WoW FPS: Improve Frame Per Second In World Of Warcraft

Oct 6, 2009

improve my Frame Per Second in World Of Warcraft. How to do that? (without changing hardware if possible, cuz m using a laptop)

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Parental Help On World Of Warcraft...

Feb 2, 2009

My 14 yr old son is wanting me to allow him play this game, there is a Free 15 day trial (as he put it). My concern is not that much on the Sex or Gore fact but I do have my hesitations about him being totally consume by it since two years ago he had that problem with RuneScape or something like that. I guess what I would like to know is just how adult is this game? Are there predators like in the chat rooms and what have you? or is this just a clean open world fun game. Sorry if I seem like an idiotic parent, my kids pretty much run their computer unatended but I can't help to feel worry on the "Getting Consumed" part of it.

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World Of Warcraft Crashes

Apr 13, 2008

when i start the game, everything goes fine for few minutes. the suddenly when i really start "playing" warcraft the computer just crashes and stays with the frozen screen on. what should i do next?

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World Of Warcraft Install

Feb 14, 2009

I have just got a BRAND new computer (Dell XPS 630), and am attempting to install WoW from Scratch. I purchased a new set of disks, and when installing at 98% get the following error: The file "C:Program FilesWorld of Warcraft.tempData.tempenUS.temp" could not be renamed to "C:Program FilesWorld of Warcraft.tempData.tempenUS". (ConflictManager::ResolveConflicts/1)

I have turned off UAC, and I am running from an administrator account. I have deleted all files in my temp accoount. I have also (following the intructions on the WoW support site) copied the contents of the CD to a new folder on the desktop. I have also tried installing it into C:World of Warcraft (IE not into Program Files) - as advised on another forum. Nothing works.

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World Of Warcraft Stuck At *Connecting*

Jul 28, 2008

*The problem is half-solved*

Heres the problem: When I open wow through both *Launcher* and *Play*, my WoW gets stuck at connecting while I'm logging in. BUT. When I Run the program as administrator, all works fine, BUT. My guild I am in is a hard-core raiding guild and as the Main tank, I need to talk. When I run as administrator, I can play all honkey-torey, but when I press my PTT button, nothing happens!

The main question here is: How do I make is so I can log in properly, without having to run *Play* as a Admin?

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World Of Warcraft Locked File

Sep 2, 2008

I did a clean install on my new pc and its all patched up...and used the repair utility (it says wow is okay) everytime it loads i get my character up on the screen and everything looks fine...looks like imabout to start playing and then it just freezes and locks up...i have to reboot manually the whole computer more than meets the lost on trying to update all my drivers...but my graphics card and vista are updated...(which i would think are the most important)i have a asus m3a mb....amd phenom x4 9950 black edition...8gb 800speed memory..and a sata2 hdd? i thought it was bcuz vista and being 64 bit...but now im starting to think its the memory...maybe the memory installed on my computer isnt compatible with the mb? is anyone else on here playing wow? with a vista ult 64bit?

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World Of Warcraft: Hiting Lag Spikes

May 28, 2009

I'm sure this has been reported by several individuals before me, but ever since I have been playing World of Warcraft wirelessly on my new notebook with Vista I have been hiting these lag spikes every couple minutes, that can range anywhere from a second to 15. During this time cpu and disk spike to 100% usuage. I have tried updating my drivers for my NIC and my graphic card, as well as disabling a roam feature on the vista wireless network, but these have not halted the dreaded spikes. Also, I have tried playing while directly connected to the internet but even then the spikes occur. Does anyone know what is causing these spikes and what can be done to solve them?

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Rendering Graphics In Photoshop: World Of Warcraft

Jun 13, 2008

I recently built a decent rig. Here are the specs: Overall the thing flies in most aspects. Rendering graphics in photoshop, and most software design suites (been using eclipse for small projects lately). Where my system comes to its knees is when i try and play World of Warcraft. I get about 100fps for a random amount of time (as much as 20 minutes), and then it drops to an unplayable 3-10fps. I have updated to the latest Signed Drivers 175.16 by nvidia, I have tried the unsigned 175.75, I have updated my bios (which were causing a memory issue before), I have updated my sound drivers which i know... creative is not the best choice but its onboard.

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World Of Warcraft Addicts To Get In-game Shrinks

Aug 27, 2009

World of Warcraft is so addictive that a psychiatrist is planning to send a team of counsellors into the game to treat players before they lose touch with the real world. It comes after a report published by Sweden's Youth Care Foundation this year found World of Warcraft was the most dangerous game on the market and "the cocaine of the computer games world". Richard Graham, a psychiatrist who treats adolescents at the Tavistock Clinic in London, believes that, just as casinos contribute to the treatment of compulsive gamblers, Blizzard, the creator of the online role playing game, should fund help for World of Warcraft addicts.

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Black Frame Around Screen

Nov 13, 2008

I need desperately answer,no one found the solution no one. I have my Ati Radeon HD 3870X2 series connected (hdmi to hdmi) to my Samsung LE40A656F1. But when i set a game to 1920x1080 resolution there is a black frame around the screen. If i use an other resolution like 1360x768 there is no a black frame. I always use the latest drivers and hotfix for my graphic card.

