[BSOD] Kernal Data Inpage Error?

Sep 7, 2012

I get this BSOD whenever I leave my computer for 5-10 minutes, It just started happening.I have done CHKDSK and it came up with no errors. I don't know what info you need, I am attaching the files necessary.

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Kernal Data Inpage Error Blue-screen Event

Apr 28, 2012

A week or two ago I encountered the Kernal Data Inpage Error blue screen event. I had the university brains look over it then remote Dell technical support. After the technician was done it seemed to be much better. Even a bit quicker! (This computer is nearing 1 year old. Alienware M14x laptop, Windows 7)But the blue screen came again a couple times today while I was modding Skyrim. I did chkdisk, ccleaner (both cleaned and registry checked), disk defragmenter, disk cleaner, malware scan, and everything seems to have done what it was supposed to. No blue screens yet (i could try to provoke one with that same file?) but Skyrim is so much slower. Last night I was on high graphical settings with 40+ fps, now its lagging below 30fps. I did all of the above and a restart here n there.

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Kernal Inpage Error Windows 7

Jan 28, 2013

Okay, so this all started when my hard drive failed. I had tested my (old) hard drive on other computers so I know it really failed. I bought a 120 GB SSD and a 750 GB Seagate external hard drive for my computer. ( my computer is a Asus Republic of Gamers G73SW, 8 GB of ram i7 intel quad core @ 2.0 GHz) if you would like to know. , Ever since I replaced the hard drive, my computer freezes mostly while I am gaming and gives the Kernal Inpage Error. Even when I knew my old hard drive was going out soon, it never gave me that error, it would just crash, (that is the old hard dive). I went to the place I bought the new SSD and external hard drive and they told me it was probably an issue with my motherboard or operating system (windows 7 Ultimate, which I paid for) I did though have a new power jack put on my mother board about 8 months ago.. Never had any type of problem. And just FYI I do work at a computer company, kinda like Geek Squad, I am fairly new and only work with software, not hardware like this stuff. I know for sure I have no viruses or anything like that. ( checked a lot ) ran disk check's and all of that. Just don't know if my mother board is really the problem or maybe the new SSD ( which Best Buy when I asked about it told me it was my mother board, and not the new SSD I bought from them ) The weird thing is when it does crash, my BIOS will not recognize that the SSD is even there( after a crash ) my computer will not boot and I check the BIOS and my SSD will not show up, For hours sometimes... So I dont know I have asked everyone from my work and other computer shops and they all say they don't know or give different answers, only had this computer a little over a year (I love it!) but now just thinking to build my own....

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BSOD - Kernel Data Inpage Error

Apr 20, 2011

I have a samsung laptop RV411. So I closed the cover and then opened it for transfer. However, I did not shut it down. So when I opened it, it turned black and it turned BSOD. It says KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR. So I restarted my PC. Now, I cant get out of the POST. There is 2 available options F2 for setup and F4 for recovery. I pressed both and it went Please Wait... Forever! I used the recovery disk no luck.

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[BSOD] Random BSOD - Kernel Data Inpage Error

Dec 15, 2012

This started happening last night while i was playing Borderlands 2, it has happened at idle, playing just about any game in my library, during downloads and just browsing the web. I changed all of my accessible drivers, and it continued to happen, so i moved all of my personal files onto my external HDD. I re installed windows on my SSD (did not reformat) and reformatted my HDD. I re installed my drivers, re-enabled SLI and it ran fine for about an hour, just downloading WoW, and then happened again twice.

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BSOD While Recording With Fraps + Audacity, Kernel Data Inpage Error

Dec 20, 2011

Yeah so I've been able to fix my dual system on both hard drives problem, but seems like my original problem still persists. Whenever I run fraps, audacity, and warcraft III (warcraft III running by itself doesn't seem to bother anything). I blue screen after 1-2 minutes of recording (sometimes it doesn't, but when it does it does for 3-4 times every time i try).

