Computer Deletes Files Whenever It Is Logged Off Or Shut Down

Jun 3, 2008

our computer has Windows Vista on it, and its pretty new. Whenever it is shut down, restarted, or logged off, every single file on the computer is gone when logged back in, everything on our computer is gone.

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Never Shut Down My Computer?

Dec 31, 2008

I never Shut Down my computer,is on 365 days of the year,never stop never sleep. Is that ok or i will damage anything?

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Computer Shut Down Itself

Sep 18, 2009

After i turn on mine computer,( Dell Dimension 5520 ) after 3 minute later computer suddenly shut down by itself. then i try to turn on computer again, that won't works immediately, about 15 min later then i can turn on again, and stay on for long hours till i off it.

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32 Bit Sp1 Not Able To Shut Computer Off

Jun 5, 2008

I have a brand new Dell desktop (got it Friday) with Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP1 on it. The problem I'm having is that I'm not able to shut the computer off. I'm going to the start menu, using the right arrow to display the full list of options (sleep, change users, restart, etc) and selecting Shut Down. Vista goes through the normal routine (shutting down, please wait, etc). After a couple of seconds the fans and hard drives shut down in the CPU and my monitor goes into sleep mode because it's not getting a signal. HOWEVER, in another second or two, the fans and hard drives spin back up, just like I'd pressed the power button on the CPU and the PC boots back up!

It was happening before I applied SP1, so that should not be the problem. I can't say for sure that it has been happening from the very beginning, but I think it has been. The first few times it happened I thought that maybe I had put it in sleep mode by accident (I typically hit shut down and leave the room before it's done). I haven't had time to reinstall any of my software yet, so it is pretty much as delivered from Dell. Right now the only way I can shut off my PC is to catch it on the reboot and hold in the power button on the CPU until it powers off.

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Could Not Shut Down Computer

Jun 3, 2009

My computer is still fairly new (less than a year old), and I experienced my first significant problem. I was copying my documents to a CD, when suddenly I was not able to delte anything from the CD. I tried to delete several times when my computer froze. Nothing worked. I tried to shut down by holding the power switch, on the computer, Alt Cntrl Delete, pressing the power switch several times rapidly, etc, until I was forced just to pull the plug. Upon start up the computer went through the routine of notifying me that I had shut down imporoperly etc and did a check for errors. I, then, immediatly did a complete chkdsk, (the two hour option) and no errors were discovered. As far as I could tell, I did not damage any programs or lose any documents. In such a scenario, did I have any other options rather than just pull the plug. Could there be any undisclosed damage to my puter?

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No Wireless When Ethernet Computer Is Shut Off.

Mar 31, 2010

I have a question concerning my wireless network. I have a Netgear modem/router and connected to this is my desktop via NIC and ethernet. This computer is running Windows Home Premium 32 bit. Also connected via wireless to the same router, are a netbook running Win 7 starter and a MAC laptop. All is well until I shut down the desktop. Afterwards I cannot connect to the internet with either laptop. I had hoped to be able to use the wireless to connect to the internet and shut down the desktop at night as the computer is in my guest room and had thought that the modem/router would allow me to do this.

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Page Navigation Shut Down The Computer

Jan 8, 2010

I can log onto Facebook but any navigation away from the home page causes it to shut down. I have ren the virus scan, cleared my cache, but no luck. What to do next? I am also awaiting word from Facebook, though I dont think they will answer.

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Windows Has Been Shut Down To Prevent Damage To Your Computer

Sep 10, 2009

My computer says

“ a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer”



CLFS.sys address 84c2c367 base at 84c2B000 datestamp 4549acbc.

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Update Windows Failed Finish Computer Shut Down

Dec 12, 2009

After an automatic update from Windows failed to finish and computer shut down... I did a manual update but now the Photo Gallery says my picture files are corrupt. AND my system restore point ONLY shows today... no previous dates to restore to.

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Getting The Blue Screen Of Death And Whenever I Shut The Laptop Lid The Computer Decides To Restart Itself

Aug 27, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit. It is a Dell Laptop. I've been getting the Blue Screen of death and whenever I shut the laptop lid the computer decides to restart itself. I went into power settings and changed the "lid" settings to "do nothing". That did not work. The error report is this:........

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Deletes Folders On Reboot

May 29, 2009

Any folder starting with the letter a or a number will be deleted upon reboot. It also empties the recycle bin on reboot but I have resigned myself to live with this idiosyncrasy.