Black frame i mean black (empty)frame around the screen. My graphic card is 1080p capable. My tv is 1080p capable. For now i test it with FarCry2,Sacred 2,Fallout 3,Dead Space,those games natively supports a resolution of 1920x1080p. But i still get the black frame when i set the game resolution to 1920x1080p...........

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Frame Rate Keeps Dropping

Mar 22, 2009

since i formated and reinstalled vista home primium 32 for the first time with this pc im getting very low frame rates on most games. they are fine for about 5mins and then the frame rate drops to 5-20 fps for a short time, afterwards its fine for 10secs only to drop again. ive noticed it on some streaming videos too but not in Internet. ive tried...reinstalling, installing xp, using older drivers, using new ones, checked the fan are working, downloaded system monitors, took a stick of ram out, swapped all the ramround,tried playing with no sound, messed around with the dna settings, turned graphics down and a few other things thats not coming to mind.

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Different Warcraft 3 Frozen

Feb 14, 2009

after installing my Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne on my Windows 7 beta, 7000build. I can run War3.exe after the installation. When I restarted my computer, the problem starts here. very time I open my War3, It minimizes on my task bar. When I click it again, it maximizes for around 1 second then minimizes again. I know its running fine because I can hear the sounds of the program and I can see the menu for 1 second. I search the internet for similar problem but it looks like I'm the only one having this kind of problem. I tried Updating my Video Card driver, I think I have the latest. Reinstalling my War3, it works. But, whenever I restart my computer, the problem appear again. I need to shutdown my computer.

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Poor Frame Rates In Crysis

May 17, 2009

I have a GTS 250 and when playing Crysis on Very High 0xAA 1024x768 i get horrible framerates. (12-18FPS) I change everything to LOW settings and the frames still are the same.

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Geforce 7600, X64 And Frame Slowdown

Sep 27, 2007

Has anybody had a similar problem with the newer geforce drivers where the framerate is fine for 10 seconds, then drops for a few seconds, speeds up again etc etc. you get the picture?

The drivers work fine in XP 32, but when trying different drivers on Vista x64 company of heroes is unpleasant to play.

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Does Home Premium Comes With .NET Frame 3.x Preinstalled?

Aug 14, 2009

I know my Home Premium SP1 does but not sure about the "plain" Home Premium edition. It's for a desktop software installation onto such Vista OS.

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Improve File Transfers

Apr 13, 2008

You try to copy a folder. It says, not necessarily at the beginning, "Do you want to merge these folders?" It should check for mergeable folders at the start of the transfer. About five minutes later, when it comes to a duplicate file, it says "Do you want to replace $File1 with $File2?" Again, it should check for ALL of these criteria before moving/copying anything, right at the beginning. I usually copy a multi-GB folder and leave for a while after clicking "Yes to all" on a prompt. I come back later to find that my files have not yet copied and there is yet another prompt. In conclusion, when I move a file, it will make the "done" sound, but then wait at the end of the loading bar for a few seconds. MS, please hear my cries and fix this. Remember to vote for this suggestion if you agree................

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Warcraft 3: Installation Freezez

Feb 3, 2008

Problems with Warcraft 3. Reign of Chaos runs fine except After getting patch from battle net I get the following: "Blizzard BNUpdate v2.129 compiled on Nov 2 2006. Log created at 12:15 pm on 02/03/2008. This patch upgrades Warcraft III Reign of Chaos from the previous version. ERROR: unable to open source archive 'C:Program FilesWarcraft IIIwar3x.mpq'. RESULT: Patch failed". Also on Froze throne installation freezez up instantly at "C:Program FilesWarcraft IIIwar3x.mpq".

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Warcraft 1.22a Patch Cant Install

Jul 20, 2008

i just bought a new computer and it has vista 64bit operating system. now im not entirely sure if its the operating system thats giving me this drama but i will explain. i installed wc3 and tft all fine both in C:Program Files (x86)Warcraft III

the games work fine. i downloaded the full 1.22a patch from 1.00 to 1.22a and i cant install as it says when i click on the installer. ERROR: unable to create file 'C:Program Files (x86)Warcraft IIIBNUpdate.exe' Access is denied.............

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Can Improve Vista Performance?

Apr 16, 2008

i am about to tell you about what happend to vista on monday and a few other things. on monday windows vista ultimate was working fine i had to shut my computer down because i went to the gym then when i got back i turned on my pc then it went through its usual loading then right about when vista was about to startup after the cursor appeared then i waited and it did not boot up and it stayed at a black screen so i tried using last know good configuration on my pc booted up good then i logged in and just as the log on screen faded out then it locked up then i tried it again then the windows vista splash thing came on then i hear one note of the tune reapeating and the only thing i could do is restore from my backup so i did that and now my computer is back at last backup i did.

then i was using it yesterday my computer was working fine on vista and window vista starts getting choppy with me like its not being smooth and im trying to figure out why im not getting smooth performance plus vista did lock up when i shutted it down vista did not lock up on me on before the booting up issue occured
is there anyway i can improve vista performance?

