Access User 1's Music Folder Gives Error

Jul 29, 2009

I am setting up a Vista machine for a family of four, each one has iphones and/or ipods. Each one has their own login. I set up itunes for user 1 fine, BUT, it looks like when user 2 logs in and launches itunes, it is trying to access user 1's music folder and gives an error.

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Does Not Access Music Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I'm using Vista Enterprise. The Music folder under c:useruser namedocuments is missing. It was there at one time. The shortcut to the music folder is available but it does not access the Music folder. If I right click on Music from Start my options are copy, rename, properties. Selecting properties brings up a general tab that is completely blank. I created a folder called Music but when I install iTunes it says it cannot find the Music folder to add an i Tunes folder. Which is how I discovered the Music folder was missing. Even with the i Tunes folder in Music that I created the Music General tab is still completely blank. How do I fix this? I'd like to continue to use iTunes.

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Access User Controls Delete A Folder Not Allowed System Rolled Back

Mar 25, 2008

I am so tired of all of the, what appear to be, bugs with this new system. The irritating pop-ups everytime I want to do something (like access user controls, delete a folder, etc.) that want confirmation. Unfortunately I purchased this comptuer with Vista Home installed. Is there a way to just install XP Home back on this thing? I have tried with the XP Home CD and it appears that it will not allow the system to be rolled back.

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Networking To XP (wireless): List Files The Connection Timesout And Gives An Error Os Dennied Access To The Shared Folder

Mar 23, 2008

using the laptop through wireless I can see other computer and even list their shared folders but when I try to actually list files the connection timesout and gives an error os dennied access to the shared folder. If I try to use VNC for instance, the client connects, asks for pass and then after the remote screen starts to appear.. it hangs... no response after that . The strange part of the problem is that if I connect the laptop through a wired connection everything works ok I access shared folders, I print remotely, no problems. I tried a number of things , the most obvious, like firewalls diferent settings on the network etc. What I can't figure out is what can be so different in the PC for the wired to work but not the wireless.

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Upgraded Vista: Can Not Find User Music Files

Mar 26, 2008

have just upgraded to vista home premium from xp.found my music files but can not find any other user music files,has update deleted or have they been moved

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Music Folder

May 15, 2010

I have a music folder with about 4gig of music, recently when I add any mp3 files to it, it is not doing it alphabetically? once, I could move my mp3's to it and it would add them alphabetically, but now it adds the mp3's to the top of all my music files?, I have to drag them to the right place, like A,B,C Etc..artists names.can anyone help me here?why is it suddenly acting up?

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Access Denied: My Documents Or My Music Folders

Oct 31, 2007

When I try to access the My Documents or My Music folders in my user account folder, it says Access Denied. Also, when I tried to disable indexing for my hard drive, I was denied access as well. Do I need to be on the root admin account to have access to these things? How do I get rid of all these annoying restrictions so I can use them on my regular account? I have UAC disabled.

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Music Folder Back Up?

Mar 23, 2008

I have 1.44 gb on hard drive and wanting to back up on a 700mg CDR..Wizard is useless here without really any options except to finish with files that will fit..Am told word of mouth there is software so I can use multiple disks to do the task but I do want want to invest as this will happen rarely to me..Problem is its the music folder in my document and I don't want to confuse things by splitting the music folder into its two folders and not know where my music will wind up.

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Folder Not Showing The Music Files

Mar 24, 2010

I've been having trouble with a folder. I placed a music file in a folder that it shouldn't have been in and the image art is now on the folder. I can't seem to get it to return to default. I've done the folder options with no avail. I have some knowledge of computers. If you tell me what needs to be done I can navigate my way through and get it done. My machine is HP G60-237NR Notebook running Vista Home Premium 32bit.

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Deleted Virtual Music Folder

Feb 28, 2009

I had a similar problem where two virtual music folders in $USERPROFILE% were created, but there was just one in C:\Users$USERPROFILE% I believe that this event occurred because I initially accidentally moved the music virtual folder in $USERPROFILE% to another area, and the 'MUSIC' link in the start menu located it there. However, at the time, since i have only been using Vista for 3 days now, i did not know that virtual folders existed. Thus, thinking that another music folder had been created, and was taking up space in my hard drive, I subsequently deleted the music folder. Consequently, the location of the music folder did not work, but when i tried to fix that up, two virtual music folders showed up in %USERPROFILE%, and only one appeared in C:\Users$USERPROFILE%. I thought this was a registry problem, and decided to take a look at: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionExplorerUser Shell Folders

I also looked at the shell folders as well. But, as I am not proficient in registry files, I did not do much except just check that the link for the music folder had not been tampered with, and was showing correctly, $USERPROFILE%Music. By the way, if i had deleted the virtual folder, it would delete the two folders in $USERPROFILE% and the single folder in C:\Users$USERPROFILE%. So, after deleting, relocating, and reading many posts, I believe that I fixed up the problem by following Dzomlija advice. I had also turned off 'Indexing'. So, i turned indexing on, and let the laptop run for the night. Then, i deleted the virtual music folder (there were 3), and rebooted. For some reason, Vista managed to recognise that the virtual folder was missing, and just created it, and my problem was fixed! Although I am still trying to understand Vista, I have learnt that it is not a great idea to always manually edit things.I have created this post because I do not want someone to spend 10 hours on fixing up virtual folders like me.

