Sudden X64 Crash: PC Has Started Crashing At Apparently Random Intervals

Sep 5, 2008

My Homebuilt dual core PC has started crashing at apparently random intervals. The behaviour is this; sudden black screen, PC hard drives and fans still running, a 3-4 second interval, PC powers down, auto restart of PC, boots to 'SAFE mode' options boot screen, then reboots entirely normally when 'start my computer normally' is selected. I have scoured the error log and have found several unusual entries. I am at a major loss as to their relevance.

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Home Premium 64: Locking Up At Random Intervals

Oct 17, 2008

Intel Q9400 Quad Core
EVGA 750i SLI Motherboard
2x XFX 8800GT Alpha Dog Videocards
8g OCZ Platinum Edition RAM
1 WD Velociraptor 300g drive (main)
1 WD Green 1 TB drive (storage)
Alpine Cooling Pro Freezer 7 (cpu heatsink)
Vista Home Premium 64 bit

The install of Vista has been nothing short of a nightmare..the OS keeps locking up at random intervals and reducing me to tears. I can't even seem to get the drivers installed without issues. I have tried to do most from safe mode to no avail. The next step was to remove all but 2 g of RAM and one of the video cards but things are still locking up for no apparant reason. Sometimes the install hung on "expanding Files" sometimes it would make it through that only to hang at the splash screen or once the os had booted up. We ten tested all the RAM with a ram test and everything was fine. Im at my wit's end here as I have pulled everything out to make it as bare bones as possible.

One thought from a friend was that the raid drivers may be causing an issue as this has been known to happen on intel mobos. Although I thought I had the Raid driver off anyway as Im not doing an array....yet.

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Random Crash Sidebar And Broken

Mar 24, 2008

I had a random crash today while installing the program Zone Alarm. Once I rebooted everything seemed fine except the Sidebar. All the gadgets appear blank and do not function and I can't seem to find any way to fix the problem. I tried downloading a new custom gadget but it did not work either. I tried looking at the help function and here but didn't see anything that would would.

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Vista X64 Random Startup Crash...

Sep 9, 2007

Anyway, I was running Vista32 for about 6 months with no real problems. I changed to Vista64 last night so that I could start using my current 4GB of RAM and be ready for more later on. When I tried to install the files would copy to the HDD just fine, but when the PC would reboot for the first time it would crash at the "green motion bar" loading screen and restart... over... and over. I removed my extra hardware and went down to 2GB of RAM in dual channel mode and reduced timings from 4-4-4-12 to 5-5-5-18 and was able to install. I then got all updates and hadded my hardware back... no problems. I then added my other 2GB of RAM back... no problems. I then increased my timings back to the correct 4-4-4-12... no problems, or so I thought. I'm currently getting random crashes when loading Vista... same as before it will get to the "green motion bar" loading screen and either reboot or give a BSOD and force a restart. I've turned my timings down to 5-5-5-12 and it still happens... so I put them back to 4-4-4-12. I've heard that Vista x64 might have problems with 4GB of RAM on certain systems but I'm not sure how true this is. I guess I'm wondering if anyone else has heard of this and if there's any known fix for this? Maybe a beta update from MS or something? Also... once I get past this "glitch" and Vista loads... it runs rock solid with no issues. All my drivers are the latest available and signed as required. ((downloaded them all last night))

Here's my system, remember... I ran Vista32 for months without a problem on the same system.

Asus P5N32-E SLI (latest BIOS 1205)
nVidia 7900GS (not using SLI)
Corsair 4-4-4-12 DDR2 RAM *SLI Ready* (4 matched sticks of 1GB each)
Antec TruePower 650 PSU PCI-E & SLI Ready
C = 320GB SATA2 Seagate
D = 400GB SATA2 Seagate
E = 400GB SATA2 Seagate
F = 500GB SATA2 Maxtor
G = 500GB SATA2 Maxtor
H = Lite-On SATA 20x SuperMulti Burner
J = 400GB IDE Seagate (will be removed, being used for data transfer from 32bit Vista for now)I'm tempted to go back to 32bit just because of the startup crash... but then I can't access my full 4GB of RAM.... goods and bads no matter what I do.

