Sudden Upload Speed Slowdown

May 8, 2008

A few days ago out of the blue my upload speed went down to practically zero. I know it's my computer because the other computers on the network can still upload fine. When I run a speed test the download comes back fine (~1275kbps on a 1536kbps connection) but the upload either doesn't finish or comes back at something like 10kbps. My connection for upload is 800kbps. I use qwest dsl.

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Slow Upload Speed, Wouldn't Upload

May 21, 2008

Recently I noticed that my Internet's upload speed is EXTREMELY low. No problem with Download, I have almost a 3M Download. But i ran a speed test on -The Global Broadband Speed Test, and downlaod was fine, no problem, but i simply wouldn't upload. I tried sending an email with a small attachment, very slow, took like 30 minutes to add the attachement. I have AVG 8.0 Internet Security, with everything turned on.

Here is my HijackThis Log.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 9:59:42 PM, on 21/05/2008.............

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Download And Upload Speed

Jun 10, 2008

My OS is vista. How do I find out the download and upload speeds in kbps or mbps on my computer?

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Increase Upload Speed?

Dec 1, 2008

Is there any adjustment,program or trick to increase Upload speed? Vista Ultimate 64bit.

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Slowdown With UAC

Jun 19, 2008

We have a .NET/C application that is required to start automatically as soon as an user logs on to their PC. It is well known that Vista blocks applications that requires admin privileges (ours does and it specifies that via the manifest) to automatically start on logon. Our problem is looking far more serious. We launch our admin- demanding app via a batch file and put _that_ batch file on startup. This works in that the app now starts fine at startup but it really really really really slows down the application to a crawl. However if I back out of the admin privilege and publish the app with a manifest with just asInvoker, everything is just fine and dandy. The app launches fine on startup and functions equally well. Why in the God's name would running an admin privilege seeking application at startup cause so much slowdown?

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Intermittent System Slowdown

Jul 3, 2008

I have an intermittent slowing issue. Sometimes on system startup, the computer will be running very slowly, as though there is a huge drain on system resources- taking 10 seconds plus to open IE, for example- but when I open the task manager and take a look, I'm never using more than 10% CPU (its usually more like 4%) and physical memory is usually around 30-50% used.

This problem can persist through a reboot (where the system will appear to hang on the "Shutting down..." screen for up to 10 minutes), but through a restart or two I can usually get it to go away.

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Geforce 7600, X64 And Frame Slowdown

Sep 27, 2007

Has anybody had a similar problem with the newer geforce drivers where the framerate is fine for 10 seconds, then drops for a few seconds, speeds up again etc etc. you get the picture?

The drivers work fine in XP 32, but when trying different drivers on Vista x64 company of heroes is unpleasant to play.

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Memory Speed: Can't Stop Wondering If The Difference In Speed WOULD Matter

Apr 13, 2008

I just bought a new pc with Vista Home Premium, it came with: 1GB PC2-6400 DDR2 SDRAM, expandable to 4GB. I wanted more memory so I bought a 2GB kit PC2-*5300* DDR2 SDRAM, because it was on sale for $60. The 6400 speed would have cost me over $200. The salesman assured me it would work fine and I wouldn't notice any difference. I installed it when I got home and everything works great, no problems. But I still can't stop wondering if the difference in speed WOULD matter. Can anyone explain, or provide a link explaining, when, if ever, I would benefit from the faster memory. I mostly use my PC for surfing the web, email, and some photo editing.

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Slow Internet Speed:speed Goes Down To 300 Kbps

Sep 5, 2008

I have Vista x64 Ultimate and I'm having internet connection issues. My laptop is the HP Pavillion dv7. My ISP tells me everything is fine on his end. I have a router (Linksys model BEFW11S4) 2.4 Ghz - 802.11b. When I connect the wire from my modem directly to my laptop, I get internet speeds of 900 Kbps. But when I use the router, the speed goes down to 300 Kbps. Is there a setting in Vista that could be doing this? According to Linksys, I should be able to attain 900 Kbps with the router. The laptop comes with a wireless adapter (Intel Wi-Fi Link 5100AGN).

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All Of A Sudden, (.bat) File Does Not Work

Dec 7, 2009

this file is a .bat file that opens up 14 websites. It no longer works!

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Upload Desktop.ini?

Jul 19, 2008

Can someone upload the two desktop.ini files located on the desktop after you uncheck "hide protected operating system files" I deleted mine by mistake.

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Why Is This All Of A Sudden Popping Up When I Start Up ITunes?

May 15, 2010

Why is this all of a sudden popping up when I start up iTunes?

