Quick FAT32 Formatting Or Conversion In Vista

Nov 15, 2009

I got this message when trying to convert my HDD in Command prompt: Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges. You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode. I did get it working after I did Run as administrator and it worked, but it takes ages formatting........The external HDD I was converting is 500GB, due to how long it was taking I cancelled it. Does anyone know how I can do a quick fat32 formatting or conversion in vista?

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Which Disk Image Creation Software Is Good For Vista: Fat32 Or NTSF File System?

Mar 23, 2008

In previous years I used Ghost to create the image of my harddrive. It was simple, easy procedure and very fast. I booted up computer to the command prompt and restored harddrive in few minutes!!! But it was FAT32 system. Now, with Vista I do not have a choice but to use NTSF file system. Which program offers the most features for disk image creation? I know it will be impossible for me to restore image from command boot option, but what the options I have? Can I for example take the harddrive to another computer and restore the image in there? Or create bootable CD (DVD?) and restore the image that way? Or I have to first install Windows and then restore?

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Formatting HD And Reinstalling Win Vista

May 11, 2008

I have a Vista Premium PC where I installed a trial version of a program,let it expire and now I bought the full version but cannot seem to get it to install since the ghost of the old trial version seems to be haunting my PC. Before I start formatting the drive (and lose all my other programs and settings) and attempt to reinstall Vista, I was wondering whether there was some easy way to wipe all traces of the trial program? I am no great tech expert, so protracted brain surgery with registry settings may not be an option for me!

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Ultimate: Formatting HD Nothing With Vista

Mar 19, 2009

how do you format HD in Vista. I searched in HELP section. these are entries in results:

How often do I need to be concerned with formatting disks?
What do I need to do to format a hard disk?
What file system should I use?
What's a quick format?
What are partitions and volumes?
How do I create more partitions?
How do I add a new hard disk?

under 2nd entry it says something like you need to create partitions first, then format each partition, this is RETARDED.. (ah yes, nothing with Vista is simple.. as soon as I have money I will purchase Windows XP, and ditch Vista for good...) in any other OS you right-click on drive you want to format and then hit "format"

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Vista Home Premium - Quick Launch Toolbar

Oct 11, 2009

On my quick launch toolbar, I accedently moved it to the side of my
screen and somehow the icons for my programs on the toolbar moved to the
middle of the toolbar and the icons showing "open programs" moved to the
left of the toolbar. It used to be reversed - programs icons on the
left and open programs in the middle. How do I get that back the way it

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Conversion Of File List To Word Document

Mar 23, 2008

How can one convert the list of files in a folder, as shown on "View...List" in Explorer, to a Word Document without first capturing the screen, printing the image, then physically scanning the printed page, and finally utilizing the OCR program? I do not wish to retype the lists as text documents, which I nearly and effectively have to do when the OCR has been used previously in this manner. I have over 2,000 family photos that I have restored and "saved as..." with identifiying names and dates and need an editable list to be used by recipients of the copies that will be given. The photos were not tagged. Vista Home Premium and Office 2003 are being used.

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Aug 7, 2009

I just bought a external hard drive

But, after transfering all my data I found out it is FAT32?

Is there a way I can change this to NTFS?

Without losing the data?

it is drive G

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Want To Check 98 FAT32 Partition?

Mar 23, 2008

I've got a multiboot system involving, Windows 98, Windows 2000, XP, and Vista. For some reason, 2000, Vista and XP want to check the FAT32 partition on which 98 is installed, even though 98 doesn't feel the need to do this. Is it safe to allow this? If not, how do I stop them from trying to do the check (without having to hit a key each time they boot)? I tried doing scandisk under 98 to clear whatever ckeck disk flag has been set but they still want to check.

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How To Format SD Card Into FAT32

Apr 24, 2009

I have been trying to format an SD card into FAT32 so that I can use it in my new Karaoke machine. When right clicking on the directory and choosing format, it show the FAT32 but does not complete when I click on it coming up with the error message 'cannot complete the format'. I have also tried this on my laptop which runs XP but the same message comes up. I have checked and the lock for writing is not on. Does anyone have any idea how to go about this. A friend said to use the compatability wizard to do this but on looking at this I still do not know what to do

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USB 2.0 Hard Drives It Is Formatted FAT32

Jun 2, 2008

I just added two new 1TB My Book external USB 2.0 hard drives to my system. They come formatted and partitioned, but it is formatted FAT32, all of my other drivers are NTFS and so I went in to the Windows Vista disk management tool (sorry I don't remember what it is actually called but it allows you to see all of your drives, partitions, etc.) to do a quick format to NTFS. However, it seems to be taking hours to do this.

