Slow UAC, "User Access Control"

Jul 29, 2009

When I run a program as an administrator or when windows needs my permission to run a program "User Access Control", it some times, actualy a lot of the time it takes a long time "up to 10 secondes" until it displays the UAC box,

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Admin To Control User Access Permissions

Sep 20, 2008

I am new user to the Windows Vista Home premium. My laptop is being shared with some family children. I given them the Standard User Account and applied various security policies regarding their computer usage.

1. How can I restrict a Standard User from using Removable Media like CD, DVD, USB.

2. How can I disable "Delete Browsing History" or "Internet Options" for the internet explorer for a standard user.

I have searched on net but nothing fruitful can be done even on changing Registry.

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User Account Control "An Unidentified Program Wants Access To Your Computer"

Apr 17, 2008

Is there a way to prevent the "An unidentified program wants access to your computer" box from coming up every time I open the same program?

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User Account Control: Prevent The "An Unidentified Program Wants Access To Your Computer"

Apr 16, 2008

Is there a way to prevent the "An unidentified program wants access to your computer" box from coming up every time I open the same program?

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Turn Off User Account Control

Feb 15, 2009

How to turn off User Account Control ?

The endless prompts are driving me batty ...

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Microsoft: The Why Of UAC (User Account Control)

Oct 14, 2008

User Account Control. We promised that this blog would provide a view of Engineering Windows 7 and that means that we would cover the full range of topics—from performance to user interface, technical and non-technical topics, and of course easy topics and controversial topics. This post is about User Account Control. Our author is Ben Fathi, vice president for core OS development. UAC is a feature that crosses many aspects of the Windows architecture—security, accounts, user interface, design, and so on—we had several other members of the team contribute to the post.

We continue to value the discussion that the posts seem to inspire—we are betting (not literally of course) that this post will bring out comments from even the most reserved of our readers. Let’s keep the comments constructive and on-topic for this one. FWIW, the server employs some throttles on comments that aim to reduce spam. We don’t control this and have all the “unmoderated” options checked. I can’t publish the spam protection rules since that sort of defeats the purpose (and I don’t know them). However, I apologize if your comment doesn’t make it through. --Steven........

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User Account Control (UAC) Issues

Feb 25, 2009

Anyhow, i have problems with UAC account setting: I can only disable UAC account via msconfig. If using Control Panel, I am not able to click any link that has the shield logo beside it. The window will appear and simply dissappear seconds after. By using the standard Administrator setting (not the true Administrator access): I cannot perform Windows Update. Error 8007005 , I cannot log-in to Windows Messenger. Same error message, I can connect to my wireless router, but the icon is showing as 'not connected', So far i found out that i cannot change the sound and mouse setting, I cannot uninstall program, i cannot change my anti-virus setting

Question 1:
- Are the above is what is supposed to happen when using standard Administrator setting?,
-If no: - Should I consider Vista repair or clean re-install?

-If yes: - I would like to have UAC security but with true Administrator access. Is this possible? If so, should I consider enable the built-in Administrator and set-up password?

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Disable User Account Control (UAC), Pop Up

Apr 17, 2009

I'm using Vista Home Premium. Since I am the only user of my laptop, I disabled the User Account Control (UAC). After every startup, a window pops up reminding me to enable UAC which I purposely turned off. Anybody know how to prevent this annoying window from appearing?

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User Account Control Is Turned Off

Apr 26, 2008

I keep on recieving this popup down the bottom right of me screen because i have turned UAC off Check your User Account Control settings user account control is turned off click this notifiaction to fix this problem Do any of you know if there is a part of the registry where it could allow me to turn this off

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User Account Control Is Turned Off?

Jan 31, 2010

I keep on recieving this popup down the bottom right of me screen because i have turned UAC off Check your User Account Control settings user account control is turned off click this notifiaction to fix this problem Do any of you know if there is a part of the registry where it could allow me to turn this off with vista home

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User Account Control Can't Displays

Oct 12, 2009

Every now and then, I use PowerTools Lite to see what "rubbish" has accumulated in the Registry etc. Vista treats this prog as unidentified and displays the UAC window giving me the options of running it or quitting. Is there a way of letting Vista know that I trust this program and therefor not display the UAC window each time I launch it?

