Windows Configure Fails

Jun 4, 2009

I recently bought an HP HDX9000 laptop and it came with vista home premium edition. I installed Office 2007 Enterprise Edition and everything was working fine until Microsoft Update did something and now EVERY TIME i open ANY Office program it loads a window with a progress bar that reads "Please wait while windows configures Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007" that takes FOREVER to load!

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Help Me Configure Windows Mail

Nov 15, 2009

I am unable to configure the windows mail.When I go to the tool menu and go
to add an account the pop up window asks for the incomming and outgoing e
mail server Which am not sure what to type.

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Configure Windows For Newbies

Apr 26, 2008

After a couple weeks of pulling my hair out and threatening to go find that hammer, I found this site and the 200+ Tutorials. Below are the steps I took to get to a stable, working Vista Home Premium 32 bit. There is no new information here. Everything came from the tutorials and threads I read here before starting.

1. I made a backup of everything I wanted to save. Fortunately, most of my files were already on DVD’s from the old computer. I burned my Anti Virus, Anti Spyware and all the device driver updates I had downloaded during the ‘Insanity Times’. I also downloaded several of the Tutorials so that I could access to them without an Internet connection. I then unplugged my Internet connection. I used the recovery feature to reset the computer to its original factory installation.

2. After reboot, I did steps one and two from here: Speed Up the Performance of Vista

3. I next installed my Anti Virus & Anti Spyware. When setting up the AV, I set real time protection on and email scanning off. The Anti Spyware doesn’t load at start up as I let Windows Defender do the real time scanning. When installing programs I right click and choose ‘Run as Administrator’ rather than just clicking on the setup file. Some suggestions for anti virus and anti spyware here: Free Software List for Vista

4. I then rebooted. While the computer was shutting down to reboot, I plugged the Internet connection back in......................

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Can Not Configure Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I can not configure windows mail. This is what I receive when I try to send mail. The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'lost code', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 15, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E. Do you kind folks need any additional info?

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Windows Setup Could Not Configure

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to install vista on my computer but i get that error. My installation process hasnt been smooth so far! What happens is that when i install vista (from usb) It restarts the first time, then it displays the message "vista is starting up for the first time or something" then I go to the next stage but there I get the error in my title. In my bios (DELL) i have only one option to change the harddrive from ATA to AHCI (or vice versa) and that is it and I have tried both options & same error.

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Windows Cant Configure Some Softwar

Jul 1, 2008

i tried a clean install of windows vista ultimate on my vista home premium laptop. i deleted the old partitions and set it to install everything goes fine until "completing installation" when it says windows cant configure some softwar. so now i have no backup or restore points and i have no operating system.

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Configure The Device On Every Windows Boot Again, So ReadyBoost Is Going To Use It

Feb 6, 2009

I have a new system with the new Core i7 920 CPU (don't know if this matters :p) and with 6 GB DDR3 RAM (1333Mhz 6x1BG) running Vista Business SP1 x64. I intend to disable the pagefile completely and to use a dedicated USB Flash Drive for ReadyBoost.

- What size should this USB Flash Drive have? -I read somewhere that it should be a 2.5:1 ratio (in my case 15GB then) for high-end systems. Is that right? - Do I have to configure the device on every Windows Boot again, so ReadyBoost is going to use it?

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Configure FM Radio In Windows Media Center

Mar 24, 2010

My HP computer came with XP and an FM tuner. I was able to use media center to listen to over-the-air local FM stations with a "T" shaped antenna connected to the computer's FM connector. I have since upgraded to Vista Home Premium and more recently to Windows 7 Home Premium. I have been unable to configure Windows Media Center with either of these OSs to recognize the FM tuner. The 'Device Drivers' window shows I have the latest version of a "Hauppauge winTV HVR-1800(Model 78xxx, Combo ATSC/QAM)" sound driver. Am I doing something wrong? Or missing something? Is there ANY other program (or driver) that will connect to this tuner?

