Windows Mail: "an Error Has Occurred On The Script On The Current Page"

Apr 17, 2008

I keep receiving an Internet Explorer script error message telling me that "an error has occurred on the script on the current page - do you want to continue.....?" Can anyone tell me why this is and how I can eliminate the problem? I keep asking computer technicians from various companies, but everyone is passing the buck and won't give me an answer. Also, the same messages keep being downloaded into my inbox - any thoughts on this too.

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Unable To Send Mail "Windows Mail An Unknown Error Has Occurred"

Jul 1, 2008

I can send messages using Earthlink webmail but receive this error msg when I attempt to send using Windows Mail An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'xxxx.....', Account: 'hakxxxx', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 Your message does not conform to RFC2822 standard', Port: 587, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC69

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Cannot Send Mail :: Error Occurred And Your Mail Could Not Be Sent (102)

Mar 24, 2008

I try to send mail from my laptop but it displays this message: a server error occurred and your mail could not be sent (102) when i log on from any other computer it seems to work and let me send mail. i tried restoring my computer and changing browsers but still same error message occurs.

View 8 Replies View Related An Unhandled Error Has Occurred

Sep 16, 2009

I have various applications which I sell. Written in Visual some in 2003, and some in 2008 versions. However the problem is the same with both. The applications have been running successfully on Vista 32 bit, but with Vista 64 bit, this error message appears when the user tries to start the program: Runtime error: An unhandled error has occurred. "An attempt to load a program with an incorrect format, (Exception from HRESULT:0x8007000B)" If the problem persists, please contact your software supplier.

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Can't Send Email :: An Unknown Error Has Occurred

Jun 3, 2008

This is my first time using Windows Mail and for whatever reason I am not able to send emails to people who have an office email address. The error message reads:

An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'Re: ', Account: '',
Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '421
connection refused from []', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server
Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67.

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Error Occurred Communicating With The Scanning Device

Jul 29, 2009

I run Windows Vista Home Premium (32). I've used my HP Photosmart C4280 printer for about 2 years, worked fine for the most part. Lately I started having problems, so I uninstalled and reinstalled the driver & software (got the latest versions from HP download site). Since reinstall, my scanner isn't working. Whether I press the "Scan" button on the unit, or I select "Scan picture" or "Scan document" from the HP Solution Center, an error pops up: "An error occurred communicating with the scanning device. Please ensure that the printing device is properly connected and try again".

Also, I've uninstalled/reinstalled the drivers/software several times, cleaned temporary files and registry, still the problem persists. Having said that, the printing/copying works fine, so I know that the printer is properly connected. BTW, tried connecting the same printer to a friend's PC running Windows XP and it scans with no problem, so the issue must have something to do with HP interacting (non-interacting) with Vista.

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Change The Date It Says An Error Has Occurred Unable TO Save Changes

Mar 15, 2009

I Can't change Date Or Time Every time i try to change the date it says An Error Has Occurred Unable TO save Changes. I'm Running Vista ultimate Sp1

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Installation On 5270: An Error Occurred Whilst Copying Files

Feb 20, 2006

Im having some problems installing vista 5270. It will start the installation, do its first reboot, then when it goes to install the rest, it comes up with an error says: An error occurred whilst copying files. I have tried installing at first the 64-bit version, then the 32-bit version, and still the same error!? I have also tried burning both versions to DVD, and installing them, installing them off a virtual drive by mounting them, extracting all the files to a folder and installing them, and still come up with the same error!!

I have also tried to install it on another machine, but coming up with the same problem?! I got both copies of Vista (32 bit version and 64 bit) from different sources.

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Student 2007 Cann't Current Docs Error Message

Jun 30, 2009

I am running vista home and when i got my new laptop there was a trial version of office which has now expired, i have many docs saved in this format. I have today installed home and student 2007 but cannot do very much with any of my current docs - i have had an error message that says there is a conflict

1. Can i save the docs, inlcuidng powerpoint presentations, i have created and use them as previously?
2. How do i resolve this conflict without loosing any of my docs?

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Sending Email...NOT: An Unknown Error Has Occurred. Subject 'Re: Please Enjoy And Forward',

Sep 5, 2009

An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'Re: please enjoy and forward', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '421 Lost connection to []', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67

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Install New Graphics Card ATI 4870 : Internal System Error Occurred

Dec 2, 2009

Ive just formatted my hard drive and got a new graphics card -ATI 4870. When I try to run a game, using 'steam' it tries to install directx before failing, so I found the download myself and tried, it failed. The error said: 'INTERNAL SYSTEM ERROR OCCURRED refer to DxError.log and DirectX.log in your windows folder to determine problem.' So what any ideas, I need directx but I cant have directx. Wasnt sure if this post should go in here, gaming or graphics card. I figured here as its more a software issue.

