Internal Vs. External Ethernet

May 30, 2009

Is there any speed difference or anything that i can get with a external (PCI) ethernet card then a internal ethernet? Im asking about this because im thinking of getting a Killer Nic M1 but not entirely sure if i should get it or not.

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Using Internal 300GB HDD As An External HDD?

Mar 23, 2008

Basically, I have a custom built pc back in the UK which I will be taking apart soon, as Im selling up everything I have back in the UK. (Moved to Finland last year from UK). I want to keep my internal 300GB HDD from my custom built PC, and know I can do this, and also know what case I'm going for too, although it will be powered independently, with its own psu rather than USB powered. Now my question is to you kind people, is, what exactly do I have to do before I can dismantle my custom built PC, and start using the 300GB HDD as an external HDD with my laptop.?

Im sure its not as simple as it sounds.? Just unplug, and fit to external case/housing(which comes with leads etc), and then use with laptop.? Do I need to install anything on this drive so that everything stored on it can be accessible? Also, not sure whats installed on there all together right now, although theres loads of photos, and files I need for work etc. My concerns are that some, if not all of the files used from the OS from my custom built pc are in there, which I do not need.

I will of course power up the pc to double check all files etc prior to dismantling, I just need some advice on what is the right way in going about this? The last thing I want to do is remove the 300GB HDD, then then bring it to Finland, and not being able to access anything due to some problems which could of been prevented back in the UK. The OS on my PC is XP Professional. The OS on my laptop is Vista Business.

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Run From An External HD (dual Boot With XP On An Internal HD)

May 7, 2008

I am curious if Vista can be run from one of those portable external hard drives that I see in Staples, etc... rather than have to install another internal hard drive. I want to dual-boot with XP (already installed on an internal HD) and it would also be great if I can bring that external HD with us when we travel and hook it up to my wife's XP laptop and be able to boot up in Vista too. We need something for testing our software in Vista.

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Copying Internal Harddrive To External Devies

Jul 22, 2008

I am running Vista Ultimate on my laptop which has a 50gb internal harddrive. I have less than 500 mb of memory left and was wondering could I move the entire content of my C: drive ( including the vista ultimate ) to an external harddrive, then format my C: drive and boot up from my external harddrive? Also if this is possible could I dual boot with Mac OS X Leapord? If this is possible can you please tell me how.

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Does Not Recognise Internal Hard Drive In External Usb Enclosure

Sep 6, 2009

I have 2 pcs one with xp pro, other is vista business 32bit on laptop. Using a 750gb samsung hd753Lj internal hard drive in a sumvision external enclosure with usb2 and e-sata connection, but i only have usb connection. ALl works fine on xp computer, but when i plug into vista i get the error in the system tray saying "usb device not recognised". In device manager it says "unknown device." have tried all 4 usb ports on laptop, have tried using it via mains powered usb hub and still no joy.

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Can Run On External Hard Drives (dual Boot Mode W/ XP On An Internal HD)

May 7, 2008

I am curious if Vista can be run from one of those portable external hard drives that I see in Staples, etc. rather than have to install another internal hard drive. I want to dual-boot with XP (already installed on an internal HD) and it would also be great if I can bring that external HD with us when we travel and hook it up to my wife's XP laptop and be able to boot up in Vista too. We need something for testing our software in Vista.

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Internal Mic Not Responding

Apr 10, 2008

I have a friend who has an HP laptop, Windows Vista (obviously lol) and, at first his internal mic would pic up sound-music, background noise, &c., but not voice. On Skype it said that it was muted. There were no "mute/un-mute" buttons to be found, anywhere. And it wasn't just on Skype either. Yahoo too. It just wouldn't register it at all. He was trying to mess with the mic settings/ recording device settings and I guess he clicked on disable. He was going to try and enable it again but, it deleted the entire device!!! So now he can't mess with it or see it or anything. It says "No Audio Devices Are Installed."

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Clean Format On Internal HDD

Apr 4, 2009

How can I do a clean format on my internal laptop hdd cos the hdd is corrupted.

I tried to reinstall XP but the system scan error.

So I am thinking of doing a clean reformat on the hdd, then boot up my XP installation cd to do a clean installation.

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Ethernet Does Not Work?