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Configure Windows Mail To Display All Newsgroup Posts?

Feb 13, 2009

I subscribed to several newsgroups and retrieved the posts locally. It seems Windows Mail onlly retrieves part of the newsgroup posts. I cannot seem to find where I may configure to make it display all the posts which I can see via Web page. For example, I cannot see posts earlier than August, 2008.

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Windows Firewall Fails 2 Start, Windows Security Alerts Comes Up

Sep 18, 2008

I have an acer 3055WXMi laptop running Windows Vista home basic 32bit. I hav no 3rd party firewall, only other security software i have is AVG anti-virus
Every time i start up my laptop windows firewall fails 2 start, windows security alerts comes up.

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Premium To Ultimate Upgrade "could Not Configure One Or More Windows Components"

Mar 23, 2008

I have bought the upgrade and the anytime upgrade disc. I am having problems with the upgrade. I have tried twice to do it, the second time was after speaking to microsoft direct services helpdesk. I was walked through the first part of the installation, inserting the disc and to the gathering information stage. I told support I would contact them if it failed again The installation seemed to go ok right through to the last stage where I got a message - "could not configure one or more windows components" My computer then rolled back to vista premium.

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Configure Windows Update To Update All Microsoft Apps On Your PC

May 6, 2007

Microsoft Update was first released a few years ago for Windows XP and Server 2003 as a great way to update all of your Microsoft software installed on your PC. Not only would it update Windows, but it would also update Microsoft Office.  Are you a Microsoft Outlook user? If so, Microsoft Update would even download updated junk mail signatures when they are released.

In Windows Vista the new Windows Update application is no longer web-based. Microsoft has built-in the old Microsoft Update functionality into the new interface but you need to turn it on before you can use it.  Follow these steps to turn on updates for other Microsoft applications: ...

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If Windows 7 Fails Who Will Be Responsible For It?

Sep 26, 2009

Quote: There’s no doubting that financially, and that’s the only thing that matters really, Windows Vista was a disaster. Microsoft shareholders must not have been happy. But let’s examine exactly who, at least what groups, were responsible for this failure and ask the question if history can or will repeat.
Windows is a shell, a large one admittedly, but a shell into which third-party companies plug their code. I’d like to take each of these parties and reflect on what they did right and wrong.

Okay so clearly Microsoft had to shoulder a lot of the blame for Vista. They were simply too ambitious with it and when they had to, effectively, dump all the code and start again from scratch half way through the development process everyone knew there was trouble ahead.
Vista was late, nearly two years late and that equates to a big financial penalty. Companies and major corporations pay millions every year to Microsoft in volume licencing and subscription fees. For this they expect a regular development cycle, about every three years. Simply put they didn’t get it. Thus the pressure was on Microsoft to deliver and clearly they panicked and rushed Vista out the door without proper testing.
Hang on a minute! I hear you cry, the beta programme for Windows Vista lasted a year and a half and took in about half a million testers!! You compare that to the beta for Windows 7 that only took six months and had only 5,000 testers.
Windows Vista was an experiment, a version 1.0 product. It was essentially a brand new operating system as Microsoft were trying out new systems. But there was an awful lot of legacy code built into that and the resulting mish-mash made Vista the dog that it was. Source -
If Windows 7 fails who will be responsible for it? | Windows 7 News

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Windows Update Fails To Install?

Apr 6, 2009

when windows update fails to install a KB, and it lists it as FAIL. why wont it reinstall or re-download ?? Or does vista reinstalls it when you restart the computer?