The error message I get from BSOD is kernel data inpage error, but sometimes the BSOD would just say "a process or thread crucial to the system has unexpectedly exited or been terminated". The error code is always 0x000000004.

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Kernel Data Inpage Error

Oct 10, 2011

my laptop has been crashing frequently since months ago. sometimes i get bluescreen (kernel data inpage error), sometimes it reboots automatically, and sometimes it freezes and the screen is filled with some grey/black weird horizontal lines and i have to reboot it. i had reinstalled the windows a few times but the prob remains.when i run in safe mode everything is fine.also, everything is ok when i use battery, no reboot, bluescreen, etc...but the prob comes back once i plug in...seems like the prob only occurs when i use the power?

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Kernel Data Inpage Error

Jul 18, 2012

my system has been running absolutely fine for the past year without issues until about 3 weeks ago. For the first time, I got a stop error about kernel data inpage error. it however could not save the dump for some reason.

my system is configured as SSD is the main boot drive for Windows and everything else (program files etc...) is redirected to the E: drive which is my RAID0. I then had the same problem about 2 weeks ago. And now I have just seen it happen properly:

Kernel data inpage error

is what are the key information I can see. what does this mean? how can I identify what is exactly the problem? this is such a critical system, i cannot emphasis enough

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Kernel Data Inpage Error At Startup?

Nov 23, 2011

I had some BSOD's, they always occured shortly after the login screen appeared. I hoped they would go away, like they did in the past, but my PC kept crashing. I didn't try to solve them, I just booted in another OS, now I booted my windows 7 again and the problem seems solved, but I am curious what was the cause of these BSOD's and I want to know how I can prevent them in the future. I attached a zip file as outlined

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Kernel Data Inpage Error NTFS.sys

Nov 28, 2011

When I re�nstalled windows around 1-2 months ago I suddenly got a Kernel Data inpage error. In the attachments are all the files you will need (minidump and system health report). I had to re�nstall windows because there was an unremovable virus, before the re�stallation this problem didn't occur so that gives me a high suspicion of it being a driver problem but I can't find any drivers that need updating.

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Windows 7 Constantly Freezing / Kernal Power Error 41?

Jul 25, 2012

Have had a home built PC now for a bout a year, i have my OS running from dual SSDs in a RAID configuration (for fast access of databases), recently i noticed my machine began crashing a few times more than i had been used to, but recently it has really started to increase in frequency. When i turn the power off to my machine and reboot, what often happens is the system freezes again just before i reach the password login screen (freezes at the screen with the windows logo). I have checked the event viewer, heres what i found after the last crash today.

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Error 0xc00000e9 Performing Inpage Operation?

Aug 30, 2012

his past week, my little one dropped my laptop on the floor which gave me error 0xc00000e9. I reinstalled Win 7 and everything seemed to be back to normal. Once I logged on, the computer operated so slow that it lagged when typing. I went to control panel and found out that none of the Microsoft, Intel programs were listed. I then realized updates weren't turned on, so I tried turning it on, but it gave me an error. This was the same error I got with many of the services not willing to turn on. I then went to services and tried turning it on from there, but I got error performing inpage operation. After that, I tried CHKDSK L: /R, but after waiting 5 days, it wouldn't move in stage 4 of 5.

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Enable N.T. 4.0 Kernal Mode On Windows 7?

Aug 13, 2010

How can I enable N.T. 4.0 Kernal mode on my windows 7 ?

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NVIDIA Kernal Mode Driver Version 190.62

Sep 22, 2009

I'm experiencing a problem with my NVIDIA Windows Kernal Mode Driver Version 190.62.

The problem has crashed my computer a number of times, any help would be appreciated.

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Windows 7 Kernal Driver Stopped Responding And Has Now Recovered?

Jul 20, 2012

Black screen then lag then goes right to normal how to fix?Im using NVIDIA sorry don't know how to give in my details about my laptop bu

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Weird Nvidia Windows 7 Kernal Mode Driver Has Stopped Working?

