Desktop Destroyed:don't Want To "make An Sudden Moves"

Jan 18, 2010

I have moderate computer knowledge, but I'm stumped. I've read quite a bit on this issue and I don't want to "make an sudden moves." I'm on Vista Home Premium 64bit w/ a Dell XPS 1340 laptop. I recently got a new net provider (Clear) and service was great at first then it turned to crap. Being a bit obsessive, I read as much as I could about any way to fix it. In the process I ruined my shell folders which house like 90% of my files. I used a program called TCP Optimizer and it changed my registry. Upon rebooting, I got the temporary profile. I thought my system had been wiped til I got the popup saying it just didn't load correctly.

I rebooted again and still all of my settings were gone along with my desktop and "documents." I searched and found them in some temp folder. I then copied them back to where they belonged. I accepted that the registry may have ruined all my settings and restarted reconfiging everything. I was happy to still have my files and programs. After doing some more reading about my shoddy ISP I realized that I hadn't done a full shutdown and unplugging of the modem, so I did...............

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How To Make Desktop Icons Go Away From Desktop Toolbar In?

Jan 30, 2010

I don't find the desktop to be of much use, too many icons take away from the image I choose to display, but I do use the desktop toolbar from the taskbar quite a bit. There are icons that I cannot remove from the desktop toolbar such as the Network & Control Panel icons they won’t leave the toolbar, and I can’t seem to kill the IE icon off for good, either.

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Make My Desktop Icons Transparent?

Jun 12, 2009

I am using windows Vista Ultimate 32 Bit

Can someone please tell me how to make my desktop icons transparent?, I mean see through, like glass?.. I went to the visaul effects, and ticked the drop down shadows for desktop icons, but that made no difference?

Maybe, there is some free vista transparent icon packs that can be downloaded?? ICO Packs?.. Can someone please help me with this?

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Any Way To Make Desktop Icons Default On The Right Side Of The Screen?

Oct 30, 2008

I have my desktop set up so that the sidebar is on the left side of the screen, simply because I like it better that way, but now whenever I install a new program or download a file from online, which downloads to my desktop, it always appears under the sidebar. Is there any way to make new icons default to the right side of the desktop instead of the left?

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Icon Folder Is Destroyed

Mar 10, 2010

My folder icon is destroyed and turned into a generic one, when ever i make a new folder its still shows the generic icon. all my other icons of other programs have been replaced to generic ones.

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System Partition Destroyed Networking

Feb 21, 2009

I had a Vista Install with A "System" partition and a "Data" partition. Installing a VPN Package by Sonicwall completely destroyed networking. Under the properties of any network card the only Service, Client, or Protocol was "Client For Microsoft Networks" and clicking "Install" to get IPV4 and the like put on gave an error. DHCP was also broken. Time to start over. Unfortunately, I am going to need a new laptop soon because my laptop turns itself off when in the BIOS Screen, When trying to boot from CD, or any time before Windows starts to load. It is stable once it gets up and running. Because of this, I could not boot from a CD to install Vista...I had to boot to my damaged installation and install it to my old Data Drive (After backing everything up). Now, it boots to a clean install of Vista. This install is on the "F" drive. The old install resides on the "C" drive. By default, it boots to the proper installation (without me having modified any boot information.)

I would like to recover the space taken up by the old "C Drive" installation but I am not sure if the bootloader actually resides on that partition yet. I would be rather unhappy if I blew away that partition and ended up unable to boot. I safe to blow away the C partition? Is there any way I can check to make sure that the installation on the F drive is handling the boot loading?

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Destroyed Everything In The Control Panel : Need Anti Virus

Sep 19, 2008

My computer keeps shutting down and destroyed everything in the Control Panel. I'm using (IE & FF3) and they keep shutting down. I ran AVG and it shows that I have an infected virus "win32/Heur". I don't have anthying important saved on my labtop that I care about. I basically use it for surfing the net. I purchased it 4 months ago. My questions are. It did not come with the Installation Disk(s), It was pre-installed. How can I re-install everything that if it was the same way when I purchased it? If I reinstall (reformat), will my labtop still be infected with the virus?

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Email 'box' Moves When I Type

Oct 6, 2009

Whether I reply to someone's email or I create a new email, the scroll bar moves by itself either up or down while I'm typing in the message area - not just one or two lines. For instance I'll just begin typing an email and all of a sudden I'm at the bottom of the page. (Actually, it just did it now as I'm typing this). This happens all the time. Is there something that can be done about this?

