Slow Accessing Network Shares

Mar 23, 2008

I support about 200 XP users and, now, about 8 Vista Business users on our 2003 AD network. 100% of the Vista clients are unacceptably slow accessing/copying/moving files from shares on the network. Even opening a network drive pauses for 30 secs. to as much as 2 minutes to populate the window with the file and folder names, whereas this is instant with XP clients.

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Unable To Accessing Network Shares

Mar 23, 2008

I have a fle server that I recently replaced with a new machine. The name of the new machine is the same as that of the old, and the names of the shares in it are also the same. Since the upgrade my Vista machine is unable to access the shares and gives me this error: "The parameter is incorrect". This occurrs when trying to open mapped drives as well as trying to access the server's root UNC path. After seeing this error I tried the "net view" command from DOS and got this: C:>net view \x6 ,System error 87 has occurred. The parameter is incorrect.

I've found a way to temporarily fix the problem, but after I reboot my Vista box it happens again and I need to apply the fix again. The fix is to use "net use" like this: C:>net use \x6software /user:xxxusername The command completed successfully. Note that if I use my actual domain name this command fails, but if I put in an invalid one (like "xxx") then it succeeds. Yes, I know that's very strange. I was lucky to find this by mistyping my domain name once and was surprised that the command then worked. After issuing this command I can
access the file server just fine and my mapped network drives work fine as well.So, does anyone know how I can fix this permanently?

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64 Cannot Index Network Shares

Mar 7, 2008

This is a known bug according to several Internet sources. So how can I DISABLE indexing of network shares? I have a network share which has like 200 folder/sub-folders, and everytime I access it, it works for a second or two, then it hangs windows explorer, sometimes hanging my whole PC (explorer.exe)!!!

And I know it is doing this because the root folder only has like 20 sub-folders, all of which I can clearly see listed, but when I do a Wireshark capture (tcpdump), I see all the sub-folders and files being listed, so I know it must be spidering the share and indexing everything. The worst part is, this share is on a NetApp, so there are .hourly and .daily and .weekly and .monthly snapshots of all my data.. In all, it is several dozen gigabyes of files, folders, and sub-folders, all of which Vista is "attempting" to index, but cannot/store. how to turn off indexing? Heck, I'd be happy with NO (not even local) indexing just to avoid this damned problem again and again. No known ETA on a fix from MSFT, from what I can find.. Which is a shame!

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Installing Applications On Network Shares

Feb 24, 2009

In a Windows 2003 Domain, AD, using a Vista Ultimate 64bit machine. I am trying to run installation programs from a network drive or mapped drive. When I execute for example a program.msi file I get an installation error: "This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package." The program is valid, since I am able to install it by copying the files to the local machine. I am logged in as a domain admin.

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Password Protected Network Shares In Workgroup

Apr 1, 2009

4 computers using broadband connection to internet (easy) 4 computers using workgroup on router and switch to share network shares. The second part let me explain further. I prefer to have Essentially the entire "user files" folder shared to my other computers given they supply a network password....

I cannot access the other computers i type \mainpc i get a typical error "is not available share. Contact the admin for access" My attempts: *all have workgroup the same *all run vista business or ultimate *all can access the internet *reset network connections *reset router even tried using a simple switch only without internet *insured networks were set for PRIVATE network *utilized user name and passwords for all accounts on all computers but the guest account *shared folders using advanced share and pick specific user admin accounts to have full access *i can under network see the computer i want to gain access but it won't ask me for a user name and password if i type \mainpc *I've tried under user accounts in control panel "Manage your network passwords" and inputed the user name nad password on the desired network i want to gain access which semi worked but now it doens't ask for a user name and password. *I've disabled all firewalls and virus scanners *pc 1 and 2 can talk freely to pc 3 but pc 1 and 2 cannot talk to each other.*network discovery on *file sharing on*public folder sharing off *password protected sharing on

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Accessing Internet Slow

Mar 23, 2008

I have a fairly typical home wireless network. My main desktop on IP is connected by ethernet to my router. My laptop is wirelessly connected and has IP My desktop is running Apache/MySql with a local web in htdocs/myweb. If I access the local web from my laptop using the IP address as it's very fast, but if I access using the computer name it is unbearably slow - every page load takes forever. What's the explanation for this, and can it be fixed? I am going to be installing this system for a local charity and they won't want to (shouldn't need to) be typing IP addresses.

