Unable To Find "E" Bootable

Mar 14, 2010

I will start at the beginning as think always the best way. My first disk has partitions C/D My C drive is rapidly running out of space 30GB allocated to C on a 160GB drive rest is drive D I want to resize it so I've got about 60GB on C Windows will not let me shrink the D drive, and then expand the C drive, as it has page files on it. So what I have done using Acronis is clone Disk C/D to another much bigger disk, creating partions E/F. What I would like to do is now make the first partition E, which is a clone of C, bootable so that I can then format partitions C/D then reclone E/F back to C/D after sizing them more prudently. I cannot find how to make E bootable if in fact it is?

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HDD Died: Couldnt Find A Bootable Disk?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm on my pc playing games and being bored everything fine and whatever. Got tired so I shut my pc off and then went to bed, ect. Got up in the morning turned my pc on and said it couldnt find a bootable disk or w/e it says when it finds no OS. (what ever happened also killed my Win7x64 on my other HDD)

I have 2 Seagate 500GB HDD each with a 32MB Cache. So what I did was formatted the win7 hdd and instead of x64 went x32 and got win7 back on. Now I was thinking that the HDD was completely dead and couldnt have anything done with it until today a friend of mine told me he had something similar happen and then his dad put some program on his computer and it fixed everything. Now if this is the case for me then I really would love to get this sorted out because this HDD has all my data from work on different things over the last 2 years and none of it is backed up.

Oh and the HDD that died has windows Vista Basicx32 on it. So basically I need to know if there is a possiblity that my HDD isn't dead and I can revive it and still use it. And if I can then how would I go about doing this?

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Newsgroups: Unable To Find A Way To Find Them I Clicked On "Help" And The Advice Includes "Click The Tools Menu

Jun 15, 2009

I'm using Vista Home Premium - I generally use Outlook 2007 for my e-mail and organising but recently went to Windows Mail to find a Newsgroup (unavailable in Outlook). However, no Newgroups were visible. Unable to find a way to find them I clicked on "Help" and the advice includes "Click the Tools menu, and then click Newsgroups." However, there is no "Newsgroups" option in the Tools menu that displays. The Windows Mail I have is version 6.0.6000....

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Unable To Find Registry Defragging

Aug 19, 2009

I'm sure this subject is beat to death, but I've been searching and cant find a thing, is registry defragging the same as registry cleaning, as far as effects of course. I know they perform different things but are they both harmful to the system?

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Ultimate X64 Unable To Find Hosts File

Nov 4, 2008

I am looking for path of hosts file in vista x64. I found solution to get for 32bit apps to see the 64-bit tree, search now find hosts file and i see it and can edit it. But before these solution i was unable to find hosts file.

Monochrome Blog - Updating your hosts file in Vista 64-bit Where is this file hidden and how to find it. If i run Notepad as administrator and try to browse that cwindowssysnative directory i found noting. But TotalCommander find it and i can edit it and add that what i need. It just was weird.

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Windows Unable To Find System Volume

Oct 1, 2009

I'm trying to install the new win vista x64 os on to my new hard disk but during the installing ,it keep prompt me with this message " Windows is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation. " The hard disk i uses is Hitachi Deskstar HDS721616PLAT80 ATA/IDE drive

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Cannot Install XP 32 On Partition In VISTA 64 - UNABLE TO FIND DRIVE

Dec 27, 2008

I have -Dell XPS 730x with 6 GIG DDR3 RAM, Intel i7 64 bit Processor, 500 GIG disk,

I am running -Windows Vista Home Premium 64 which was preinstalled on the cpu

I want to -Dual boot between Vista64 and Windows XP32

So far -I have done everything to this machine from creating a virtual window in Vista64, to going into the command prompt from vista boot disk and running diskpart to clear hard drive.

I currently have -Two partitions on one disk. Primary 200GIG and Healthy 265GIG -Windows Vista Home Premium64 installed and running

The problems im having -every time try to boot from CD and run the windows xp setup, it is UNABLE to find ANY HARD DRIVES!

