No Wireless When Ethernet Computer Is Shut Off.

Mar 31, 2010

I have a question concerning my wireless network. I have a Netgear modem/router and connected to this is my desktop via NIC and ethernet. This computer is running Windows Home Premium 32 bit. Also connected via wireless to the same router, are a netbook running Win 7 starter and a MAC laptop. All is well until I shut down the desktop. Afterwards I cannot connect to the internet with either laptop. I had hoped to be able to use the wireless to connect to the internet and shut down the desktop at night as the computer is in my guest room and had thought that the modem/router would allow me to do this.

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Using A Wireless Ethernet Bridge With

Mar 23, 2008

I just upgraded to Vista Business on my laptop and I can't get it to connect to the internet using my Netgear Wireless Ethernet Bridge.

The Network Identification process identifies the wired LAN and the wireless network, tells me I'm connected to multiple networks and only grants me Local access. I can connect to LAN devices on the other end of the bridge but it won't connect outside of my subnet.

I have an XP desktop machine that uses the same bridge to connect to the DSL router downstairs and it works fine. The laptop also worked fine when it was running XP.

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Ethernet-Works, Wireless - Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I have a vista Home laptop and an xp home desktop. Router is a speedtouch 780 supplied by O2. If i connect Vista lap to router by ethernet i have no problems. However when I connect with wireless, I can see the xp desktop an the
shared directories, but when I try to open them the system hangs and says the folder name is not valid.

I am also running a Xampp server on the XP and can access the localhost webpage when connected by ethernet but not wireless. I have done all the usual stuff, same workgroup, same name and password, turned firewall off on both and router, set static ip's, changed everyone permission settings on Vista. Share C: drive, undo and redone shares after each change. As it is xp home I can't access security settings, but as I say, Ethernet-Works, Wireless - Not working

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Local Access Only: Connect To The Wireless Router (Linksys WRT110) Via Ethernet Cable

Mar 23, 2010

I just moved into a new apartment where there is already wireless internet set up in my office. I don't actually want/need wireless so I'm trying to connect to the wireless router (Linksys WRT110) via ethernet cable, but am getting "local access only". The other two computers that are connected to this router are connected to the internet and thus are NOT having this problem.

-I can not connect directly to the modem because then everyone else loses their internet access.
-firewall is off.
-ping test doesn't work, I can't ping anything since I can't get online AT ALL.
-I know my cable works; if I connect it to the modem, I can get online.
-I know the router works, because everyone else can get online. I tried to get help from Linksys, but they want $30 for one-time help, which, IMO, is BS.

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/W2000 Ethernet Connection, Directory Trees Did Not Change On Either Computer's Screen?

Mar 26, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate 64-bit on a new computer, and Windows 2000/pro on a much older (8 years?) computer. I have no difficulty transferring files from one to the other using flash memory units. Both systems are running fine. I was told, by a not always reliable person, that I can simply plug either a regular ethernet cable, or a crossover ethernet cable, into each computer and each will immediately recognize the other, and each will show up on the other's Window Explorer windows. Then, I'm told, I could drag and drop files from one computer to the other with a click of a mouse on either computer.

So, I tried it. Purchased a new crossover ethernet cable, plugged it in, and no visible response. No sparks, no smoke - nothing. Directory trees did not change on either computer's screen. The person who told me this would work doesn't "have time to check into it right now."

1. Is it likely that I caused any damage to either computer? Both continue to work as well as they ever did, so I don't think so.

2. Is it possible to connect the two computers together, via such an ethernet cable, and have them behave as I had been told?

3. If the answer to question 2 is yes, what else must I do besides plug in the cable?

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Never Shut Down My Computer?

Dec 31, 2008

I never Shut Down my computer,is on 365 days of the year,never stop never sleep. Is that ok or i will damage anything?

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Computer Shut Down Itself

Sep 18, 2009

After i turn on mine computer,( Dell Dimension 5520 ) after 3 minute later computer suddenly shut down by itself. then i try to turn on computer again, that won't works immediately, about 15 min later then i can turn on again, and stay on for long hours till i off it.