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Not Accessing Network Printer

Apr 11, 2008

I have Windows Vista with SP1 installed at home. I am trying to access a shared printer on a Windows XP SP2 system. Administrator access seems to work for the printer, but User rights do not seem to work. I have set the network printer permissions to allow Everyone, Users, and event Guests, but I am still having problems with the Vista system being able to access the printer when running in User context.

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Not Accessing Wireless Network

May 15, 2008

I am trying to connect a Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop, running Vista Business, to a wireless network set up on a desktop running XP(sp2). I have previously connected the lappie to similar networks without problem. However... The network shows up as 'available'. When I click on 'connect', it says it can't, because it is not automatically configured to do so. So I manually set up a profile for the connection under the list of sutomatic connections.

It then said it couldn't connect because the security settings were wrong. Now, if you hover the mouse over the network in 'available connections', it says the security type is WEP-PSK. This is not an option under the security types listed under connection properties. I've tried using all the WEP options available, with no success. The thing always says that the security details are wrong. Incidentally, as an experiment, I tried disabling all the security on the network and then connecting. It said it had connected, but with 'limited connectivity', and wouldn't let me access the network. Don't know if that problem is connected...

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Not Accessing Network Folder

Mar 23, 2008

My Vista machine has trouble accessing a folder on my file server. This only started to occur recently. When I try to access the folder, I can see the files (with grey crosses over the icons), but when I try to open them the message "\serveruser hysmy documents*.doc is not accesible. You might not have permission to use this network resource..... This file is currently not available for use on this computer."

I can access other files in other folders on this server. The docs in two or three folder in documents are accesible. in the past, when i would restore to a previous restore point, it fixed the problem. Once when I did not wnat to restore futhther, I cancelled the previous restore, and the problem was aslo resolved.

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Identify What Program Accessing Network?

Feb 15, 2009

Is there a program that can identify what program is accessing my network? I recently installed Bitmeter to keeps tabs on how much bandwidth I use as my ISP has begun putting a monty cap on usage. Anyway I notice sometimes that when I'm not downloading or uploading that Bitmeter shows a lot of activity, like there's something in the background accessing the network. Is there a way to tell what is causing the activity?

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IE Slow, Network Was Not Functioning

Apr 24, 2008

The other day IE 7 was running very slow. It took over 10 minutes to load a web page. I only found out the it would actually load the web site because I left I IE running while I used another computer to search the web of answers. whe I returned the web page was loaded. But if I tried to click on anything on the page it would not load for a long time. I thought that the network was not functioning. But I was able to install the current updates with no problems. The antivirus updates worked normally. I could ping or with no problems.

I also noticed that the antivirus program would hang and not start scanning the memory. If I used task manager to end the process it would cause the antivirus process to go to the next step and I could tell it to scan the disk drives. But it would never start. I tried to reboot but had the same problem. I finally rebooted into safe mode with the network. At this point the network worked and the antivirus also worked. I did a virus scan and it found nothing. I then rebooted the system and now everything seems to be working.

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Network Downloads Slow?

Mar 23, 2008

Everything seems fine except that the network downloads seem terribly slow. On my XP laptop using the same connection, speeds are at around 1000 kbps. On Vista download speeds are more like 100kbps even though uploads are at 800kbps. I have tried updating drivers, disabling auto-tuning, etc. I don't have any anti-virus s/w like Mcafee or Norton. Vista's network diaganostics doesn't seem to detect any problem, but did change TCP/IP MTU settings.