I am guessing and this is my question. Am I right in assuming that the reason this is not a quick format is because it is having to do a full format in order to convert the drive from FAT32 to NTFS? How long should it take to format a 1TB drive?

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Resize FAT32 Partition In Windows

Jun 24, 2009

Does anyone know if Windows Vista can resize a FAT32 partition? I have a HD with 2 partitions (the 1st one is a FAT32 and the 2nd is a NTFS), and the expand / shrink options are only available for the NTFS partition (for the FAT32 partition the options appear in the menu but are not available).

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XP 2000: Want To Check 98 FAT32 Partition

Mar 26, 2008

I've got a multiboot system involving, Windows 98, Windows 2000, XP, and Vista. For some reason, 2000, Vista and XP want to check the FAT32 partition on which 98 is installed, even though 98 doesn't feel the need to do this. Is it safe to allow this? If not, how do I stop them from trying to do the check (without having to hit a key each time they boot)? I tried doing scandisk under 98 to clear whatever ckeck disk flag has been set but they still want to check.

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Fat32 XP Can Read Ntfs Partition

Mar 24, 2008

I am used to dual booting xp O/S and typically I keep one partition NTFS (everyday usage) and the other FAT32 (software testing). This is so when I boot into my FAT32, my NTFS is hidden and the primary drive is C:

I bought a new desktop with Vista intalled on it, I have successfully partitioned and dual booted with XP. Vista is NTFS and XP is FAT32, when I boot into the FAT32 XP, the primary comes up as H: and the C: is still the Vista partition which
easily browsable? Why can XP read Vista NTFS partition?

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Windows Recommended To Format Fat32

Mar 23, 2008

i have a 4Gb USB Flash disk that originally formated with FAT file system, but windows recommended to format it with FAT32. my Question is that FAT file system is FASTER than FAT32 for USB flash disks?

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Convert WD 640GB Elements FAT32 To NTFS

Mar 27, 2009

It's a new drive with nothing on it. I started converting it from an Amin command prompt about 5 hours ago. The LED on the drive is flashing and the Task Manager shows it's running but other than that I have no indication that it is in fact actually running. Below is what the command prompt window displays. It has not changed at all in the 5 hours. Has anyone else experienced this? How long does this process usually take?

Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
624,976,672 KB total disk space.
160 KB in 5 hidden files.
32 KB in 1 folders.
32 KB in 1 files.
624,976,416 KB are available.

32,768 bytes in each allocation unit.
19,530,521 total allocation units on disk.
19,530,513 allocation units available on disk.

Determining disk space required for file system conversion...
Total disk space: 625129272 KB
Free space on volume: 624976416 KB
Space required for conversion: 843485 KB
Converting file system

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FAT32 Vs NTFS, Overwritting Deleted File

Mar 25, 2010

I know about FAT32, but I know little about NTFS. Assuming both hard drives are not "fragmented". If a large (200MB) file is deleted, is it more likely to be overwritten (space it occupied on the hard disk is overwritten) on a FAT32 hard disk compared to a NTFS? Remove "ine" from my email address

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Need Formatting

Jun 28, 2009

ok so vista doesnt let me format my comp from the desktop.

i still have the recovery disk i made like 2 mins after setting up my PC.

the only problem is will the recovery disk help reinstall vista?? or will my comp just stop working completely?

apart from the above questions i also have no idea how to format my computer, i know during the boot up process its in one of the TAB, DEL OR ESC menus what what one? and once i get into it then where do i go?

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Mar 19, 2010

I need to format my computer. I have four partitions and would like to move my o/s to a larger partition and make it my new c:. I'm running Vista business 64. I new how to do it with xp, but not sure about Vista. I could use some pointers if you have them.

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Formatting A Dvd

Feb 6, 2009

I now have figured out how to format a DVD-R Disk, I only have to insert the DVD and the Autoplay box comes up and I pick burn files to disk using Windows and click on Show formatting options and select Mastered Formatting option. do the same with a DVD-R Disk, I insert the DVD-R Disk and nothing happens, the Autoplay box does not come up so I can't select the format option, I go into My Computer and click on the E: DVD DRIVE and if I go and click on format it only gives me one option to fast format the DVD disk but then it will format it (Live File Format) and I want Mastered Format, How do I format the DVD +R Disk as Mastered? Sorry for all the stupid questions but I am new to using DVD'S and am
struggling to figure this out.

