Trying To Upload My Pictures Into Picasa 3

May 19, 2009

I am trying to upload my pictures into Picasa 3, but I am unable to. It says that: Windows was able to successfully install device driver software, but the driver software encountered a problem when it tried to run. The problem code is 19.

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Choosing Pictures To Upload

Apr 13, 2008

I have pictures I want to upload but my computer won't let me choose the ones I want. The setting that used to work, but appearently doesn't anymore, uploaded the recent pictures on my camera. Now, it uploads all of my pictures instead of the most recent. I already read a recent "discussion" about this problem but my questions still go unanswered. I do not edit my pictures in anyway before I upload them.

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Slow Upload Speed, Wouldn't Upload

May 21, 2008

Recently I noticed that my Internet's upload speed is EXTREMELY low. No problem with Download, I have almost a 3M Download. But i ran a speed test on -The Global Broadband Speed Test, and downlaod was fine, no problem, but i simply wouldn't upload. I tried sending an email with a small attachment, very slow, took like 30 minutes to add the attachement. I have AVG 8.0 Internet Security, with everything turned on.

Here is my HijackThis Log.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 9:59:42 PM, on 21/05/2008.............

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Uninstall PICASA Data Base

Feb 14, 2009

I would like to uninstall PICASA, but save my data base, of the folders and the albums I have created. Some other systems appear to let you do this. however my problem is that the path goes Start/all programs/PICASA/uninstall. I don't seem to be able to keep my database of holiday pictures - which I've spent so long on sorting. I was wondering if there is a way around this

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Upload Desktop.ini?

Jul 19, 2008

Can someone upload the two desktop.ini files located on the desktop after you uncheck "hide protected operating system files" I deleted mine by mistake.

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Pictures Not Coming From MY PICTURES Folder

May 15, 2010

I have recently had strange pixilated images mixed in with our photos when playing music and selecting slide show, our photos appear along with random images, they are not coming from MY PICTURES folder as i have right clicked when the odd pic appears and they are coming from random folders that i can't find.

I thought the strange graphics were coming from itunes or Tom Tom so i have uninstalled them both...but the images keep coming. How do i stop media center looking and producing these annoying images

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Pictures Disappeared From Pictures Folder!

Aug 26, 2009

All the pictures in my Pictures folder have disappeared, leaving behind a bunch of empty folders. I did not delete them, and I have no viruses according to AVG. It appears that this happened to a few others on this forum, but no solutions were presented. I noticed that the Read Only button was checked on the main folder, so I unchecked it, and I watched the status window un-apply "read only" protection from all my actual pictures files, so it seems to me that they're still there but invisible.

I performed a system restore, and Recova is in the process of performing a "Deep Scan" for my pictures (the quicker scan did not find the files). Has anyone solved the problem of the disappearing pictures? Is this a Vista problem, or perhaps a problem with an update?

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Download And Upload Speed

Jun 10, 2008

My OS is vista. How do I find out the download and upload speeds in kbps or mbps on my computer?

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Slow Download & Upload

May 26, 2009

I am comparing the download and upload speeds (zoomtown) of my work laptop (Dell D620) and home latpop (Sony FW). My Dell is 3 years old, my Sony is fairly new. Here is the results of the test: My home laptop: download 3700 kbps; upload: 117 kbps My work laptop: download 8200 kbps; upload: 2230 kbps This is about the average I get each time I test. Both laptops are connecting through the same Netgear g Router. Both laptops are next to me during the test while the Router is near me. Does anyone know what is likely causing the disparity?

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Increase Upload Speed?

Dec 1, 2008

Is there any adjustment,program or trick to increase Upload speed? Vista Ultimate 64bit.

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IE8 Inability Upload File

Jun 2, 2009

Not strictly Vista related but....Has anyone noticed problems using Facebook since IE8? (the problem may be their end but it seemed to coincide with IE8) things spring to mind.
1. Inability to use the upload a file (photo) feature
2. Clicking on "chat" which shows friends currently online does nothing.

