Restrict Logged On User Access

Apr 8, 2009

Is is possible to restrict the Guest users access to only use for example firefox to surf on internet? And also want the user to not have access to the other drives like c: / d: and soo on Is it possible to do that?

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How To Allow Server Access But Restrict Internet Access

Feb 27, 2010

Our Vista laptops (& my Xbox) access our basic Windows Home Server system through a Netgear router. It's all fine, but I want to (easily & quickly!) restrict & control when some laptops can access the internet while allowing free access to the server. (For instance, so children's internet access can be monitored but they can always get to photos & backups, etc. on the server.)

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Logged On As Limited User

Dec 1, 2008

I sucessfully loaded software and when I attempt to run it I get the msg that says that I am logged on as a limited user. In order for me to have access to all SonicStage functions I must log on to an account that has Administrator or Power User Privileges.

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Privilege User Logged On Not Admin

Jun 26, 2009

I wonder would it be possible to make a startup item run as with administrative privileges even if the user who logged on is not an administrator?

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Destination Folder Access Denied Logged In As Administrator

Mar 30, 2008

How do i gain access to my folders when i'm already logged in as administrator. The folder path :Users\AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart Menu, doesn't exist. I see it in the Guest folder but not for individual users. I also have trouble in other situations besides just favorites.

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Restricting User Access ?

Dec 25, 2008

Is there a way to turn off access to the Control Panel by secondary user accounts ? My kids keep getting in there and changing things, I'd like to put a stop to this.

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Interesting TCPIP Restrict The Scale Factor

Oct 12, 2008

I have an event that I would like to learn more about and Microsoft Technet nor google has helped me in this one. Event ID: 4228 Source: TCPIP Message: TCP/IP has chosen to restrict the scale factor due to a network condition. This could be related to a problem in a network device and will cause degraded throughput. Could this be a driver issue?

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Nvidia Restrict Mointor Resolution Options

Sep 19, 2008

Vista and NVidia are very restrictive about EDID and restrict available Monitor Resolutions, While ATI and NVidia have made options available for over-riding available resolution values...Some may find this resets or your real maximum resolution is completely unavailable

My "PnP Monitor" would get reset to 1024x768 every so often and was a pain in the *** to get the NVidia panel to force the proper resolution even though the NVidia control panel recognizes the display and names ir correctly...I found this Overclockers Article about removing two pins to remove EDID transmitted information...I was shocked to find it does exactly what you want, It will allow you to set any resolution/refreshrate you want! I dont recommend doing this on your monitor cable encase you permanently destroy your monitor cable!!!!!! Go out and buy some DVI adapters... there less than $5!! How to: Set whatever res I want to my monitor? (Disable Edid) - -

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Recycle Bin - User Access Denied

Apr 6, 2009

Vista Home Premium SP1. I'm trying to clean up the desktop of a standard user, and I get a "user access denied" when I move it to the Recycle Bin. What setting do I have screwed up? In XP I could manipulate Desktop shortcuts around with Wijndows Explorer looking at all the desktops under Documents and Settings. Now when I look at the desktops as Administrator

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New User, Setting Up, Couldn't Access

Feb 8, 2009

I posted before but couldn't get a resolution to my situation. I'm setting up a new user for me on my girl friends laptop. She is on as the Administrator, I created a 'new User' for myself but software such as Blackbery desktop, Google Chrome and the dial-up for my Blackberry don't seem to be accesable, at least not readily> I did go to the Google chrome folder and made it "sharable" with my user account but after going to my account, still couldn't access it unless it went through permission by administrator. I'm confused as I assumed that if any new user accounts were set up that all software that was down loaded and install while in the Administrators user account (my girl friend) that they would be easily accessable in any new user accounts that we set up, right? wrong?

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Can Access Videos From Another User Profile?

Aug 18, 2009

My computer was infected by an virus a few weeks ago and I was able to get rid of the virus. Now all my user profiles are BLACKED out except the Administrator profile. However, I can't access the videos saved under different user profiles? I'm getting a msg now saying this

Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file. For additional assistance, click Web Help. You've encountered error message C00D11B1 while using Windows Media Player. The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue. how to fix? Do i have to take ownership? If so, how do I go about it?

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Unable To Access User Profile

Mar 23, 2008

my husband and I each have a user profile on our computer. Lately whenever he tries to access his profile to get to his files, favorites, etc. he gets this message: "The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded." So he is unable to get to any of his files or music in the Media Center. He uses my user profile to get to his Yahoo browser to get his email but cannot get any of his bookmarks which is becoming very irritating to him. I can't blame him. We have a new computer with Windows Vista.

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User Account Access Can Be Blocked

Mar 23, 2008

I've set up a Windows Vista standard user account for a foreign student staying with us, and found he can access all the files on my 'C' drive. Is there some way this access can be blocked?

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Access User 1's Music Folder Gives Error

Jul 29, 2009

I am setting up a Vista machine for a family of four, each one has iphones and/or ipods. Each one has their own login. I set up itunes for user 1 fine, BUT, it looks like when user 2 logs in and launches itunes, it is trying to access user 1's music folder and gives an error.

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Admin To Control User Access Permissions

Sep 20, 2008

I am new user to the Windows Vista Home premium. My laptop is being shared with some family children. I given them the Standard User Account and applied various security policies regarding their computer usage.

1. How can I restrict a Standard User from using Removable Media like CD, DVD, USB.

2. How can I disable "Delete Browsing History" or "Internet Options" for the internet explorer for a standard user.

I have searched on net but nothing fruitful can be done even on changing Registry.