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Mouse Moves Over The Screen On Its Own

Jun 26, 2009

A friend of mine have a problem. The mouse moves over the screen on its own. Or jumps from one place of the screen to another. Any idea what this can be or what can be done with it?

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Mouse Moves, Cant Click

Feb 15, 2009

Built a new PC a few days ok. first day went fine. Today ive been experiencing freezes every 2 hours or so but my mouse can still move across the screen. I cant click on anything but it can move.

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IE Up/down Scollbar Still Moves Screen

Aug 22, 2009

This one is on a laptop (using vista home premium),when browsing,on IE,using the up/down scrollbar when I move the cursor from the bar the bar remians blue and still moves the screen to the movement of cursor untill I click the mousepad. How can I re set it to work normally.?

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Explorer.exe Restart Moves Icons

Aug 11, 2008

I play a PC game that uses a lot of memory and requires me to shut down all programs that could hinder its performance through a batch file, this includes explorer.exe. But whenever I restart explorer.exe all my desktop icons are out of order which frustrates me to no end as I have them ergonomically placed to my needs.

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Task Manager Moves Around Too Fast

Oct 31, 2009

My disk light is often constantly locked on solid during internet activity and I never know what is happening. I know I can bring up the Task Manager but it moves around too fast and the running apps are usually mysterious in what they are really doing. There must be a tool out there that takes the top two or three applications/processes that are causing the solid light and not only displays them but explain what their purpose is.

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Mouse Pointer Moves To Side And Stays There

Aug 2, 2009

Back in the days I had time to be a Windows MVP, there were a lot of
questions I knew how to answer, but this wasn't one of them.

We have a Vista machine running Vista Ultimate. It is a Toshiba Tecra.
Within a few minutes of booting up, even in safe mode, the mouse pointer
drifts to one side, usually the right, and stays there. If you leave the
machine alone for a while, the issue goes away, but the moment a user starts
doing anything, the mouse becomes unusable in this way. I have tried exiting
all applications, and meticulously exiting every service whose function I
know is not a core Windows function, without avail. Windows Defender has not
found an issue.

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The Flashing Line That Indicates Where I Am Typing Moves To Random Places!

Sep 29, 2009

How do I fix it? D:

We have two Sony Vaio laptops in my house and this has happened with both of them. When I type the little flashing line moves to random places and the typing continues from there. Not only that, sometimes when I type passages get highlighted or deleted, or the page simply changes for no reason. Why did this happen and how can i fix it? D:

I posted this on Yahoo Answers and the response was
this is common and one of the reasons people hate vista, however its easy to fix.

go to control panel >mouse and other (or printers and other) >Mouse > Touchpad Tab >move the slider back a bit so its not so sensitive.

When the Touchpad is super sensitive weird things happen when your hands are nearby.

2 weeks ago"

But I don't have a touchpad tab option that allows me to do that.

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All Of A Sudden, (.bat) File Does Not Work

Dec 7, 2009

this file is a .bat file that opens up 14 websites. It no longer works!

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Why Is This All Of A Sudden Popping Up When I Start Up ITunes?

May 15, 2010

Why is this all of a sudden popping up when I start up iTunes?

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Sudden Blue Screen An Shutdown

Dec 4, 2009

my laptop has suddenly developed "blue screen of death" and it happens too quickly to record the error.

no new software or hardware added recently.Thought the backlight on the screen had failed after as I had a blank screen but after connection to a separate screen and doing a system restore my screen is ok.working ok at the moment but every so often after shutdown the "Blue" returns....

Ran a scan in safe mode and zilch...

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All Of A Sudden I Cannot Send Emails But Can Recieve.

Feb 19, 2010

The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider.Subject 'emails', Account: '', Server: '',
Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '554 5.7.1 : Sender address rejected: Access denied', Port: 587, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 554, Error Number: 0x800CCC78.

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Sudden Slow Wifi (unable To Fix)

Jan 27, 2010

i run the internet through my wifi, the service is provided by the apartment complex to everyone. it is an incredibly strong signal for the whole building, and i am right beneath the source so i have always had just an amazing speed on my internet. the other day, while chatting on facebook of all places, something happened (what i do not know) and the firefox crashed. since that moment the internet has been chugging. and i mean chugging! it takes almost 2min just to load a page. (this is not consistent however some pages load faster) downloading speeds have all but stopped (i don't know how to check for just how fast they are going) i can't even load up Internet videos now its so slow.

i tried several fixes for the problem, but being a noob i think i screwed it up worse because its even slower than before. first i used uniblue registry cleaner and speed upper thing. they just screwed up my computer even worse and it was taking forever just to open a file folder let along load a webpage. i did a system restore to undue that damage. i tried resetting the autotuning. that did not work i even did an ipconfig/renew release thing. that almost did me in. i finally got the internet running again. still slow.

