Poor Frame Rates In Crysis

May 17, 2009

I have a GTS 250 and when playing Crysis on Very High 0xAA 1024x768 i get horrible framerates. (12-18FPS) I change everything to LOW settings and the frames still are the same.

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Create Movie Single Frame Rates 60 Fps To 120 Fps

Jun 19, 2008

I want to be able to take still frames and create a movie a single frame at a time with frame rates of 60 fps to 120 fps. I have Googled to no avail for something that will let me make a movie, 1 frame at a time and allow me to set the fps of the movie. Have you seen any software with these capabilities?

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Crysis / Crysis Warhead Resolutions

Feb 10, 2009

I have just upgraded to Vista 64x SP1 and am having difficulties with Crysis / Crysis Warhead. My specific problem is that it is not allowing me to select resolutions higher than 1280. When I was running it on XP Pro 32 bit it was running at 1920 by 1080, and allowed me to select up to this resolution and all lower options.

I am particularly confused because: Far Cry 2 runs in 1920 * 1080 without problems My desktop is set at 1920 * 1080 I have tried creating a autoexec.cfg file in the game directories forcing the width and height without success I have reinstalled the latest vista 64x CCC and drivers I have tried reinstalling both games completely without success thewre is no scroll bar on the right in the resolution options which I have forgot to use I upgraded to a 64x system specifically for Crysis / CW as I understood it would improve performance and I wanted to see the DX10 effect - needless to say I am very frustrated as a result!

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Poor Performance With X64

Apr 8, 2009

I'm new to a x64 OS, I did have Home Premium (32bit) on my PC but upgraded yesterday. Since upgrading (clean install) I've notice that the boot times are longer and the shut down times have increased significantly. One of the reasons I moved to x64 was because of the faster boot and shut down times. A few other programs are taking longer to load/respond but I'm not sure if that's because they are 32bit programs running in a x64 environment....

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Win 7 HDMI And Poor Text Clarity

Mar 6, 2010

I am using a 19" HD flat panel TV as an external monitor for my laptop (Win7). Text was crisp and clear with the RGB connection but when I switched to HDMI (to get the audio also) the text got pretty blurry (graphics are still pretty good). I've tried adjusting the resolution, the Clear Type text, and the Smaller 100% and Medium 125% settings but nothing seems to help. I've also tried various adjustments on the TV to no avail.

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Poor Quality Pictures On Web Sits

Jun 21, 2008

on every web page i go on i am having to press shift+a to improve the picture quality, i have to do this on every page. its very annoying. how to i make it so i dont have to ores the darn shift key??? the grapics seem very blurred and not clear.

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Poor Sound Under Home Premium

May 31, 2009

it is particularly poor (broken up) on such sites as Internet although it wouldn't win any prizes either when playing cds or mp3 files. i am not very critical sound-wise so it has to be poor for me to notice. there is a slight issue with my monitor speakers but the sound is still poor on headphones connected to the line-output socket.

my setup is vista 32-bit premium, audigy se sound board, intel 1.8ghz dual-core, 2gb ram and an msi micro-atx mb. i have loaded what i believe to be the latest sound drivers although things are actually marginally better with the on-board, realtek hd sound chip. btw, my download speed is reasonable at about 5mb/s.

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Mouse Scrolliing Poor After Sleep

Jun 19, 2009

After waking the PC each morning the mouse (MS Wireless Optical Mouse 2.0) exhibits poor scrolling. A significant amount of wheel rotation will result in a jerky and slow scroll. Before sleep it is perfectly smooth. I have tried disabling the power save option - no improvement. I am using the latest drivers from MS ( dated 26/11/2008) Vista Business SP2.

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Poor Sound Quality And Sticky Videos

Jan 28, 2009

I just bought a new 64 bit computer with 4GB RAM and 3.1 GHz AMD Athlon64 AM2 Dual Core 6000+. Also got Windows Vista Home Premium 64 Bit. But my problem is that the sound is awful, it sounds like tapes in a cassette player when the batteries are running down, with added dropouts and crackles, especially when I minimise the media player when playing audio files, (i've tiried WMP, VLC, Zoom and WinAmp). Any videos I stream on the net also sound like this. AVI's also have poor sound quality and can also be "sticky" the picture not running smoothly.

My soundcard is fine, i've run different ones on the machine and they all sound like this, my amp, cables and speakers are working perfectly too. I never use more than 1.5GB RAM and about 20% of the CPU according to TaskManager.