I have researched that
- I must have the disk partitioned
- Windows XP must be installed first
- I have to play with the boot.ini
- If i install vista32 it will be more successful

The errors I have gotten -STOP: 0x0000008E - i researched this and it said one option is to take out the excess RAM

I will be happy if - By the end of this weekend I can successfully run XP or both OS's in dual boot.

I need to go through all this trouble because - Digidesign has not written software for 64 bit proccessing yet. I need to make music.

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Windows7 Unable To Find Partition Error 0x80070490

Oct 26, 2009

running XP try to install 7 but get a error message unable to find partition error 0x80070490. i ran compatability which stated ok

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Unable To Find Files On Removed Hard Drive

Nov 22, 2009

My laptop motherboard fried, so I removed the hard drive and purchased a caddy. When I plug the hard drive in to my new desktop PC I am able to see that only 4GB of the 100 GB capacity is available (as should be the case). However, I cannot see any of my files on there (folders I had created on the desktop etc.).

The only folders I can see are PerfLogs, Program Files, SwSetup, Users, Windows and two of my personal folders (both containing some photos). I really need to find the rest of my files as I have 12GBs of photos and videos of my baby boy on there, and would be gutted if I cannot access them again (for obvious reasons). Nothing else is important.

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XP Style Slow Search, Unable To Find This Primitive Operation?

Mar 23, 2008

I must be missing something obvious... How do I do an XP style search? You remember, right-click a folder, click "Search", and have Vista search the selected folder? I've been unable to find this primitive operation. I'm willing to give up search control to Vista for local drives, but indexing our entire network, and each and every USB stick/USB Hard drive seems, well, silly for the once or twice a month I need to search in those locations. I'm willing to wait the thirty seconds it takes to search, because I can normally limit the size of the search ("Let me look through the code tree for December", for example).

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Unable To Find, Delete, Or Create Any System Restore Points

Jul 29, 2009

My Windows Vista Enterprise has a serious problem. It is unable to find, delete, or create any system restore points. I have not found a way to re-initialize the system restore point process.

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Unable To Open Attachments In Windows Mail: Windows Cannot Find File Name

Jul 29, 2009

There are discussions on this general subject but no aparent resolution. About two months ago I was sometimes prevented from opening photo attachments on some emails received from the same party and sometimes could open them. By this I mean, I would click on the paperclip where a list of photos would appear and I'd click on on photo and I'd get a message saying: "Windows cannot find file name (photo captions used by sender).jpg. Make sure your typed the name correctly and then try again." Well, of course I didn't type the file name; the sender did. I could click on the save attachments, and once saved to a folder I could open them from the folder. I forwarded the mail to others, and they report no problems in viewing the photos. I can also view the photos in the email itself, but it would be necessary to scan up and down and from left to right to view the whold photo and the caption would not appear.

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"Windows Is Unable To Find A System Volume That Meets Its Criteria For Installation"

Mar 30, 2007

I installed Vista a while back, on a system pretty much formatted this way:

partition 1: linux
partition 2: XP
partition 3: linux swap
partition 4: extended {
partition 5: linux home
partition 6: linux usr
partition 7: Vista

This worked fine. Perfectly, in fact, and I was really pleased with how smooth the Vista install went. I noticed that Vista installed its bootloader on partition 2. Since I was going to trash XP at some point, I figured I would cross this bridge when I got to it. I got to that bridge last night. It was time to install a different flavour of linux, and trash XP. But nothing's ever easy... I reinstalled linux so that things look more like:.........