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Installing The OS : Progarm Started Randomly Crashing

Mar 1, 2009

OS: bought from newegg. win vista 64 bit problem: I assembled the system no problem and began with installing the OS. Once vista was installed I started loading the Mobo drivers for audio and lan. That all went fine but soon after all my apps and programs started randomly crashing...constantly, and couldnt keep up the system very long w/o a bsod. So I installed my graphics drivers and couldn't get through that with out a crash. Tons of software/OS crashes later I decide to reinstall vista. Same experience 2nd time so I was about fed up with vista and decided to try windows XP. Format HDD and as soon as I got to the windows loading page it bsod's... i've tried 3 times and same result. My main issue is I just want to run vista, so I don't care too much about running XP.

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Game Started Crashing: Don't Have The Dreaded "Display Driver Has Stopped"

Apr 26, 2009

Has anyone found a good fix for Fallout 3's crashes? Looking around the web shows this to be a huge problem for the game. The game started crashing on me about two weeks ago. I think I'm on level 9? At any rate upgrading my soundcard (X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Pro) and video card (ATI HD 4890 1GHz) has done nothing to stop the crashes. The upgrades were part of my system upgrade schedule and had nothing to do with the crashes, it hasn't. I get no error codes or anything other than a hard crash - the game just quits where it is and I have to Ctrl+Alt+Delete to get out the game. I know it's not the video card because I don't have the dreaded "Display driver has stopped" issue. Also my other games, FEAR2, Crysis, Crysis Warhead, and HL2 work just fine.

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All Of A Sudden, (.bat) File Does Not Work

Dec 7, 2009

this file is a .bat file that opens up 14 websites. It no longer works!

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Why Is This All Of A Sudden Popping Up When I Start Up ITunes?

May 15, 2010

Why is this all of a sudden popping up when I start up iTunes?

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Sudden Blue Screen An Shutdown

Dec 4, 2009

my laptop has suddenly developed "blue screen of death" and it happens too quickly to record the error.

no new software or hardware added recently.Thought the backlight on the screen had failed after as I had a blank screen but after connection to a separate screen and doing a system restore my screen is ok.working ok at the moment but every so often after shutdown the "Blue" returns....

Ran a scan in safe mode and zilch...

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All Of A Sudden I Cannot Send Emails But Can Recieve.

Feb 19, 2010

The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider.Subject 'emails', Account: '', Server: '',
Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '554 5.7.1 : Sender address rejected: Access denied', Port: 587, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 554, Error Number: 0x800CCC78.

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Sudden Slow Wifi (unable To Fix)

Jan 27, 2010

i run the internet through my wifi, the service is provided by the apartment complex to everyone. it is an incredibly strong signal for the whole building, and i am right beneath the source so i have always had just an amazing speed on my internet. the other day, while chatting on facebook of all places, something happened (what i do not know) and the firefox crashed. since that moment the internet has been chugging. and i mean chugging! it takes almost 2min just to load a page. (this is not consistent however some pages load faster) downloading speeds have all but stopped (i don't know how to check for just how fast they are going) i can't even load up Internet videos now its so slow.

i tried several fixes for the problem, but being a noob i think i screwed it up worse because its even slower than before. first i used uniblue registry cleaner and speed upper thing. they just screwed up my computer even worse and it was taking forever just to open a file folder let along load a webpage. i did a system restore to undue that damage. i tried resetting the autotuning. that did not work i even did an ipconfig/renew release thing. that almost did me in. i finally got the internet running again. still slow.

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SP1 - Sudden Freezes With BEEP Of Death

Mar 24, 2008

I left it on running for several days on top of a cooling pad fan to avoid any overheating. There was basically no activity or nothing running except BitTorrent downloading some files over wireless LAN. I have Avast antivirus installed. All possible drivers updates/service packs were downloaded and installed. The notebook runs on the latest BIOS version from HP. Suddenly, the computer beeped loudly a few times and the screen showed white colour patches everywhere that covered up a large portion of the screen, then got frozen completely. The only thing I could do was to switch it off by pressing the power button 6 seconds. After booting it up again, I couldn't see much information in the event viewer that tells me what went wrong.

