Windows Recommended To Format Fat32

Mar 23, 2008

i have a 4Gb USB Flash disk that originally formated with FAT file system, but windows recommended to format it with FAT32. my Question is that FAT file system is FASTER than FAT32 for USB flash disks?

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How To Format SD Card Into FAT32

Apr 24, 2009

I have been trying to format an SD card into FAT32 so that I can use it in my new Karaoke machine. When right clicking on the directory and choosing format, it show the FAT32 but does not complete when I click on it coming up with the error message 'cannot complete the format'. I have also tried this on my laptop which runs XP but the same message comes up. I have checked and the lock for writing is not on. Does anyone have any idea how to go about this. A friend said to use the compatability wizard to do this but on looking at this I still do not know what to do

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Resize FAT32 Partition In Windows

Jun 24, 2009

Does anyone know if Windows Vista can resize a FAT32 partition? I have a HD with 2 partitions (the 1st one is a FAT32 and the 2nd is a NTFS), and the expand / shrink options are only available for the NTFS partition (for the FAT32 partition the options appear in the menu but are not available).

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The Recommended Updates Was KB940157: Windows Search 4.0 For Windows Vista For X64-systems (11,8MB).

Aug 19, 2008

I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit edition Dutch Version, updated with SP1 and all the patches/updates until today. However, I have encountered two problems lately, that might be related. During one of the last Windows update sessions, one of the recommended updates was KB940157: Windows Search 4.0 for Windows Vista for x64-systems (11,8MB).

The update downloaded succesfully, created a restore point, but then during installation of Search 4.0, windows update stops and announces an update fail error:

Failed: 1 update
Errorcode: 800F0900

I've been googling this particular error code in combination with KB940157, but it doesn't bring up any entries. Then later on, I discovered that when I go into the Windows Components window (via Control Panel, Add/remove software), the entire windows stays blank (first it says "Wait a few moments..."). This only lasts a few seconds then shows a complete empty window.

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Recommended Virsus Protection With Windows

Mar 23, 2008

After reading different posts, I am uninstalling my Symnatec Norton protection. Does anyone have a recommendation for protection that works well with windows vista?

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Aug 7, 2009

I just bought a external hard drive

But, after transfering all my data I found out it is FAT32?

Is there a way I can change this to NTFS?

Without losing the data?

it is drive G

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Want To Check 98 FAT32 Partition?

Mar 23, 2008

I've got a multiboot system involving, Windows 98, Windows 2000, XP, and Vista. For some reason, 2000, Vista and XP want to check the FAT32 partition on which 98 is installed, even though 98 doesn't feel the need to do this. Is it safe to allow this? If not, how do I stop them from trying to do the check (without having to hit a key each time they boot)? I tried doing scandisk under 98 to clear whatever ckeck disk flag has been set but they still want to check.

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Format OEM Windows?

Dec 30, 2009

want to format my hard drive and reinstall windows but its an OEM version of Vista Ultimate x64 I heard there may be problems and that it wont activate. I have the disc and all the keys etc. Also I want to install on another hard drive as the present one is too small and filling up quickly.

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USB 2.0 Hard Drives It Is Formatted FAT32

Jun 2, 2008

I just added two new 1TB My Book external USB 2.0 hard drives to my system. They come formatted and partitioned, but it is formatted FAT32, all of my other drivers are NTFS and so I went in to the Windows Vista disk management tool (sorry I don't remember what it is actually called but it allows you to see all of your drives, partitions, etc.) to do a quick format to NTFS. However, it seems to be taking hours to do this.

I am guessing and this is my question. Am I right in assuming that the reason this is not a quick format is because it is having to do a full format in order to convert the drive from FAT32 to NTFS? How long should it take to format a 1TB drive?

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XP 2000: Want To Check 98 FAT32 Partition

Mar 26, 2008

I've got a multiboot system involving, Windows 98, Windows 2000, XP, and Vista. For some reason, 2000, Vista and XP want to check the FAT32 partition on which 98 is installed, even though 98 doesn't feel the need to do this. Is it safe to allow this? If not, how do I stop them from trying to do the check (without having to hit a key each time they boot)? I tried doing scandisk under 98 to clear whatever ckeck disk flag has been set but they still want to check.

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Fat32 XP Can Read Ntfs Partition

Mar 24, 2008

I am used to dual booting xp O/S and typically I keep one partition NTFS (everyday usage) and the other FAT32 (software testing). This is so when I boot into my FAT32, my NTFS is hidden and the primary drive is C:

I bought a new desktop with Vista intalled on it, I have successfully partitioned and dual booted with XP. Vista is NTFS and XP is FAT32, when I boot into the FAT32 XP, the primary comes up as H: and the C: is still the Vista partition which
easily browsable? Why can XP read Vista NTFS partition?