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Windows Mail Errors Occurred While Processing, But Show No Errors

Jul 4, 2008

I am having a problem with my Windows Mail. I have had to do a restore using the Packard Bell restore feature on the advice of my tech guy and have encountered a problem. Prior to the restore everything worked fine.

The problem is in the send/receiving of mail. When I press the Send/Receive button the Windows Mail dialogue box (showing the error tab) comes up a tells me;

Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details?

No errors are showing and at the bottom of the box it shows ?0 of 3 tasks completed successfully?.

At the bottom right hand corner of my screen it shows the number of the last messages received. I can still send messages if I go to; Tools, Send and Receive and Send.

On starting up my PC and Windows Mail, mail is received and sent in the normal way but when I try Send/Receive any time after that the problem occurs.

I have checked my ISP mailbox and there are no outstanding messages.

I have checked all my setting against my laptop and they match, I have three e-mail addresses and am operating Windows Vista Premium, all updates are downloaded automatically.

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Upgrade Current XP With Old CD: Date Version Of XP To A 2+ Year Old Version Of Vista Which Would Require Many Updates To Bring Up To The Current Level

Aug 26, 2009

I purchased a new PC in early 2007 that came with XP. A month or so later I received the Vista upgrade CD which I have never installed. I intend to buy Windows 7 when it becomes available and wish to minimize my system upgrade problems as much as possible. Based on my understanding I would have to do a complete harddrive erase to install Win 7 and then reinstall all my applications. If possible and practical I'd like to upgrade XP to Vista and then Vista to Windows 7. My question am I likely to have problems going from a current up to date version of XP to a 2+ year old version of Vista which would require many updates to bring up to the current level?.

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Printing Windows Mail Jumps To Internet Page

Apr 13, 2008

Trying to work out kinks on my Vista 32 bit. After clicking print in Windows Mail, it automatically jumps to an open Internet page, and then I have to click back to the Mail. This is driving me nuts.

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Windows Mail Compacting: Error Windows Mail Has Stopped Working And Windows Is Searching For An Answer

Mar 8, 2009

Running Vista on an HP...When I get the pop up to compact the mail I click OK and it gets about 3 quarters of the way thru and I get the message Windows Mail has stopped working and Windows is searching for an answer. The answer was DEP (Data Execution Protection)was shutting it down to protect my computer..What's the problem??? Norton internet Security up to date and nothing found with complete system scan..Vista up to date as well.

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Windows Mail Open Automatically With A Blank Reply Page?

Jul 29, 2009

When reading an email using Windows Mail,if the text in the body of that email contains an email address,is it possible to double click on that address and have Windows Mail open automatically with a blank reply page?

This operation used to work OK with XP & OE however using Vista & Windows Mail it only pops up a message stating that the program is not associated. Clicking on an email address in a web page using IE8 works fine, it opens up a Windows Mail reply page.

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Page Pool Memory Error

Sep 12, 2009

Okay on a number of games i am getting a error the refects on my page pool being used up. I have 6 gb of ram and i know how to set my page pool stuff in the advanced setting and stuff. But even when i look it up after to task mang, i still don't see it all being used up its like at time 128 paged and 73 not then some times its like 200 paged and 53 non or something in that area. Forever changing. Its quite annoying cuz i cant tell if this is a problem. i used process explorer and it didn't show any programs that take too much pool or anything. Also its been like this for a while now, first with ALL steam programs ad now with some others. i dont quite remember when it happen or what i was doing when it started but all i know is its has to be my regfiles.

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Error Recovery Page, Blank Screen

Dec 20, 2008

I have a Advent laptop which recently decided not to load Windows Vista, when i tried to launch from the error recovery page it wouldnt start andjust gave me a blank screen. It also didnt work using a the windows Vista download from neosmart. and gave me the same blank screen when loading from the multi-boot screen.

I then downloaded a program called 'KillDisk' and i asked it to wipe out my Vista from my computer, whichit done succesfully, i decided to try my Windows Vista recovery disc and this time it did load the installation page, i put in my product key before it said there was something wrong (Cant remember exactly) i then tried to restore it using the repair computer options on the installation page before itthen said what was wrong with my laptop, 'Boot sector for system disk partition is corrupt' How can i sort this out!?!

