Saving Copies Of "sent" Emails

Mar 23, 2008

we recently switched from Outlook Express to Outlook & I just realized that my "Sent" folder is not saving copies of sent messages. Anyone know where to go to do this? I looked through "Options" & have come up empty.

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Copies Of Files; Delete One?

Jun 23, 2008

Somehow, I have created two copies of all my files. (I have Vista Home Basic) I have no idea how I did this or when, or if this is what Vista does.

1: copy is under: Desktop - Hal, and
2: is under Desktop - Computer - Compaq (C - Users - Hal.

Should I delete one? If so, which one? It appears that they are exactly the same, but I haven't checked every file, and when I add or update/change a file it goes to both places. (I am the only one on the computer) They both have: AppData, and the Green color files, Contacts, Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Favorites, Links, Music, Pictures, etc.

When I use "Search", it appears that the returned files properties are under 1 (Desktop - Hal) and when I use "Save As" for a file, it also goes to 1. Therefore, I think I should delete 2, but would I delete "Users" or just "Hal"? Am I getting into dangerous waters in doing this or should I just leave it alone?

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File Has Properties That Cannot Be Copies

Apr 19, 2008

I wanted to copy my Favorites to a flash drive to put on another computer. Some of the files showed a message saying: Property Loss. The File has properties that cannot be copied to the new location. Are you sure you want to copy the file without its properties? It gave me the choices = Yes, Skip, Cancel.

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Sending Copies Of E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

I'm using Vista Winows Mail. if I can send e-mails and copies to other recipricants showing their names only. My e-mails show the name, then the full e-mail address - not good if you are forwarding, or sending a copy. I went into "headers" for the Bcc title hoping this would solve it, but still showing the name and address. When I was using Incredimal, I was able to show name only. Perhaps it is not possible with Windows Vista?

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How Can Delete Shadow Copies

Feb 1, 2008

I am using Vista Business(Upgraded from XP using the Clean Install method). I have noticed that Local Disc ( C ) is showing 234GB free of 279GB. (2*150GB HDD in Raid O =279GB ) That is i have used 45GB. The significant amounts used are Programme files 1.85GB,Users 2.54GB,Wndows Vista 7.81GB......11.2GB in total. Windows Old which i deleted with exception of some required files shows 96KB When i goto Windows old.. Properties and open PREVIOUS VERSIONS there are 5 versions each of about 6.4GB that is 32GB in total..Total usage is therefore 11.2 + 32=43.2GB Roughly what HDD( C )is showing.. My question is how can i get rid of these SHADOW COPIES..SYSTEM RESTORE is turned off.

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Xcopy /D Copies All Files, Not Just Newer

Jul 29, 2009

I am trying to use a batchfile to backup from a PC to a NAS. I am using the /D switch, and the files are mostly months newer on the NAS, but it still wants to copy them all.

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Fast Multiple Copies For Non-protected DVD?

Apr 29, 2009

I have created a DVD using Windows Vista DVD Maker. I need to make about a dozen copies to mail out to family and friends. What would be the fastest way to make copies of this DVD? I have only a single DVD burner in my PC. I thought maybe create an image of this DVD then burn from that. It takes over 2 hours to create the DVD from the project file in DVD Maker.

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Multiple Attachments: Recieve Many Copies Of The Email

Sep 19, 2009

When I send a email with an .JPG attachment, ms mail sends mulitiple messages to all recepents but they cannot open the attachment and they recieve many copies of the email.

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Vista Copies Files Delete The Original

Apr 9, 2009

Whenever I try to move any file or folder to another place other than the recycle bin, the file is copied, making me have to delete the original.

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Windows Mail: How Can Leave Copies Of Email In Server?

Apr 29, 2008

how I can leave copies of email in my server? I tried going to tools, accounts, properties then advance but I cannot find the box (leave a copy in server) that I'm supposed to tick if I want to leave a copy in the server.

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How To Creat Backup Copies Of Dark Knight And Wall-e DVDs 32 Bit

Mar 11, 2009

I am trying to make two backup copies of the Dark Knight and Wall-E DVDs, but they end with an error saying that the DVD might be protected. I am using Windows Vista 32 bit.

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Saving Files...

May 21, 2008

Whenever I go to save something, y'know right-click, save as... etc., there's an arrow to the right which will display the last ~20 files saved, ostensibly to make it easier to save files with similar names. (Incidentally there's extreme redundancy between that and auto-complete.) I would like to disable this feature, mostly because people are always snooping in my computer, as well as the fact that I'm always accidentally clicking it.

