Windows Firewall Fails 2 Start, Windows Security Alerts Comes Up

Sep 18, 2008

I have an acer 3055WXMi laptop running Windows Vista home basic 32bit. I hav no 3rd party firewall, only other security software i have is AVG anti-virus
Every time i start up my laptop windows firewall fails 2 start, windows security alerts comes up.

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Turn Off Alerts: Windows Defender Alerts Me When It Blocks One Of My Start-up Programs

Mar 23, 2008

Windows defender alerts me when it blocks one of my start-up programs. Trouble is, it keeps alerting me throughout the day. I want to turn the alerts off. In Defender-Tools-Default Actions, I have set High Alert, Medium Alert and Low Alert all to Ignore. But it still alerts me.

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Firewall Error "Windows Cannot Start The Windows Firewall Service"

Apr 16, 2008

My firewall gives me this error message when i try to set it on. "Windows cannot start the Windows Firewall service." I have just installed SP1 but the problem started before that.

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Windows Security Will Not Turn On The Firewall

Mar 23, 2008

I uninstalled Norton 360. I installed AVG and when the installation completed, there was 1 error. The Windows Firewall was not turned on. I can not get the Security Center to turn on the Firewall. It will not update the Settings for the Firewall either.

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Security Center Cannot Turn On Windows Firewall

Jun 13, 2008

When I start up my computer, there is a pop up that says that Windows Firewall is turned off. I click the button to turn it on and then a screen pops up that says "Security Center cannot turn on Windows Firewall." I then click on "Turn on Windows Firewall manually." It then says that it isn't using the recommended settings to protect my computer. I click "update settings now" but then it says that it was unable to make the requested updates. I use Windows Vista and I've had my computer for a year now. This only happened the other day and I have Symantec installed as my anti-virus program. How can I turn Windows Firewall on again?

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Cannot Start Windows Firewall

Apr 2, 2010

Awhile ago I disabled windows firewall as I was using Norton 360's firewall. The other day, I uninstalled Norton and tried to reactivate Windows Vista Firewall and it fails to do so. It says to try manually and that does not work either. I even tried restarting the computer and that did not cure the problem. It keeps telling me that the service is not running and when I try it fails to load again.

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Install Taxcut Fails Start Windows

Mar 26, 2008

I am trying to install TaxCut and the install fails just after the program starts Windows install. HR Block is no help. I want to reinstall windows installer and try again but I cant figure out how.

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Disabling Security Center Alerts

Jun 21, 2008

Is it possible to disable the Security Center Alerts on Vista (no icon, no notifications) via command line or by script? Turning off UAC by modifying a certain registry entry turned out to be easy (using the reg.exe command line utility), however I can't find a way to do the same for the Security Center Alerts. I am willing to write some scripting code if that is what it takes.

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Windows Firewall/printing: If Turn Off The Firewall It Prints Stright Away

May 19, 2008

I am using Vista ultimate with a new Canon LBP2900I laser printer. If I print with the windows firewall turned on it takes an age ti get a print out, if I turn off the firewall it prints stright away. All the drivers are up to date. In the firewall exceptions the printer is listed and ticked

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Windows Firewall And 3rd Party Firewall

Apr 21, 2009

Windows Vista Basic sp1. Im using a 3rd party firewall program. In Administrative Tools---Services it shows Windows Firewall status as Started. But, in Security Center it shows my 3rd party firewall being On but Windows Firewall being off. Also, in Administrative Tools---Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is showing Windows Firewall being on in Domain Profile. Is this normal? Why would one show Windows Firewall as On and another show it as Off?

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Live Messenger A Security Concern Firewall

Jun 4, 2007

Anyone get a weird problem where Live Messenger permantly leaves ports open on a routers firewall? I know its not a virus or a setting because I have checked a few other computers who appear to have the same problem with Messenger...It affects anyone using UPnP and I cant figure out how to stop WLM using its built-in upnp service. Check your router settings and disable UPnP if you dont want Messenger turing your firewall into a free4all, Does it do the same thing on your routers?

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Check Security Mesaure: Run Hardware Firewall

Jul 29, 2009

Here to recap about security (what I can=92t do is to realize that you need it). Anyway, I recommend you to check your security measures one more time.

1. Run an hardware firewall, this is the best thing you can do.If you want a brand name, [Netgear:]. Do you own a HDSPA or 3G modem and you feel the waves you are subject to are enough to think to a wireless router? You do well! I thought something like that:but it still doesn=92t exist on the market.. so try to talk aboutit.

2. Run Windows Firewall and mainly if you have a HDSPA or 3G connection. Not so powerful but it defends you from port scans and ddos attacks.