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Recyclebin Dont Deletes The Items

Jun 8, 2009

The Recycle Bin dont deletes the items what is in the recycle bin i was 0.maked theseinstructions(URL)but nope. On the desktop when i open the recycle bin the items are stillin the recycle bin ,but when opens Computer>Local Disk (C$RECYCLE.BIN)Recycle Bin shows folder is empty.What to do for emptying full the recycle bin what is on the desktop?

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Format Option, Deletes Everything On The Partition?

Nov 2, 2009

Vista Basic x32 sp2. I can remember back when, I would install a windows os. I would use fdisk and wipe out the partiion, format the drive and install the os. If I remember correctly, the format, even on a 30gb, hd would take 1/2 an hour or more. Now I have a 160gb hd and recently have re-installed vista using the format option. The format took about 1 minute. Is this normal? Using the format option does vista actually format the drive or simply deletes everything on the partition?

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Windows Update With Deletes Desktop And More File

Jun 12, 2008

I ran the critical update (Vista) and it wiped out the desktop, leaving a blank slate. Each time I restart there is a lenghty message in Chinese with "ok" as the only option. I ran system restore to get back to the time just before this update, which restored my desktop. I am convinced that this update is buggy and should not be installed without a deep backup in place. It works fine with XP but not with Vista in my set of machines. How can this be reported to Microsoft? Or am I doing something wrong? The system is completely legal and registered.

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XP Dual Boot XP Deletes Vista Restore Points

Mar 2, 2009

I purchased a computer with Windows Vista Home Premium x64 preinstalled. This computer comes with a 640GB SATA II hard drive. Recently, I have decided I do not want to use Windows Vista for at least (estimating here...) another year, and I'd rather use Windows XP. I have another hard drive that is IDE. On this IDE hard drive, I would like to install Windows XP. I would also like to make Windows XP the
default OS on this computer until I decide to make the eventual switch to Vista.

1.) 'Dual-booting XP deletes Vista restore points | PC Tips'. - Here, it is reported that dual-booting Vista/XP will cause Vista's restore points to be lost, which I do not want to occur. With the OS being installed on 2 separate drives (one SATA, one IDE) in my case, is there a chance this happens?

2.) How do I set up which OS my computer boots from? Do I use the BIOS menu and declare the IDE drive as the primary drive to boot from, or is there a way I can actually set up a boot loader that will let me choose which OS to use, without using BIOS directly?

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Not Logged In As Administrator

Apr 17, 2008

The full message I am receiving is "You are not currently logged into your computer as an Administrator. This installer requires that the user be logged in as an Administrator. Please log out and log back in as an Administrator and then restart the installer." I get the message which is "powered by SupportSoft" about every minute when I have my email open. Also it does it when i close out email. I cannot send anything from my Windows mail because it says "the connection to the server has failed, Subject "registratino",, protocol:smtp, port:25, secure (ssl) no, socket error:10060, error number 0x0800CCC0e......

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Bluescreen Not Logged

Feb 6, 2009

I have fault bucket 0x10D_6_ax88772+74a8, type 0 for a bluescreen event and this is not the first event I have logged like this. Is there a solution to this?

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Logged On As An Administrator, But It Still Won't Let Me Run ChECkdIsk

Apr 24, 2008

I'm logged on as an administrator, but it still won't let me run chkdsk? This getting so foreign, I might as well learn macs!!

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Remote Desktop Not Logged

Mar 23, 2008

Is any one using Vista to log into an computer with XP ? I am reading that we can't do this with Vista to XP. I was thinking of getting a new computer and do that. I have been using XP Home Edition and Logging into my XP pro ok. But what I read is Vista will not let us do that.

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Blue Screeen And Logged Out

Feb 16, 2009

Have been facing a strange problem with my laptop from few weeks now. While working,suddenly I get a blue screen saying dumping physical memory and I get logged out. The problem details are as below :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 16393
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: d1
BCP1: 0024021C
BCP2: 00000002
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 8B895F5B....

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Logged On As Limited User

Dec 1, 2008

I sucessfully loaded software and when I attempt to run it I get the msg that says that I am logged on as a limited user. In order for me to have access to all SonicStage functions I must log on to an account that has Administrator or Power User Privileges.