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Disappearing Quick Launch

Mar 27, 2008

quick launch was working OK btu then yesterday suddenly my machien froze and the quick launch disappeared. I restarted my machine and yet it was still missing. the odd thing was all my logins and passwords were dleted as well. i went to the properties section and ticked quick launch hit apply nothing happened. it ok and still nothing happened. so i went back into properties and it was untick even though i had ticked it hit apply and ok. it seems it will not register the accpetance. i have restarted my machine several times
btu nothi seems to bring it back

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HP Quick Launch Buttons

Aug 23, 2009

I checked the Users Guide and found reference to the mute volume control button but no where did it indicate how to change any settings.

How do I fix this?

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Quick Launch Linking To Another HDD

Sep 19, 2007

I have my music on a separate hard drive to the rest of windows. If I drag this drive from within My Computer, to the quick launch tool bar to create a short cut. All works fine. I click it, it loads up my music drive and away I go.

Upon restarting, clicking the same quick launch icon does nothing/ sod all/ zilch.
The HDD is internal and is working flawlessly. It can me accessed from within My Computer just fine. When selecting a music file it'll load WMP and play it's heart out. It has the same target as before restart - K: So how come the short cut doesn't work once restarting?

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Network Quick To Timeout

Mar 23, 2008

I have a home server running WinXP that goes to sleep and takes 3 or 4 seconds to wake up when accessed over the network. Vista never waits for it wake up. It times out almost immediately and even worse seems to "cache" the timeout for several minutes. So even though the server is up and ready, Vista still says it's not available. This only happens when using Vista. Is there any way to make Vista try a little harder and not be so quick to give up?

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Quick Search Not Work

Dec 14, 2007

Did a quick search and couldn't find anything. Just wondering if anyone knows if the Promise eSATA300 TX2 works out of the box with Vista x64 as I am looking to pick up a external Seagate hard drive which comes bundled with this card.

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Quick Aero Speed Tip

Jan 30, 2007

The transparent glass in Windows Vista computer can look very nice. However, on some computers that have underpowered video adapters will see a performance hit when running the transparent glass effect.  One way to speed up Windows Vista and still get the benefits of aero, such as flip 3D and taskbar thumbnails, is to disable glass transparency.

Click on the desktop and select Personalize...

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Re-install From Re-formatting?

Mar 11, 2008

I bought a used system and there is no vista install disk ,so to make things right can i buy a copy of 32 ultimate ,install it then use the new liscence and will it pick up the programs i am running ,or will i have to re-install right from scratch re-formatting etc. Xp was like ,you could run it over top of an old copy and all data and programs would come back

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Formatting The Hardrive

Nov 22, 2008

I was reading how to format my HP computer and it says "Disconnect all connected devices (such as the Personal Media Drive, USB drives, printer, and fax), remove media from drives, and remove any recently added internal hardware. Do not disconnect the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and power cord." Do I really need to disconnect anything I recently put into my computer to upgrade it. This step they call for seems useless?

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HDD Disappears During Formatting

May 30, 2009

I installed a new, second HDD. I initialized it and began formatting it on Disk Management. When I just came back after being away from the computer for a few minutes, I noticed that the whole HDD, not to mention its formatting process, had completely disappeared from Disk Management! The HDD is still physically connected, it wasn't taken away by a fairy. What caused this and how to prevent it from happening?

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Formatting Cd-rw Disk

Mar 23, 2008

When I format a CD-RW disk which is 700MB the dialog box says that it is only 473MB in size. I am trying to copy photo's which should easily fit into 700MB but the disk is full after only half have been burnt.

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Quick Launch Bar Icons Not Showing

Apr 16, 2009

My system has been behaving erratically these past few days. I have just installed critical updates for windows vista basic 32bit and at restart, some of my quick launch bars icons were showing blanks. I have tried several system restores without much joy there. Trojan and virus scans have also drawn a blank.

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Quick User Accounts Question

Jan 4, 2008

I am a gamer, and I want to create a user account that loads the minimal resources. I browsed the tutorials and didnt find a thing. I obviously will have antivirus etc on my normal account, and I want to know how to create a account that loads the bare minimum.

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