Security Stopping Some Files?

Sep 21, 2009

In a message there is 39 files I need to download and I'm only getting 36, saying that my security is stopping some can I get these 3 files to download?

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Open File - Security Warning On .exe Files

Mar 23, 2008

I get this annoying warning when I open and .exe file. The warning gives me the option to deselect the 'always ask when opeing this file', but it reappears the next time I open the file and the warning is reselected even though I already deselected it. The warning has a help link on the bottom ' how can I decide what software to run' and all the help links talk about is downloading which has nothing to do with this warning dialog box. How do I get rid of this annoying security warning on this file. If I go to properties for the file, there is an unblock option which I select and apply, but it too reappears the next time I open the file properties.

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Security Settings Not Allowing To Download Files

Nov 2, 2009

I have recently tried to download certain things for my computer, except i have had pop ups that says my security settings are not allowing me to download this. Somethings i can download for example things that are already on my computer (MSN) but need updated it is things that are downloaded off websites for example skype. i have been on internet options > security settings and changed my settings so that files can be downloaded, and i have also made the sites trusted sites

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DEP Kept Stopping GAME

Jun 30, 2009

I had a game I wanted ot make work but DEP kept stopping it so I turned off DEP by using the command prompt. bcdedit.exe/set {current] nx AlwaysOff and it worked. I then restarted Vista and all I get is a quick flash of a blue crseen and then two options, 1) Repair and 2) Start normally. I have restored to an earlier point, I have also tried safe mode, I pressed F8 and tried starting with last known working settings and also F8 then a repair option, opened a command prompt and tried reversing the command but it didn't seem to do anything.

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DEP Stopping Itunes Loading

Jan 20, 2009

I have been unable to load and use itunes because of a DEP message that pops up on screen shutting down the program.

I have done the following:

*uninstalled the programs itunes and quicktime
*uninstalled the programs completely using Crogram files - the additional way of uninstalling.
* reinstalled/uninstalled both programs about 4 times
* reinstalled quicktime as a stand alone program
* used Windows installer clean up

I can't turn DEP off by selecting itunes and putting into the marked exception box because an error message tells me that itunes MUST operate with DEP. It will not drag it into the box.

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Stopping Downloading Other Programs

May 20, 2008

I have the problem that when I restored my computer to an earlier time I had uninstalled Threatfire but it is still there and I can't get rid of it now. It is stopping me from downloading other programs! When I try to delete the folder in programs it tells me that I can't as I do not have the rights to do it even though I am the administrator and sole user of the computer. I have used CCleaner to try to remove it but it does not work either. I have tried in safe mode also.

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Mouse Disconnecting And Stopping

Jun 26, 2008

the mouse disconnecting and stopping and then then re-connecting a few moments later

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Stopping Updates For Other Products

Jun 18, 2008

At some point I have pressed the 'receive updates for other products' on the Windows Update panel. I now have half a dozen updates for Office 2007 waiting for installation. I do not have Office 2007 - I do have Office 2000 and Works, so I don't see any point in downloading and installing these updates.I have tried hiding the updates, but because they are 'important' they reappear. Is there any way of deselecting the'other products' option so I go back to only checking for Windows updates?

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Self Starting And Stopping Torrent Software

May 7, 2009

Does anybody know of a bittorent program that you can set start times and finishing times ? (times to download between)

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Internet Explorer Stopping Working

Apr 28, 2008

I've been reading the Threads here and on other Forums with regards to the IE issue of it stopping working on Vista. I've tried all the suggestions I have found to date (including uninstalling OneNote, repairing registry issues etc etc) and I still can't get the damn thing to work. Every time it loads I get the message saying Internet Explorer has stopped working. I normally use Firefox, but have to be able to test websites in IE so must get it working.