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Could Upload An Image Of The Recovery DVD Or Artition?

Oct 11, 2009

is there anybody out there who could upload an image of the recovery DVD or artition?? I need the OEM Version of Vista Home Premium 32 or 64 bit.

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Cannot Save, Open, Download Or Upload!

Jun 29, 2008

I cannot save as on any (ANY!) program that I have. This includes programs that came pre-installed when I picked up the notebook (like Wordpad, for christ's sake). Now, I cannot upload or download anything at all. The dialogue box opens and the hour glass appears. After about five minutes, it informs me that such and such is not responding and the program will have to restart. I recognize that MS has put added percautions in order to prevent piracy. But I cannot even use Wordpad, let alone upload a frickin' video.

I am surprised that someone at MS hasn't been assassinated because of Vista. It is the single worse computer product I have ever (EVER!) used. Send me an email if you want. Just someone please, shed a light on this.

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Sudden Upload Speed Slowdown

May 8, 2008

A few days ago out of the blue my upload speed went down to practically zero. I know it's my computer because the other computers on the network can still upload fine. When I run a speed test the download comes back fine (~1275kbps on a 1536kbps connection) but the upload either doesn't finish or comes back at something like 10kbps. My connection for upload is 800kbps. I use qwest dsl.

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Camera To Computer Upload Not Automatic Anymore

Feb 28, 2009

I did have my operating system set up on "Classic" setting to resemble Windows XP and when it was set that way anytime I slid the memory card from my camera in it would pop up the pictures in a new folder in my already existing software I store pictures in. All I needed to do from there were to highlight and drag them into another folder and delete the pictures out of the folder they popped up in...thus emptying the memory card from my camera. Since I have switched the look back to Vista appearance (Vista Home Premium) now I have to go thru Start, Computer, and then click on the drive to open the pictures on the memory card. I also have to manually open my picture editing software manually and drag the pics from the temp folder to my regularly used software to move the pictures. What changed just by changing the appearance of the operating system and how do I get it back without changing the whole appearance back to the "classic" look?

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FTP To Upload In The Background, The Software's FTP Works In XP But Not On Vista

Dec 28, 2009

I have a software which uses FTP to upload in the background. The software's FTP works in XP but not on Vista. Is there anything I should check on Vista?

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Can Upload ISO Image Of Full Vista Install Disc

Apr 5, 2009

Can upload an ISO image of a Full Vista Install Disc (not upgrade, not recovery only)? I have a product key, so it wouldn't be illegal. Please, as I don't have any recovery discs and HP is making me pay for it.

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Windows Business Vs Home Games, Upload The Games

Mar 23, 2008

I recently purchased a laptop with Business. It has no games at all. How can I upload the games that come with Home?

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Where Oh Where Have My Pictures Gone...

Oct 16, 2009

I can't find my Pictures amywhere on my hard-drive. I'velooked in "C:usersduncsdocumentsPictures", but I don't have a folder called "documents", or indeed one called "Pictures".In Explorer, under 'Desktop | Duncs' I have the following, among otherthings:Documents - This has a location of G:I don't however, have anything for 'Pictures' or 'My Pictures'. WhenI do a search on my G: drive, for .JPG files, it lists all thepicture files that I have so where are they? Displaying the folder
shows the following-"My Pictures (G", but still I can't find them.There is no folder called 'My Pictures' or 'Pictures' on the G: drive.If I try to right-click and open location, I get the message "G: My Pictures is not accessible. The directory name is invalid."

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Mar 23, 2008

How can I send pictures

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Cant Look At Pictures .