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Dual Monitor Graphics Card, Performance Poor

May 27, 2008

I have a new computer with Vista Home Premium x64. I used a dual monitor graphics card in my old computer with Windows XP. Took the card out and install it in my new computer and updated the driver. But, performance is poor. For example I can't use Vista Aero. I would like to buy a new, relatively inexpensive dual monitor graphics card which is compatible with Vista premium x64.

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Black Frame Around Screen

Nov 13, 2008

I need desperately answer,no one found the solution no one. I have my Ati Radeon HD 3870X2 series connected (hdmi to hdmi) to my Samsung LE40A656F1. But when i set a game to 1920x1080 resolution there is a black frame around the screen. If i use an other resolution like 1360x768 there is no a black frame. I always use the latest drivers and hotfix for my graphic card.

Black frame i mean black (empty)frame around the screen. My graphic card is 1080p capable. My tv is 1080p capable. For now i test it with FarCry2,Sacred 2,Fallout 3,Dead Space,those games natively supports a resolution of 1920x1080p. But i still get the black frame when i set the game resolution to 1920x1080p...........

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Frame Rate Keeps Dropping

Mar 22, 2009

since i formated and reinstalled vista home primium 32 for the first time with this pc im getting very low frame rates on most games. they are fine for about 5mins and then the frame rate drops to 5-20 fps for a short time, afterwards its fine for 10secs only to drop again. ive noticed it on some streaming videos too but not in Internet. ive tried...reinstalling, installing xp, using older drivers, using new ones, checked the fan are working, downloaded system monitors, took a stick of ram out, swapped all the ramround,tried playing with no sound, messed around with the dna settings, turned graphics down and a few other things thats not coming to mind.

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WoW FPS: Improve Frame Per Second In World Of Warcraft

Oct 6, 2009

improve my Frame Per Second in World Of Warcraft. How to do that? (without changing hardware if possible, cuz m using a laptop)

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Geforce 7600, X64 And Frame Slowdown

Sep 27, 2007

Has anybody had a similar problem with the newer geforce drivers where the framerate is fine for 10 seconds, then drops for a few seconds, speeds up again etc etc. you get the picture?

The drivers work fine in XP 32, but when trying different drivers on Vista x64 company of heroes is unpleasant to play.

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Does Home Premium Comes With .NET Frame 3.x Preinstalled?

Aug 14, 2009

I know my Home Premium SP1 does but not sure about the "plain" Home Premium edition. It's for a desktop software installation onto such Vista OS.

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8800GT Frame Rate, NVidia Driver?

Mar 4, 2008

When I play Dundeons & Dragons Online my framerate varies between 20-60 in populated places and 100+ only if I stare at the walls. This seems too low. I was getting better framerates running XP on a AMD 3800+ x2 with a 7600GS. I've tried the nVidia 169.25 drives and the 171.20 betas from guru. Not much difference.

Is this a Vista 64 problem that will be fixed with SP!?..... or Is this an nVidia driver problem that will be fixed with later drivers.......or Is my power supply too weak?.......... or Is DDO the problem?.......... or Are my expectations too high?

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Frame Work 3.5 Familiy Update Can Not Be Installed

Apr 29, 2009

first of all sory for my bad english this week when i install framework 3.5 family update(kb951847)x86 i took an error. then i read some posts in ms techforums but i didint solve problem then i uninstall framework 3.5 and 3.5 sp1 from my pc with windows install cleanup utility but now i cant install it again when i try install it says install problem. i use vista 32 bit home premium vitth sp1 note: i also tried install full packgace of framework 3.5 which one is 197 mb but i cant

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Disbale Desktop Icons Tiny Frame?

Mar 24, 2007

There seems to be some problem with some of my desktop icons.Some of them appear without a tiny frames on it. Some do. Any idea how i can remove the frame? I've attached a screenshot of how it looks on my vista desktop.``

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How Many FPS Do YOU Get On Crysis?

Aug 9, 2009

With my system specs (you can see below on system specs button)

i get on average 30-40 fps on a high w/ 1680x1050 resolution. on a 23 inch acer monitor. Does anyone think thats good? how much do you guys get and make sure to put if your cards are in crossfire/SLI

i have a single MSI HD 4870 1 GB with 4 GB RM XMS2 w/ Heat Spreader Corsair @ 800 mhz and an Intel Q9650 @ 3.0 ghz. running it all with a p45 chipset (p5q Pro Turbo)

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Crysis Crash

Mar 23, 2008

Every time i play Crysis i crashes after i short while. I've tried to install all new drivers for motherboard, Vista, Graphic Card and sound card.

