Stay Logged In Windows Mail

Sep 2, 2009

every time i click on windows mail it now asks for my password is there a way to keep this logged on as it used to be

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Windows Mail Tray Icon Not Logged

Jan 27, 2009

I installed the windows mail tray icon. Is this considered logged into Windows Mail or will I have to click it each time to check mail? If it is not logged into Windows Mail, is there a program associated with Windows Mail that will let me know when I have email in Windows Mail without keeping Windows Mail open?

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Cannot Get Win Mail To Stay In HTML Mode

Jul 29, 2009

I cannot get Win Mail to stay in HTML mode when reading emails. I have to "switch" to HTML for each email. Is there a way to have it on for all email?

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'Control Panel' Windows Won't The Stay Open

Apr 1, 2008

Whenever I try to open up a window through the Start menu or from a desktop icon or Launchy to view a folder like 'My Documents' or 'Computer', or even 'Control Panel', the window opens for about two seconds before closing. And then the whole screen goes blank but for the desktop background and slowly reappears. What's the story, there? How do I remedy this? I want to be able to peruse my folders! I want to be able to adjust my screen's resolution! Why won't the windows stay open for me?

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Windows Locator In IPP Settings Wont Stay Selected.

Mar 23, 2008

I am ahving some trouble trying to connect to the internet. I do not need to
network any other PC's its just the new Vista machine. I have dropped all my
firewalls and have set it to obtain an IP automatically. I am not quite a
novice at this but i am not an expert, so please bear with me.
I found a comment on a forum that said i need to select the windows locator
in the "client for microsoft networks" properties. If i ok that and keep all
the related windows open i can gain access to the net. The second i "ok" any
of the related windows i loose access and when checked, the windows locator
is again not selected.

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Not Logged In As Administrator

Apr 17, 2008

The full message I am receiving is "You are not currently logged into your computer as an Administrator. This installer requires that the user be logged in as an Administrator. Please log out and log back in as an Administrator and then restart the installer." I get the message which is "powered by SupportSoft" about every minute when I have my email open. Also it does it when i close out email. I cannot send anything from my Windows mail because it says "the connection to the server has failed, Subject "registratino",, protocol:smtp, port:25, secure (ssl) no, socket error:10060, error number 0x0800CCC0e......

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Bluescreen Not Logged

Feb 6, 2009

I have fault bucket 0x10D_6_ax88772+74a8, type 0 for a bluescreen event and this is not the first event I have logged like this. Is there a solution to this?

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Logged On As An Administrator, But It Still Won't Let Me Run ChECkdIsk

Apr 24, 2008

I'm logged on as an administrator, but it still won't let me run chkdsk? This getting so foreign, I might as well learn macs!!

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Remote Desktop Not Logged

Mar 23, 2008

Is any one using Vista to log into an computer with XP ? I am reading that we can't do this with Vista to XP. I was thinking of getting a new computer and do that. I have been using XP Home Edition and Logging into my XP pro ok. But what I read is Vista will not let us do that.

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Blue Screeen And Logged Out

Feb 16, 2009

Have been facing a strange problem with my laptop from few weeks now. While working,suddenly I get a blue screen saying dumping physical memory and I get logged out. The problem details are as below :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 16393
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: d1
BCP1: 0024021C
BCP2: 00000002
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 8B895F5B....

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Logged On As Limited User

Dec 1, 2008

I sucessfully loaded software and when I attempt to run it I get the msg that says that I am logged on as a limited user. In order for me to have access to all SonicStage functions I must log on to an account that has Administrator or Power User Privileges.

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Firefox Not Remembering Logged Into Forums

Nov 10, 2008

Firefox crashed yesterday and now everytime I start it Im not logged into various forums so I have to keep logging in again. Ive tried clearing the cache files and OS temp folders.

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Restrict Logged On User Access

Apr 8, 2009

Is is possible to restrict the Guest users access to only use for example firefox to surf on internet? And also want the user to not have access to the other drives like c: / d: and soo on Is it possible to do that?

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Privilege User Logged On Not Admin

Jun 26, 2009

I wonder would it be possible to make a startup item run as with administrative privileges even if the user who logged on is not an administrator?

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Computer Deletes Files Whenever It Is Logged Off Or Shut Down

Jun 3, 2008

our computer has Windows Vista on it, and its pretty new. Whenever it is shut down, restarted, or logged off, every single file on the computer is gone when logged back in, everything on our computer is gone.

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Destination Folder Access Denied Logged In As Administrator

Mar 30, 2008

How do i gain access to my folders when i'm already logged in as administrator. The folder path :Users\AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart Menu, doesn't exist. I see it in the Guest folder but not for individual users. I also have trouble in other situations besides just favorites.

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Administrative Account To Standard And Didnt Change It Back Before I Logged Off

Jul 29, 2009

I recently created a second administrative account. For sercurity reasons i hid it from the login screen. When i was making it I accidently changed my first administrative account to standard and didnt change it back before i logged off. Now I cant login in to an administrative account or change the dword value back to 1 so i can login because i dont have adminstrative permission. When i try to do this or change the account back to adminstrator it says "To continue type an administrators password and press ok. BUT their is nowhere to type and the ok is shaded so i cant press it! WHAT do i do! Is their another way i can login?