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Deleting X64: "Windows Is Unable To Find A System Volume That Meets Its Criteria For Installation"

Jun 26, 2008

I had Vista Ultimate x64 installed on my machines, and wanted to install the x86. But, when I tried to install the x86 after deleting the x64 version, I now get an error that says that "Windows is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation." I have reformatted the drive and all else that I can think of, but, it it continues to throw the error message. What should I do? I am sure that my system and hardware is sufficient to handle the Vista install, and I am trying to install to the same drive that I had the other installed to: Processor 2.00 gigahertz AMD 64 Opteron's (2 installed)

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Installing From Non-bootable DVD

May 22, 2008

I had a bootable DVD from a friend of Vista Ultimate upgrade or fresh install. I had Home Premium pre-installed. I upgraded to the Ultimate through "Upgrade" and it was successful. But I lent the DVD to a friend, and I have now realised I want to reinstall. I have a non-bootable exact copy of the bootable disc. I can start fresh install from inside Windows, but I am wondering if it will work.

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Bootable OEM Recovery Cd

Oct 8, 2008

i ask if someone may know of a way to create a bootable USB flash drive with a OEM Vista recovery CD. coz as you know now adays laptops have a recovery cd which is liable to be lost or scratched and the worse senario is when you had deleted the recovery partition. in that case your only hope is to order a new set of recovery cd from manufacturer which in my case didnt restore the recovery partition thats why i need to recover the system from an usb flash drive.

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Windows 7 Unable To Find A Group About Windows 7 ?

May 1, 2010

Don't seem to be able to find a group about windows 7 ? Is it under some other name?

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Bootable Memory Stick?

May 13, 2009

Looking for any information on prefered method for installing XP and/or Vista *to* a USB (8 gig) memory stick. The stick is to be used for troubleshooting purposes (ie booting up and scanning inoperative systems).

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Looking For Bootable Command Prompt

Feb 13, 2010

the thread title says it all: I'm looking for a lightweight bootable command prompt which supports ntfs drives and supports x64 command line tools. Something like Freedos x64 or command.com x64 (if they existed which unfortunately they don't).

So far, all I can do is to boot into Windows' own command shell, but this is far from being lightweight. Every Linux supports booting into a pure command line mode, so there must be something similar for Windows with x64 support. Basically, the recovery console would suffice if it allowed using external command line tools, but afaik this is not the case.

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Install Via Bootable USB Drive

May 7, 2008

I had a fire a few months back which burnt my Acer T180 case. I've managed to change the case and get all the parts working again except the DVD rom which was melted and beyond repair. As my whole house is wireless I'm not really bothered about getting a new DVD rom - my other PC controls the network and has a DVD writer inside. Once vista is installed the network will take care of everything.

My problem now is how do I reinstall Vista on a PC that has no DVD rom to read my Vista DVD. OK I could swap my DVD around for a few hours by its covered in warranty void stickers and as its new I don't want to risk anything. Is there anyway to convert a Bootable DVD into a Bootable USB drive? I've got a 4 Gig stick which should be fine. My motherboard also boots from USB. I've managed to make a copy of the vista DVD into ISO image but can't find a program that will put the ISO onto a USB drive.

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Bootable DVD Wont Boot

Apr 12, 2008

I got vista given to me *_Leagly_* by a friend and have bought a serial. I want to make a copy of the disc incase the other one gets damaged. I just copied the files of the disc from the oringal disc from my dvd drive to another DVD-RW disc in another DVD-RW Drive. All the files are on there and when i run setup from an OS (like XP since i have vista and xp dual booting on my pc) it works fine. But when i try to boot from it it wont boot. I have set my DVD Drive to my 1st boot device and it will boot from the oringal alright but not the copied one. What am i doing wrong?

I currently dont have access to the oringal at this time but i have the files on the copied one. What do i have to do too the disc to make it bootable. i no this is vista 64 forums but mine is 32 bit. I dont want crapy posts from people saying anything about piracy and i tryied googleing it but without avale.

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Setting Partition As Bootable

Jun 2, 2009

I had a working Vista, but I had an issue with it and had to reinstall (because that is the solution to everything with windows). So I installed another Vista to another partition, but the problem is that the new Vista doesn't have the files required to boot because the older partition has. So how can I make my C: (new Vista) as bootable and delete D: (old Vista)?