May 4, 2008

After installing SP1 on my laptop the hard wired ethernet works intermittently. The DHCP connection is successful but when I try to ping something most of the pings don't work. Looking at the ethernet socket I can see the green LNK light goes out about once every 30 seconds. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the driver as well as the device. Also, since the machine is still in warranty the manufacturer replaced the mother board which contains the ethernet hardware.

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Pc Does Not Want To Recognize My Ethernet

Apr 25, 2009

I have a ps3 and I wan't to connect to the internet so I bought a wirelesss router and about 3 ethernet cables (I didn't know it wasn't neccesary)I try calling verizon to help hook up my router but they say some thing was wrong with the router it wasn't lighting up. So I bought a new router and the Ethernet wasn't lighting up eather. My dsl modem isn't lighting up eather so i've proved that my pc isn't recognizing my ethernet connections... My uncle has a ps3 and he has internet so I called him and he couldn't help me because the problem is with the pc. What do I have to do? I'm freaking out i've tryed using my other ethernets and the results are the same as before!

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Internal Wireless NIC Stopped Registering

Mar 23, 2008

Last night it was fine, turned it off and went to bed, got up thismorning and turned it on, windows can't find any networks. I click "diagnose why..." and it says that my laptop doesn't have a wireless NIC or the drivers are out of date! but nothing changed, and it's not the router it's working fine.

Hp dv 9000 17" btw there have been a few other issues for about a month, quick play
doesn't work and WMP won't play audio tracks (dvds still work, oddly enough) when that started happening I got messages at start up, they are:

Hp quickplay was stopped working cvlcap module (or somthing close to that, I forgot the first part, I know it ends in cap but it might be cvcl or something) has stopped
working and occasionally it would say the disk defraggmentor was stopped working even when I'm just browsing the internet and it's not even open.

those aren't that big a deal, but I really need my NIC working again, I'm running an Avast! virus scan right now but I don't think that it the problem.

on a side note, what do ye nerds think of Avast!? being free seems to good to be true, but I've seen store baught antivirus that is obvisously much worse (defender pro comes to mind.)

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How Do I Re-enable Internal Realtek Speakers?

Feb 22, 2009

I lost sound to my pc a while back. Finally had time to sort it out. It was showing realteck speakers not plugged in - they are within the pc, so I tried unplugging things and rebooting to no effect. I then tried disabling and restarting, only problem is I can't work out how to enable them. The files are there, but when I go into control panel sound and manage audio devices it says there aren't any.

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How To Back Up To An Internal Hard Drive With ?

Jun 29, 2008

On Windows XP I used WinRAR for my backups because the OS lacked a decent backup system. To my surprise with Vista I still use WinRAR for my backups as that OS doesn't seem to have a decent backup system either.

I want to backup files from internal drive C to a physically separate internal drive D. Drive D won't show up. What comes closest seems to be ''The location is either the system disk (the disk that Windows is installed on?also called the C drive) or the boot disk (the disk that Windows uses to start your computer?also called the startup disk)as Windows XP is installed on drive D.

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Erasing 2nd Internal Hard Drive

Jul 4, 2008

The manufacturer of my PC provided me with a New Imaged Hard drive. My old drive was working fine except it had some pre-installed software on it that could not be removed and could cause conflicts. The manufactiurer wants the old Hard drive returned. The old drive has some senitive personal information on it so I am reluctant just to pack it up and return it.

I have done some research about how to wipe off all information on a Hard drive before donating a PC, etc......but all I have read is very complicated and I am not comfortable in proceedding following any of the processes. Keeping in mind, I am not erasing the Hard drive with my PC's OS on it, (although the Old drive still has an OS on it). I can connect the OLD drive as a 2nd Internal drive....and than proceed to Wipe it Clean before returning it.

Surely there must be an easy, simple process for someone with limited computer knowledge to wipe a 2nd Internal Hard drive clean of all data so that no one could access any information off that drive....

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Backup With 2 Internal Hard Drives?

Mar 16, 2009

hey guys, this may seem like a stupid question but I am travelling and I cant really afford an external hard drive. I need to back up my laptop and reinstall windows... Is it possible to put evrything from C: onto D:, format C: and reinstall without losing anything off D:? I have a Toshiba Sattelite 600 with two 300GB hard disks, running vista home premium 32bit...

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PC Not Recognising New Internal Hard Drive

Feb 6, 2009

I've added and extra hard drive because I'm always low on disk space but I can't get the PC to recognise the new drive. SATA 2 and 3 are greyed out and I don't know how to change it.

