Accessing My Pictures Through CMD?

Sep 4, 2008

I got the "Windows Explorer has stopped working" error. For me, it pops up as soon as I log into my account so I have no access to the start menu, anything at all like that. Once I log in, it goes to a grey screen where the error pops up. Unfortunately, I hadn't been using System Restore so that's not an option for me. I don't mind reformatting, but all I really want off my hard drive are all of my pictures. I was wondering if there's any way to access my image files by running some sort of command in the CMD window.

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Pictures Not Coming From MY PICTURES Folder

May 15, 2010

I have recently had strange pixilated images mixed in with our photos when playing music and selecting slide show, our photos appear along with random images, they are not coming from MY PICTURES folder as i have right clicked when the odd pic appears and they are coming from random folders that i can't find.

I thought the strange graphics were coming from itunes or Tom Tom so i have uninstalled them both...but the images keep coming. How do i stop media center looking and producing these annoying images

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Pictures Disappeared From Pictures Folder!

Aug 26, 2009

All the pictures in my Pictures folder have disappeared, leaving behind a bunch of empty folders. I did not delete them, and I have no viruses according to AVG. It appears that this happened to a few others on this forum, but no solutions were presented. I noticed that the Read Only button was checked on the main folder, so I unchecked it, and I watched the status window un-apply "read only" protection from all my actual pictures files, so it seems to me that they're still there but invisible.

I performed a system restore, and Recova is in the process of performing a "Deep Scan" for my pictures (the quicker scan did not find the files). Has anyone solved the problem of the disappearing pictures? Is this a Vista problem, or perhaps a problem with an update?

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Newsgroup Not Accessing

Aug 25, 2009

From my Vista Windows Mail client, I suddenly cant access the server anylonger. I get an 480 authentication required message. Code 800ccca2. My email and internet access works fine.

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Cant Accessing The Internet

Apr 22, 2010

I am a Vista Home Premium user and i cant access the internet to surf etc. My friends noticed that the isatap and 6to4 adapters are not working. They have been uninstalled, reinstalled, disabled, updated etc but it still cant work. Pls help really desperate need to use net for work

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Accessing Other XP Machine And NAS

Mar 23, 2008

I have a problem with new vista machines unable to access existing machines. I used to have two desktops and a laptop all running XP and a network storage device. Each machine could share with every other machine and everything was fine.

One of the desktops and the laptop died, to be replaced by two new laptops running vista. So I now have:

1 desktop running XP Home SP2
1 laptop running vista home basic
1 laptop running vista home premium

Everything is networked via a Speedtouch router with built in firewall. The desktop can access all machines. The two vista machines can share both ways between them. However, the vista laptop machines cannot access the desktop or NAS. They can see the available shares, but when you try and access anything, you get the following message:.............

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Accessing The Internet - Wireless

Feb 20, 2010

Sony Vaio with Vista is connected wirelessly to a HOME network.

It can access all other computers. Any one of them can access the Interment.This one does not.

At work, this computer CAN access the Internet (while wirelessly connected to the COMPANY network)

Seems to be a "setting" issue?

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Trouble Accessing Websites.

Feb 1, 2010

I haven't been able to access the following sites on my laptop. Descriptions of the problems is included.

-Tumblr (Since October of 2009)

Cant access the site on my laptop. I can on my desktop though.

-Myspace (Since June of 2009)

I cant access the site. With a proxy yes. I crashed my desktop previously by use of a proxy so I really would like to not use one again.

-Facebook (Since Mid-January of 2009)

My inability to access face book has been a reoccurring cyclical problem for me, and it tends to dissapear for three weeks, then reappear for one. This problem was present on my desktop before I got my laptop.


My laptop is a HP Pavilion dv6 with Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit.

My desktop is Windows XP (crashed twice)

I am not an obsessive user of the sites listed above. I use them to keep in contact with family and old friends.

I am the administrator on my laptop, and the only one who uses it.

My virus protection software is the newest version of Norton.

YES I have tried deleting the cache and cookies in my browsers, turning off the firewall, and tried command prompt and received no error messages. There are no blocked sites on my laptop.

I have tried Google Chrome, Safari, IE 7&8, and Firefox. NOTHING WORKS.

The error message that I receive is either unknown error, or "[insert browser] cannot access this webpage]".

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Accessing This From Windows Mail

May 9, 2009

I recently got a new computer with Vista on it. I have an email account from and I'm having a problem accessing this from Windows Mail. It will download incoming mail a day late as well as send it out a day late. I'm afraid my POP3 or SMTP could be wrong.

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Not Accessing Network Printer

Apr 11, 2008

I have Windows Vista with SP1 installed at home. I am trying to access a shared printer on a Windows XP SP2 system. Administrator access seems to work for the printer, but User rights do not seem to work. I have set the network printer permissions to allow Everyone, Users, and event Guests, but I am still having problems with the Vista system being able to access the printer when running in User context.

