HDD Died: Couldnt Find A Bootable Disk?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm on my pc playing games and being bored everything fine and whatever. Got tired so I shut my pc off and then went to bed, ect. Got up in the morning turned my pc on and said it couldnt find a bootable disk or w/e it says when it finds no OS. (what ever happened also killed my Win7x64 on my other HDD)

I have 2 Seagate 500GB HDD each with a 32MB Cache. So what I did was formatted the win7 hdd and instead of x64 went x32 and got win7 back on. Now I was thinking that the HDD was completely dead and couldnt have anything done with it until today a friend of mine told me he had something similar happen and then his dad put some program on his computer and it fixed everything. Now if this is the case for me then I really would love to get this sorted out because this HDD has all my data from work on different things over the last 2 years and none of it is backed up.

Oh and the HDD that died has windows Vista Basicx32 on it. So basically I need to know if there is a possiblity that my HDD isn't dead and I can revive it and still use it. And if I can then how would I go about doing this?

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Couldnt Find Install Info For Card

Jul 11, 2009

My daughter bought a computer several years ago made by HP that runs Vista Home edition 32 bit we upgraded the video card and power supply when she bought it. Went with NVidia GeForce 3500 at the time pretty decent card we thought. Well now shes had some issues that forced her to restore the system and we couldnt find the install info for the card. Went to NVidia's website and downloaded drivers now the computer wont boot up. We keep getting a blue screen that says windows encountered a problem. I cant remember if the system came with a card that wasnt cutting it or if there was integrated graphics on the motherboard. So when we experienced the problem booting after installing drivers for the card I went into setup and changed the video to onboard graphics now we get nothing at bootup and monitor keeps going to sleep.

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Make Disk Bootable?

Mar 26, 2008

I have dual boot and Vista is installed on drive D. I want to disconnect (remove) C drive and make D the only disk. How can I make it bootable? I do not have any programs installed yet.

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How To Make Disk Bootable?

Mar 23, 2008

I have dual boot and Vista is installed on drive D. I want to disconnect (remove) C drive and make D the only disk. How can I make it bootable? I do not have any programs installed yet.

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Unable To Find "E" Bootable

Mar 14, 2010

I will start at the beginning as think always the best way. My first disk has partitions C/D My C drive is rapidly running out of space 30GB allocated to C on a 160GB drive rest is drive D I want to resize it so I've got about 60GB on C Windows will not let me shrink the D drive, and then expand the C drive, as it has page files on it. So what I have done using Acronis is clone Disk C/D to another much bigger disk, creating partions E/F. What I would like to do is now make the first partition E, which is a clone of C, bootable so that I can then format partitions C/D then reclone E/F back to C/D after sizing them more prudently. I cannot find how to make E bootable if in fact it is?

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ACTIVE Forums For Speech, Or Has It Died?

Aug 3, 2009

My interest in Vista Speech is limited to finding out why I am having trouble getting _consistent_ speed/accuracy out of it. By accuracy I mean at least 98%, preferably 99%. By speed I mean at least 80 wpm. (plain everyday words, not technical words)

I normally speak at 160 wpm, so if I speak for two minutes, 320 words get changed to text. Of the 320 words, I expect 3 words to need correction, which takes another two minutes for me to do. 320 / 4 = 80 wpm on average...........

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Windows Registry: Hard Drive Died

May 18, 2010

I have a Vista home system. I recently did a windows registry back up on my PC (Cleanmypc) i have about 20 gigs of zipped files in the back up folder. Since then my hard drive died. I have two questions.

1. What is actually backed up in this system ?

2. Can i transfer the data (Zipped files) to a new hard drive without any issue using the cleanmypc software.

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Minimize The Disk Space Cant Find Option

Mar 4, 2009

My OS is Vista 64 Home Premium. I would like to minimize the disk space that the OS allocates for this function but don't see the option under System Properties where it is found in XP.

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Install XP: Setup Did Not Find Any Hard Disk Drives Installed In Computer

Mar 23, 2008

i have problem when i try to install windows xp. i have laptop hp parvilion dx6650us entertainment notbook pc, vista install on it but i want to install windows xp. when windows xp boot i got this message. Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or setup program. Setup cannot continue. To quit Setup, press F3. is there any solution so that i can install windows xp.

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.mbx Files: Couldnt Get Them Into XP OE

Nov 18, 2009

my vista laptop crashed and i have some very important emails on it. I have its hard drive connected to my pc via a usb cradle and can access it ok. i have recovered all the email and they are .mbx files. couldnt get them into XP OE so I installed vista because i thought it would be compatible.

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The Specified Module Couldnt Work

Aug 17, 2008

I am getting this error after the vista 64 successful startup, when I can see the desktop. Note: Attached the images for reference

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Couldnt Take File From Server

Mar 27, 2008

i have new laptop with vista as OS,i have trouble with setting for office network.In my office we use cable LAN through to the server and via server we connected to internet.Basicly when i connect LAN Cable to my new laptop,i can directly use internet, but when i want to explore my network place,there is no other computer that i can see in my network,just my computer. Before when i used windows xp,i can take file from server but now with vista i couldnt take file from server because in the network explore there is no other computer that i can explore.