Another horror story: I had a few tabs opened on IE7. I went to a website with java applet for chat room. Once I clicked the Java applet, IE7 suddenly crashed/disappeared. No error reporting or anything - it just took place so suddenly. I could not repeat this problem as it seems intermittent.It does make me feel that after a year's wait, I still have no faith in Windows' reliability. I wonder how many more centuries will they take to create a rock solid high performing computer for home/business?

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All Of A Sudden Connection To Server Failed

Jun 30, 2008

All of a sudden a few days ago, I started getting this message: The connection to the server has failed. Subject '', Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Sudden Upload Speed Slowdown

May 8, 2008

A few days ago out of the blue my upload speed went down to practically zero. I know it's my computer because the other computers on the network can still upload fine. When I run a speed test the download comes back fine (~1275kbps on a 1536kbps connection) but the upload either doesn't finish or comes back at something like 10kbps. My connection for upload is 800kbps. I use qwest dsl.

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So All Sudden Java Changes Aero Back To Basic

May 17, 2008

I don't quite know when this happened but everytime my browsers (either IE or Firefox) hit a web page with a java plug in Vista turns to Vista basic. When I leave the page Aero returns. I presume this is a Java issue. anybody else with a similar issue?

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So All Of A Sudden Explorer Is Showing My C: Drive As A Music Folder

May 18, 2008

When I click on the C: drive in my explorer view I get all the subfolders. However, instead of size and date modified I get album, artist and rating info. For any individual sub folder I can right click and change the customize properties to detail view, but for the C: drive no such option is aviable. How can I change the view back to details?

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Windows Mail Sudden Button Save Attachment Paperclip

Mar 13, 2009

Vista, Home Premium, Windows Mail all of a sudden the button to Save Attachments under the Paperclip is greyed out for images such as .jpg I can see the image numbers/names listed but all in grey. I can still save them by rightclicking them in the preview pane but for a mail containing many pics that is rather cumbersome.For other attachment such as movies, powerpoints etc. the Save Button is NOT greyed out and works fine for quick saving...

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Desktop Destroyed:don't Want To "make An Sudden Moves"

Jan 18, 2010

I have moderate computer knowledge, but I'm stumped. I've read quite a bit on this issue and I don't want to "make an sudden moves." I'm on Vista Home Premium 64bit w/ a Dell XPS 1340 laptop. I recently got a new net provider (Clear) and service was great at first then it turned to crap. Being a bit obsessive, I read as much as I could about any way to fix it. In the process I ruined my shell folders which house like 90% of my files. I used a program called TCP Optimizer and it changed my registry. Upon rebooting, I got the temporary profile. I thought my system had been wiped til I got the popup saying it just didn't load correctly.

I rebooted again and still all of my settings were gone along with my desktop and "documents." I searched and found them in some temp folder. I then copied them back to where they belonged. I accepted that the registry may have ruined all my settings and restarted reconfiging everything. I was happy to still have my files and programs. After doing some more reading about my shoddy ISP I realized that I hadn't done a full shutdown and unplugging of the modem, so I did...............

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Windows Could Not Be Started

Oct 5, 2009

i received a message saying windows mail could not be started. initialize junk filtering. your computer may be out of memory or your disk may be full. (0x80070002) my computer is not out of memory. i have read other threads and have removed mcafee from my computer. i have gotton on windows mail live. but my problem is that when i went to mail live it did not import my all my folders from windows mail-only a couple. i need to find my other folders and get them to my windows mail live.

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PC Has Started Turning Itself On!

Mar 23, 2008

Anyone any ideas as to why this could be? i recently upgraded the memory and had to reset the bios but it was running fine for about a week and now all of a sudden over the past few days ive come in and my pc is on.

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Random Shutting Down

Apr 8, 2009

This happens to me every morning when I turn my computer on after having it off all night.