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32 Bit Sp1 Not Able To Shut Computer Off

Jun 5, 2008

I have a brand new Dell desktop (got it Friday) with Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP1 on it. The problem I'm having is that I'm not able to shut the computer off. I'm going to the start menu, using the right arrow to display the full list of options (sleep, change users, restart, etc) and selecting Shut Down. Vista goes through the normal routine (shutting down, please wait, etc). After a couple of seconds the fans and hard drives shut down in the CPU and my monitor goes into sleep mode because it's not getting a signal. HOWEVER, in another second or two, the fans and hard drives spin back up, just like I'd pressed the power button on the CPU and the PC boots back up!

It was happening before I applied SP1, so that should not be the problem. I can't say for sure that it has been happening from the very beginning, but I think it has been. The first few times it happened I thought that maybe I had put it in sleep mode by accident (I typically hit shut down and leave the room before it's done). I haven't had time to reinstall any of my software yet, so it is pretty much as delivered from Dell. Right now the only way I can shut off my PC is to catch it on the reboot and hold in the power button on the CPU until it powers off.

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Could Not Shut Down Computer

Jun 3, 2009

My computer is still fairly new (less than a year old), and I experienced my first significant problem. I was copying my documents to a CD, when suddenly I was not able to delte anything from the CD. I tried to delete several times when my computer froze. Nothing worked. I tried to shut down by holding the power switch, on the computer, Alt Cntrl Delete, pressing the power switch several times rapidly, etc, until I was forced just to pull the plug. Upon start up the computer went through the routine of notifying me that I had shut down imporoperly etc and did a check for errors. I, then, immediatly did a complete chkdsk, (the two hour option) and no errors were discovered. As far as I could tell, I did not damage any programs or lose any documents. In such a scenario, did I have any other options rather than just pull the plug. Could there be any undisclosed damage to my puter?

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Page Navigation Shut Down The Computer

Jan 8, 2010

I can log onto Facebook but any navigation away from the home page causes it to shut down. I have ren the virus scan, cleared my cache, but no luck. What to do next? I am also awaiting word from Facebook, though I dont think they will answer.

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Windows Has Been Shut Down To Prevent Damage To Your Computer

Sep 10, 2009

My computer says

“ a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer”



CLFS.sys address 84c2c367 base at 84c2B000 datestamp 4549acbc.

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Computer Deletes Files Whenever It Is Logged Off Or Shut Down

Jun 3, 2008

our computer has Windows Vista on it, and its pretty new. Whenever it is shut down, restarted, or logged off, every single file on the computer is gone when logged back in, everything on our computer is gone.

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Update Windows Failed Finish Computer Shut Down

Dec 12, 2009

After an automatic update from Windows failed to finish and computer shut down... I did a manual update but now the Photo Gallery says my picture files are corrupt. AND my system restore point ONLY shows today... no previous dates to restore to.

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Getting The Blue Screen Of Death And Whenever I Shut The Laptop Lid The Computer Decides To Restart Itself

Aug 27, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit. It is a Dell Laptop. I've been getting the Blue Screen of death and whenever I shut the laptop lid the computer decides to restart itself. I went into power settings and changed the "lid" settings to "do nothing". That did not work. The error report is this:........

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Computer Wakes Up From Sleep When Using Wireless

Dec 5, 2009

My laptop has the same problem. I think it's something to do with the internet because when switch my wireless off it's going to sleep like it should be. If I'm connected to the university wireless it's waking up immediately. The same if I'm using the LAN cable. I suppose you guys will know what exactly causes it to wake up and tell me what to do so it wont be necessary always to switch wireless off when I want to put it to sleep.

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Wireless Computer : Connected But No Access To The Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I have a wireless computer...notebook and I have windows vista on it. I had comcast plugged into it and now that I am mobile again, I am not able to use the wireless. The computer keeps telling me I am connected; but, I can't get access to the internet. Can anyone please tell me what to do?