Of course, I can merely save many files in the same format to overwrite the one on the drop-down, but that doesn't really solve the problem of my accidental clicking.

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Not Saving Anything To The C:drive

Jun 25, 2008

I just bought a new Dell laptop running Vista and it is not letting me save anything to the c:drive. I've looked at all of the settings and can't figure out why.

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No Browsing Nor Saving

Jun 16, 2008

When I try to save or browse for a file, nothing happens. When I click "Save as..." on a program, nothing happens. If I click "Browse" on a website, nothing happens. When I first got this computer, it worked fine. I don't know when the problem first arose.

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System Restore Shadow Copies: System Error

Apr 25, 2008

I am trying to get rid of system restore shadow copies on my Vista home premium. I keep getting system error when I try to reduce the room used on my C drive as I only have 28gb of 145gb left. I have tried typing in:vssadmin list shadowstorage For the above command to run you must use elevated privileges:

1.. Click on the Start menu then click All Programs / Accessories
2.. Right Click on the Command Prompt option and from the drop down menu click on the Run as Administrator option
3.. At the command prompt type vssadmin list shadowstorage and Press Enter
(NOTE: if the command does not run change directories to c:windowssystem32) After the vssadmin has executed you will see results similar to the following:.....

The output above shows space used on the C: drive by System Restore is 237.419 MB. The maximum space allocated for System restore is 2.092 GB To view the number of restore points you currently have on your Computer run the following command vssadmin list shadows Next, to reduce the allocated space used by Vista's System Restore, use the following command: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=[OnVolumeSpec:] /for=[ForVolumeSpec:] /maxsize=[MaxSizeSpec] Where example: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=1GB When decreasing the space allocated to System Restore, you will loose the earlier system restore points. The advantage is gaining extra free space. If you are concerned with losing the previous restore points, wait until you do not need them anymore before reducing the allocated space. If you plan on upgrading to Windows Vista or running a clean install and will need extra space, consider reducing the space after installation has completed. It is not recommended to disable System Restore. The capability to restore to a previous point in time or having the new Shadow Copy feature available can be a time saver if something goes wrong or if you delete a file. source: John Barnett Windows Vista Support I keep getting an error message. I seem to remember doing this before with my XP but can't remember how. Is there an easier way?

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.tif Attachments Saving Them In A Folder

Apr 30, 2008

I have received a few .tif attachments today that I can't open. I tried forwarding them to myself (didn't work) and saving them in a folder. The folder allowed me to open 2 out of 6 of them.

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Saving Window Size

Apr 15, 2008

I use 'Computer' (use to be called Windows Explorer) a lot in Windows Vista Home Premium to manage my hard drive. It's a nuisance that it starts up as a too small window and I have to stretch it each time to see more. Is there a way to force it to memorize the previous state and restore?

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Problem Saving Files

Jun 3, 2009

When I am downloading a file, I can only open it,because choosing "save" just closes the box and nothing happens. Also, Icannot right click on a picture and choose "save as" because yet again nothing happens. Various other related bugs are happening too. At first
I thought it was just an error with internet explorer buuuuuut, it also happens with non internet related applications such as the G.E.C.K.(Garden of Eden Creation Kit) for Fallout 3, when I edit, or create a modification, I click save, and guess what... nothing happens.

So I cannot save my work, or anything else. I can however print a page to a .xps document, and save stuff I paint in the Paint accessory. Why this only happens for some things, I dont know, but one thing is for sure. It annoys the hell out of me. :mad: I have tried thorough full virus scans, and turned up nothing, cleared internet explorer and windows temporary files, I have defragmented the hard disk(dont know how
this would help, but im trying everything.) I have done pretty much anything known to man to figure this out, it is not working and kind of a major issue for me. It just started happening this week.

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How To Disable Read Only When Saving?

Nov 19, 2009

I have just purchased a new hard drive with Vista / Windows 7. I am a full time journalist and becasue I am so familiar with MS Office Word 2003 I had it loaded on my new drive. My trouble is after I save a Word file I alaways back it up on my external hard drive for saftey sake.

Whenever I attempt to do this now, however, I always get the dialogue box "This is a read only file". How do I get rid of this annoying, frustrating problem. I simply want to back up a word document on an external drive ... so why won't it let me do it. And why does it stipulate that it is a "Read only file" when I never saved it originally as such?

