Page Navigation Shut Down The Computer

Jan 8, 2010

I can log onto Facebook but any navigation away from the home page causes it to shut down. I have ren the virus scan, cleared my cache, but no luck. What to do next? I am also awaiting word from Facebook, though I dont think they will answer.

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Never Shut Down My Computer?

Dec 31, 2008

I never Shut Down my computer,is on 365 days of the year,never stop never sleep. Is that ok or i will damage anything?

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Computer Shut Down Itself

Sep 18, 2009

After i turn on mine computer,( Dell Dimension 5520 ) after 3 minute later computer suddenly shut down by itself. then i try to turn on computer again, that won't works immediately, about 15 min later then i can turn on again, and stay on for long hours till i off it.

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32 Bit Sp1 Not Able To Shut Computer Off

Jun 5, 2008

I have a brand new Dell desktop (got it Friday) with Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP1 on it. The problem I'm having is that I'm not able to shut the computer off. I'm going to the start menu, using the right arrow to display the full list of options (sleep, change users, restart, etc) and selecting Shut Down. Vista goes through the normal routine (shutting down, please wait, etc). After a couple of seconds the fans and hard drives shut down in the CPU and my monitor goes into sleep mode because it's not getting a signal. HOWEVER, in another second or two, the fans and hard drives spin back up, just like I'd pressed the power button on the CPU and the PC boots back up!

It was happening before I applied SP1, so that should not be the problem. I can't say for sure that it has been happening from the very beginning, but I think it has been. The first few times it happened I thought that maybe I had put it in sleep mode by accident (I typically hit shut down and leave the room before it's done). I haven't had time to reinstall any of my software yet, so it is pretty much as delivered from Dell. Right now the only way I can shut off my PC is to catch it on the reboot and hold in the power button on the CPU until it powers off.

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Could Not Shut Down Computer

Jun 3, 2009

My computer is still fairly new (less than a year old), and I experienced my first significant problem. I was copying my documents to a CD, when suddenly I was not able to delte anything from the CD. I tried to delete several times when my computer froze. Nothing worked. I tried to shut down by holding the power switch, on the computer, Alt Cntrl Delete, pressing the power switch several times rapidly, etc, until I was forced just to pull the plug. Upon start up the computer went through the routine of notifying me that I had shut down imporoperly etc and did a check for errors. I, then, immediatly did a complete chkdsk, (the two hour option) and no errors were discovered. As far as I could tell, I did not damage any programs or lose any documents. In such a scenario, did I have any other options rather than just pull the plug. Could there be any undisclosed damage to my puter?

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Hosting A Page On My Computer

Jul 1, 2008

When I was using XP I simply activated port 80 from my firewall to allow outside access to a page located in my localhost. Could anybody tell me what do I have to do in Vista to make my pages accessible from outside?

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No Wireless When Ethernet Computer Is Shut Off.

Mar 31, 2010

I have a question concerning my wireless network. I have a Netgear modem/router and connected to this is my desktop via NIC and ethernet. This computer is running Windows Home Premium 32 bit. Also connected via wireless to the same router, are a netbook running Win 7 starter and a MAC laptop. All is well until I shut down the desktop. Afterwards I cannot connect to the internet with either laptop. I had hoped to be able to use the wireless to connect to the internet and shut down the desktop at night as the computer is in my guest room and had thought that the modem/router would allow me to do this.

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Windows Has Been Shut Down To Prevent Damage To Your Computer

Sep 10, 2009

My computer says

“ a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer”



CLFS.sys address 84c2c367 base at 84c2B000 datestamp 4549acbc.

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Computer Deletes Files Whenever It Is Logged Off Or Shut Down

Jun 3, 2008

our computer has Windows Vista on it, and its pretty new. Whenever it is shut down, restarted, or logged off, every single file on the computer is gone when logged back in, everything on our computer is gone.

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How Do Stop The Computer From Going Back To The Log On Page After It Has Been Idle

May 5, 2010

I want to know how I can prevent my computer from going back to the log on page after it has been idle for a time. I would simply rather touch the laptop pad and just be able to pick up from where I left off instead of having to sign in all over again. I use Vista Ultimate. I have tried going to Personalization and the Screensaver page and checked to see if the On resume, display logon screen has been unchecked and it has been all along apparently.

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Update Windows Failed Finish Computer Shut Down

Dec 12, 2009

After an automatic update from Windows failed to finish and computer shut down... I did a manual update but now the Photo Gallery says my picture files are corrupt. AND my system restore point ONLY shows today... no previous dates to restore to.