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Windows Format Driver 2 Second Possible

Mar 12, 2009

i just want to know when i want to format my primary hard drive (c: volume) to windows vista 32 bit i select format this drive and it takes about 2 second is this possible? because its relly deleted all (i rememmber full format in windows xp that took some time at least 45 minutes)

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Format And Reinstall Windows

Apr 7, 2008

I would like to format my hdd and reinstall windows, however, I have Office Pro2007 installed on the pc, and I have used all three licenses on the disks. Is there anyway to reinstall it without requiring an add'l license purchase? Will it know it was already on the pc?

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How Format Windows Mail?

May 19, 2008

Just got new PC w/Vista. When sending email messages, the entire email address is next to the TO name in outgoing messages. How do I format Windows Mail so the email address doesn't show in the outgoing messages. Privacy issues.

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Convert WD 640GB Elements FAT32 To NTFS

Mar 27, 2009

It's a new drive with nothing on it. I started converting it from an Amin command prompt about 5 hours ago. The LED on the drive is flashing and the Task Manager shows it's running but other than that I have no indication that it is in fact actually running. Below is what the command prompt window displays. It has not changed at all in the 5 hours. Has anyone else experienced this? How long does this process usually take?

Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
624,976,672 KB total disk space.
160 KB in 5 hidden files.
32 KB in 1 folders.
32 KB in 1 files.
624,976,416 KB are available.

32,768 bytes in each allocation unit.
19,530,521 total allocation units on disk.
19,530,513 allocation units available on disk.

Determining disk space required for file system conversion...
Total disk space: 625129272 KB
Free space on volume: 624976416 KB
Space required for conversion: 843485 KB
Converting file system

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Quick FAT32 Formatting Or Conversion In Vista

Nov 15, 2009

I got this message when trying to convert my HDD in Command prompt: Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges. You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode. I did get it working after I did Run as administrator and it worked, but it takes ages formatting........The external HDD I was converting is 500GB, due to how long it was taking I cancelled it. Does anyone know how I can do a quick fat32 formatting or conversion in vista?

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FAT32 Vs NTFS, Overwritting Deleted File

Mar 25, 2010

I know about FAT32, but I know little about NTFS. Assuming both hard drives are not "fragmented". If a large (200MB) file is deleted, is it more likely to be overwritten (space it occupied on the hard disk is overwritten) on a FAT32 hard disk compared to a NTFS? Remove "ine" from my email address

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Windows Must Format Disk Drive X Before You Can Use It

Feb 8, 2010

It's my new Sony ebook reader. It works fine on my old XP pc but not my Vista Home Premium laptop. I don't know how reformatting an actual reader would affect the device since every one at the Sony forum has only reformat their memory from the actual reader that has a reformat memory, you lose your books but all the Sony applications that runs the reader are still intact. Since I got this error, I've reformatted via the actual reader and still every time I plug my reader in my USB port, I get this error. I'm scared if I say yes that all the applications that makes the reader works will be wiped out. Here is the thread in the Sony Reader Forum of them trying to help me. I come on on #8 post as Sandyn Sony Reader Forum - Sony PRS300

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Windows Unable To Format Disk

Jun 21, 2008

I'm trying to format some CD-RW disks to make my backup disks and only once out of about 10 tries have I been successful. I keep getting a message that says "windows is unable to format disk"

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Format Windows- Home Premium

Aug 9, 2009

How To Format My Pc(vista-home-premium)? What I Need Do This,all Step By Step,info.

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Windows Unable To Complete Format Of DVD RW Disks

Jul 30, 2009

I have an issue on my Gateway Laptop computer model MT6832B which has an Opiarc ad-7530a DVD RW drive. I also have the same issue on my DELL Dimension E520 with a TSST corp DVD+- RW TS -H653A drive. Both Computers are running on Vista Home Premium Service Pack2

When I try to format either a Philips DVD+RW disk or a Panasonic DVD-R disk, on either machine, after apparently going through the formatting procedure I get a message that Windows was unable to complete the format. It is strange that the identical issue is found on both machines. Could Vista be causing the issue? I would mention that I am able to format a CD-RW disk OK.

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Windows Unable Complete The Format Of DVD Disks

Jul 30, 2009

I have an issue on my Gateway Laptop computer model MT6832B which has an Opiarc ad-7530a DVD RW drive. I also have the same issue on my DELL Dimension E520 with a TSST corp DVD+- RW TS -H653A drive. Both Computers are running on Vista Home Premium Service Pack2 My issue is this. When I try to format either a Philips DVD+RW disk or a Panasonic DVD-R disk, on either machine, after apparently going through the formatting procedure I get a message that Windows was unable to complete the format. It is strange that the identical issue is found on both machines. Could Vista be causing the issue? I would mention that I am able to format a CD-RW disk OK.