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Wireless Connection Drops When The Computer With The Router Is Turned On?

Oct 26, 2008

My friends computer uses a Netgear router and his computer runs on XP to which I try to connect for internet access. When his computer is turned OFF, I can access the internet no problem. However, when his computer is ON, I can not connect!!

-Vista 64 bit, service pack 1 and is completely up-to-date
-All hardware drivers are up todate with no hardware problems
-DLink has good reception with 1.20 driver (D-Link WMA 510)
-Router computer is XP, up-to-date drivers. Computer uses Netgear router

why my wireless connection drops when the computer with the Router is turned on?

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Internet: Computer Doesn't Show Wireless Network

Jun 2, 2008

I've just recently encountered a problem connecting to the internet with my notebook and when I check to see what was wrong my computer says I'm not connected to any networks. So when I try to connect my computer doesn't show my wireless network it says a cable is not plugged into the network adapter 'local area connection". However everything is plugged in and my mom's notebook has no problem. Also it says that my computer doesn't have a wireless adapter installed and configured but it does and when I go to the properties it says the device is working properly. I don't know what to do anymore. I've restarted my computer and unplugged and replugged the cable and disabled and enabled the adapter.

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Ethernet Does Not Work?

May 4, 2008

After installing SP1 on my laptop the hard wired ethernet works intermittently. The DHCP connection is successful but when I try to ping something most of the pings don't work. Looking at the ethernet socket I can see the green LNK light goes out about once every 30 seconds. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the driver as well as the device. Also, since the machine is still in warranty the manufacturer replaced the mother board which contains the ethernet hardware.

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Pc Does Not Want To Recognize My Ethernet

Apr 25, 2009

I have a ps3 and I wan't to connect to the internet so I bought a wirelesss router and about 3 ethernet cables (I didn't know it wasn't neccesary)I try calling verizon to help hook up my router but they say some thing was wrong with the router it wasn't lighting up. So I bought a new router and the Ethernet wasn't lighting up eather. My dsl modem isn't lighting up eather so i've proved that my pc isn't recognizing my ethernet connections... My uncle has a ps3 and he has internet so I called him and he couldn't help me because the problem is with the pc. What do I have to do? I'm freaking out i've tryed using my other ethernets and the results are the same as before!

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Ethernet LAN Teaming How Well Did It Work

Sep 27, 2008

My motherboard supports 2 Gigabit Ethernet LAN through Teaming. Since I have a D-Link DIR-615 router that has 4 ports, I was thinking about trying to see what gain if any can be gotten with LAN teaming if I can get it to work. I understand the basics about it, but I was wondering if anyone actually has or had LAN teaming (link aggregation) setup and how well did it work for you. I have searched the net, but there really isn't anything very helpful or detailed about setting it up. I'm hoping that someone could provide some more insight about this before I dive into it and find myself without a network connection for a bit.

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Cannot Recognize Ethernet Or Wifi.

Nov 21, 2008

I got a HP dv6000 and I am having a problemo! Its a newish computer. I bought it nearly new off ebay, and I put vista on it. Vista works and all but it only recognizes the dial up port. The computer has wifi and an ethernet port but it will not detect any network.

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Internal Vs. External Ethernet

May 30, 2009

Is there any speed difference or anything that i can get with a external (PCI) ethernet card then a internal ethernet? Im asking about this because im thinking of getting a Killer Nic M1 but not entirely sure if i should get it or not.

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Ethernet Connection Between /XP Failed

May 27, 2008

I want to move some files off of the desktop onto my laptop using an Ethernet cable, which I already have. I don't want to use wireless and I don't intend to connect the two to the Internet. I just want to move files. Can someone explain to me how I can set up a network between the two of them?

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Ethernet Controller Is Not Installed

Apr 25, 2009

My computer is very slow on wireless so I plugged in and ethernet cable... However it isnt being recognised.... I went to drivers and it says my ethernet controller isn't installed. After searching for very long I found a forum where someone seemed to have the same problem. They were told to download a program called EVEREST. I downloaded this program however I now have no idea what to do with it. Noone is answering me on that forum so I have come here for a release from the stress!