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Windows Update Fails To Install Updates

Apr 2, 2009

When I try to install updates with Windows Update, I get a message that it's failed and an error code 80070002 (unknown error). I have deleted files in the Windows downloads folders as suggested

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Windows Live Messenger Fails On Startup

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Windows Vista Home Basic Acer Aspire laptop that a client bought last week. When I installed Windows Live Messenger (downloaded from the website), it started like it should but as soon as I tried to sign in, a "Windows Live Messenger has stopped working". When I chose the option to "Check Online for a solution", after a few seconds a notification that Windows DEP has stopped Windows Live Messenger and a help screen with information about how to configure DEP both appear. If I try to configure DEP so that Windows Live Messenger is allowed to run unaffected, DEP tells me that DEP cannot be disabled for Windows Live Messenger. So in short, DEP is stopping Windows Live Messenger from running and I have no idea how to fix it. The only other thing I noticed is that when I removed and reinstalled Messenger, it says that it is from an Unknown Publisher rather than from Microsoft as it usually does. Also, this machine is running the Acer eMpowered services including eData Security and I hear (but cannot confirm) that there could possibly be an issue between this and Messenger.

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Install Taxcut Fails Start Windows

Mar 26, 2008

I am trying to install TaxCut and the install fails just after the program starts Windows install. HR Block is no help. I want to reinstall windows installer and try again but I cant figure out how.

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Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor Fails On Install

Nov 4, 2009

"Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor ran into an unexpected error. Please reinstall... and try again." (upon run attempt)

a. I hope it didn't hurt itself when it ran into....nevermind.
b. Reinstall = same result.
c. Re-download and reinstall = same result.
d. It does appear in installed programs.

Microsoft will not support due to =OEM= Vista upgrading to retail Win 7 Upgrade. Gateway will not support due to "its a Microsoft software problem." Web search = no help. Machine is a laptop Gateway M-6881, 3GB, 2.2GHz core2duo. Do I just forget about Win 7?

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Windows XPSP3 Upgrade Fails, Blue Screen

May 19, 2008

I have Windows XP SP3 installed and operational. I have tried recently to complete an upgrade to Vista Pro with no success. I get to 59% completion on the last step at which point the computer reboots, goes to a blue screen and then resets back to Windows XP. Prior to that, everything appears to progress normally. I am wanting to do an upgrade because of the software that I want to carry over into the Vista environment (note: none of the software is identified in the Upgrade process as problematic software).

I am booting in normal mode with only Microsoft applications in the startup. I do have a Creative soundcard but have not loaded the software during startup (I did not uninstall the driver yet). I previously upgraded to Vista from SP2 but had to revert back for other reasons. Since then, the only change was to upgrade XP to SP3 and other Windows SW udpates.

Would like to hear about others' experiences and what other suggestions you might have so that I can complete the upgrade. Microsoft Technical support is unhelpful as they keep trying to get me to do a fresh install (the easy out!!!) instead of helping me complete the upgrade. Are they special commands I can issue in a RUN command that will facilitate a successful upgrade?

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System Restore Applet Fails To Open / Windows Updates Download But Fail To Install

Jul 29, 2009

A friend's Vista SP1 PC is failing to install Windows Updates and also some other updates such as those for Itunes. The symptom is that the updates get downloaded but the installation phase never finishes (he's left it for 12 hours!). In the case of the Windows Updates, there are several updates that try to install themselves as the PC is shutdown or even restarted, but the message "Installing 1 of 6" never advances: the only recourse is to switch the PC off.

As I was looking at the PC, I noticed one thing which may have a bearing on this and may even be the cause: the System Restore applet (windowssystem32 strui.exe) fails to run. It displays an initial User Account Control window but the "Restore System Files and Settings - choose a restore point" window never appears. No error message is displayed and there are no entries in any of the Event Log logs.

It occurred to me that if System Restore is buggered, this might prevent any updates working if the first thing they try to do is to create a restore point before installation begins. I can't find any reference to System Restore failing to open its initial Window - I've looked on and done a general Google search for "Vista System Restore fails". All the info seems to describe possible problems if you get slightly further and select a restore point which then fails to install properly.