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Disable UAC (User Account Control)

Dec 8, 2006

Had enough of the constant UAC Authorization pop-up boxes? And given up trying to tweak UAC? There is a easy way to disable user account control so that you never have to deal with the approvals and requests for consent ever again. Just follow these steps below:

Click on the Start Button and go to the Control Panel.
In the Control Panel search box, search for "disable uac"....

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Disable User Account Control (UAC) Only For Administrators

Feb 20, 2007

I'm sure you are well aware now of the advantages and disadvantages of UAC. It is great for non-admin users because it protects their computer from themselves.  For advanced users, it can be a much different story causing many annoying authorization pop-ups. This is most common when you are doing a lot of activities that require admin rights such as installing applications and configuring Windows Vista after a fresh install.  There is one practical solution to this issue that will help you with the UAC pop-ups if they annoy you and still benefit from the security of UAC.

This can be achieved by adjusting the local security policy to essentially disable UAC for administrators while leaving it enabled for low rights users.  When you are using your PC for normal day-to-day use, log in with your low rights account.  If you need to install a bunch of applications and make major system configuration changes then log in with your admin account.  With fast user switching in Windows Vista you can easily switch between your accounts with little effort....

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User Account Control: Desktop Appearances Changed

May 10, 2009

Windows Platform: 32xVista, Comp: HP 6700 ; To start off, I was an idiot and was installing some program a friend had given to me and it required "New SID" from Microsoft and I did brief (obviously too brief) research on Microsoft's site and I went to install it. It sat there for literally an hour and I thought the process had froze but did not know what to do so I ended up ending the task from the task manager... and when I restarted....boom! Everything changed and disappeared...

So on my desktop everything with the appearance changed and I am shocked to discover that I no longer have Administrator access, my useraccount *User* has only guest privileges (and I went online and spent hours today doing a search with people with similar problems) and went through Safemode....went through other procedures to try to access my account but I'm unable to! The weirdest thing is that I am able to log on to the "Administrator" account when I am in safe mode but, and a big Admin account in safe mode is also under Guest status and I can't do anything to stop it

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Disable User Account Control For Admin Profile?

Jun 9, 2008

In Vista Home Premium, I want to disable User Account Control just for the admininstrator profile. I want User Account Control to remain enabled for all other user profiles. How can I do this? I have tried several methods that Google found, but always when I disable UAC for admininstrator, it is then disabled for other users. How can I disable it just for the admininstrator?

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User Account Control Message, Administrator Password

Dec 30, 2008

I am setup as a standard user. When I try to change anything I get the User Account Control message. It asks for an administrator password, but it is not allowing me to enter the password. I know the pass, but when I try to type it in, nothing happens.

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Tweak User Account Control (UAC) With Security Policies

Dec 22, 2005

To cut down on malicious software applications and beginner computer users from changing critical computer settings, Microsoft has included a new feature called User Account Control, primarily known as UAC. UAC is a great step in the right direction. It can be used to prevent a beginner computer user from making changes to their computer by restricting them from accessing or even saving any changes to critical areas.  UAC is also helpful against Spyware and other malicious software because it will require the user to consent to the action, before any system changes are made.

UAC is a good feature but sometimes it is necessary to tweak it a little so that it is less annoying for more experienced users. For example, an advanced user may be overwhelmed by the number of pop up authorization they receive. By tweaking the settings they can reduce the number of those they see as well as completely disable UAC.  Although I do not recommend you completely disable UAC, you can fine tune it to be easier to get along with.

1. To get started, open up the Local Security Settings MMC to show the local security policies by running secpol.msc.

2. Navigate through Local Policies and Security Options.

3. Scroll through the list on the right of the various security settings until your reach the User Account Protection settings. Refer to the list below of the various settings, to change them, just right click and select Modify. Items in bold are the default values.