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Not Accessing Wireless Network

May 15, 2008

I am trying to connect a Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop, running Vista Business, to a wireless network set up on a desktop running XP(sp2). I have previously connected the lappie to similar networks without problem. However... The network shows up as 'available'. When I click on 'connect', it says it can't, because it is not automatically configured to do so. So I manually set up a profile for the connection under the list of sutomatic connections.

It then said it couldn't connect because the security settings were wrong. Now, if you hover the mouse over the network in 'available connections', it says the security type is WEP-PSK. This is not an option under the security types listed under connection properties. I've tried using all the WEP options available, with no success. The thing always says that the security details are wrong. Incidentally, as an experiment, I tried disabling all the security on the network and then connecting. It said it had connected, but with 'limited connectivity', and wouldn't let me access the network. Don't know if that problem is connected...

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Not Accessing Network Folder

Mar 23, 2008

My Vista machine has trouble accessing a folder on my file server. This only started to occur recently. When I try to access the folder, I can see the files (with grey crosses over the icons), but when I try to open them the message "\serveruser hysmy documents*.doc is not accesible. You might not have permission to use this network resource..... This file is currently not available for use on this computer."

I can access other files in other folders on this server. The docs in two or three folder in documents are accesible. in the past, when i would restore to a previous restore point, it fixed the problem. Once when I did not wnat to restore futhther, I cancelled the previous restore, and the problem was aslo resolved.

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Accessing Files In A Windowsimagebackup

Mar 23, 2008

Bad day today: a crash disk. A new disk has been installed and I have tried to recover my system using the image from the complete system backup I ran one months ago, using the back up softaware of Vista Business.

Unfortunatelly, it seems that because it is a new hard disk the image cannot be used. Actually, it has been impossible to even see the image file when trying to restore the system or trying to extract some files out of that image.

Now, I went trough re-installing my system (do not ask me for how long and what level of frustration), but I would like to extract some files from this image.

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Accessing Windows Mail

Mar 4, 2009

Can I access Windows Mail, Calendar, Contacts from anywhere like one does with Gmail? "Wise men learn more from fools than fools learn from the wise." All things about prostate cancer

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Accessing Emails From Another PC Failure

May 12, 2008

I use MSN for my personal emails and Windows Mail for my work emails. With MSN, I can access my emails from anywhere in the world but I can only access my Windows Mail emails from this PC. Is there something wrong with the way I have set up Windows Mail, or is this the same for everyone who uses Windows Mail>

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Accessing Internet Slow

Mar 23, 2008

I have a fairly typical home wireless network. My main desktop on IP is connected by ethernet to my router. My laptop is wirelessly connected and has IP My desktop is running Apache/MySql with a local web in htdocs/myweb. If I access the local web from my laptop using the IP address as it's very fast, but if I access using the computer name it is unbearably slow - every page load takes forever. What's the explanation for this, and can it be fixed? I am going to be installing this system for a local charity and they won't want to (shouldn't need to) be typing IP addresses.

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Accessing Email From Another Computer

May 9, 2008

how to access my Windows Mail from another computer?

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DVD/CD Player Spins Not Accessing

Sep 25, 2008

The DVD/CD player in my latop spins constantly - how do I get it to spin down when not accessing? Vista 64 Biz.

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Accessing Programs In My Start Menu

Feb 18, 2009

I have a problem accessing some programs in my start menu. I use Windows Vista Home Premium. Some programs are accessible (such as iTunes) and some are not (such as Nero ShowTime). When I compare the properties of the Start Menu links for the accessible and the nonaccessible programs, I notice differences: In the Properties windows of the nonaccessible programs, there is no "Compatibility" tab and the "Target field" is grayed out, as are the "Open File Location" and "Change Icon" buttons. I don't get an error message when I click on the non-accessible links, I just get nothing. btw, I can access the programs from the Quick Launch bar or from Windows Explorer, but that is a hassle.

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Accessing A Folder In Windows Explorer

Mar 25, 2010

I am using Vista (64-bit) on a desktop, and I am attempting to access/salvage folders on a hard drive from my laptop (that is no longer bootable) in order to copy these files to another device. The old hard drive ran on a Windows 2000 platform, and I am attempting to access a User folder under Documents and Settings. My Vista system tells me that I do not have permission to access this folder. I have right-clicked on this folder to bring up Properties, and it appears that I do have authority. In Windows 2000 one was able to log on as an Administrator, but in Vista I go straight to the desktop at the time of boot. I am sure that this must be handled in User Control, for example, but I am not certain of the procedure.

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Accessing UserDictionary.lex File In VISTA

Jun 15, 2008

Editing the "UserDictionary.lex" file is now a simple matter in Windows Mail under VISTA. This is the text file where you can add new words in your emails to the dictionary file inside WM. I have an icon on my Desktop that opens this file directly. The path to the file is: Desktop/(user's name)/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows Mail WordPad opens the file for you to check the words you have added. You can change, add or delete entries, then SAVE the file as it is. Since I use many unconventional English forms, it's a wonderful access point, because the spellchecker in WM no longer allows direct access to the file as the spellchecker in Outlook Express did.