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Uninstalling Antivirus 2008:stopping From Going Online

Jun 15, 2008

I tried to uninstall Antivirus 2008 on my computer. I tried nearly everthing, but nothing seems to work. I am not even sure how it got on my computer. It is stopping me from going online, and says i have tons of viruses. I don't. I already have a virus protection program (McAfee from AOL). How do I uninstall it completely

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Stopping On Data Execution Prevention (DEP) Violations

May 9, 2008

I had a problem with my Microsoft Vista print spooler (spoolsv.exe) stopping on Data Execution Prevention (DEP) violations from the time I installed my HP and Lexmark printers. This has been only an irritation to date as I have set the spooler to always restart 1 minute after failure. However lately I am having more programs stop on DEP violation. The Microsoft Vista??? WMI Provider Host??? has stopped several times on DEP. I do not know what the ???Vista WMI Provider Host??? does. I did not see any adverse results with the Microsoft Vista??? WMI Provider Host??? stopped. So far my DEP violations have been random and inconsistent. The print spooler stops on DEP even when both printers are off. I have performed hardware checks as recommended by Dell and the computer hardware tested OK.

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Stopping User Changing The Auto-hide Taskbar Setting

Sep 21, 2009

I want to be able to stop users being able to change the auto-hide setting of the taskbar on a windows vista machine. Anyone any ideas how to do this? I want it to be set to always auto-hide so the solution either wants to stop the user being able to change this or maybe as a second solution if they do change it then i want it to be reset when the machine is rebooted.

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How To Make A Batch File On Starting And Stopping Services From Command Prompt?

Aug 12, 2008

how to make a batch file where you could start, disable, stop and manual for a service from the command prompt? for example instead of going to services.msc and right clicking on a service then clicking on properties then making the startup to be manual,automatic or disable. I could do with a batch file where i would just launch the batch file and it would make the startup to manual and then disable the service that i want to disable.

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Mail Files "Windows Security" And Username & Password

May 7, 2008

I am using Windows Mail on a Vista Ultimate system. My wife's and my mail files have been active for a year through our local Road Runner provider. now suddenly today "Windows Security" is requiring that we provide our usernames and passwords to be allowed to get to our mailboxes. Is this a Windows mail issue or a Road Runner mailbox issue?

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Concistency Check: "replace Invalid Security Id With Default Security Id For File

Jun 29, 2009

My computer is running the concistency check. It's at stage 3 and when it's almost complete it's starts to "replace invalid security Id with default security id for file ******" it's been doing this for a while now and I was wondering what I can do to speed it up. It's currently at 170000, and if I try to restart the computer the login screen will not load if I skip the disk check.

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Using Kaspersky As My Internet Security And In Past I Have Used Norton Security Suite

Dec 2, 2008

I got Vista 32 bit installed on my laptop. I work from Internet And need a good firewall and security suite which can protect my computer from trojen and malewars and hackers. Currently i am using kaspersky as my internet security and in past i have used Norton Security suite, In Both I have noticed getting too much of hacking attempts 3/hr.

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"incorrect Security Information, WEP Security Required"

Mar 23, 2008

I have purchased a netgear wireless adapter to connect to my work supplier router. the router is set up with WPA-PSK and TKIP security, and is set not to broadcast. I have set up a network account with the correct details. My system does connect to the network, however, in the network screen the network is shown as "incorrect security information, WEP security required"

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Moving A Few Files Around And Organising My Folders When I Lost A Few Files From A Folder

Sep 16, 2009

I was working on my laptop earlier this evening moving a few files around and organising my folders when I lost a few files from a folder. I don't know exactly what happened, I probably mashed the touch pad. Anyway, now I can't find the files anymore. I've tried running a search but it has come to no avail. How do I find my files? If it makes any difference the files were on a memory stick.

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Explorer Files Dont Work And Can't Delete Files

Jul 14, 2009

While installing a program, the process was interrupted and the install created 62000 files using 160gig in my syswow64 folder virtually using all my hd space. However when you go into the syswow64 folder, there is only about 2000 files and 1 gig of space used. I have set the folders to show all hidden files. When I go into the ms dos prompt and do a directory, the files match the 1 gig data.

I can't delete these 62000 files and free up the 160 gig space because I don't believe they are actually there on the hard drive but explorer thinks they are there. Is there any way to rebuild, sync, or otherwise get windows explorer to recognize the correct amount of files that are actually in my syswow64 folder.(2000files 1gig and not 62000files 160gig)

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Undeletable Files :: Unable To Delete 0 Kb Files

Aug 27, 2008

I am running Vista Ultimate 32 bit. I have a folder on my desktop named Downloads that I use for, shockingly, downloads. Anyway, there are a couple of files in the folder that are, apparently, not really there. They are like ghost files. They used to exist but now they are still visible but not recognized by any program. Also, they have a size of 0 kb!