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Where Did Windows Explorer: The Files And Folders For The Current User Can Be Explored?

Jun 16, 2008

What is now called Windows Explorer in Vista has been crippled so that only the files and folders for the current user can be explored. Where is the replacement for Windows Explorer in Vista? I am looking for the tool that will allow an administrator to explore the entire hard drive, create folders and copy files to wherever necessary. I need to create a folder that will contain some executable and configuration files in a location where users cannot accidently find them and delete them.

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IE7:website Declined To Show The Page Giving Error (HTTP 403 Forbidden)

Apr 25, 2008

Just recently (possibly since SP1) a number of web sites that I frequently visit have become inaccessible via my Vista Hoe Premium/IE7 PC. I can access them OK using WinXP/IE7 on my laptop so have no idea what the problem can be. The error message states "The website declined to show the page....This error (HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage". With the exception of one site, none of the other four sites require any kind of log-in. I use Norton Internet Security but have disabled web protection to see if that helps - nothing, I've also binned my temp internet files - nothing!

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Setting Up Windows Mail: Error

Apr 12, 2008

Setting up windows mail on Vista, I get the following error: The connection to the server has failed.Account '' server ''. Protocol. 'pop3,port10,secure(ssl):No,socket Error:10060,Error number: Ox800CCCOE.

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Windows Mail: Receive Error

Mar 23, 2009

Recently swithched using Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 with 4gb memory. As was told that MSoft Outllook not working with it? and was forced use Windows Mail intead. Basically the same as Outlook-06,07 version, but improved. Can send-receive emails, when browsing in the internet or working with word program and reach any contact "email address link" after cliking receive an error it should open new email window? Does anyone know what might be the problem on why there is an error, can fixed it or should I use with Vista, or use latest version of Outlook Express 7? (However WIndows Mail looks not bad)

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Windows Mail Account Error

Jun 24, 2008

what mistake am i making in setting my windows mail account i keep getting this error msg

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Subject 'Waiting for a guy like you - w4m - 19 (Baton Rouge)', Account: 'APT', Server: '110', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10053, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

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Windows Mail: Error When I Try To Send An Email

Jul 3, 2008

How in the world do you create an email address, what is an outgoing/ingoing server and whats POP3 or any of those other computer terms nobody knows? It keep saying error when I try to send an email- what happened to the easy way to set up an email account?

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Windows Mail Error Number: 0x80004005

Mar 23, 2008

I have been using Windows Mail on my Vista Home Premium machine for a while now. The was an update loaded on my machine by winows update within the last couple days and ever since my Windows Mail no longer accesses by POP3 Email account. I receive the following error message: An unknown error has occurred. Account: , Server: , Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x80004005

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Windows Mail: Error Number: 0x800CCC18

Jul 6, 2008

I'm currently having loads of problems with windows mail. I was having the password problem that has appeared on the community many times, tried the fixes posted but none worked (I stopped short of starting all over again). The password problem has stopped, but I am now getting the error message.

Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '.', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC18.

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Windows Mail Error Popping Up Inactivity

Mar 11, 2010

I booted ny notebook for the first time in 29 days tonight. I tried read/sending email with Windows Mail. An error kept popping up that included "inactivity" as one possible cause.Is this for real? Why would it matter how long it has been since I used Windows Mail. Eventually, I removed, them added back, pointer to the outbound server. But mail does not get sent right away.

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New Windows Live Messenger Skin: Switch Back To The Current Skin Style

Oct 3, 2007

I really don't like the new Windows Live Messenger skin they have for beta. I really hope they make an option to switch back to the current skin style.

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Unable To Post Error Message In Windows Mail

Jun 1, 2008

I am unable to post the Error message here. Socket No, 11001 it's the same 0x800CC ..that we've been hearing about. No answers have made sense so far. My mail is a mess - old mesages are being re-sent, I occasionally get a message and occasionally can send one. Sporadic at best. My ISP does not provide support outside their own web page mail service.

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Windows Mail Can't Work, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

Mar 29, 2008

I have been trying to download mail on a new computer using Visat mail, but get the following message: Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account: ' (1)', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F The mail server works fine on the old computer.

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Windows Mail Can't Working, Error Number: 0x800CCC19

Feb 6, 2009

I am suddenly having trouble receiving my email with Windows Mail. I get this message: Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC19

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