Apr 1, 2012

I read a few forums about this issue but mine's different. It doesn't crash or display any error while gaming. It happens when i'm on the desktop exploring. If don't do anything it wont display the error, however, when i start to right click on desktop, it flickers and displays the error "Nvidia Windows Kernel Driver mode driver has stopped responding and recovered" something link that. This also happens when a window is active like when i'm on the Control Panel Window (don't know with other windows, haven't tried yet), It flickers every 10 - 30 secs and display the error. After a few hours of researching and troubleshooting i think finally fixed it by putting the "Peformance Settings to Best Performance". I don't know what caused this. It didnt happen to me before. My Peformance settings was always set to Best appearance until now. Anyone knows the fix to this error? I don't like the appearance set to Best Peformance, it looks like Windows 98 If you experience similar errors like mine, try setting your Performance settings to Best Peformance and post comments here if it works[CODE]

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BSOD When Transferring Large Amounts Of Data

Sep 26, 2012

i built myself a new computer recently and although it's not the first one i've ever built, i'm certainly no expert. i was getting lots of BSODs right from day 1, but when i swapped out the PSU for a larger one, everything seemed ok. but when i started copying all my stuff onto the hard drives i started getting BSODs again. whenever i transfer more than a few GB of data, either from one HDD to another, or from a DVD to a HDD, the computer bluescreens. a BSOD will happen out of the blue, even if im not actually doing anything, but transfering more than 4GB or so of data is guaranteed to give me a BSOD. i tried various diagnostics like memtest86 but everything comes up fine. but when i swapped the system drive for a different hdd with linux, transfering data works fine. so i'm fairly certain it's either some element of windows or the ssd that windows is installed on.

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BSOD While Connecting To Internet With Mobile Via Data Cable

Jun 17, 2012

Last day my desktop crashed with blue screen error while trying to connect my mobile internet Via data cable. Blue screen error I got:

STOP : 0x0000009F(0X00000003,0X829FEC08,0X83562AE0,0XBA430F20)
And the DUMP FILE I got: 061712-19640-01.dmp

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Backing Up Data Error "The Request Is Not Supported" Error 0x80070032

Oct 10, 2012

I have been trying to back up all my important data onto an external hdd. The external hdd i am using is a WD 2tb. I am currently running Win 7 x64 with 2 x hdd wd 2tb set-up in raid 1 for hdd failure. I would like the external one as a backup weekly in case of file corruption. However when i go into setup, i get the following msg "The request is not supported" Error 0x80070032. I have read through a few threads on this forum with regards to task scheduler and event log they all seem to be set as required. There is also suggestion that win 7 may not be able to handle large hdd sector size, something about 4k versus 512.

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New Build BSOD, Thinking Secondary Data Drive Is Issue?

Aug 2, 2012


Ran into issues on build day 2 days ago with crashing driver issues etc. installing drivers was actinglike fliles were corrupt even off the disks.I replaced cables on drives, swapped the Bios for the SATA ports to mimic IDE, installed new version of windows with the Seagate not plugged in. Installed drivers for Mother Board rebooted to Bios swapped back from IDE on the SATA.Puts around a bit no real issues, installed the data drive rebooted and started to install software from steam and origin as well as Windows updates.BSOD a few times,Logged off ran memtest over night passed all 7 tests, ran again on each stick all passed.Windows is freezing trying to install all the updates that is the latest bsod in the log file.the 2tb drive is still uninstalled but seems stable.Not sure what is causing this, I did run CCleaner a few mins ago and it puked a ton of registery errors cleaned them up ran again found more, cleaned now it says it is clean.Here is the zip I am at wits end and do not want to RMA the Seagate if i dont have to but willing to if you all think that is my problem.

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PC Has Identified Error With HDD - Backup Data

May 14, 2010

Your HDD has the SMART Predict Failure function which monitors the HDD operating status. Your HDD is experiencing a problem and SMART monitoring software predicts that the HDD will fail. Toshiba strongly recommends you create a back-up for your HDD data. Then contact an authorized service provider in order to check your drive and purchase a new replacement drive if necessary.