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Upgrading Improve Gaming

May 10, 2008

i would just like to know, is it worth upgrading my current procesor to improve gaming on my computer? Im currently using....Apparently my mother board does not support quad cores, so my question is, is it worth upgrading to lets say...amd 64x2 3800, to a amd 64x2 5200? would there be much inprovement, or am i looking at the wrong piece of hardware to change?

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How Do Improve Performance Score?

Jul 29, 2009

I don't understand how my "graphics" can have a score of 3.4 when the gaming graphics is 4.6...(I have a Nvidia 9300 GS 512Mb). How can I improve this score? I already have the latest driver for the

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8800GT Frame Rate, NVidia Driver?

Mar 4, 2008

When I play Dundeons & Dragons Online my framerate varies between 20-60 in populated places and 100+ only if I stare at the walls. This seems too low. I was getting better framerates running XP on a AMD 3800+ x2 with a 7600GS. I've tried the nVidia 169.25 drives and the 171.20 betas from guru. Not much difference.

Is this a Vista 64 problem that will be fixed with SP!?..... or Is this an nVidia driver problem that will be fixed with later drivers.......or Is my power supply too weak?.......... or Is DDO the problem?.......... or Are my expectations too high?

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Frame Work 3.5 Familiy Update Can Not Be Installed

Apr 29, 2009

first of all sory for my bad english this week when i install framework 3.5 family update(kb951847)x86 i took an error. then i read some posts in ms techforums but i didint solve problem then i uninstall framework 3.5 and 3.5 sp1 from my pc with windows install cleanup utility but now i cant install it again when i try install it says install problem. i use vista 32 bit home premium vitth sp1 note: i also tried install full packgace of framework 3.5 which one is 197 mb but i cant

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Disbale Desktop Icons Tiny Frame?

Mar 24, 2007

There seems to be some problem with some of my desktop icons.Some of them appear without a tiny frames on it. Some do. Any idea how i can remove the frame? I've attached a screenshot of how it looks on my vista desktop.``

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Create Movie Single Frame Rates 60 Fps To 120 Fps

Jun 19, 2008

I want to be able to take still frames and create a movie a single frame at a time with frame rates of 60 fps to 120 fps. I have Googled to no avail for something that will let me make a movie, 1 frame at a time and allow me to set the fps of the movie. Have you seen any software with these capabilities?

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Different Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne In Windows 7

Feb 14, 2009

the problem is, after installing my Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne on my Windows 7 beta, 7000build. I can run War3.exe after the installation. When I restarted my computer, the problem starts here. Every time I open my War3, It minimizes on my task bar. When I click it again, it maximizes for around 1 second then minimizes again. I know its running fine because I can hear the sounds of the program and I can see the menu for 1 second.

I'm wondering if this is fixable. I search the internet for similar problem but it looks like I'm the only one having this kind of problem. I tried Updating my Video Card driver, I think I have the latest.

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Speech - Does Doc Scanning Really Improve Accuracy?

Feb 25, 2009

Does WSR (Vista Speech) provide a way of selecting _which_ documents to scan in order to improve speech recognition?

Near as I can determine, it does not seem to matter at allwhether my Vista Document folder is empty, or chock-full of text documents, as far as speech recognition accuracy
is concerned.

I _did_ check-mark the box that allows user documents to be read, but it does not seem to have any effect one way or the other.

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Improve The Internet Connection Speed

Feb 6, 2009

I've 512 kbps DSL shared connection. I'm noticing that my internet speed is going slower by day to day. I had downloaded lots of files from the internet from certain sites at reasonable speed. But now its not so. There're no viruses in my pc as i've installed a fresh copy of windows Vista. how to improve the internet speed. The downloading as well as the browsing.

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Warcraft Reign Of Chaos Won't Responding

Apr 10, 2010

I have a problem with installing Warcraft III Reign of Chaos on my Windows 7 32-bit computer. Whenever I insert my CD Rom into my hardrive, I go to the WCIII installation window and enter my CD-Key information. After I'm done locating the file to put the folder in, it freezes and says "Not Responding" on the Windows topmost bar. It keeps on doing that for some reason and really gets annoying.

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Improve Old Application Disk Performance

Feb 15, 2007

Do you have old programs that have slow disk performance on Windows Vista or Windows 7? If so, you can squeeze a little more performance out of your hard disk by enabling what I call compatibility mode for your file system.  This speeds up the performance of your hard disk by changing how write caching works. However, if your computer is not connected to a battery backup and you loose power you have a increased risk for data loss or corruption. If you have a laptop your chances are data loss or corruption are dramatically less since your laptop battery will kick on if your power source is lost. Let's get started: ....

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Improve Video Preview On Details Pane

May 7, 2009

I was wondering if you know if there is a way to improve Vista's Video Preview on the Details Pane.

The problem I see is that Vista shows the very 1st second of video, while Windows 7 shows the 4th. That's why many of the video previews on the details pane show a black screen on vista instead of actual video.

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