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Switching From Headphones To Internal Speakers

Dec 2, 2008

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-FZ11S, and every time i remove my headphones all sound stops working unless i restart the programme, for instance i can be listening to something off itunes, unplug my headphones and the music pauses and won't play again unless i close and reopen it. This also happens with firefox, and i presume other applications, though i have yet to try this. This is a recent development, everything worked fine until a few days ago when i deleted some old programmes i dont use, games and suchlike. I'm pretty much certain i didn't delete anything vital, though i guess its a possibility.

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Workgroup Don't Connect Internal Domain

Apr 22, 2009

I have 64 bit Vista Home Premium, can I connect to a domain. I see I can connect to a Workgroup, but I don't see a way to connect to my internal domain

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Ethernet LAN Teaming How Well Did It Work

Sep 27, 2008

My motherboard supports 2 Gigabit Ethernet LAN through Teaming. Since I have a D-Link DIR-615 router that has 4 ports, I was thinking about trying to see what gain if any can be gotten with LAN teaming if I can get it to work. I understand the basics about it, but I was wondering if anyone actually has or had LAN teaming (link aggregation) setup and how well did it work for you. I have searched the net, but there really isn't anything very helpful or detailed about setting it up. I'm hoping that someone could provide some more insight about this before I dive into it and find myself without a network connection for a bit.

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Using A Wireless Ethernet Bridge With

Mar 23, 2008

I just upgraded to Vista Business on my laptop and I can't get it to connect to the internet using my Netgear Wireless Ethernet Bridge.

The Network Identification process identifies the wired LAN and the wireless network, tells me I'm connected to multiple networks and only grants me Local access. I can connect to LAN devices on the other end of the bridge but it won't connect outside of my subnet.

I have an XP desktop machine that uses the same bridge to connect to the DSL router downstairs and it works fine. The laptop also worked fine when it was running XP.

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Cannot Recognize Ethernet Or Wifi.

Nov 21, 2008

I got a HP dv6000 and I am having a problemo! Its a newish computer. I bought it nearly new off ebay, and I put vista on it. Vista works and all but it only recognizes the dial up port. The computer has wifi and an ethernet port but it will not detect any network.

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Ethernet Connection Between /XP Failed

May 27, 2008

I want to move some files off of the desktop onto my laptop using an Ethernet cable, which I already have. I don't want to use wireless and I don't intend to connect the two to the Internet. I just want to move files. Can someone explain to me how I can set up a network between the two of them?

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Ethernet Controller Is Not Installed

Apr 25, 2009

My computer is very slow on wireless so I plugged in and ethernet cable... However it isnt being recognised.... I went to drivers and it says my ethernet controller isn't installed. After searching for very long I found a forum where someone seemed to have the same problem. They were told to download a program called EVEREST. I downloaded this program however I now have no idea what to do with it. Noone is answering me on that forum so I have come here for a release from the stress!

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Unable To Format Seagate 1.5 GB Internal Drives

May 4, 2009

I have a Vista Ultimate 64 bit system using an ASUS striker II formula MB, Intel core 2 quad 2.66 mh CPU, 8 GB RAM. It was setup with 2 320 GB Seagate drives and a 500 GB Seagate drive in a RAID. A week and a half ago when shutting down the system, I got the install updates message. I clicked OK. Upon return, I found the system still running showing the BIOS screen. After reboot, I had a no operating system error. Using the Vista DVD to attempt repair, yielded a corrupt partition error. I attempted to reinstall Vista on one 320 GB drive. This gave a disk boot failure. After trying this and that, I ran chkdsk during boot which fixed the error. I want to recover my data. To facilitate recovery, I purchased 2 1.5 GB Seagate drives. I have attempted to format the drives using computer management and safe mode with command prompt. The drives will get to 73% format but no farther.

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Internal Card Reader Drives Disappear

Jun 25, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 running Vista Home Premium x64 SP2.It has an internal card reader,a TEAC CA-200,that connects internally to the front USB connector on the motherboard.When the reader works,it shows up at four drive letters in Windows Explorer. The problem is that it doesn't work.When I first boot the PC the drives show up. After plugging in and ejecting a memory card a few times,all the drive letters go away and when I try plugging in a memory card it occasionally gives me a USB Error message that talks about a missing driver.It lists six USB ports with one listed as unknown - driver missing.If I open the case and unplug and re-plug the reader cable, the drives are all found again.Then in short order they'll disappear again.I've worked with Dell tech support and they've replaced the reader and its cable with no improvement.I've updated the chipset drivers with no improvement.Dell's last suggestion was to reinstall Windows from scratch. Doing a Google search for "dell card reader not recognized"finds a LOT of reports of this problem and I've already tried the suggested fixes. Unless you have the solution,I can see only two options going forward.Pretend the reader isn't there and get an external card reader,or get an internal card reader that uses a standard USB cable to plug into an available port on an added USB card.