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Data Interface Couldnt Be Installed

Mar 3, 2009

im not sure if anybodys gonna know what im talking about because im a swedish vista-user and therefore using a swedish usb-modem. i know nothing about computers so i dont know if a modem called huwaei E220 is known outside of sweden. anyway, thats the name of the modem im trying to get to work on my vista laptop. ive called telia (my internet provider) support and ive done everything theyve told me to do. i upgraded the modem accordingly, yet im still experiencing problems. the modem works on my stationary comp, and always has, but when i try to get it to work on my vista laptop it does not. before i upgraded it didnt even recognize that something had been attatched, but now every time i put the usb in it starts to install the proper programs but then after a few seconds it says that the installation failed. it tells me data interface couldnt be installed, and also another program - huwaei modem 'something something' (i dont remember). and i click on 'retry' but no luck. it says i should put my disc for data interface in.. but i dont have one. gee wiz, i dont even know what data interface is.

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Couldnt Install DirectX Update?

Aug 30, 2008

Went to install the update for DirectX and the installation failed with error messege saying a cab file couldnt be trusted and to make sure Cryptographics was activated to verify the file. Cryptographic services in " services" is set to automatic and started so its running. Running Kaspersky AV, I shut it down when I ran the installer...Attached is the error Mess.

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Virus Remover And Couldnt Open Program

Aug 7, 2009

my computer was attacked by advance virus remover (fake antivirus) and i managed to get rid of it but today after restart i couldnt open any program. even ctrl+alt+delete didnt woked. i did some stuff and now its working but only one problem. on every program i run before it starts i get this error:

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XP Network - Couldnt Map The Shared Documents Folder On Server

Jun 6, 2008

I have a problem trying to Map an XP drive on my Vista Home Basic Laptop that is proving a nightmare: We have several computers on our netwrok, including the XP server itself where we have our shared documents. (place where all shared files go that we want other users to see) I have mapped the same shared docs folder accross all of out XP machines. Plugged my Vista Home Basic Laptop into our network, couldnt map the shared docs folder on my server. After reading many how to's, i followed this guide: Microsoft Corporation I have downloaded and installed the LLTD responder on the server with XP All computers were restarted, now when looking on the laptops "Veiw full map" I can see FILE_STORAGE (our server) but the guide above says right click on the computer running XP, however when I do this nothing happens, it is a solid icon and clicking it does nothing.

All computers including the laptop are on the same workgroup The laptop has appeared when looking on the XP machine under viewing the network I have opened ports UDP: 137, 138, 1900 and TCP 21, 139, 445 2869 We have AVG Antivirus and Firewall on all machines including the laptop. AVG does not allow you to open ports, so the above ports were opened on my router. When I plugged the laptop into the network AVG asked me to select a profile, I selected ALLOW ALL for the time being as "Computer In Domain" was not there to select. The vista laptop has Network Disc. ON, File Sharing ON, Public Folder Sharing ON and Printer Sharing ON One thing I couldnt get my head round was the differance between Workgroup and Network. The workgroup is the same on all computers, but I wasnt aware that I had ever given a "Network" name on any of the XP machine. Vista did ask for a "Network" name. For safety i put the same name as is in the workgroup. Anyone any ideas, im desperate?

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Crash: Blue Screen, Couldnt Read Everything Fast Enough

Nov 21, 2008

restart of my system? Event viewer? I was on line reading news when my system gave me a blue screen, couldnt read everything fast enough... something to the fact it shut down to protect windows.....it was a full screen of dialogthen restarted. Hasnt ever happened before.. didnt click on any links or anything...seems to be running fine after restart.

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Nvidia Setup Program Couldnt Locate Any Drivers

Nov 29, 2008

i got this ultimate vista 64-bit installed every driver worked just fine but the graphic card. I got nvidia geforce 8400 gs 512mb i couldnt install the driver keeps telling me " nvidia setup program couldnt locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardward, setup will now exit "

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Find The Font Folder, So That I Can Copy A Font Onto A Disk

Feb 23, 2009

I am trying to find the font folder, so that I can copy a font onto a disk to put onto my laptop. In other versions of Windows its C:windowsfonts, which it appears to be in Vista, but once in C:Windows I cannot find the fonts folder. If I go through the control panel to the fonts folder it will not let me copy the front from there. It will let me right click the font to copy, but not let me paste onto a memory stick. I have already got into Folder options and made sure that Hidden files are visible.

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Installing From Non-bootable DVD

May 22, 2008

I had a bootable DVD from a friend of Vista Ultimate upgrade or fresh install. I had Home Premium pre-installed. I upgraded to the Ultimate through "Upgrade" and it was successful. But I lent the DVD to a friend, and I have now realised I want to reinstall. I have a non-bootable exact copy of the bootable disc. I can start fresh install from inside Windows, but I am wondering if it will work.