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Create A Shortcut Of The Music Folder By Dragging It

May 4, 2008

I've just tried to create a shortcut of the Music folder by dragging it to the desktop, but instead vista places a duplicate (not a copy or a shortcut) of the folder to the desktop. It gets better, i then decided to delete what i thought was the music folder shortcut located on the desktop and hastily clicked the yes
button to trash it. I'm assuming the file names were too big for the bin, and lost over 1300 songs! I'm just after some answers as to why vista does this? Just FYI, the right way to get it off your desktop is to drag it back to it's default folder.

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My Music + Outlook 2007 Folder Corrupted

Sep 2, 2009

The My Music folder has become corrupted - I can't delete, rename or do anything else with it. It's holding about 2000 files hostage. I haven't figured out any way (despite lots of searching) to fix it (chkdsk, etc. did not work). So, I'm considering wiping the machine and reinstalling all drivers back to factory install.

Problem is Office 2007 license was transferred to me by former employer. It's legal, but I don't have the media. I went back to the former employer and asked for discs. After a long battle, they sent me a version of Office that has the other things I need (Excel, Word, PPT and One Note), but it doesn't have Outlook 2007. So, now I have media with valid key for all of Office, except for Outlook. I need Outlook (not express) to sync to my iPhone (which also requires a My Music folder to install iTunes...which is how I got into this mess in the first place!).

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Recreating Music Folder Doesn't Location

Nov 1, 2008

I am moving my Documents , Pictures, and Music folders associated with the start menu on the right side of start menu (under the user pix) to a seperate partition on the hard drive so that it will be easier to back up these files monthly, and also allow me to create an image disk of the os without all the data files being included. Going very smoothly except that I stupidly deleted the music folder after I had moved the files, and now when I click the music tab on the start menu, it no longer directs to where the music files have been moved. The Pictures and Documents tabs work correctly...that is, when I click those tabs on the start menu, I am taken to their new location just fine.

My question is, is there some way to re-create that original Music folder which , when I right-click properties, has the tab for LOCATION which will then allow me to change its location settings so that the Music tab on the start menu can find it ? Seems to be a special type of folder, and if I just create a new one, it does not include the Location tab under properties. I should add that I can create a shortcut and pin it to the start menu, but if possible, I'd like to use the original Music tab on the right side of start menu.

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Icons/Files From User Folder Showing Up In Computer Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I have several icons/files from my "User" folder showing up in the "Computer" folder (several in duplicate), PLUS numerous blank icons. This seems to have occurred after the Common Files folder became corrupted, after I somewhat riskily decided to power off while Vista was attempting to come out of Sleep mode - it had already taken about 3 mins and I was in a hurry - bad move, I know. That delay appears to have been due to an old version of Online Armor, and has now been fixed (by an update). Chkdsk scanned and (apparently) corrected some errors, and I also ran SFC which said it had corrected some errors but had also found some that it couldn't correct.

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So All Of A Sudden Explorer Is Showing My C: Drive As A Music Folder

May 18, 2008

When I click on the C: drive in my explorer view I get all the subfolders. However, instead of size and date modified I get album, artist and rating info. For any individual sub folder I can right click and change the customize properties to detail view, but for the C: drive no such option is aviable. How can I change the view back to details?

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Moved Documents Folder To User Profile Folder

May 18, 2010

I've accidentally moved my Documents Folder into my user profile folder by mistake and now i have a mess. basically I now have a folder that goes something like this: c:usersdocuments and it contains a duplicate of everything that was already in the desktopusernamedocuments folder except now I can't rename or delete my user profile I don't have a restore point to go back to what can I do?

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Moved Music Folder To A Mapped Drive, And This Is The Result In Windows Explorer

Jul 23, 2009

I've recently moved my music folder to a mapped drive, and this is the result in Windows Explorer:

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Can Not Move A Folder From My "Downloads" Folder To My "Music" Folder

Apr 14, 2008

I want to do is move a folder from my "Downloads" folder to my "Music" folder. Just a simple drop and drag. I'm about to just go linux.

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Destination Folder Access Denied :: Copy Folder From Memory Stick To External HD

Feb 6, 2009

When trying to copy a folder from a memory stick to my external HD it says Destination folder access denied. You need permission to perform this action. No doubt its something similar to my last post, but I can't seem to get around it. Any info would be great. TIA BTW I have 2 memory sticks and only one came up with this.

