Is Slow Because It Spys On The Computer User.

Apr 6, 2008

I don't own a Mac but I bought a Vista machine from Dell. I asked toreturn it because it ran so slow. They offered to install XP as it was the only way to make it run at a decent speed.

These are the facts,

1. XP is still going strong because computer manufactures don't want
to sell slow machines.

2. Microsoft it self is so mortified by the slow performance of Vista
that they are talking about introducing a new OS next year.

3. It is physically impossible for Vista to run as fast as Mac because
they use the same chips and Vista devotes most of its memory watching
the computer user.

Currently, Microsoft penalizes Vista users who fail to activate their operating system software within 30 days, or three days after a major hardware configuration change, by restricting Vista to running in "out-of-grace reduced functionality mode." This denies access to games included in Window Vista and to premium features such as Aero Glass,
ReadyBoost, and BitLocker. It also limits the amount of time the user can remain logged in to one hour.

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Slow Because Spys On Computer Users

Apr 6, 2008

I don't own a Mac but I bought a Vista machine from Dell. I asked to return it because it ran so slow. They offered to install XP as it was the only way to make it run at a decent speed. Here are the facts,

1. XP is still going strong because computer manufactures don't want to sell slow machines.

2. Microsoft it self is so mortified by the slow performance of Vista that they are talking about introducing a new OS next year.

3. It is physically impossible for Vista to run as fast as Mac because they use the same chips and Vista devotes most of its memory watching the computer user......

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Computer Running Slow

Jan 9, 2010

I am running Windows Vista 32 bit edition and the last weeks my computer has slowed down to a snail’s pace, i have checked for viruses and it is clean. I have run CCleaner and to remove all the rubbish but it is still very slow.

I even have trouble booting from a Vista boot DVD, it take approx 5 minutes just to get the welcome screen up that’s before any OS has booted.

I have a CPU monitor on the sidebar and the CPU and the Memory usage is up and down from nothing to 100 % all the time.

And when i do get the computer to work it is very slow and i can only open one window at a time

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Computer Running Too SLOW

May 11, 2008

i've been running my computer pretty much without problems. Recently I have noticed a real slow down in performance. I currently have Spybot S&D, and the purchased version of AVG installed. Thinking that perhaps one of these programs may be causing some kind of problem, I disabled both of them, but to no avail.

I run spyware searches and virus searches daily, which never really show up any thing of concern. I delete cookies etc on a daily basis too. My computer doesnt need defragged.
Could anyone give me any ideas as to what could be slowing it down so much.I tried to access my company site to process some work stuff and it took forever and a day to load what would normally be a couple of seconds.My computer is only about 8 months old, Intel Core Duo CPU, Memory 2047MB, 32 Bit O.S, with a Windows experience Index rating of 5.5.

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Computer To Slow When Shutdown

May 19, 2008

I Have laptop Toshiba, came with win xp home premium and I upgraded to win vista home premium with SP1.I noticing,when I turn off the computer take about one or two minutes to complete shutdown, even when I go to restart, same problem

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Computer Running So Slow

May 11, 2008

i've been running my computer pretty much without problems. Recently I have noticed a real slow down in performance. I currently have Spybot S&D, and the purchased version of AVG installed. Thinking that perhaps one of these programs may be causing some kind of problem, I disabled both of them, butto no avail. I run spyware searches and virus searches daily, which never really show up any thing of concern. I delete cookies etc on a daily basis too. My computer doesnt need defragged.Could anyone give me any ideas as to what could be slowing it down so much.

I tried to access my company site to process some work stuff and it took forever and a day to load what would normally be a couple of seconds. My computer is only about 8 months old, Intel Core Duo CPU, Memory 2047MB, 32 Bit O.S, with a Windows experience Index rating of 5.5. running Vista Professional.

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Slow And Brand New Computer Freeze Up Sometimes

May 20, 2009

How can brand new computer freeze up sometimes (of course I have a zillion windows at that time), and I think it is slow. Now the person who delivered it put my oold hard drive in it ALSO so that I could transfer the info - would that make a differece. I know they put so much crap on new computers

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Slow LAN Speed, Computer Locking Up

Apr 5, 2008

I've recentely bought a Qnap TS-109 NAS Sever. I am trying to copy all my bideo and music files over to it, however, as soon as I sart a transfer (either throught windows explorer or FTP) my computer slows to a crawl. Basically videos and music become juddery, my mouse and keyboard become very slow etc. Also I only seem to get about 3.5 MBPS when transfering files. Im on a 100mbps lan, my maths says that says thats a maximum of 12.5 MBPS, I know there are overheads but it should still be faster? Infact streming videos from the NAS server to my computer is worse that streaming them via my 54mbps wireless connection to my PS3. Is there something wrong with my setup? I am using two devolo highspeed home plugs between my pc and router, although my pc still says its connected at 100mbps and the homeplugs say they are linked at 100mbps.

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After Malware Removal Computer Is Slow

May 17, 2008

what could be causing my computer to boot up so slowly? If anything i thought it would be faster since I just removed a bunch of spyware and a virus too. I had to use stopzilla because live one care was not detecting it .I could see a trojan in my files so I bought stopzilla and it found no less than 34 infections, I removed them all and now is when i actually notice weird behavior from my computer.

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Computer Locking Up And Or Running VERY Slow..