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Sudden Blue Screen An Shutdown

Dec 4, 2009

my laptop has suddenly developed "blue screen of death" and it happens too quickly to record the error.

no new software or hardware added recently.Thought the backlight on the screen had failed after as I had a blank screen but after connection to a separate screen and doing a system restore my screen is ok.working ok at the moment but every so often after shutdown the "Blue" returns....

Ran a scan in safe mode and zilch...

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All Of A Sudden I Cannot Send Emails But Can Recieve.

Feb 19, 2010

The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider.Subject 'emails', Account: '', Server: '',
Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '554 5.7.1 : Sender address rejected: Access denied', Port: 587, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 554, Error Number: 0x800CCC78.

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Sudden Slow Wifi (unable To Fix)

Jan 27, 2010

i run the internet through my wifi, the service is provided by the apartment complex to everyone. it is an incredibly strong signal for the whole building, and i am right beneath the source so i have always had just an amazing speed on my internet. the other day, while chatting on facebook of all places, something happened (what i do not know) and the firefox crashed. since that moment the internet has been chugging. and i mean chugging! it takes almost 2min just to load a page. (this is not consistent however some pages load faster) downloading speeds have all but stopped (i don't know how to check for just how fast they are going) i can't even load up Internet videos now its so slow.

i tried several fixes for the problem, but being a noob i think i screwed it up worse because its even slower than before. first i used uniblue registry cleaner and speed upper thing. they just screwed up my computer even worse and it was taking forever just to open a file folder let along load a webpage. i did a system restore to undue that damage. i tried resetting the autotuning. that did not work i even did an ipconfig/renew release thing. that almost did me in. i finally got the internet running again. still slow.

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SP1 - Sudden Freezes With BEEP Of Death

Mar 24, 2008

I left it on running for several days on top of a cooling pad fan to avoid any overheating. There was basically no activity or nothing running except BitTorrent downloading some files over wireless LAN. I have Avast antivirus installed. All possible drivers updates/service packs were downloaded and installed. The notebook runs on the latest BIOS version from HP. Suddenly, the computer beeped loudly a few times and the screen showed white colour patches everywhere that covered up a large portion of the screen, then got frozen completely. The only thing I could do was to switch it off by pressing the power button 6 seconds. After booting it up again, I couldn't see much information in the event viewer that tells me what went wrong.

Another horror story: I had a few tabs opened on IE7. I went to a website with java applet for chat room. Once I clicked the Java applet, IE7 suddenly crashed/disappeared. No error reporting or anything - it just took place so suddenly. I could not repeat this problem as it seems intermittent.It does make me feel that after a year's wait, I still have no faith in Windows' reliability. I wonder how many more centuries will they take to create a rock solid high performing computer for home/business?

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All Of A Sudden Connection To Server Failed

Jun 30, 2008

All of a sudden a few days ago, I started getting this message: The connection to the server has failed. Subject '', Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Trying To Upload My Pictures Into Picasa 3

May 19, 2009

I am trying to upload my pictures into Picasa 3, but I am unable to. It says that: Windows was able to successfully install device driver software, but the driver software encountered a problem when it tried to run. The problem code is 19.

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Choosing Pictures To Upload

Apr 13, 2008

I have pictures I want to upload but my computer won't let me choose the ones I want. The setting that used to work, but appearently doesn't anymore, uploaded the recent pictures on my camera. Now, it uploads all of my pictures instead of the most recent. I already read a recent "discussion" about this problem but my questions still go unanswered. I do not edit my pictures in anyway before I upload them.

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Slow Download & Upload

May 26, 2009

I am comparing the download and upload speeds (zoomtown) of my work laptop (Dell D620) and home latpop (Sony FW). My Dell is 3 years old, my Sony is fairly new. Here is the results of the test: My home laptop: download 3700 kbps; upload: 117 kbps My work laptop: download 8200 kbps; upload: 2230 kbps This is about the average I get each time I test. Both laptops are connecting through the same Netgear g Router. Both laptops are next to me during the test while the Router is near me. Does anyone know what is likely causing the disparity?

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IE8 Inability Upload File

Jun 2, 2009

Not strictly Vista related but....Has anyone noticed problems using Facebook since IE8? (the problem may be their end but it seemed to coincide with IE8) things spring to mind.
1. Inability to use the upload a file (photo) feature
2. Clicking on "chat" which shows friends currently online does nothing.

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So All Sudden Java Changes Aero Back To Basic

May 17, 2008

I don't quite know when this happened but everytime my browsers (either IE or Firefox) hit a web page with a java plug in Vista turns to Vista basic. When I leave the page Aero returns. I presume this is a Java issue. anybody else with a similar issue?