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Is OEM Recommended ?

Jul 5, 2008

I'd like to upgrade PCs from my family to Vista (2 PC).

I also have to precise I regularly change PCs configuration : ex. I rebuilt completly one of the PC to put a big graphic card (for Games): the mother board and connectic were so old I had to change almost everything (box, mother board, new wireless PCI card.) The only things that didn't changed were the screen, the keyboard and the mouse.

Knowing this, what do you recommend : Vista OEM or the DVD pack?

And to be complete, is there somewhere reliable information with differences and possiblities of all Vista version (number of installation, what can be changed, what can't be changed in PC in order to reinstal, etc.)

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AVG 9.0 Not Recommended

Mar 13, 2010

In the past I had no problem recommending AVG Free 8.5, however I cannot recommend the version 9.0 because of apparant problems. A couple of days ago I downloaded AVG Free 9.0, uninstalled v8.5, installed v9.0 and went thru the settings; most were left as default. This AM while on the internet, the AVG scan started, that is when the problems started. I attempted to go from Yahoo home page to Yahoo mail. I was unable to redirect and IE8 showed (Not Responding) but yet system tray internet connection showed as still being connected.

I of course did the diagnose internet connection, it would not return a result so I ended both it and IE. I then attempted to open the user interface from the system tray, unable to do so. Attempted to stop process but it was not evan showing up in Applications. About the only thing I could do was restart the computer and do the uninstall upon load up.

Did not reinstall v8.5 because daughters computer while this was going on, was asking for a restart from AVG automatically downloading and installing v9.0. It would appear for whatever reason while performing the scan, it takes control of the computer instead of in the past allowing you to set priority, unless there is a setting that needs to be changed.

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Recommended DVD Ripper

Feb 9, 2008

I'm after a good piece of dvd ripping software. I currently use Imtoo but i'm not convinced by it.

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Recommended PSU For System

Oct 27, 2007

Can anyone recommend a good psu for this system. I want a good one but at the same time i dont want to have to spend a fortune is possible.

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Recommended AV Program?

Mar 23, 2008

As a new (4 hours!) Vista user, what AV programs, free, do people use? (I used Avast! in XP and was quite happy with it....)

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Recommended 802.11g USB Adapter For X64?

Sep 20, 2007

I have Vista Ultimate x64 installed on a dual core Pentium D 820, 3Gb ram machine. I also have a "bluenext" USB 2.0 wifi adapter, which is actually based on the ZD1211B chipset, recently renamed the Atheros AR5007UG. Running WPA-PSK

- all drivers since result in very slow performance (~ 30 kbps)
- virtually every day the adapter stops working. Usually the LED is off & no error is logged, but device needs to be replugged to reactivate. Occasionally a reboot is needed.................

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Windows Mail: Unable To Open Email Attachments Received In .pdf Or .jpg Format

Apr 14, 2008

Since migrating to Windows Mail a year ago on a new PC running Vista, I've been unable to open, or to save and open, email attachments received in .pdf or .jpg format. When I try to open .pdf attachments, I get an error message reading, "This
file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel." If I save a .pdf attachment in Adobe Reader and then try to open it, I get a message saying, "Adobe Reader could not open [file] because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)." I run Adobe Reader 8. Where do I look to find a solution to this problem? Is it related to the similar problem with JPEG's?

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Which Disk Image Creation Software Is Good For Vista: Fat32 Or NTSF File System?

Mar 23, 2008

In previous years I used Ghost to create the image of my harddrive. It was simple, easy procedure and very fast. I booted up computer to the command prompt and restored harddrive in few minutes!!! But it was FAT32 system. Now, with Vista I do not have a choice but to use NTSF file system. Which program offers the most features for disk image creation? I know it will be impossible for me to restore image from command boot option, but what the options I have? Can I for example take the harddrive to another computer and restore the image in there? Or create bootable CD (DVD?) and restore the image that way? Or I have to first install Windows and then restore?

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Shut Down, Sleep, Hibernate: Which Is Recommended?

Jun 10, 2008

My Vista 32bit is used at home for a few hours daily. A comment in another group stated shutting down / starting back up is harder on the system over the years. True? Is there any difference between the button left of the lock symbol ('Saves session & puts comp. in low power state' and sleep? When I'm done for the day which is recommended by those who know?

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