. I then do the deal where I log in locally and copy my profile and make it the Default profile.

Anyway, when I log in using my profile (Domain Admin) no problems! When i log in as a typical user (without admin rights) I don't see anything on the left side of the start menu (recent programs). I open Word, Excel, etc. but nothing is ever added to the recentfavorite program list.

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"Status : Failure -Test Failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter Could Not Establish The Connection"

Jul 1, 2012

i downloaded the free edition of Oracle SQL Developer for 32-bit Windows (This zip file includes the JDK1.6.0_11) - though i run 64bit - windows 7 After extraction, i double click sqldeveloper.exe under new connection window what should be my inputs for connection name, username, password,hostname, port, sid when i give sample inputs and test for connection it throws "Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection" how to establish a successful connection

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Self-test Status Value : 7 (completed With The Read Element Of Test Failed)?

Sep 8, 2011

I'm not sure why this came up?

Also if I just boot it normally I get a picture & it freezes?

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Jump Lists - Change Number Of Recent Items To Display

May 27, 2009

How to Change the Number of Recent Items to Display in Windows 7 Jump Lists ?

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Grayed Out Recent Program List In Start Menu

Sep 21, 2009

Grayed out recent program list in start menu, How to enable it?

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Start Menu Issues Recent Programs List

Apr 12, 2009

Well for some reason windows 7 has decided that it will not let me remove the recent programs from this liste the ones that i well honestly do not use. It just won't let me do that but yet i could on Windows Vista.

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