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Sort Order Not Saving

Mar 2, 2009

I want my new messages to come in at the bottom but everytime I open my email box it is back at the top again. It is most annoying. This just started happening since I replaced my hard drive. Is there some setting I am missing?

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Notepad Saving Failing

Mar 23, 2008

If I edit the file in notepad and try to save I get this message: "Cannot create the C:usersathandocumentshtmlfilename.html file. Make sure the path and filename are correct".

"Right-click on the Documents file and choose properties. Select customize Use this folder as template: All Items Apply this template to subfolders" This list a fix for when located in specific area but for myself these files are not located it the documents folder and this fix does not work. If you feel this post would be better served elsewhere (security, network sharing)

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Saving Picture With Out Gallery

May 24, 2008

I don't want to delete my pics, but I don't want them in the gallery anymore. Help tells me to right click on a folder and then choose "remove from gallery." I don't have this option.

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Desktop Folder Views Not Saving

Aug 16, 2009

I have only one item on my desktop, which is a "Tools" folder, and every so often, the views reset to folders first, then apps, in alphabetical order. I've set the folder options to "Remember folder views" and it still doesn't save. It's not a big deal, just really annoying, because the way I organize everything is much easier to access, then randomly, windows resets the folder view...

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Saving Web Pages To Favorites Don't Remember Me?

Dec 28, 2009

I have a Compac desktop, running Windows 7 (upgrade from Vista) and Explorer 8. My problem is the web pages that I go to and add to my favorites will not remember me. Each time for instance I go to Bank of America I have to put in all my login info again. Same with TV guide.will not remember my zip code, although it's supposed to. Is there some sort of setting I should have checked or something? It's really getting annoying to have to put in the same info time after time.

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Saving Files On CD, Showing Empty

May 25, 2008

In addition to saving my files on the computer I also save them on CDs. Recently a CD with very important files on it developed a fault, which resulted in the CD showing empty. The whole idea of saving files is that if my computer crashes (as it did, so that I had to reinstall Windows loosing all my data) I will still have all my files on the CDs, but if these fail as well how else can I save the Files?

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Saving Animations And Security Feature

Jun 17, 2008

I work in different 3D programs and I have never had this problem before, and it only happens in Vista. When I create an image, my programs create the image, and I can save it with no problem. When I create an animation, the programs need to save the file after it creates each frame. Vista is blocking those programs from doing
this, and I need to have them allowed to create and save these files constantly. I like the security that Vista has, but is there any way to allow just certain programs to do this while keeping that security feature on for everything else?

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Network User Profile Not Saving

Mar 23, 2008

I have added my first Windows Vista Business to our Windows 2003 network domain. User home directories are redirected to a network share via a logon script (batch file). Note: as far as I know no group policy controlling the redirection, no roaming is being used.

Issue: Whenever the user logs off the profile doesn???t get saved and the next logon appears like it???s the first time logging in to the account. For example: the folders created are userName (for the first login) the next login creates userName.001 (for the next login) and so on. how to resolve the issue? Is it something to do with the new account structure and I have to modify the logon script?

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How To Turn Off Saving Browsing History?

Dec 6, 2009

i want to turn off the browsing history i dont want it to save in the favorites center for privacy reason

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Standby Or Power Saving Mode

Oct 11, 2009

I have a computer which runs Windows Vista 32 bit and I have a problem with it. When my computer its turned on and I leave eat(because eating and so) it goes to standby or power saving mode. And when I come back and move the mouse or pressing enter it will not start again!!? and the mouse, the keyboard, my external sound card and my monitor is not powered. its simply dead. (the power button on my computer (the harddisk) is blue and it means that the pc is turned on but the monitor is just going to sleep. To shut down and restart the pc I need to hold down the power button. After that I restart the pc by pressing power button again and all the thing works again and windows says: continues windows and then I am where it went to standby or power saving mode ?

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Game: Monitor Goes In Saving Mode

Apr 1, 2008

when my son plays, the monitor goes in saving mode, and we have to touch the mouse to regain the images again. I have latest drivers/update except SP1 because my Vista is in danish. How comes Vista does not detect activity?

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Day Light Saving Time Set Incorrect

Apr 21, 2008

We are using Dell systems, Vista Business. All our main and field offices are in California. Our computer clock is one hour behind this morning. The "Internet Time" server is California has changed their summer day light saving time start and stop in different months. What should we do to disable the Vista day light saving time changes?

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