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Stay Logged In Windows Mail

Sep 2, 2009

every time i click on windows mail it now asks for my password is there a way to keep this logged on as it used to be

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Firefox Not Remembering Logged Into Forums

Nov 10, 2008

Firefox crashed yesterday and now everytime I start it Im not logged into various forums so I have to keep logging in again. Ive tried clearing the cache files and OS temp folders.

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Restrict Logged On User Access

Apr 8, 2009

Is is possible to restrict the Guest users access to only use for example firefox to surf on internet? And also want the user to not have access to the other drives like c: / d: and soo on Is it possible to do that?

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Privilege User Logged On Not Admin

Jun 26, 2009

I wonder would it be possible to make a startup item run as with administrative privileges even if the user who logged on is not an administrator?

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Windows Mail Tray Icon Not Logged

Jan 27, 2009

I installed the windows mail tray icon. Is this considered logged into Windows Mail or will I have to click it each time to check mail? If it is not logged into Windows Mail, is there a program associated with Windows Mail that will let me know when I have email in Windows Mail without keeping Windows Mail open?

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Copy Files From One Computer To The Other

Nov 3, 2008

I want to say that all my drivers are updates and windows is updated as well. This is also valid for any other computers on the network. My computer runs vista home premium 64 bit, the other computers on the network run home premium 32 bit. We have a gbit network through a d-link router (dir655) which has never given us any problems. We have the d-link because I couldn't find any other router at the time which supported a glass fibre connection at the speed we have (50 mbit synchronous) and which also offered a 1 gbit home networking solution (wired) while also offering the possibility of using it with the occasional wifi device (such as my archos 605 media player).

my first annoyance has to do with the network. SP1 made it better, but I'm still annoyed. When I copy files from one computer to the other, the file transfer goes at varrying speeds. The transfer speed seems to depend on one thing and one thing only, and that is on whether the other computer is being used at all. If the other computer is idle (so not even the mouse is moved, there is no user input at all), transfer speeds are between 55 and 70 mb per second. Which is good, I like this. When there is any kind of activity on the other computer, whether this is typing, using the mouse or any such thing (user initiated I mean.... a virus scan doesn't seem to affect the transfer speed) the transfer speeds drop down to a max of about 18 mb per second. When any type of media player is on, even when paused, it drops down further to between 13 and 15 mb per second. When that media player is windows media player, the transfer speed is usually a bit lower still.

I simply do not understand why this is. The transfer speeds with no activity at all show that there is a possibility of achieving these speeds... the network is not used when someone moves their mouse, so why can't I use the full extent of the network when someone is using their mouse, or typing something in word? Also, I know that a media player automatically reserves bandwidth for streaming, but going from a max of 70 mb/s to 15 mb/s seems a bit much to me for streaming purposes. I would also have thought that MS could make their media player a bit smarter... I mean, how hard can it be for them to disable the bandwidth reserving when someone is playing a local file?......

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Cant Access Old Computer Files

Oct 18, 2009

I just recently got a new computer installed with the Vista Home Premium x64 OS. After many failed attempts at transferring my old files i eventually ended up putting my old hard drive into my new computer, and attempted to drag and drop into a folder i created specifically for those files. Upon trying to do this, it transferred all of my program files, but when it gets to my actual documents, where i keep my most important files, it says i need administrative permission to do this.

Then, when i tried to access the files directly in my old hard drive, it said that i couldn't do that, and showed this: "You don't currently have permission to access this folder. Click continue to get access to this folder." "You have been denied permision to access this folder. To gain access to this folder you will need to use the security tab." and then when i use the security tab to transfer file permission to me, it still doesn't do anything.

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Destination Folder Access Denied Logged In As Administrator

Mar 30, 2008

How do i gain access to my folders when i'm already logged in as administrator. The folder path :Users\AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart Menu, doesn't exist. I see it in the Guest folder but not for individual users. I also have trouble in other situations besides just favorites.

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Windows Mail: Deletes Mail After Reading And Closing The Program

May 8, 2008

Windows mail deletes my mail after reading and closing the program. I have Kaspersky internet security with the spam blocker disabled. This started yesterday two days prior to this I installed SP1

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Where Did C: Go And All Its Files Fails To Show Up When I Go To Computer?

Dec 8, 2008

I'm certain that I screwed up and somehow denied myself access to everything under the C: root. C: and all its files fails to show up when I go to computer. Actually, I'm fairly certain that I did this to myself when, due to my great lack of understanding on how to manipulate permissions, I messed things up while trying to give myself permission to do something with my shortcut to computer. I naively fooled around with properties>security.

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