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Getting The Blue Screen Of Death And Whenever I Shut The Laptop Lid The Computer Decides To Restart Itself

Aug 27, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit. It is a Dell Laptop. I've been getting the Blue Screen of death and whenever I shut the laptop lid the computer decides to restart itself. I went into power settings and changed the "lid" settings to "do nothing". That did not work. The error report is this:........

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Hotmail: Page Opens From An Already Open Internet Explorer Web Page

Oct 21, 2007

When I open hotmail from windows live messenger, the page opens from an already open internet explorer web page + a new one with a message saying that the email address or password is incorrect. Does it happen to anyone else here?

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Navigation Pane Difficulties

Apr 10, 2008

When I launch MY Computer, the navigation pane on the left "USED TO" display a Favorites List. It has now disappeared! When I right click on the pane and select, "Restore Default Favorite Links" nothing happens. Also, when I try to drag and drop and "create shortcut here" nothing happens. The pane is listed as EMPTY. The My Favorite Links folder is still on my C: drive with all my favorite shortcuts in it. :confused:... Has anyone else run into this little Vista annoyance and found a solution?

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Navigation Pane In Window

Jun 30, 2008

When I open a file folder and it has other folders in it--I want to see the folder tree in a navigation window but none of the help choices tell me how to do this

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Navigation Website Canceled, Then Goes To LinkedIn

Jan 11, 2008

Any time i open internet explorer or click on a link in a page, instead of showing my home page or the page relevant to the link I clicked, i get a navigation error "Navigation to website canceled". It then goes to the login page for LinkedIn. I am a LinkedIn subscriber but have never set this as an option for my home page.

I have also cleared all my internet history (cookies etc). Once the LinkedIn homepage has loaded I can click back then refresh the page and the page I wanted will display (usually). How can I stop this from happening? I have Vista Home Premium, Office 2007 and IE7 on a Sony Vaio

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Navigation Pane: Shifting Left/right

Aug 12, 2008

Is there any way to stop the navigation pane from shifting left/right when opening/closing folders. It is VERY annoying. On a positive note, I have found several fixes for problems in these forums.

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Navigation Blocked - And No Fixes Worked

May 28, 2008

a new vista system, and I cannot get into my email or access some secured sites. I have an XP system with IE7 and it is working fine to get to these sites. I have cleared all the caches, history, temp, etc., did not fix. I have checked all the various SSL including 1.0, did not fix. I have pulled down firewall, did not fix. Of course, put it back up. I have added secure site to list and unchecked require authentication, did not fix. I wish I could download the certificate - but I cannot get to the site! When clicking continue to site, the navigation blocked appears and will not allow me to proceed. I have unchecked the two URL certificate required settings, did not fix. I have tried to download firefox/other browers - will not let me - says downloaded but not done! Also, there is no system restore point - this is a brand new machine. Cannot find any definitive hot fix info on this from microsoft. I have done a complete brower reset, did not fix.

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Folder Navigation Impossible With Many Subfolders

Jun 20, 2009

Say you have a folder called "Indie Music". It has 300 subfolders with music files (say X, Y, Z, etc.). I want to delete subfolder Y and then have the focus go to X or Z (the previous or the following subfolder). But after deleting Y, my focus is jumping back to "Indie Music", every single time. How am I supposed to keep track of where I was within my 300 subfolders and know which subfolder to focus on next when all I can see is the parent folder? Also, when i rename one of my 300 subfolders, the focus stays with that subfolder after the rename. If I rename "GGGG" to "ZGGG", the focus has gone to "ZGGG", right at the bottom of the tree, and again I have no idea where I was before.

Basic housekeeping with these subfolders has become impossible. I have given up on arranging and managing my music, pictures, etc. and have to transfer all my work folders to another PC where I can work and also keep some sanity. Is there a setting to keep the focus on the previous or next subfolder after deleting or renaming instead of taking it back to the parent folder? I had no choice (Vista or XP) when I bought my new laptop,and I spent hours (that I don't have!) trying to find my way around Vista.

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How Can Change Window Explorers Navigation Pane

Jul 28, 2009

I don't know how I got this from the navigation pane that I was used to which had lots more folders which I did use to drag and drop files from the main window to either of these folders.

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Font Settings In Outlook 2007: Navigation Pane

Apr 8, 2008

I have been looking everywhere how to change the font size and type for my outlook 2007 navigation pane. I was able to do it with each current view in the MAIN frame (Inbox message list, etc..) but not with the navigation pane, or the to do bar, some one has an idea on how to do it?

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Sound Scheme: Getting A Yellow Exclamation Point On Windows Start Navigation Sound

Jul 29, 2009

I keep getting a yellow exclamation point on windows start navigation sound I can go in and select it and it works for the time it is selected. but as soon as I reboot the yellow exclamation point comes back how do I fix this can someone help me please it annoying and aggravating to have to turn that on all the time. I even did a system restore back to yesterday thinking I did something to it no go still dose it. nothing else broken all works good sound everything just not this one.