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Processor State; Lower Restrict CPU And Gain Battery Life?

Jul 18, 2009

I understand the point of a "maximum processor state." You can lower it to restrict the CPU and gain battery life. The CPU consumes less energy and the fans consume less energy from a cooler thermal load. I've never really understood the need for a "minimum processor state" though or what it even does for that matter.

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Access User Controls Delete A Folder Not Allowed System Rolled Back

Mar 25, 2008

I am so tired of all of the, what appear to be, bugs with this new system. The irritating pop-ups everytime I want to do something (like access user controls, delete a folder, etc.) that want confirmation. Unfortunately I purchased this comptuer with Vista Home installed. Is there a way to just install XP Home back on this thing? I have tried with the XP Home CD and it appears that it will not allow the system to be rolled back.

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Not Logged In As Administrator

Apr 17, 2008

The full message I am receiving is "You are not currently logged into your computer as an Administrator. This installer requires that the user be logged in as an Administrator. Please log out and log back in as an Administrator and then restart the installer." I get the message which is "powered by SupportSoft" about every minute when I have my email open. Also it does it when i close out email. I cannot send anything from my Windows mail because it says "the connection to the server has failed, Subject "registratino",, protocol:smtp, port:25, secure (ssl) no, socket error:10060, error number 0x0800CCC0e......

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Bluescreen Not Logged

Feb 6, 2009

I have fault bucket 0x10D_6_ax88772+74a8, type 0 for a bluescreen event and this is not the first event I have logged like this. Is there a solution to this?

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Logged On As An Administrator, But It Still Won't Let Me Run ChECkdIsk

Apr 24, 2008

I'm logged on as an administrator, but it still won't let me run chkdsk? This getting so foreign, I might as well learn macs!!

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Remote Desktop Not Logged

Mar 23, 2008

Is any one using Vista to log into an computer with XP ? I am reading that we can't do this with Vista to XP. I was thinking of getting a new computer and do that. I have been using XP Home Edition and Logging into my XP pro ok. But what I read is Vista will not let us do that.

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Blue Screeen And Logged Out

Feb 16, 2009

Have been facing a strange problem with my laptop from few weeks now. While working,suddenly I get a blue screen saying dumping physical memory and I get logged out. The problem details are as below :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 16393
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: d1
BCP1: 0024021C
BCP2: 00000002
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 8B895F5B....

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User Account Control "An Unidentified Program Wants Access To Your Computer"

Apr 17, 2008

Is there a way to prevent the "An unidentified program wants access to your computer" box from coming up every time I open the same program?

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User Account Control: Prevent The "An Unidentified Program Wants Access To Your Computer"

Apr 16, 2008

Is there a way to prevent the "An unidentified program wants access to your computer" box from coming up every time I open the same program?

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Login: "User Profile Service Failed Logon. Access Denied" Message

Jul 23, 2009

My administrator account is my only account on my Dell XPS M1530 laptop. When I try to login I get the "User Profile Service Failed Logon. Access Denied" message. I have attempted to logon in safe mode and it still won't let me logon. Boot the computer in Safe Mode by restarting and repeatedly pressing the F8 key Log in to the built-in Administrator account. If you do not have this account enabled, try logging in to your corrupt account in Safe Mode…it worked for me. Instead of continuing on while logged in to this account, please take the time to enable the built-in Administrator account. To do this, click the Start button in the bottom left corner, type ‘cmd’ in the search area, right-click on the command prompt, and select “Run as administrator”. In the command prompt, type ‘net user administrator /active:yes’ and press enter. Now log off and log back in as Administrator. Once this is done, follow the directions under “Option One: Fix the User Account Profile” at the following link: The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.

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Stay Logged In Windows Mail

Sep 2, 2009

every time i click on windows mail it now asks for my password is there a way to keep this logged on as it used to be

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Firefox Not Remembering Logged Into Forums

Nov 10, 2008

Firefox crashed yesterday and now everytime I start it Im not logged into various forums so I have to keep logging in again. Ive tried clearing the cache files and OS temp folders.

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Slow UAC, "User Access Control"

Jul 29, 2009

When I run a program as an administrator or when windows needs my permission to run a program "User Access Control", it some times, actualy a lot of the time it takes a long time "up to 10 secondes" until it displays the UAC box,

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Computer Deletes Files Whenever It Is Logged Off Or Shut Down

Jun 3, 2008

our computer has Windows Vista on it, and its pretty new. Whenever it is shut down, restarted, or logged off, every single file on the computer is gone when logged back in, everything on our computer is gone.

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Windows Mail Tray Icon Not Logged

Jan 27, 2009

I installed the windows mail tray icon. Is this considered logged into Windows Mail or will I have to click it each time to check mail? If it is not logged into Windows Mail, is there a program associated with Windows Mail that will let me know when I have email in Windows Mail without keeping Windows Mail open?

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Administrative Account To Standard And Didnt Change It Back Before I Logged Off

Jul 29, 2009

I recently created a second administrative account. For sercurity reasons i hid it from the login screen. When i was making it I accidently changed my first administrative account to standard and didnt change it back before i logged off. Now I cant login in to an administrative account or change the dword value back to 1 so i can login because i dont have adminstrative permission. When i try to do this or change the account back to adminstrator it says "To continue type an administrators password and press ok. BUT their is nowhere to type and the ok is shaded so i cant press it! WHAT do i do! Is their another way i can login?

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