3. Run a serious software firewall,seems alike.Configures as better as possible the Application Rules for all your web applications giving attention to =93window control=94, =93critical objects=94and =93key logging=94 as other too. Under Firewall, Network rules,...............

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Firewall Security: HTTP Forbidden Error 403

May 1, 2008

Message: I was having issues with the firewalls and security, and conflicts with my norton security I disabled the Vista and ended up with everything disabled, I could not get on the internet or my email, I had my server here, thinking it was a issue with the address being diabled and the dsl modem reset, They are not too fimilar with Vista and unable to connect, We continually get the HTTP 403 forbidden error, I was able to get the email to work, the comupter is connected to the interent and no problems when I ran diagnosis on it, so my email works ,

I went into the admin. tools , services and almost all where disabled, so i went in clicked them to automatic, enabling them, its to click on something to allow inbound/outbound security, but, I dont know what ones to run start, stop etc. I need information as to what to click or unclick, what to allow or not allow to access the internet, So what I am saying is the internet connection is up and working, I am able to go into my email and send and recieve, but, when I go to my internet browser, click to go, it says HTTP forbidden error 403, you are connected to the internet but unable to view this page

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Don’t Use Any ESET NOD32 V4.x Antivirus Product Together With Windows Vista SP2 Or Windows Server 2008 SP2 « Smokey’s Security Weblog

May 28, 2009

Warning: don’t use any ESET NOD32 V4.x Antivirus product together with Windows Vista SP2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2 « Smokey’s Security Weblog

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WFS.exe Fails To Start

Apr 1, 2008

Until several months ago, I was able to scan in Vista Ultimate (SP1). Recently, however, when I start WFS.exe, nothing happens at all. I don't see the application in my task list or on the screen.

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How To Disable Windows Mail And Windows Security

Mar 23, 2008

At the moment im having trouble connecting to the server.. I have the internet connected.. Everytime i want to check my mail now i have to keep re entering my my password.. And the security thing keeps poping up and just wont connect.. How do I disable that??

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Laptop Fan Fails To Start

Jan 29, 2010

how to restart my Toshiba laptop fan. It is not blocked up and will spin if I blow on it. It used to run every day but I have not heard it for days now

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If Windows 7 Fails Who Will Be Responsible For It?

Sep 26, 2009

Quote: There’s no doubting that financially, and that’s the only thing that matters really, Windows Vista was a disaster. Microsoft shareholders must not have been happy. But let’s examine exactly who, at least what groups, were responsible for this failure and ask the question if history can or will repeat.
Windows is a shell, a large one admittedly, but a shell into which third-party companies plug their code. I’d like to take each of these parties and reflect on what they did right and wrong.

Okay so clearly Microsoft had to shoulder a lot of the blame for Vista. They were simply too ambitious with it and when they had to, effectively, dump all the code and start again from scratch half way through the development process everyone knew there was trouble ahead.
Vista was late, nearly two years late and that equates to a big financial penalty. Companies and major corporations pay millions every year to Microsoft in volume licencing and subscription fees. For this they expect a regular development cycle, about every three years. Simply put they didn’t get it. Thus the pressure was on Microsoft to deliver and clearly they panicked and rushed Vista out the door without proper testing.
Hang on a minute! I hear you cry, the beta programme for Windows Vista lasted a year and a half and took in about half a million testers!! You compare that to the beta for Windows 7 that only took six months and had only 5,000 testers.
Windows Vista was an experiment, a version 1.0 product. It was essentially a brand new operating system as Microsoft were trying out new systems. But there was an awful lot of legacy code built into that and the resulting mish-mash made Vista the dog that it was. Source -
If Windows 7 fails who will be responsible for it? | Windows 7 News

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Windows Configure Fails

Jun 4, 2009

I recently bought an HP HDX9000 laptop and it came with vista home premium edition. I installed Office 2007 Enterprise Edition and everything was working fine until Microsoft Update did something and now EVERY TIME i open ANY Office program it loads a window with a progress bar that reads "Please wait while windows configures Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007" that takes FOREVER to load!

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Firewall Service Cannot Start

Nov 21, 2009

We have a Vista Ultimate installation with all service packs installed. Both the local security policy and the domain policy after joining a domain have the reserved accounts NETWORK SERVICE and LOCAL SERVICE configured to start as a service. If we disconnect the notebook from the domain and restart it, the Windows Firewall service refuses to start. All attempts to manage the firewall fail because the service reports it has not started. If you manually attempt to start the firewall service it fails. As soon as we put the notebook back on the domain network and reboot it works. Does anyone have any insight on why this happens and how we can get the firewall to start? Any sequence that effectively prevents the firewall from starting strikes me as a pretty serious misfeature. The notebook is
often used to configure devices by cross connecting straight to the device, so we cannot count on being on the domain network, but clearly we want a working firewall at all times.