Is the error that I am receiving on my PC and it is a Toshiba P505 S8980 and it requires me to press F! at start up to use the pc cause it says the PC has Identified an error with the HDD (Hard Drive) and the SMART system suggest to partner with my manufature to fix the issue. I have ran several test with a tune up tool and it says that my P.C. is operating correctly and it is running just fine but the error will not go away and I am starting to worry that the Hard Drive is failing because of this message.

It is still under warranty and I have contact Toshiba and they want me to send it back to fix the issue but I don't want to have to start all over again by reinstalling all my programs etc... I have them all back up on an external hard drive but it is difficult to reload everything. If I have to do it I will but my computer will not let me reset to factory settings either and I am lost on this one.

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Outlook Data File Error

Aug 18, 2009

I have another issue regarding Office Outlook 2007 and Windows 7 RC (Build 7100). When I open up Outlook sometime (pretty frequently lately).

I get a message telling me that the data file was not closed properly last time it was opened and a check is now is progress (whoo-hoo).

I am happy for it to check the file to make sure that there is no problem with it but doing it every single time I open Outlook for the days work ahead (gimme a break).

There was a thread that I came across on here that Ian had posted about disabling the iTunes Add-On in the Trust Center. But I have tried this to no avail.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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How To Fix Data Error Cyclic Redundancy Check

May 19, 2012

Look for repair tool for data error cyclic redundancy on my external hard drive

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Data Error Cyclic Redundancy Check?

Jun 1, 2012

I get this error message when I try to open mounted drive

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Data Error Cyclic Redundancy Check?

Jun 21, 2012

how can i fix this ext hard drive

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Data Error (cyclic Redundancy Check)?

Jan 23, 2013

how to solve Data error (cyclic redundancy check)

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Runtime Error 6016 - Not Enough Space For Thread Data

Jan 2, 2012

When I start my computer, a window appears that says: Runtime Error! Program: CProgram FilesDell Support Centerpcdrcui.exe R6016 - not enough space for thread data

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An Error Occurred During The Moving Data Process : -214702473

Sep 3, 2011

Today I got black hawk down and installed it getting an error message saying An error occurred during the moving data process : -214702473 After googling it came up with answers saying something like anti cheat software requires me to an a administrator on my computer. I'm an administrator so I don't know why my computers not recognizing me as one?

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Excel 2010 Script Error Popup When Getting Data From Web

Apr 14, 2012

I sometimes get a script error when getting data from web when using Excel 2010.

This seems to depend on the ISP I'm using as I can take the laptop into some Wifi enabled Cafe's and EXCEL gets the data without the error popup.

Since I like to run some of these as background queries (updating Stock prices for instance) is there any way to skip or supress the popup. I've just about tried every possible option both in OFFICE and IE.

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Kernel Data In-page Error On Custom Build

Oct 9, 2011

I'm getting a kernel data inpage error BSOD on windows 7 ultimate x64. It seems to happen randomly regardless of activity (idle, gaming, video playback) and I'm having trouble finding the cause. The computer will not save dump files. So I've attached a picture of the BSOD, and an event viewer log.

Event viewer log:

- <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
- <System>
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power" Guid="{331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}" />


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A Fatal Error Occurred Processing The Restoration Data

May 23, 2012

So when I leave my computer it goes into hibernation mode, how ever when I come back it acts like its loading and then the POST comes up after that it says: "Your computer can't come out of hibernation.

Status: 0xc0000411
Info:A fatal error occurred processing the restoration data.
File: hiberfil.sys

Any information that was not saved before the computer went into hibernation will be lost."It does this ever time it goes into hibernation, I disabled it and I have no problems now but I want my computer to hibernate because I leave it on all day long and it will wear components out faster and waste power.I have tried updating all the drivers and hardware drivers from the website for the HD but nothing helped.

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