User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account ...

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Stop User Account Control (UAC) Screen Flicker / Flash

Feb 19, 2007

Every time I get one of those UAC prompts asking me to authorize an administrative action my LCD screen flashes when the box pops up. This is caused by the switch to the secure desktop, similar to what happens when you hit CTRL + ALT + DELETE. The only difference is that the background is a snapshot of your desktop that gives it the effect that it is just a pop up window. Although if you look carefully you will notice it is static since the clock does not change and anything else that was animated is now static. The secure desktop provides an extra level of security to UAC by making it immune to any application that may try to automate the click on the allow button bypassing the purpose of UAC.

This sounds like a great thing but it is really annoying to me. I hate that screen flicker. Rather than disable UAC, there is a better alternative.  Instead, I can just disable the secure desktop switch that causes the flicker. I know this is not as secure but it is better than disabling UAC completely. 

Follow the steps below to disable UAC secure desktop: ...

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User Account Control And Mouse Doesn't Function Properly

May 28, 2008

I have recently started to transition to Vista (dual booting with XPPro). One problem that I'm having is that my ergo mouse (EvoluentVertical Mouse) uses a driver that runs as an application, not aservice (I think). It has a tray icon, but that can be hidden via the options. The problem is that every time it's software runs at startup (the application launches via the Startup start menu group) the UAC kicks off and ask for consent for it to run. Normally you only see this when you install something or if you try to access a high level admin type tool, as I understand it.Is there some way to permanently consent to this application running at startup? If the application isn't running the mouse doesn't function properly. I tried using the compatibility option to have it run with administrator privileges, but that didn't make any difference.

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Cannot Access Control Panel

Mar 21, 2009

I am using Vista ultimate x64bit.

Suddenly I cannot access the control panel or vista update or Backup,also the shortcut to Administrative tools is no longer there.

I have searched in vain with google and have not found a solution to this problem.

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Is Slow Because It Spys On The Computer User.

Apr 6, 2008

I don't own a Mac but I bought a Vista machine from Dell. I asked toreturn it because it ran so slow. They offered to install XP as it was the only way to make it run at a decent speed.

These are the facts,

1. XP is still going strong because computer manufactures don't want
to sell slow machines.

2. Microsoft it self is so mortified by the slow performance of Vista
that they are talking about introducing a new OS next year.

3. It is physically impossible for Vista to run as fast as Mac because
they use the same chips and Vista devotes most of its memory watching
the computer user.

Currently, Microsoft penalizes Vista users who fail to activate their operating system software within 30 days, or three days after a major hardware configuration change, by restricting Vista to running in "out-of-grace reduced functionality mode." This denies access to games included in Window Vista and to premium features such as Aero Glass,
ReadyBoost, and BitLocker. It also limits the amount of time the user can remain logged in to one hour.

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Turn Off The Annoying User Account Control Feature Without Vista Telling That You Have Turned It Off

Mar 23, 2008

How can you turn off the annoying User Account Control feature without Vista telling that you have turned it off, and having an icon in the system tray telling you that it is turned off?

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Control Panel:Ease Of Access Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

When I go to Control panel of mine most of my setting features are not shown amongst whom the important one is the Ease of Access. I don't know if it is a problem which came by updating the Vista or what? I was thinking if SP1 for Vista could help me so please let me know if there is a way to fix the problem of having a compact Vista. The Windows games also don't work and many many other thinks (in Control panel) are also to be mentioned.

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Unable To Access Control Panel Selections

Jun 14, 2008

I'm running Vista Home Premium x64, 2GB memory, NVidia 8600 GT with ASUS M2N motherboard. My problem is this: About four days ago I started my system and left the room. When I came back the monitor was blank even though the computer was running. I had to do power button shut down. It started back up without a problem. Later on I tried to open the device manager from the control panel and got a half second flash of a screen but it would not open. That started me looking at other shortcuts in the control panel (classic view).