It almost always comes with the message "nvlddmkm driver" failed.

What does this mean?

How can I run Crysis without crashes?

I run
Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 Ghz
4 GB RAM (3327 MB)
Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit
Gainward 8800GTX 768 MB graphic card
ASUS P5K motherboard

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Is Crysis Compatible With 64?

Sep 9, 2009

I downloaded the Cyrsis demo, which worked on my XP machine in the past, yet Im getting some strange results with vista.

After i install it, i cant find it anywhere, its like its not installing even though it appears to install and i dont get any error messages.

There is nothing in my "all programs" or program files folder to indicate it even exists.

Ive reinstalled it mulitple times with the same results.

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Crysis Warhead?

Sep 26, 2008

Is anyone else having problem starting crysis warhead singleplayer? When i start game it says i need an internet connection. BS, there is nothing wrong with my Pc or connecting online, everything works fine except warhead. Not sure why singleplayer needs internet? Is it a bug in the game or what.

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Crysis Freezes

May 4, 2008

I just installed Crysis and have it running on 64 bit. I can only play for a short while until it either freezes or does the thing where windows closes it out saying it stop responding.

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Download Crysis Demo Is Out!!

Oct 27, 2007

Just downloading now Crysis by Electronic Arts. Be warned its 1.77GB, so my take upto 15mins to download

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Crysis And Convertxtodvd Freezing

May 12, 2008

Recently ive been trying to encode video using Convertxtodvd but it always crashed after about 5 mins. I switched to TMPG dvd author and all was fine i could encode my video. Today i installed Crysis on my pc. My pc froze completely after about 10 mins of playing it. The sound was repeating itself and the computer didnt respond to anything.

I had to restart the comp, i then loaded it up again for it to crash after about 20 mins of playing. Im not really sure what to do. Not sure if its my hardware or software. Im using vista 32bit but i tried installing windows xp pro and the same freezes occured.

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Crysis Causes My System To Restart

Apr 28, 2009

I have just re installed crysis today on my system and all was fine, I played it for a few hours on high settings and max res. I went to work and got home tried to load it and it begins to load then 20 seconds in causes my system to restart....

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Game Froze, Playing Crysis

Mar 28, 2009

I was playing Crysis today and all of a sudden the game froze. I have a HP Presario xxx with Vista premium. Can anyone tell me how to fix it?" Example 2: "The Postmaster said my mail box is nearly full! I have a lot of messages in my sent Items folder, but Vista won’t let me delete them!? What do I do now?" This question is so vague that it leads to more questions than answers. This is an easy post to ignore! Example 3:.................

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Card Can Play Crysis At Low Graphics

Jun 29, 2009

I am using vista home premium 32 bit. specs. core 2 duo 2.2 ghz. ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 graphics card. 2 gb ram. it says that my card can play crysis at low graphics.

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Crysis Full Game: Works Out Of The Box

Nov 16, 2007

As title says..works with DX10 64 bit out of the box. Nice one. No fiddling like the Demo. Using the 169.01 beta drivers.

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Crysis Warhead Doesnt Have Patching

Apr 16, 2009

i have crysis warhead installed on my rig in this folder C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsCrytekCrysis WARHEAD. i have downloaded the 1.01 patch (or something like that) and the 1.1 patch, i am 100% sure it is for warhead and not wars. when i launch either patch i get this. also, does anybody have any idea when te Sandbox editing thing is released.......ive wanted to play it soooooooooo much for about a year and was pretty disapointed when i realised warhead doesnt have it, but i have heard that it was going to be released soon.....i heard this about 6 months ago. i have tried: running as admin re dl'in running in compat xp 32 mode. my system specs are in that special box....but i dont think that really has much to do with it..

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Crysis Fail To Menu, Crashes

Oct 22, 2009

This problem began to be noticed on vista, but the vista laptop was too slow to really get into crysis. Crashes such as this one occur on both. In additon, Crysis may also fail to menu, and be resumed with the resume game selection. This is a new win 7 system with a quad core AMD Phenom II at 3.2ghz, not overclocked, and a Diamond MM HD4890 video card also not overclocked. 4G OCX 1066 memory (dual channel) on an Asus M4A79 Deluxe MBD. Video driver is ATI's last release. I seem to remember that there might have been a reversion to an older copy of MSVCR80.dll in order to patch some ATI video drivers. The list at the bottom identifies the dash numbers I found on the system. The system was fully patched as of yesterday morning. Crysis has the Crysis update patches as well.

Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: Crysis.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 47d6d167
Fault Module Name: MSVCR80.dll...............

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