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Network Identification Slow

May 9, 2008

Everytime i boot my pc, my network is listed as "identifying" for about a minute, is there a way to make my pc remember instead of having to do it everytime i boot up, im sure when i first installed vista, it didnt last as long. Also, this happens when resuming from sleep, but after about 30 seconds disconnects completely for another 30. Im thinking that when i killed some services, one has caused vista to start doing this

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Network Speed Slow

Apr 10, 2008

I have a desktop dual boot with XP and VistaSP1 and a laptop with XP, when I move files from XP to XP via network the speed os fast. when I move files from XP to Vista and vise versus, the speed is half to one third of when Im runing XP. Why is this and how can I fix it. I have tried disabling firewalls and antivirus on both machines with no effect.

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Network & Internet... Extremely Slow

Mar 6, 2009

I am very PC-Challenged when it comes to Networking & Internet and I have 2 problems at the office that you may be able to help me with. We have a small business package from AT&T (used to be bellsouth), one of those lines if a dedicated ADSL broadband, each line has a filter and we also have a Netopia ADSL router (motorola 3347-02-1006L) + linksys Gigabit 8 port switch.

There is 1 server (Windows 2000 Server OS w/SP4) and 3 workstations running XP Pro w/SP3 (2GB's of Ram all up to date with drivers and MS updates... I make sure of that). The server sits very close to my workstation as I have a KVM switch to adjust or make changes on it and to utilize only 1 monitor + kb/mouse. This is the first issue we have: (Gibabit Ethernet adapters on workstations)

One of my partners claims that if my computer is off, the software we use to sell our products runs very fast on his computer but, as soon as I turn on my workstation and I load the software, his speeds show significant downtime (slowness?). Again, not being very knowledgeable at networking I find this to be annoying but illogical at the same time

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Slow Startup, Network Connection

Dec 18, 2008

my startups have recently slowed down. I have disabled stuff from the startup selection, and still had no luck. I think the problem lies with the network connection. It seems to be taking a while before it connects to my router. not sure why this started happening usually used to be alot quicker.

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Slow Network File Copy

Nov 24, 2007

Just wanted to know if anyone else is having this trouble. I have a NDAS network media player, my speed sending files to the drive are 4.1 mb/sec. Copying files from the drive to the computer is 10.1 mb/sec. I have tried every patch or fix I can find. Nothing works.

Vista ultimate 32
Belkin N1 router
Asus P5N-E SLT

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Slow Network Performance With Media Centre

Mar 30, 2008

I have an 10/100 wired connection through a linksys router to an XBOX 360 and am running Windows Vista Home Premium SP1. I've had ZERO succuss in playing MCE content - ie MP3s and viewing JPGs - on the XBox.

The Media Center menus on the Xbox are intolerably slow, taking 5-30 seconds to respond. Eventually if I have the patience to wait until the XBOX Media center accesses the files located on the Vista machine it takes upwards of 2 minutes just to load one jpg. When I run the tune network tool in WMC I get a message saying that:

"Your network may not have enough bandwidth for consistent performance on your extender device."

When I view the performance graph in the tool my bandwith barely registers on the graph.

Other things I have tried to no avail:
- turned off all firewalls
- unitstalled anti-virus software
- port forwarded the following ports in the router, TCP2869, TCP10243,
UDP1900, UDP10280 to UDP10284
- played with the flow control settings
- tried selecting all possible "speed & duplex" settings

Support from Microsoft sucks:mad:. The XBox people have pawned me off on the Vista support people. I wouldn't let the Vista support people hand me back to the XBox people...although they tried pretty hard. The Vista support people are saying they need to recreate the problem in their lab and get back to me.

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Slow To Re-establish The Network After Wake From Sleep?