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Could Upload An Image Of The Recovery DVD Or Artition?

Oct 11, 2009

is there anybody out there who could upload an image of the recovery DVD or artition?? I need the OEM Version of Vista Home Premium 32 or 64 bit.

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Cannot Save, Open, Download Or Upload!

Jun 29, 2008

I cannot save as on any (ANY!) program that I have. This includes programs that came pre-installed when I picked up the notebook (like Wordpad, for christ's sake). Now, I cannot upload or download anything at all. The dialogue box opens and the hour glass appears. After about five minutes, it informs me that such and such is not responding and the program will have to restart. I recognize that MS has put added percautions in order to prevent piracy. But I cannot even use Wordpad, let alone upload a frickin' video.

I am surprised that someone at MS hasn't been assassinated because of Vista. It is the single worse computer product I have ever (EVER!) used. Send me an email if you want. Just someone please, shed a light on this.

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So All Of A Sudden Explorer Is Showing My C: Drive As A Music Folder

May 18, 2008

When I click on the C: drive in my explorer view I get all the subfolders. However, instead of size and date modified I get album, artist and rating info. For any individual sub folder I can right click and change the customize properties to detail view, but for the C: drive no such option is aviable. How can I change the view back to details?

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Camera To Computer Upload Not Automatic Anymore

Feb 28, 2009

I did have my operating system set up on "Classic" setting to resemble Windows XP and when it was set that way anytime I slid the memory card from my camera in it would pop up the pictures in a new folder in my already existing software I store pictures in. All I needed to do from there were to highlight and drag them into another folder and delete the pictures out of the folder they popped up in...thus emptying the memory card from my camera. Since I have switched the look back to Vista appearance (Vista Home Premium) now I have to go thru Start, Computer, and then click on the drive to open the pictures on the memory card. I also have to manually open my picture editing software manually and drag the pics from the temp folder to my regularly used software to move the pictures. What changed just by changing the appearance of the operating system and how do I get it back without changing the whole appearance back to the "classic" look?

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FTP To Upload In The Background, The Software's FTP Works In XP But Not On Vista

Dec 28, 2009

I have a software which uses FTP to upload in the background. The software's FTP works in XP but not on Vista. Is there anything I should check on Vista?

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Sudden X64 Crash: PC Has Started Crashing At Apparently Random Intervals

Sep 5, 2008

My Homebuilt dual core PC has started crashing at apparently random intervals. The behaviour is this; sudden black screen, PC hard drives and fans still running, a 3-4 second interval, PC powers down, auto restart of PC, boots to 'SAFE mode' options boot screen, then reboots entirely normally when 'start my computer normally' is selected. I have scoured the error log and have found several unusual entries. I am at a major loss as to their relevance.

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Windows Mail Sudden Button Save Attachment Paperclip

Mar 13, 2009

Vista, Home Premium, Windows Mail all of a sudden the button to Save Attachments under the Paperclip is greyed out for images such as .jpg I can see the image numbers/names listed but all in grey. I can still save them by rightclicking them in the preview pane but for a mail containing many pics that is rather cumbersome.For other attachment such as movies, powerpoints etc. the Save Button is NOT greyed out and works fine for quick saving...

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Can Upload ISO Image Of Full Vista Install Disc

Apr 5, 2009

Can upload an ISO image of a Full Vista Install Disc (not upgrade, not recovery only)? I have a product key, so it wouldn't be illegal. Please, as I don't have any recovery discs and HP is making me pay for it.

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Desktop Destroyed:don't Want To "make An Sudden Moves"

Jan 18, 2010

I have moderate computer knowledge, but I'm stumped. I've read quite a bit on this issue and I don't want to "make an sudden moves." I'm on Vista Home Premium 64bit w/ a Dell XPS 1340 laptop. I recently got a new net provider (Clear) and service was great at first then it turned to crap. Being a bit obsessive, I read as much as I could about any way to fix it. In the process I ruined my shell folders which house like 90% of my files. I used a program called TCP Optimizer and it changed my registry. Upon rebooting, I got the temporary profile. I thought my system had been wiped til I got the popup saying it just didn't load correctly.

I rebooted again and still all of my settings were gone along with my desktop and "documents." I searched and found them in some temp folder. I then copied them back to where they belonged. I accepted that the registry may have ruined all my settings and restarted reconfiging everything. I was happy to still have my files and programs. After doing some more reading about my shoddy ISP I realized that I hadn't done a full shutdown and unplugging of the modem, so I did...............

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