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Delay Accessing Toolbars Or Start

Jan 14, 2010

The system is a vista x64, Dell machine with Vista pre-installed. I had trouble and had to re-install the Vista from their supplied disk. The system appears to boot up and run normally, EXCEPT that most of the time when I move the cursor over the taskbar none of the items will highlight and cannot be accessed. This can take up to 10 seconds or so of waiting for them to activate. It happens about 75% of the time that I try to activate something fro the taskbar. This involves the entire taskbar including quickstart, start and any active programs. If I hit the "CTL-ALT-DLT" and cancel it becomes active immediately.

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Unable To Accessing Network Shares

Mar 23, 2008

I have a fle server that I recently replaced with a new machine. The name of the new machine is the same as that of the old, and the names of the shares in it are also the same. Since the upgrade my Vista machine is unable to access the shares and gives me this error: "The parameter is incorrect". This occurrs when trying to open mapped drives as well as trying to access the server's root UNC path. After seeing this error I tried the "net view" command from DOS and got this: C:>net view \x6 ,System error 87 has occurred. The parameter is incorrect.

I've found a way to temporarily fix the problem, but after I reboot my Vista box it happens again and I need to apply the fix again. The fix is to use "net use" like this: C:>net use \x6software /user:xxxusername The command completed successfully. Note that if I use my actual domain name this command fails, but if I put in an invalid one (like "xxx") then it succeeds. Yes, I know that's very strange. I was lucky to find this by mistyping my domain name once and was surprised that the command then worked. After issuing this command I can
access the file server just fine and my mapped network drives work fine as well.So, does anyone know how I can fix this permanently?

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Identify What Program Accessing Network?

Feb 15, 2009

Is there a program that can identify what program is accessing my network? I recently installed Bitmeter to keeps tabs on how much bandwidth I use as my ISP has begun putting a monty cap on usage. Anyway I notice sometimes that when I'm not downloading or uploading that Bitmeter shows a lot of activity, like there's something in the background accessing the network. Is there a way to tell what is causing the activity?

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Installation Stop While Accessing D1feat~7

Jan 12, 2009

I tried installing it on my laptop with Ultimate 64, and no matter what I tried, it would stop while accessing D1feat~7 (.cab file). It works just fine installed on 32 bit, but fails the 64 bit test. Any ideas (for any other simmer here or not )

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Accessing Deault Admin Share?

Dec 1, 2008

I'm new to the forum but it looks like a great place. I was wondering if anyone had found a solution to accessing the default admin shares (c$ d$, etc) on a vista machine over the network. I've tried the solution mentioned here: Default Admin Share C$. But it didn't fix anything. I can access other non-admin shares on the computer but can't access any of the admin shares. I'd rather not have to create more shares, but obviously that is a solution.

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Slow Accessing Network Shares

Mar 23, 2008

I support about 200 XP users and, now, about 8 Vista Business users on our 2003 AD network. 100% of the Vista clients are unacceptably slow accessing/copying/moving files from shares on the network. Even opening a network drive pauses for 30 secs. to as much as 2 minutes to populate the window with the file and folder names, whereas this is instant with XP clients.

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Accessing File Cd Back Pc Keeps Crashing

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having difficulty putting photos and files on this computer. The discs were burned on my old PC which was running XP. When i try to access the files on the CD to put them back on my New PC it keeps crashing. Why is this happening? They work just fine on my old PC and my friends PCs. Im very frustrated. Is this something to do with Vista not being backwards compatible?

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Accessing Hidden Files On External From XP, In Vista 64

Feb 21, 2009

Recently I upgraded my computer. I have some hidden files on my external from my old system (XP). I cannot, for the life of me get these files to open.

Here is what I have tried:

- Changing ownership (after disabling the easy sharing folder option)

- Working with the admin command prompt (every time it said the folder on my external was a bad or syntactically incorrect entry).

- Changing user permissions.

- Logging in on safe mode and trying the above things.

The files show up as green text, and even after all of these attempts (and copious head-against-wall banging) I cannot open the files. Every program I try to open them with says “You do not have permission to access this file”. A similar message is displayed every time I try to move or change the files.

I have been able to open a few of the files (since the problem began) even though they do not seem to be different file types or status’.

I read a few threads similar to this, but every method has failed, and my problem seems a little different given the XP to Vista nature of the problem and the green text nonsense.

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DVD Accessing Contents Explorer Locks Up System

Jun 25, 2008

Vista booted to the Desktop OK despite the new MoBo having a totally different chipset etc. However one problem niggles, if a CD/DVD is inserted any attempt at accessing the contents in Explorer locks up the system and I loose the Desktop, even Cntr+Alt+Delete doesn't work. On first boot Vista wanted me to activate due to the new hardware config so I did, with hindsight maybe I would have been better off doing a repair install, as I am now concerned a repair install will require activation this could be a problem with Microsoft maybe?. I have tried uninstalling DVD drive, IDE/SATA controllers and tested the DVD drive in another machine

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Login And Password Accessing Shared Folder

Mar 23, 2008

password protect is off, but I still need to enter login and password when accessing shared folders from an XP computer, do not know how to get rid of that

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