Mar 31, 2010

when i have image file send through msn or the pictures on my pc...when i click on them i get box that seys ... windows cant not open this file open this program windows need to know what to use..somthing along them lines ..when i click select a programme form the list of installed programes..its only shows paint ? when i click the web on i get this Windows File Association

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Can't Send Pictures

Mar 23, 2008

I have been trying to send JPEG files by email unsuccessfully. I get no error message the only sign they haven't gone out comes when the folks I'm mailing say they never arrived. These are not large files (472kb).

Is it maybe the security either in the Vista or the Norton? I can't figure out what or what to do to fix it. I'm a facepainter, I NEED to be able to send pictures.

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Pictures In Documents

Mar 23, 2008

I am having the hardest time trying to catagorize & rename my pictures. Everytime I go to a picture file in my document files, I highlight the pictures that I want to rename. Then when I click rename & type the name of the pics that I want labeled, it scrambles the pictures in a different order & the numbers of the pics are pic 1, pic 1, pic 2, pic 2, etc, etc.

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Can Not Burn Pictures Onto CD

Jun 11, 2008

I am having the same problem as Scubiekim - except I DO use Windows Vista. When I put a CD-R in the drive, and try to burn pics onto it, it tells me I can't. Then every 5 minutes since I've tried, I get a balloon on the bottom of my screen saying "You have files waiting to be burned to disc. To view files, click this balloon". I then click the balloon, and nothing happens. I know it's not a problem with the CD, since I have other pictures on it, and it's not full. The pics I'm trying to work with are JPEG files, the same as the pics that are already on the disc.

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Pictures Folder Has Gone

Feb 6, 2009

my "Pictures" folder, the whole thing, not just the contents got moved to the Music section. I guess I accidently dragged it there or something. I noticed it, wondered it something was wrong. So, I clicked on the start orb and clicked on my pictures. It was still there. So, I deleted the folder that was in my music section and now the whole pictures folder is gone. I tried the "shell:mypictures, but here's the thing... it seems it creating the folder on my DESKTOP. I do NOT want it there. When I delete the folder from my desktop, this is the message it gives me

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Pictures Not Showing

Feb 14, 2009

I searched the forums, but i haven't seen any problem such as mine. I first saw it with the Help and Support program, but it has also appeared in Combat Arms (game) and in Internet Explorer. See attachments to see what i mean. If you need any further information, just post what.

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Cannot Scan Pictures

Dec 24, 2008

I use my computer to scan pictures or look at stuff on ebay. I would say I am on the computer 2 hours a month. I have a hp 2200 all in one printer that worked fine with my old cheap $400.00 computer. My husband thought he would be nice and buy me an upgrade I now have an $1100.00 computer that won't scan pictures and after two months and more time than I have ever spent on a computer I am finding out this is not uncommon.

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Pictures Are Compressed.

Mar 23, 2008

About 25% of the pictures I have become compressed, that is, vista decides to smush the sides together so that I essentially have a column of color where I should have a picture. Entering Paint and saving the picture in paint solves the problem, but how do I keep it from happenning and/or fix multiple pictures at once?

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Unwanted Pictures

Jan 1, 2010

Every day in my "recently changed" file under "DOCUMENTS" I receive hundreds of unwanted pictures.It seems as if they are snapshots from a tv news show.

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Not Able To Print Pictures

Apr 4, 2008

Suddenly for some reason, I am not able to Print any pictures from Windows Photo Gallery After Clicking on Photos, and highlighting them, and then clicking on Print at top of panel, the picture will come up full size with panel of options - I click on Print at bottom of panel and blue line runs across under photo saying it is printing, but it never does.

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Accessing My Pictures Through CMD?

Sep 4, 2008

I got the "Windows Explorer has stopped working" error. For me, it pops up as soon as I log into my account so I have no access to the start menu, anything at all like that. Once I log in, it goes to a grey screen where the error pops up. Unfortunately, I hadn't been using System Restore so that's not an option for me. I don't mind reformatting, but all I really want off my hard drive are all of my pictures. I was wondering if there's any way to access my image files by running some sort of command in the CMD window.

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