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Ethernet Connection: Connect The Two Computers Together?

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate 64-bit on a new computer, and Windows 2000/pro on a much older (8 years?) computer. I have no difficulty transferring files from one to the other using flash memory units. Both systems are running fine. I was told, by a not always reliable person, that I can simply plug either a regular ethernet cable, or a crossover ethernet cable, into each computer and each will immediately recognize the other, and each will show up on the other's Window Explorer windows. Then, I'm told, I could drag and drop files from one computer to the other with a click of a
mouse on either computer.

So, I tried it. Purchased a new crossover ethernet cable, plugged it in, and no visible response. No sparks, no smoke - nothing. Directory trees did not change on either computer's screen. The person who told me this would work doesn't "have time to check into it right now."

My questions:

1. Is it likely that I caused any damage to either computer? Both continue to work as well as they ever did, so I don't think so.

2. Is it possible to connect the two computers together, via such an ethernet cable, and have them behave as I had been told?

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Access The Internet Via Ethernet Cable

Jan 17, 2010

I've got a SAMSUNG notebook and my "Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter" seems to be not working. I cannot see (let alone connect to) any wireless environment. I have to access the internet via ethernet cable, which is really annoying. I've done the following so far: The device manager says the adapter is working properly. I've updated to the latest driver The adapter is also turned on. I don't know what else I should do.

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Windows, No Ethernet Card, Want Internet

Dec 16, 2008

I've got a Linksys router, it's a BEFSR41 v2 Etherfast 4-port cable/DSL router with 4-port switch. It's on the computer downstairs. This computer runs Windows XP. My brothers' upstairs is connected and working. It runs Windows 2000. Mine... I just had to replace. I went to Windows Vista Basic instead of XP. Now, I don't have an ethernet card, but is there any way I can get online with this computer anyway?

A long time ago, I went to a LAN party and my friend's freind downloaded some kind of driver to allow my computer to connect to the internet without needing an ethernet card. Damned if I remember the motherboard, this was four years ago. I just purchased an Intel Dual Core e5200 2.5 GHz. The motherboard is an MSI P6NGM LGA775 mainboard. It says it is NVIDIA MCP73 chipset based. Is there any kind of driver I can install for Windows Vista that bypasses the need for an ethernet card?

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No Adhoc Ethernet Option In Busness

Jun 10, 2008

I am trying to adhoc two laptops using ethernet. One is running XP3 the other Vista Business. they say at point 3 "Set up an ad hoc (computer-to-computer) network". I do not have that option available, only Set up a wireless ad hoc (computer-to-computer) network.

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Marvell Yukon Ethernet Controller

Apr 7, 2008

Had a message that windows (vista) recovered from an unexpected shutdown and it was caused by following: This problem was caused by Marvell Yukon Ethernet Controller, which was created by Marvell Semiconductor.

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No Internet When Copying Files From Ethernet Drive

Oct 8, 2009

Here are some necessary specifications:

Cable Modem: Arris CM450
Router: Linksys Wireless-G Router WRT54GL (DD-WRT software)
Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (07/22/09) std - build 12548M NEWD Eko

1TB Lacie NetworkSpace Ethernet drive

Laptop: Acer Aspire 5633WLMi
Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit + Service Pack 2
802.11 a/b/g Wireless LAN: Intel RPO/Wireless 3945 ABG

The issue:

My 1TB LaCie NetworkSpace is attached to my Linksys WRT54GL router via Ethernet cable.

Whenever I try to copy files from my NetworkSpace over onto my laptop(wirelessy), my cable modem disconnects from the internet and 3 green LEDs start to blink (Power, Online and Cable).

I am left with no internet access.

However, as soon as the file has finished copying my modem reconnects to the internet again. All LEDs go back to their normal state again and I regain access to the internet..........

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