I'd like to get rid of them but they refuse to be deleted. When I try to delete them, I get this:

So I figured that I'd delete the whole folder........or not:

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Not Load Games Into The Program Files Or X86 Files

Feb 6, 2009

Is it best to make a root folder to the C: drive for Games and not load games into the program files or X86 files?

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Files Invisible And Can View All Hidden Files

May 8, 2009

A multitude of files, folders and sub-folders have disappeared (all from my "Documents"). Miscellaneous sub-folders within folders have disappeared, while other sub-folders remain intact. At first I was completely lost, as the files were there not 30 minutes prior... After assuming the worst and thinking that they had corrupted or been deleted due to a virus, I:

- Made sure my folder options were set properly (I can view all hidden files)
- Thoroughly checked the recycle bin
- Did numerous searches
- Downloaded Google Desktop and searched some more
- Ran various "undelete" and "recovery" programs with no results
- Did a system restore...........

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Can't Open Input Files Because Of Splittet Files

Aug 1, 2009

I bought a new computer for college recently and I cannot download limewire. Everytime I try I get an error message that says "....can't open input files because of splittet files." I have no idea how to circumvent this.

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Download Files Using Firefox Or IE : Files Vanish

Aug 29, 2008

When i download Files using Firefox or IE once they have downloaded they vanish from the files i save them too. I cannot find them anywhere on the computer i have even tried opening the files rather than saving them using IE. still no luck it jsut wont open.

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Deleted User Accounts And Files But Still See Files

Feb 24, 2009

When I go to C:Users I see "mine", public, and the other I deleted named "test" ....I'm positive that deleted the account and all files but I could be mistaken. Is there a fix for this? I want it deleted.

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System Files, Remaining Windows Files

Mar 23, 2008

Because of a mistake I made while installing Vista, I wound up with the system files (about 1.6 Gig) on one small D: drive while all of the remaining Windows files (over 50 Gig) on the large C: drive. I now want to remove the D: drive and replace it with a large one. How do I move the system files to the C: drive?

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Mar 23, 2008

Cannot reply, forward or send attachments. Have worked on this for 2 days within the Windows Mail Forum. Something is causing a delay in getting mail to the server. This appears to have something to do with security. Has anyone seen a resolution?

Details -
Unable to send mail problem was sporadic. Had Norton 2007. Took it in to tech support for service and they upgraded to 2008. At forum suggestion, deleted Norton and used the symantec utility to remove the remaining pieces. Replaced Norton with CA Suite. One person thought the Norton proxy may not be able to be removed................

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Different With Security

Mar 26, 2010

ive got windows vista home premium 32, it was all running fine with McAfee internet secuiryt no problems at all, then all of a sudden my McAfee could'nt update and asked me to reinstall the software, so i uninstalled it all and tried to reinstall it, but when i started to it came up with download error 12029. after looking around people said i might have a virus or spyware, downloaded malwherebytes and removed the viruses and spyware, then downloaded AVG free version and did another scan it found more stuff which now it has removed, i then ran another scan and it says the computer is clean. now other problems are occuring

1. still getting the download error from mcafee (ive also used the removal tool and preinstall from there site)

2. window won't update, just keep getting errors

3. windows defender won't turn on

4. some programs update and some won't

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Security Account

Sep 26, 2008

I moved my computer (Vista Business x32) from a domain (no longer available) to my work group. My domain account had local admin privileges on the machine so I was able to move the machine from the domain to the local work group (domain, admin, domain admin account are all gone). However, I forgot to create a local machine account before I rebooted and now I can't log in at all.I can log in or would I need to reinstall the OS?

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What Is Best Security Protection?

Jun 9, 2008

I have Kaspersky and it seems to be ok. But it is very weird and pretty hard to use. Im not sure if i want it anymore but i need to be 100% sure of another program before i uninstall the other one. I also wanted to know if it is possible to have 2 security protection on your computer at once. I would only want this because i would never want to have my computer being used without virus protection.

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