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Shut Window, "WINDOW Is Not Properly Shut Down"

Apr 3, 2008

About 40% of the time when I either choose HIBERNATE or the standard SHUT DOWN, the computer just keeps on running. Although it seems WINDOW has shut down, the "ON" light is still on and I can hear the fan running. When this happens I am left with no other option but to use the "emergency shut down" method - pressing the ON button for more than 4 seconds (ASUS laptop, using Vista Home Premium). Presumably this method would damage the computer in some ways in the long run?

I assume WINDOW is shut down because the next time when I turn on the computer it doesn't say the "WINDOW is not properly shut down". So can any kind souls please help me with this annoying problem of turning off the computer completely?

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Shut Down

Apr 20, 2008

Recently after I go through the Shut Down procedures, I have been noting
that after the disappearance of the windows interface, the computer would
still be on and I would have to shut down by pressing the power switch for a
few seconds.

When I do not prerss this switch, windows restarts after about ten minutes;
after I receive a brief report (which I never manage to read in full)
informing me that a software may not have been properly installed or that I
need a windows update.

This problem appeared long after I installed all the software that I use,
and I have checked whether I'm fully updated (I am).

Is there a way in which I can ensure this problem does not occur when I go
through the normal shut down procedures?

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PC Shut Down Itself

Mar 23, 2008

Not sure if this is a hardware problem or a Vista problem. I am however leaning toward ahrdware because this can happen sometimes during post.

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Won't Shut Down

Sep 4, 2008

I mean, I've seen Windows take a long time to shut down, but mine just won't shut down. I'll go to start, click "Shut Down" and Windows will close everything running like usual and go to that screen where it says "Windows is shutting down." Well, last night, instead of just forcing a power-down, I decided to see if it would shut down or not if left alone for a while, so I left it at that screen, and went to bed. I woke up in the morning and Windows was still at that point, and the circle was still spinning, which means the system hadn't frozen. Also, the num lock button still worked. I'm guessing something has Windows going for a loop when closing down processes.

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Often Shut Down

May 6, 2008

I have a Vista edition. I use my laptop in a public room where there is WiFi connection, but my computer OFTEN SHUT DOWN...after it's written that I can restart with a normal way or in another for a problem with Data.....ect. I don't know if my problem is for the configuration of "AVG free edition"(anti virus), a software problem or for my laptop (Dell M1330)...By the way this problem started with the connection on internet.

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Will Not Shut Down

Mar 23, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium. When I ask the comuter to shut down, the shut down screen with the spinning circle stays on maybe 20 minutes, then automatically restarts. My message seems lengthy, but I have tried to include as much info as I can right from the beginning. Once the computer restarts, then after logging in, a window appears with the message that "windows has recovered from an unexpected shut down. Search for solutions by clicking here..." An option is also on this same window for details. Here is a copy of the details givenroblem Event Name:BlueScreen , OS Version:6.0.6000., Locale ID:1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode:9f,BCP1:00000003,BCP2:85644B98,BCP3:B3DF81E8,BCP4:882535B8,S ,Version:6_0_6000, Service Pack:0_0, Product:768_1Files that help describe the problem:WindowsMinidumpMini021308-01.dmp, C:UsersJacobsAppDataLocalTempWER-77797-0.sysdata.xml, C:UsersJacobsAppDataLocalTempWER7953.tmp.version.txt

When I click on "find the solution", this is the message I get: Download and install the driver for Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Adapter This problem was caused by Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Adapter, which was created by Intel Corporation. A solution is available that will solve this problem. Technical Information Intel PRO/1000 Network Connectivity Network Adapter Driver for Microsoft Windows Vista* (32-bit) I have installed this driver successfully, but the computer still will not shut down and I continue to get the same message that I need to install this driver. I have the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool running once a month. I use TrendMicro Internet Security 2008. Under "network connections", I have both LAN local area connection Intel 82562V 10/100 network connection and Wireless network connection using compact wireless - G USB network adapter with speed booster.

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Automatic Shut Down

Oct 10, 2009

How can I prevent Vista from automatically shutting down after a given period of time? I like to listen to online audio all day, but not necessarity while working on the computer.

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Shut Down Does Not Work

Nov 2, 2009

When I shut down or restart my computer I get the Shutting Down... screen and that is where the system gets stuck, nothing futher happens. I have to either use the reset button or shut down by using the power button.

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How To Shut Of Spam

Jun 3, 2008

my mail deletes spam mail automaticly, but i noticed it delets mail from my friends that it shouldn't be deleting and leaves mail that it should can some one help me shut this off or figure out where my spam folder is.

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