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Can Not Configure Printer

Apr 6, 2008

I am trying to configure a new paper size for my printer and it was very easy with XP, but when I try to do it in Vista all the properties appear disabled. (Printers->Printer Server Properties). With XP I can configure a new form, give it a name, write new sizes and save, but Vista do not let me do it.

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Not Configure Pdf Driver(Error: -8)

Jun 26, 2009

Just got a new laptop and trying to get my invoicing program up and running again. The computer keeps telling me that it could not configure pdf driver(Error: -8). Is this a Vista issue or other and if other, could someone please point me in the right direction?

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How Configure Live Mail

Jul 29, 2009

How do I configure Live Mail to work ? I don't see any options to change.

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'Configure UAC', MS The Value In Grannular Configuration?

Mar 23, 2008

Is there a way to grant an applicatoin the right to execute now and forever more? An app that I use 3,4,10,15 times a day triggers an UAC prompt. I understand that the app should be written in a different manner so that it does not need Admin rights. Until it is re-written, I do not want to be prompted __EVERY__ time i launch it. Is this possible?

Since I think I already know the answer (but I am wrong far more than I would like to admit which is why i am posting), Why not? and to answer the first 3 arguments against:

1) I don't care that the app should be written differently. It is not written differently now, and I need to run it now.

2) It's not really a security hole to whitelist an app(s) - UAC is still running. Firewall is still running. User is still a least priveledge account, etc.

3) i haven't thought far enough to have 3 counter arguments.

Can someone explain to MS the value in grannular configuration? 'Configure UAC' should have a few more options than Turn On / Off.

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How To Find The IP Address To Configure It?

Oct 25, 2009

I have a Linksys wireless router, but I don't know how to find the IP address to configure it. I've had it for a few years now and can't find the documentation, but I changed the IP address from the standard one they always use. How can I find what it is?

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Configure Media Center?

Aug 18, 2008

I'm just finishing to configure my Media Center user on the Ultimate x64, now i wanted to know how to configure the Media Center for him allready atart in the "Only Media" mode!

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How To Configure Dual Boot System

Aug 8, 2008

Im looking for information regarding the best way to configure a dual boot system using Vista Ultimate and XpPro. What is the best way to set up the two 320gig 7200rpm HHD's? Should both hard drive areas be combined and then partitioned or would you recommend one operating system per drive? OS are Vistax64 and XpPro.

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How Can Properly Configure Network For Sharing.

Dec 9, 2009

This is a question about both xp and vista to a lesser extent. I can't find the proper english group for xp netowrking in the newsgroup list so I am posting here. I have 6 workstaions. a mix of xp and vista. I am hoping that I can configure the vista machines in the same way I am doing xp. This is a workgroup environment not a AD. Let us say the 6 workstations are

1) alice (xp)
2) john (xp).....

Lets look at alice. What I have done is to create 5 user accounts (limited) on alice called john, mary, jack, roger and morgan. I have set their password all to network. ****QUESTION****: In order to share a folder(s) to these other 5 workstaions do I have to manually set up each user on the alice machine or is there a way to see these users of the other machines listed in the share permissons and just select them without having to set up physical accounts for them on the alice machine....

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Can Configure Screen As External Monitor?

May 25, 2008

I have a Vista laptop and a new Vista desktop (replacement for a dinosaur). I am going to continue to reuse my current desktop monitor. Question: Can I configure my Vista laptop screen to act as a monitor for the new desktop (just to set it up)?

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Configure IP Address And DNS From Command Line

Nov 23, 2009

The IP address of your computer can be set from the command prompt by running the following commands at an administrative level prompt:

netsh interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" static 1

Local Area Connection is the name of the adapter you want to modify. In single NIC systems it is normally called Local Area Connection....

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Configure Vista To Perform Daily Backups

Jun 21, 2009

I am trying to configure Vista to perform daily backups. It does a full backup then incremental backups. Is there a way to configure full backups daily?

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