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Ethernet Connection: Connect The Two Computers Together?

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate 64-bit on a new computer, and Windows 2000/pro on a much older (8 years?) computer. I have no difficulty transferring files from one to the other using flash memory units. Both systems are running fine. I was told, by a not always reliable person, that I can simply plug either a regular ethernet cable, or a crossover ethernet cable, into each computer and each will immediately recognize the other, and each will show up on the other's Window Explorer windows. Then, I'm told, I could drag and drop files from one computer to the other with a click of a
mouse on either computer.

So, I tried it. Purchased a new crossover ethernet cable, plugged it in, and no visible response. No sparks, no smoke - nothing. Directory trees did not change on either computer's screen. The person who told me this would work doesn't "have time to check into it right now."

My questions:

1. Is it likely that I caused any damage to either computer? Both continue to work as well as they ever did, so I don't think so.

2. Is it possible to connect the two computers together, via such an ethernet cable, and have them behave as I had been told?

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Access The Internet Via Ethernet Cable

Jan 17, 2010

I've got a SAMSUNG notebook and my "Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter" seems to be not working. I cannot see (let alone connect to) any wireless environment. I have to access the internet via ethernet cable, which is really annoying. I've done the following so far: The device manager says the adapter is working properly. I've updated to the latest driver The adapter is also turned on. I don't know what else I should do.

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Windows, No Ethernet Card, Want Internet

Dec 16, 2008

I've got a Linksys router, it's a BEFSR41 v2 Etherfast 4-port cable/DSL router with 4-port switch. It's on the computer downstairs. This computer runs Windows XP. My brothers' upstairs is connected and working. It runs Windows 2000. Mine... I just had to replace. I went to Windows Vista Basic instead of XP. Now, I don't have an ethernet card, but is there any way I can get online with this computer anyway?

A long time ago, I went to a LAN party and my friend's freind downloaded some kind of driver to allow my computer to connect to the internet without needing an ethernet card. Damned if I remember the motherboard, this was four years ago. I just purchased an Intel Dual Core e5200 2.5 GHz. The motherboard is an MSI P6NGM LGA775 mainboard. It says it is NVIDIA MCP73 chipset based. Is there any kind of driver I can install for Windows Vista that bypasses the need for an ethernet card?

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No Wireless When Ethernet Computer Is Shut Off.

Mar 31, 2010

I have a question concerning my wireless network. I have a Netgear modem/router and connected to this is my desktop via NIC and ethernet. This computer is running Windows Home Premium 32 bit. Also connected via wireless to the same router, are a netbook running Win 7 starter and a MAC laptop. All is well until I shut down the desktop. Afterwards I cannot connect to the internet with either laptop. I had hoped to be able to use the wireless to connect to the internet and shut down the desktop at night as the computer is in my guest room and had thought that the modem/router would allow me to do this.

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Ethernet-Works, Wireless - Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I have a vista Home laptop and an xp home desktop. Router is a speedtouch 780 supplied by O2. If i connect Vista lap to router by ethernet i have no problems. However when I connect with wireless, I can see the xp desktop an the
shared directories, but when I try to open them the system hangs and says the folder name is not valid.

I am also running a Xampp server on the XP and can access the localhost webpage when connected by ethernet but not wireless. I have done all the usual stuff, same workgroup, same name and password, turned firewall off on both and router, set static ip's, changed everyone permission settings on Vista. Share C: drive, undo and redone shares after each change. As it is xp home I can't access security settings, but as I say, Ethernet-Works, Wireless - Not working

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No Adhoc Ethernet Option In Busness

Jun 10, 2008

I am trying to adhoc two laptops using ethernet. One is running XP3 the other Vista Business. they say at point 3 "Set up an ad hoc (computer-to-computer) network". I do not have that option available, only Set up a wireless ad hoc (computer-to-computer) network.

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