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Destination Folder Access Denied On Folder/file Rename

Nov 10, 2008

On external hard drives. is there a way to take control on the whole drive? (TONS of folders on 2 different drives that i'd like to rename, etc here and there.

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Sound: Loading Music Is Severely Distorted, Cannot Listen To Any Music On Myspace Or Watch Any Videos

Apr 23, 2008

i am having problems with the sound on vista. music plays fine until i open anything else. if anything is loading music is severely distorted. i have updated eveything there is. i cannot listen to any music on myspace or watch any videos on Internet.

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Xbox 360 Access Music Files:drive Address And Network Address

Mar 29, 2009

Been trying for hours to use Xbox 360 to access music and other files on my compuer, using both Drive address and network address. ALL files can be seen successfully on WMC on the Vista computer but nothing on the Xbox 360 -- except some photos on my son's XP machine (that worked easily).Could really use a simple solution to this please!

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Restricting User Access ?

Dec 25, 2008

Is there a way to turn off access to the Control Panel by secondary user accounts ? My kids keep getting in there and changing things, I'd like to put a stop to this.

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MSN Music To Delete DRM Keys - Say Goodbye To Your Music

May 1, 2008

MSN Music To Delete DRM Keys - Say Goodbye To Your Music "Customers who have purchased music from Microsoft's now-defunct MSN Music store are now facing a decision they never anticipated making: commit to which computers (and OS) they want to authorize forever, or give up access to the music they paid for. Why? Because Microsoft has decided that it's done supporting the service and will be turning off the MSN Music license servers by the end of this summer." just another "screw you" from Microsoft

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Mysterious Music: (innocuous Dance Music, Which Is Not From My HD Thats For Sure)

Sep 30, 2009

Have I got a trojan? My laptop is taken over by some weird software and keeps playing this music (innocuous dance music, which is not from my HD thats for sure). I dont know where it came from. My CD tray is empty. AVG search founds nothing wrong. What is this? I can turn the volume down.. but nohting else.

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MP3 Cd To A Music CD: Convert These MP3 Songs To A Music CD Format

Mar 17, 2009

I have a CD that has all the songs on it in MP3 format. I would like to convert these MP3 songs to a music CD format that will play on my cars CD player. The CD that has MP3 songs will not play on the cars player. What do I need to do to get these MP3's to copy to a normal CD so I can play them.

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Music But No Voices Within Music Files, Wierd

Mar 23, 2008

My vista home premium seems to have a problem with its music media replay. When I open a song file, the music id fine but the vocals sound distant, inaudible and a large amount of echo. I did download an mp3 player called morpher or something very similar but deleted after playing two songs, has this damaged my music files or my computer? I am unsure if the mp3 player is the culprit but all was fine beforehand.

I have updated the realtek driver but has made no difference to the vocal reproduction. I have also tried a system restore to a date well before the mp3 player was put onto the computer, it still made no difference.

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Recycle Bin - User Access Denied

Apr 6, 2009

Vista Home Premium SP1. I'm trying to clean up the desktop of a standard user, and I get a "user access denied" when I move it to the Recycle Bin. What setting do I have screwed up? In XP I could manipulate Desktop shortcuts around with Wijndows Explorer looking at all the desktops under Documents and Settings. Now when I look at the desktops as Administrator

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New User, Setting Up, Couldn't Access

Feb 8, 2009

I posted before but couldn't get a resolution to my situation. I'm setting up a new user for me on my girl friends laptop. She is on as the Administrator, I created a 'new User' for myself but software such as Blackbery desktop, Google Chrome and the dial-up for my Blackberry don't seem to be accesable, at least not readily> I did go to the Google chrome folder and made it "sharable" with my user account but after going to my account, still couldn't access it unless it went through permission by administrator. I'm confused as I assumed that if any new user accounts were set up that all software that was down loaded and install while in the Administrators user account (my girl friend) that they would be easily accessable in any new user accounts that we set up, right? wrong?

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Can Access Videos From Another User Profile?

Aug 18, 2009

My computer was infected by an virus a few weeks ago and I was able to get rid of the virus. Now all my user profiles are BLACKED out except the Administrator profile. However, I can't access the videos saved under different user profiles? I'm getting a msg now saying this

Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file. For additional assistance, click Web Help. You've encountered error message C00D11B1 while using Windows Media Player. The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue. how to fix? Do i have to take ownership? If so, how do I go about it?

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Unable To Access User Profile

Mar 23, 2008

my husband and I each have a user profile on our computer. Lately whenever he tries to access his profile to get to his files, favorites, etc. he gets this message: "The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded." So he is unable to get to any of his files or music in the Media Center. He uses my user profile to get to his Yahoo browser to get his email but cannot get any of his bookmarks which is becoming very irritating to him. I can't blame him. We have a new computer with Windows Vista.

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