Mar 23, 2008

If you put your Vista PC (I'm on a laptop) to sleep, then wake it, and (right after it wakes) try to visit a Web site -- does it take a little while before that works for you? With XP / Win200 I can immediately get online after it wakes, but with Vista I have to wait -- so I'm curious to know if others have the same problem, or if there's something funky about my setup. So, if you have a sec -- it would be great if you might put yours to sleep, wake it, and then try to visit a site -- does that work right away for you, or do you have to wait too?

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Slow Printing On Network And Local Printer In

Jul 2, 2008

I originally posted this 6-24 on only the Vista Printer_fax_scan NG with no response. Multiposted now to broaden the range of people seeing the post. Really need assistance. TIA.

I have a laptop (new HP) with Vista Home Premium SP1 preinstalled, 3 GB RAM,250GB HDD, AMD Turion 64 processor. Using Zone Alarm free as firewall and AVG 8 free as antivirus. Know that firewall is not issue since have full access to printers (can ping the network connected printers) and all other networked computers without problem. I understand that AVG has had a printing issue in the past but I totally turned off AVG by uninstalling itand this did not clear the issue with printing.

Out of the box I have connected the new laptop to the following printers using the latest drivers available from the manufacturers or using Vista's built in if the drivers aren't available from manufacturer's web site.

The following are connected through the home network via wireless and work flawlessly with 3 laptops running XP Pro (2) and XP Home (1).HP 2200DN - B & W Laser (network with Cat5e cable through WAP/Switch) OKIDATA 5150 - Color laser (network with Cat5e cable through WAP/Switch)Epson 1280 (connected through a Sony XP computer share) Epson R260 (also connected through the Sony XP computer)

The last printer is a Canon BJC80 which is connected via a USB to Parallel printer cable (Belkin) which works great with no delay on any of the laptops running XP.

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Go-slow Or Failure To Connect To XP Network Machines

Jun 9, 2008

I am connected to the network using a wired connection and have the same workgroup name as the XP machines on the network. My files are stored on an XP machine that is used almost exclusively for this purpose - we call this the 'server'. I also run a couple of programs remotely from that machine, notably my mail program (Pegasus Mail).

on this Vista machine for a reason that I cannot fathom I am having a very slow connection to the files on the XP machine on the network. (Other XP machines on the network have no trouble accessing these same files quickly and effortlessly, though they are much older rickety machines by comparison with this one.) Some of these files are on the 'server' machine itself (on a Raid 5 system) others are on a Mybook external hard drive which I have removed from this Vista machine and connected to the XP one - in case this was causing the problems. I am not able to access my email program except painfully slowly and with frequent crashes or messages of 'not responding' though eventually the program catches itself and recovers. But obviously this is not workable.

I have tried to remove all sorts of devices in case they have suddenly caused conflicts (webcam, removed the Mybook from my own computer etc.). also replaced the network cable. I have also reset the router and restarted the computer. After reading a post on here I have also disabled the IpV6 on this. not able to access them using programs such as Breezebrowser or Photoshop Bridge.

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Network Slow Connection Update Shutdown

Oct 5, 2009

I am going to sound like a real big rookie, well because I am. My portable computer is for business use only. I seem to never use the battery as I am always plugged in somewhere. It seems like if I have a long update on a slower connection like anti-virus or windows update the computer shuts down after awhile. I am thinking these updates are not finishing. I would be working on my business and my connection would be very very slow. They suddenly it would spead up to a good usable speed. I noticed that after I got a message that an update had finally finished that matched me finally being able to work. I want to know how to keep Vista from shutting down and allow updates and downloads to complete while I am asleep so when I am at the computer I can work. I have a ton to learn.

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Slow Home Network Access, Explorer Freezes

May 15, 2009

Dell Studio Laptop running Windows Vista Home Premium. Home wired & wireless network with Wireless N D-Link router, Netgear ReadyNAS duo wired to router, PS3 game console connected to router. I only use wireless from my laptop. When I try to move files around on the NAS using windows explorer, I can't seem to browse the NAS' content for more than a few minutes, then explorer locks up or enters a mode where it keeps refreshing the view of the network directory and doesn't allow basic file operations like right-clicking on a file to get its properties.