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Why Keep Bootable Cd Or Dvd To Boot For System

Apr 23, 2009

I recently install new hdd 500gb seagate, i install windows vista home prem sp1 , when i try to boot the system IT FREEZED on booting on black screen and it shows all the hardware install when put any bootable cd and boot the system, system boots fine, i had same issue with old sansung 80gb hdd, i have to keep the bootable cd in optical drive to boot the system, i also tried reseat the cables from optical drive but did not work, my optical drive works fine after boot in windows

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Bootable Thumb Drive

Aug 21, 2008

I have this 2.0 gb thumb drive that was given to me. How can I tell if it's bootable or not. It does not have a brand name on it.

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Is Bootable Backup Program For (32-bit)?

Jan 1, 2008

I'm looking for a backup program for Vista Home Premium that allows booting from DVD or CD-ROM in order to restore backups stored on DVD or CD-ROM.

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Make A Bootable CD With Vista Sp1?

May 25, 2008

My friend just bought an Acer computer with Vista SP1 on it. It came with no literature or CDs. Is there a way he can make a bootable CD with Vista Sp1 on it for emergencies?

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Make Drive Bootable?

Mar 26, 2008

I have a dual boot setup where I boot from the first HD and start XP/Vista. Vista is installed on a separate disk. I don't use XP at all and want to remove that disk, but then I need to make the Vista disk bootable. The Vista install is on a raid volume. I googled a little bit and found some information about bootrec and tried to boot from the DVD and tried /fixboot, but nothing happens. When I load the recovery console it doesn't display any Vista installations, so I wasn't very surprised that bootrec failed. I then proceeded to load the driver for the raid controller, but still no installations are displayed. Is there a simple way to make a disk bootable for Vista - on a raid volume?

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Make Disk Bootable?

Mar 26, 2008

I have dual boot and Vista is installed on drive D. I want to disconnect (remove) C drive and make D the only disk. How can I make it bootable? I do not have any programs installed yet.

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How To Make Disk Bootable?

Mar 23, 2008

I have dual boot and Vista is installed on drive D. I want to disconnect (remove) C drive and make D the only disk. How can I make it bootable? I do not have any programs installed yet.

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Installation And Upgrading Failed Not Bootable

Mar 26, 2008

I have downloaded Windows Vista Ultimate,and I burned to a CD but I forgott tu make it bootable,so I installed it like a software ,and it works fine.I installed it several times since I downloaded it and always go OK,but last time my windows was damaged,and I was unable to go in,so the only solution was to format my computer.I was not unable to install my Windows Vista Ultimate that I had downloaded because it was not bootable,so I bought e new Vista but with version Home Basic.I installed this windows,but after two days one update come in my computer and told me that my windows is pirated (fallse).

When I readed this,I wanted to install my Vista Ultimate like every time,but didn't work,I tried 4 times and still not worked,it showed me that Windows was not successfully installed,and it turned me back to Vista Home Basic.Now I tried to upgrade to my Vista Ultimate,all steps go OK,but to the step "Completing Upgrade"one error appeared "Windows could not configure one or more features.Please restart your computer and then restart the installation".

I have go to Microsoft Support,and I readed that I must disable some features, I have do that and when I tried to upgrade again,it stoped to the step "Expanding Files-21%" and showed me this error"Windows cannot install required files.Make sure all files for the installation are available and restart the installation.Error code:0x800706F8".I don't know what to do now when before I have disable some features,didn't shows me this error and all things go fine until step"Completing Upgrade".

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2 Computers 2 Locations: 1 USB Bootable Drive?

May 10, 2008

I want to have 2 desktop computers, one in the city, one in the country, and carry one bootable USB drive between them. (And I would backup to a cloned, serial SATA drive, internal). I heard that from a HP support person that microsoft is planning to create this possibility in the future. What do you know about this. (And what searchable phrases might reveal their plans).

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