I turn on my computer. Windows loads then I get a message (as soon as windows is done loading all up) that "Windows will be shutting down in less than a minute."

So it shuts down, restarts, and when it gets back on my User Account Control is turned off. So I turn User Account Control back on and it's fine until the next morning. Sometimes, but not often it will do this after my computer has been Hibernating for a while.

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PC Shuts Off At Random

Mar 23, 2008

My computer just powers off wothout warning sometimes then won't turn on again for several minutes. The computer hasn't been overheating or even under heavy load when it happens. Which piece of hardware is the cause of my trouble so that I can replace it? The motherboard is an ABIT IS7, the PSU is a Coolmax 450W, and the CPU is a 2.8GHz P4 Northwood. Or is the problem with something else?

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Random Lockups

Apr 9, 2008

I have an HP dv9000 laptop running Vista premium SP1. Both before and after installation of the service pack I have been getting occasional complete lockups, with the mouse, and keyboard both inactive and the disk access light off. The only way out is the power button. The system is about six months old, has no malware on it, has the latest BIOS installed and passes memtest. I have turned off folder indexing, updated all drivers from the manufacturer and, except for this issue, the system runs well and fast.

The lockups might occur once every couple of weeks --- usually, but not always, when surfing. I have not been able to reproduce the problem and it does appear to be truly random. Does anyone have any ideas what I might try next. The only other thing that happens is that when press the slash key I get his character:? or this one in upper case:? My keyboard is set to English.

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Random Shutdowns

Mar 7, 2010

I leave my desk top on all the time and it works fines. Randomly (weeks can go by) while using it, it just shuts down. I will hit the power button it reboots and it goes directly to where it was when it shutdown and will not have lost anything. Some times I can here it reboot all by itself when I am not even using it. Can anyone tell me what this might be

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Random Hangs

Mar 23, 2008

my computer hangs and doesn't came back even after 2 hours and it happens when i'm doing anything. it has hung twice just tring to write this question it hangs even when the computer is idle. and the only solution that works so far is to hit the reset button. if it helps here are my spec for my computer: Q6600, p35c-ds3r, gigabyte 8800gts, 4x kingston 1066MHz 1gig RAM, seagate 7200rpm 750GB hard drive. also have 3 fans keeping to cool 1 for CPU + 2 for case, none are overclocked.

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PC Freezes At Random

Sep 17, 2009

I have had XP on my old pc for years with out it Freezes now I purchase a PC with vista. I've only had it for a week and has already Freezes 5 times what give it.

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Random Crashes

Jan 5, 2010

i have vista home premium 64 bit installed on sony vaio fw 170(ram-4gb). Few days ago it got infected with agent2,ofg. Avg removed the threat. But ever since then, it is crashing/freezing/hanging randomly. I thought it might have more infections so I scanned with a-squared, malwarebytes and sophosrootkit: no infection was found.

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The Security Center Can't Be Started

Aug 15, 2009

When i press Turn On now it says " The security center can't be started". What i must to do?

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Not Started Any Utilities But CPU Usage 100%

Dec 23, 2009

I just started my pc. I have not even started any utilities but it shows 100% cpu usage. What happened? Below is the snapshot of Taskmgr.

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The Security Service Cannot Be Started

Oct 2, 2009

I am running Vista x64 Several months ago I got a nasty trojan which removed the Security
Center from my computer. I didn't think it as a big deal as I have several other anti-viruses installed, but I've come to a situation where I require windows firewall to be on. When I attempt to start windows security center, I get the error "The Security Service cannot be started" .Now according to several other hundred threads, I'm supposed to go to "Services" and change "Security Center" to automatic.The only problem is, Security Center is not under Services as thetrojan removed it.

To make matters worse, HP programmers thought it would be cool to not include a vista OS installation disk, but instead add a crappy program on the computer that would allow you to replace programs, but unfortunately it cannot repair my security center.

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Wireless Service Not Started

Mar 23, 2008

Wireless service not started I am trying top connect with a wireless router but my integrated wifi aint working. when i choose to diagnose problem windows vista is telling me that the Wireless service is not started or something like that...

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