I can't get more than 1 Mbps of transfer speed with Robocopy out of the NAS. I have some video files on the NAS unit. Double clicking on any video to play it in Media Player is the worst thing to do - WMP doesn't manage to download enough data to buffer it and never allows to be shut down. I prevents Windows from shutting down cleanly. I made sure I had the latest drivers for the wireless adapter.

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32 Bit OS PC Cannot See 64bit Os Pc Shares.

Feb 16, 2010

I have setup a home networking with 2 vista machines. One is 32bit OS and the other one is 64bit OS. I set up the workgroup, turned on File & Print Sharing, created shares on both PC's and gave permissions. From the 64bit Vista PC, it's working perfectly fine. I can see, connect and use the files. But from the 32bit os pc, I can see the 64bit pc and the "Network". But I cannot explore nor Map a Drive to 64bit PC.

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Access NT4 Shares Invalid

Mar 23, 2008

Small peer-to-peer network. One NT4SP5 Wkstn. box that can be accessed from every other machine (95, 98, 2K) but the Vista laptop. Asks for user name & password but then declares it invalid (it isn't). Always wants to prepend User Name with Computer Name, but even when this is deleted, does not allow access.

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Vista Computer Can't Access The Shares

Jun 6, 2008

We have 3 W2k computers and a new vista computer. The Vista computer cannot access the shares on ONE of the Windows 2000 computers. The network is peer to peer and with the exception of the Vista computer accessing this particular Win 2000 computer, everyone can access everything. (we are trying to share a printer on the Win 2000 computer, but the computer rejects the user name/password from vista computer). I have triple checked the permissions and when you try to access the share, you get a user name/password error. You can access the same share from one of the other win 2000 computers using the same user info and it works fine. All Win 2000 machines are SP3, we had some issues on one computer with SP4 and never installed it on any of our computers. Is there an update or a setting on the Win 2000 computer that would only effect the vista computer accessing the 2000 shares?

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Access Is Denied, Open Shares Fails

Mar 23, 2008

I have shared 2 partitions and 1 folder on the Vista computer giving unrestricted access. These appear on the XP Pro computer I'm using at this moment. However, every attempt to open these shares fails. The undernoted is message from attempt to open the only folder within partition D: "\G33Program Files is not accessible. You might not have permission to use
this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Access is denied


PS I have just shared the DVD drive on the Vista computer and the XP computer can open without trouble. I confirm the Vista partitions and folder are open to "everyone".

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Business And 2003 Domain : Not Able To Connect To Shares

Jun 10, 2008

I'm not able to connect to shares on the domain servers. When I try to install printers only a partial sample of my printers are displayed. I can't attach to a printer manually, either. The Microsoft firewall is turned off.

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Slow Wireless Network "Streaming Is Unwatchable"

Mar 23, 2008

I have two Laptops an Acer & Fujitsu siemens both use an atheros network adapterto connect wirelessly to my Belkin router. The laptops are similar in spec however the acer connects to my Belkin router with excellent speed (streaming content perfectly), my fujitsu connects but is extremely slow (Streaming is unwatchable). The connection strength is excellent on both machines. Both laptops are in the same room. I have spoken to Fujitsu who state there is no problem with the network adapter as the signal strength is excellent, it must be a software conflict.

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Newsgroup Not Accessing

Aug 25, 2009

From my Vista Windows Mail client, I suddenly cant access the server anylonger. I get an 480 authentication required message. Code 800ccca2. My email and internet access works fine.

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Cant Accessing The Internet

Apr 22, 2010

I am a Vista Home Premium user and i cant access the internet to surf etc. My friends noticed that the isatap and 6to4 adapters are not working. They have been uninstalled, reinstalled, disabled, updated etc but it still cant work. Pls help really desperate need to use net for work

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