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SP1 - Sudden Freezes With BEEP Of Death

Mar 24, 2008

I left it on running for several days on top of a cooling pad fan to avoid any overheating. There was basically no activity or nothing running except BitTorrent downloading some files over wireless LAN. I have Avast antivirus installed. All possible drivers updates/service packs were downloaded and installed. The notebook runs on the latest BIOS version from HP. Suddenly, the computer beeped loudly a few times and the screen showed white colour patches everywhere that covered up a large portion of the screen, then got frozen completely. The only thing I could do was to switch it off by pressing the power button 6 seconds. After booting it up again, I couldn't see much information in the event viewer that tells me what went wrong.

Another horror story: I had a few tabs opened on IE7. I went to a website with java applet for chat room. Once I clicked the Java applet, IE7 suddenly crashed/disappeared. No error reporting or anything - it just took place so suddenly. I could not repeat this problem as it seems intermittent.It does make me feel that after a year's wait, I still have no faith in Windows' reliability. I wonder how many more centuries will they take to create a rock solid high performing computer for home/business?

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All Of A Sudden Connection To Server Failed

Jun 30, 2008

All of a sudden a few days ago, I started getting this message: The connection to the server has failed. Subject '', Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Sudden Upload Speed Slowdown

May 8, 2008

A few days ago out of the blue my upload speed went down to practically zero. I know it's my computer because the other computers on the network can still upload fine. When I run a speed test the download comes back fine (~1275kbps on a 1536kbps connection) but the upload either doesn't finish or comes back at something like 10kbps. My connection for upload is 800kbps. I use qwest dsl.

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So All Sudden Java Changes Aero Back To Basic

May 17, 2008

I don't quite know when this happened but everytime my browsers (either IE or Firefox) hit a web page with a java plug in Vista turns to Vista basic. When I leave the page Aero returns. I presume this is a Java issue. anybody else with a similar issue?

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So All Of A Sudden Explorer Is Showing My C: Drive As A Music Folder

May 18, 2008

When I click on the C: drive in my explorer view I get all the subfolders. However, instead of size and date modified I get album, artist and rating info. For any individual sub folder I can right click and change the customize properties to detail view, but for the C: drive no such option is aviable. How can I change the view back to details?

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Sudden X64 Crash: PC Has Started Crashing At Apparently Random Intervals

Sep 5, 2008

My Homebuilt dual core PC has started crashing at apparently random intervals. The behaviour is this; sudden black screen, PC hard drives and fans still running, a 3-4 second interval, PC powers down, auto restart of PC, boots to 'SAFE mode' options boot screen, then reboots entirely normally when 'start my computer normally' is selected. I have scoured the error log and have found several unusual entries. I am at a major loss as to their relevance.

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Windows Mail Sudden Button Save Attachment Paperclip

Mar 13, 2009

Vista, Home Premium, Windows Mail all of a sudden the button to Save Attachments under the Paperclip is greyed out for images such as .jpg I can see the image numbers/names listed but all in grey. I can still save them by rightclicking them in the preview pane but for a mail containing many pics that is rather cumbersome.For other attachment such as movies, powerpoints etc. the Save Button is NOT greyed out and works fine for quick saving...

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Click On The Shortcut From The Desktop It Will Flicker A Black Screen And Just Return To Desktop

Apr 3, 2009

I can't get it to work. I tried running as administrator and no luck. I have a Asus G2 series gaming laptop-OS Vista Home premium 32 bit. The game installed great, but as soon as I click on the shortcut from the desktop it will flicker a black screen and just return me to my desktop. I tried putting my computer in a 800x600 resolustion and still didn't start it.

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Rename File: Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml To /Desktop/Bugs.txt

Apr 24, 2008

I want to rename /Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml to /Desktop/Bugs.txt A right click on the icon does not give me the opportunity to change the suffix. Question: How can you change a file suffix?

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Desktop Icons Are Now Part Of The Desktop Wallpaper?

May 15, 2010

I just cleared my desktop because it was absolutely cluttered with icons and stuff, but now it's like the Icons are part of the wallpaper, because I can't click on them, can't drag them, and if I drag a different icon over it it's still there underneath the other one.

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Remote Desktop Connection From Desktop To Laptop?

Mar 26, 2009

I've been trying to set up a remote desktop connection between my laptop and my desktop both running on Vista Home Premium. Why does this error come up:

"This computer can't connect to the remote computer."

when they are both connected (wirelessly) via the same network.

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