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Bootable OEM Recovery Cd

Oct 8, 2008

i ask if someone may know of a way to create a bootable USB flash drive with a OEM Vista recovery CD. coz as you know now adays laptops have a recovery cd which is liable to be lost or scratched and the worse senario is when you had deleted the recovery partition. in that case your only hope is to order a new set of recovery cd from manufacturer which in my case didnt restore the recovery partition thats why i need to recover the system from an usb flash drive.

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Bootable Memory Stick?

May 13, 2009

Looking for any information on prefered method for installing XP and/or Vista *to* a USB (8 gig) memory stick. The stick is to be used for troubleshooting purposes (ie booting up and scanning inoperative systems).

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Looking For Bootable Command Prompt

Feb 13, 2010

the thread title says it all: I'm looking for a lightweight bootable command prompt which supports ntfs drives and supports x64 command line tools. Something like Freedos x64 or command.com x64 (if they existed which unfortunately they don't).

So far, all I can do is to boot into Windows' own command shell, but this is far from being lightweight. Every Linux supports booting into a pure command line mode, so there must be something similar for Windows with x64 support. Basically, the recovery console would suffice if it allowed using external command line tools, but afaik this is not the case.

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Install Via Bootable USB Drive

May 7, 2008

I had a fire a few months back which burnt my Acer T180 case. I've managed to change the case and get all the parts working again except the DVD rom which was melted and beyond repair. As my whole house is wireless I'm not really bothered about getting a new DVD rom - my other PC controls the network and has a DVD writer inside. Once vista is installed the network will take care of everything.

My problem now is how do I reinstall Vista on a PC that has no DVD rom to read my Vista DVD. OK I could swap my DVD around for a few hours by its covered in warranty void stickers and as its new I don't want to risk anything. Is there anyway to convert a Bootable DVD into a Bootable USB drive? I've got a 4 Gig stick which should be fine. My motherboard also boots from USB. I've managed to make a copy of the vista DVD into ISO image but can't find a program that will put the ISO onto a USB drive.

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Bootable DVD Wont Boot

Apr 12, 2008

I got vista given to me *_Leagly_* by a friend and have bought a serial. I want to make a copy of the disc incase the other one gets damaged. I just copied the files of the disc from the oringal disc from my dvd drive to another DVD-RW disc in another DVD-RW Drive. All the files are on there and when i run setup from an OS (like XP since i have vista and xp dual booting on my pc) it works fine. But when i try to boot from it it wont boot. I have set my DVD Drive to my 1st boot device and it will boot from the oringal alright but not the copied one. What am i doing wrong?

I currently dont have access to the oringal at this time but i have the files on the copied one. What do i have to do too the disc to make it bootable. i no this is vista 64 forums but mine is 32 bit. I dont want crapy posts from people saying anything about piracy and i tryied googleing it but without avale.

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Setting Partition As Bootable

Jun 2, 2009

I had a working Vista, but I had an issue with it and had to reinstall (because that is the solution to everything with windows). So I installed another Vista to another partition, but the problem is that the new Vista doesn't have the files required to boot because the older partition has. So how can I make my C: (new Vista) as bootable and delete D: (old Vista)?

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Why Keep Bootable Cd Or Dvd To Boot For System

Apr 23, 2009

I recently install new hdd 500gb seagate, i install windows vista home prem sp1 , when i try to boot the system IT FREEZED on booting on black screen and it shows all the hardware install when put any bootable cd and boot the system, system boots fine, i had same issue with old sansung 80gb hdd, i have to keep the bootable cd in optical drive to boot the system, i also tried reseat the cables from optical drive but did not work, my optical drive works fine after boot in windows

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Bootable Thumb Drive

Aug 21, 2008

I have this 2.0 gb thumb drive that was given to me. How can I tell if it's bootable or not. It does not have a brand name on it.

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Is Bootable Backup Program For (32-bit)?

Jan 1, 2008

I'm looking for a backup program for Vista Home Premium that allows booting from DVD or CD-ROM in order to restore backups stored on DVD or CD-ROM.

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Make A Bootable CD With Vista Sp1?

May 25, 2008

My friend just bought an Acer computer with Vista SP1 on it. It came with no literature or CDs. Is there a way he can make a bootable CD with Vista Sp1 on it for emergencies?

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Make Drive Bootable?

Mar 26, 2008

I have a dual boot setup where I boot from the first HD and start XP/Vista. Vista is installed on a separate disk. I don't use XP at all and want to remove that disk, but then I need to make the Vista disk bootable. The Vista install is on a raid volume. I googled a little bit and found some information about bootrec and tried to boot from the DVD and tried /fixboot, but nothing happens. When I load the recovery console it doesn't display any Vista installations, so I wasn't very surprised that bootrec failed. I then proceeded to load the driver for the raid controller, but still no installations are displayed. Is there a simple way to make a disk bootable for Vista - on a raid volume?

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