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CA And The Windows Firewall Run At The Same Time

Feb 28, 2010

I'm running Vista Home Premium SP2, 2 GB RAM, SAS, MBAM, CA (California Associates) AV (e-mail scanning disabled); Avira AV/Update scheduler, CCleaner, and Windows Firewall, WLM on an Acer Aspire Desktop machine.

The system is running just great, however, I've always wondered why I need both the CA and the Windows firewall running at the same time. In CA I can create a list of website that are allowed thru the firewall, but I'm not sure if I can do that with Windows firewall.

Is it OK to disable the CA firewall permanently? Is there a way to specify
what is allowed thru the Windows firewall. And lastly, should I just uninstall the whole CA suite altogether?

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AVG Antivirus And Windows Firewall

May 24, 2009

I'm currently running McAfee Internet Security. Yesterday I was talking to my computer tech who said he didn't like McAfee and recommended the free version of AVG and windows Firewall.

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Turn Off The Windows Firewall

Apr 9, 2008

i'd like to know details about the vista firewall. Does it now indeed block incoming and outgoing? i assume microsoft didnot create the firewall for nothing. So is it really neccesary to install another one, and if so, do i then need to turn off the windows firewall? and if i need another one, which one?

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Windows Firewall Question

Apr 4, 2009

I'm using a 3rd party firewall program. In Administrative Tools---Services
it shows Windows Firewall status as Started. But, in Security Center it
shows my 3rd
party firewall being On but Windows Firewall being. Off.
Why would one show Windows Firewall as Started and another show it as Off?

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Windows Firewall Or Norton

May 15, 2008

I get a security alert saying my antivirus software may not
be installed. Then, later I get a popup from Norton saying Windows Firewall
has been turned on. Do u want to use Norton Internet Security instead of
Windows Firewall? My Windows Firewall had always been turned on. This started
the other day after I did salvagerepository to fix something else. Does
Windows Vista recognize Norton? How do I stop these from popping up? Also, my
free subscription to norton ends in a week?

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Windows Firewall Turning Off By Itself

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running Vista on my new laptop and have had a couple problems with my firewall turning off by itself. I do have McAfee on it that also keeps saying that there is an error with security and that it has stopped running. It does this everytime I turn it on and go online. I do have an additional anti-virus program called Threatfire which is another free downloadable program that was suggested by a couple of local computer techs. Whenever I run a virus scan everything comes up clean with the exception of Threatfire alerting me several times of potential malware that I've quarantined. I noticed on a previous question that a anti-virus program called "AVG" is mentioned and another download through Has anyone else even heard of ThreatFire and is it comparable to these other free antivirus programs?

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Windows Firewall Won't Working

Mar 23, 2008

I have an Acer Aspire 5103 running Windows Vista Premium and using Firefox. I have not downloaded a third party firewall. Every 2 minutes or so the red shield appears in the icon tray and when I click on it it tells me the firewall is deactivated. I activate it, it goes on and then two minutes later off again!!!

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Windows Firewall Shutting Off

Aug 3, 2008

I just got an Acer Aspire last week. OS Vista basic. It came with a trial version of McAfee, so i uninstalled. Currently using AVG 8.0. Also running windows defender. On boot, security icon in tray indicates the windows firewall is shut down. I'm not sure if defender or AVG has built in firewall that is taking over ans shutting off the windows firewall.

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Windows Firewall Turns Itself Off

Feb 21, 2010

a member of my family has onecare installed, and it keeps telling him that windows firewall is turned off, even though he did nothing

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How Does Windows Antivirus, Firewall,

Mar 23, 2008

How does Windows Live OneCare compare with Norton Internet Security and McAfee?

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Shut Down Windows Firewall

Dec 23, 2008

HP support, Norton support, here, talking to tons of friends in the know and no one said hey dude you might have two firewall running. I had two firewalls running at the same time. DAH!! Windows vista firewall and Norton's 360 firewall. I shut down Windows firewall and wala! New PC is screaming.. I'm so elated you can't realize. So folks if your having some problems you can't figure out just check to see how many firewalls you got going. Oh and a firewall on the router to. But I put a switch in place of that. I figured I would keep Norton's 360 firewall as to keep all my security in the same place. I assume that's a good choice. Anyone with me?

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