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Firewall Not Stay On

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Acer notebook. It had Norton security already installed. I removed this recently and put a AVG anti virus on. This seems to be fine. What I am finding is that when I turn on the computer the Firewall is off. I then reset it to on but again it is off on start up. This did not happen when Norton was installed.

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Don't Upgrade Stay On Xp

Mar 31, 2008

We currently run a network of 14 servers and about 100 workstations. All servers run on Windows 2003. Our Exchange version is 2003 and all of our workstations run on Windows XP. I watched an MS video that stated that MS Mainstream support for XP will end 4/2009, and so the question has come up with our IT management of when and if we should upgrade all of our workstations to Vista. I know this is an internal decision, but would like anyone in the forum's input on their experience of doing this, and what can we expect if we don't upgrade and stay on XP.

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Keep Internet To Stay Connecting

Jul 29, 2009

I can't seem to keep my internet to stay connecting. Every since I got this Belkin, my internet has it day. Some day it'll stay connecting and other day, I have to keep reboot the router or the computer. I was wondering if there is more then one reading on the IP Address or what.

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Computer Won't Stay In Standby

Aug 29, 2009

Usually people want to get their computer to go to sleep or get their keyboard to wake up from sleep. Well my problem is that all devices other than my keyboard are set NOT to wake computer up from sleep but when I sleep my keyboard automatically wakes it up.

Can anyone help me figure out why my keyboard keeps waking up my computer automatically. Its a Dell SK-8135. I just want to be able to send my computer to sleep and wake it with the keyboard under normal situations.

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Printer Won't Stay Installed

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running Windows Vista, but I have a PSC all in one that was originally programmed for Windows XP. I have gone to the PSC manufacturer and obtained an updated driver for the PSC, and I can install it and use the printer, but when I shut the computer down and restart it the driver does not stay installed. I have to re-install the driver every time I start the computer. Is there a way to make this driver stay installed?

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Screen Goes And Stay Black

Oct 8, 2009

I run Vista HP/SP2. The other day after various installs, updates and maintenance tasks I ran with no problems and ended the day by putting my laptop into hibernate mode. The next day when I powered on, my system would not come system disk C: was corrupt. I finally got System Repair to run and it appeared to fix and recover my C: disk to the point that I can see my files still exist via Recovery command prompt. However when I
restart, my screen goes and stays blank (black) with my cursor usable but to no purpose. I tried System Repair again but it tells me it can find nothing to repair. I tried starting in safe mode and it loads two screens worth of windows files before going to a blank (black) screen with my cursor usable but to no purpose. The last windows file loaded is a crcdisk driver file.

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Don't Manage To Stay Operational

Mar 23, 2008

I am totally new to second life and I installed it on my new laptop 15,4 screen (Asus Z53S) dual core T7700, 2GB memory, graffic card Nvidia G Force 8600M GS Vista Home OS, but I don't manage to stay operational (?) more than a few seconds. I have cabble connection (usually 13500 kps download and 480 upload rate). What happens is when I start the game I manage to move (walk7fly) for a few seconds and I imediatly loose all control over my avatar (keeps walking/flying etc).

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Won't Stay In The Sleep Mode

Apr 11, 2008

I have Vista Home Basic SP1. Recently my computer won't stay in the sleep mode. After less than 1 minute the processor wakes itself up. Any thoughts as to what might be waking my computer? I have recently installed a new virus protection program. Could that be the culprit?

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Computer Not Stay Asleep

Feb 6, 2009

my computer will not stay asleep ,it turn right back on after it shuts down?

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Default Printer Not Stay

Mar 25, 2008

I just got 3 vista PC into our current SBS 2003 network. What im seeying is that the printers will not stay or can even be setup as the default printer.

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Fans Stay On During Sleep!

Mar 20, 2010

I am running Vista-64 bit home, i had a friend build my computer and over clock. My problem is with the sleep feature. The screens turn off but the fans do not power down. when i type powercfg -a the command prompt will flash up really fast and then disappear...I was on step three Power Options and Sleep Mode Problems

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Windows Mail Compacting: Error Windows Mail Has Stopped Working And Windows Is Searching For An Answer

Mar 8, 2009

Running Vista on an HP...When I get the pop up to compact the mail I click OK and it gets about 3 quarters of the way thru and I get the message Windows Mail has stopped working and Windows is searching for an answer. The answer was DEP (Data Execution Protection)was shutting it down to protect my computer..What's the problem??? Norton internet Security up to date and nothing found with complete system scan..Vista up to date as well.

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Vista Machine Won't Stay In Standby

Mar 23, 2008

My wife's desktop machine is a HP a1730n running Vista Home Premium. After
putting it in standby, after a short while, it comes back up to operation.
Most of the time it does this but sometimes, it will go all night staying in
standby. I asked this group about this and got the advice to go to advanced
settings in Power Options and change the multimedia setting "when showing
multimedia" to "allow the computer to sleep". This seemed to fix it for a
short while and then it reverted back to not staying in standby. I am
looking for some more advanced wisdom on this problem and hope for a

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Hibernation The Computer It Will Stay That Way (all The Night)

May 28, 2008

When I put my computer into Hibernate sometimes it will stay that way (all night), but, other times, with nothing changed from the night before, it will be Awake in the morning. What should I do to have Hibernate work all night every night?

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