I have since found that I cannot access: Auto Play, Backup and Restore, Default Programs, Ease of Access, Network and Sharing Center, Parental Controls, Performance Information and Tools, Personalization, Power Options, Speech Recognition Options, System, User Accounts, Welcome Center, Windows Anytime Upgrade, Windows Sideshow and WWindows Update. I haven't been able to find any information about this particular problem anywhere I've looked. I had the UAC turned off and always got a warning after startup that it was disabled. I turned it back on and can now access the device manager but everything else is still inaccessable. I'm still able to use my system but it's driving me nuts knowing it's not 100%.

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Unable To Access Nvidia Control Panel

Sep 16, 2008

I can't access the NVIDIA Control panel, I get an instant error message, as per attached. I am running 175.16 driver and I can't install newest driver as I need to access the NVIDIA Control panel so I can set up dual monitors. I can't even run Driver Sweeper, it leaves 3 files behind and I don't think it does an uninstall.

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When Started Moving/ Downloading Files I Had To Change My UAC (user Account Control) Settings Lower, Or Remove Them All Together

Aug 13, 2008

When I got started moving/ downloading files I had to change my UAC (user account control) settings lower, or remove them all together. Will this have an adverse effect to my lap top? Note: I don't have the site up yet.

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Control Panel :: Single Click Shortcuts For Ready Access?

Dec 19, 2008

I use Maxthon 2 as my bowser. Within M2, one can place many single click shortcuts for ready access. I'd like to place Control Panel there, but I need to know its pathway

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SLOW Access To NAS Drive

May 3, 2009

My basic setup is hanging off a Netgear DG834GT, which then connects to a Netgear FS608 (10/100 switch).

On this switch I have my old laptop running XP Media Centre, my spanking new desktop running Vista Ultimat x64 (fully SP1'd) and a Buffalo NAS DH500GL.

All sit within a foot or so of each other and connect via cat5e.

When writing to the NAS from XP, I'm getting write speeds of about 3.7Mb/s.

When writing to the NAS from Vista, I'm getting about 40kbs (yes, 'k' not 'M')
I get a similar 40kbs if writing from Vista to a shared doc area on the XP laptop.

Copying from the NAS to Vista (and XP) I get 3.7Mbs

Internet speed if similar on both for download (about 8Mbs) although I haven't tried upload speeds.

I've tried the auto-tune tweaks as suggested by Shane, and turned off DFS replication as suggested by DMEX.

Also tried plugging both the Vista box and the NAS into the DG834 incase the switch was causing the problem.

None of those helped

NAS firmware is fully up to date, as is Netgear DG834, and obviously the FS608 has no firmware to upgrade anyway.

At the moment I'm stuck with copying a file onto USB on the Vista box, plugging the USB into the laptop and uploading to the NAS from there - which reminds me too much of sneakernet technology .

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Slow Netwrok Access

Jul 9, 2008

I am using pair of Intel E5410 quad core processor with chipset Intel 5400 with on board network card (Broadcom Net Xtreme 57 Gigabyte controller). OS Vista Ultimate on x64. While I access network it is very slow.

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Restricting User Access ?

Dec 25, 2008

Is there a way to turn off access to the Control Panel by secondary user accounts ? My kids keep getting in there and changing things, I'd like to put a stop to this.

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Access The Internet But Very Slow Networking

Aug 9, 2006

I'm running build 5384 on a Dell Precision 370 and a Precision 380. I've tried 64 and 32bit versions but I keep having the following problem: Basically I can access the internet but very, very slowly. Most pages just time out. The machines both have Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit NIC's connected to Dell Powerconnect Gigabit switches. I've tried Manual IP config and DHCP but I can't get a reasonable speed through via ethernet! There's nothing wrong with the network, I've got hundreds of XP 32bit and x64 clients connected to the same network and they can all access the Internet fine. I can ping other clients on the netowork from the Vista machines and I get

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