Jul 16, 2009

the computer was always the last mointh it has been jamming up. locking up where I have to got to task manager and end task to get out. sometimes it look like it is locking up , but is only going SUPER slow, because I can still use the mouse as in sliding the page up or down. when it locks I cant use anything.

sometimes It happens with in a few clicks of the web pages I enter. I have Kasperky installed and I get pop ups about intrusions............

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Computer Booting Slow And Freezes

Mar 23, 2008

My computer is really slow then it just freezes after a while. This started a few days ago. I turned on my computer, had a bite to eat. Then when I went to my room, my computer suddenly re-started itself. Then I began to notice it was really slow; I looked at the clocked it it was reseted to like "12:00 am" and the date was like in year 2005." It frooze so I restarted and at the beginning I was able to run a
program but minutes later it begins to be really slow until it freezes for good.

So I just went to "safe" mode and the speed on my computer and everything is normal. It's just when I go into normal mode that's when it's just horrible. I scanned for virus and nothing; cleaned all cookies and such and it didn't work. I dunno what else to do.

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Disable The UAC Account On A User :: Whole Computer?

May 15, 2010

I would just like to ask a question about the UAC; if you disable the UAC account on a User does that disable it for the whole computer?

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Computer Hangs When Logging Into A User

Apr 3, 2010

I am having an app crash issue as of late that I am sure is probably posted somewhere else on this forum but I have not been able to locate the solution to my issue.

Here is what I am seeing:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: Explorer.EXE
Application Version: 6.0.6002.18005
Application Timestamp: 49e02a1e
Hang Signature: e4cb...........

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Should The Hardware Diagnostic Slow My New Computer To A Crawl?

Apr 4, 2009

Okay, so I've had this HP Pavilion with Vista 64 bit less than a week (see specs below) and it's much much faster than my old Dell model [with XP] BUT today I was running a scheduled Hardware Diagnostic and it took like 30-40 min. and towards the end of it I tried to change the Power management so it would not go to Screen Saver mode (as it already had) and when I tried to do so, it took like 3 min. for it to open the Control Panel, 3 more minutes to open the Power Options dialogue, 2-3 more minutes to open the sub-menu there, and so forth - altogether about 8-9 minutes to do this simple task of changing Power Options while running hardware diagnostics.

I can understand that Hardware Diagnostics might take a lot of the computer's resources, but THIS is ridiculous! It was like going back to Windows 98 with 256MB RAM. Problem is, I have this*, so it shouldn't be this slow! Should it??? :

*Pavilion a6750y Desktop

AMD Phenom X4 9650 quad core processor

8gigs PC2 6400 DDR2 SDRAM

750 gig SATA Hard Drive (7200 rpm) (with about 650 gigs of space left!)

ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics with 256mb memory

2MB L2 _ 2MB shared L3 Cache memory

Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit

Is there a way I can tweak my memory or ? to make this not happen? Or does my computer have a serious problem?

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Repair: Reintall Vista Computer Slow

Jul 19, 2009

I would like to re-install my version of Windows Vista Home Premuim, and i have the installation disc and everything, because my computer is so slow. I am making a back-up disc of everything i would want on the computer, including program files, Can i still install over my computer and the drivers for my modem and everything would be on the disc, or not?

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Windows Update 80070026, Computer Slow

Apr 5, 2009

My CPU will idle around 30%, and my memory will idle around 40%. I have 3.5GB of ram, and a dualcore 2.4GHZ cpu. I was checking windows update, and it says it cannot download any updates, and it's most recent check was on 9/9/2008. I tried manually downloaded the windows vista service pack 1, but it keeps failing and giving me error 80070026. Some people suggested I turn off things like real time protection, so I uninstalled my McAfee virus scan, and downloaded windows defender instead. I then disabled real time protection on the window's defender. Nothing else should have real time protection, so why can't I update?

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Re-installing :computer Started To Boot Up Slow

Jul 27, 2009

My computer has Vista Home Premium installed but about a couple of weeks ago my computer started to boot up slow (taking about 10 minutes). I couldn't figure out the problem and neither could anybody else so I am going to re-install vista.Is it possible to re-install vista without losing any personal or program data?

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Slow Boot Time Computer Running Ultimate X64

Mar 28, 2009

I've recently put together a new computer using these parts: I've updated to Vista Ultimate SP1, run multiple disk clean ups, defrags, use CCleaner, clean the registry, defrag the registry, disabled services and have made tweaks according to the guide provided on this website and have minimal startup programs running but my boot times average around 2 minutes. For a new computer with new hardware, this seems unreasonable as many users report boot times between 30-60 seconds. What could be wrong with my computer? On the vista loading screen with the green bar, it goes through about 22 cycles.

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User Account Disables Itself If I Logout/put Computer To Sleep

Apr 22, 2010

I have a laptop running Windows Vista Home Premium x64 with 340gb of extra memory, and 4gb of ram, and out of absolutely nowhere, I started to get this problem. I am the only user of this computer, guest account is disabled, and I'm the administrator.

Basically, I turn on the computer.

I login to my account. Great. Computer loads up as normal.

I close the laptop to put in my bag or something. By default, I have required to reenter the password to log back in once I open the computer again. BUT if when I type in the password to log back in, I get a message that says "Your Account Has Been Disabled. Please See Your System Administrator"

This happens if I log out of my account, or if I press switch user, and go back in my account.

I don't use internet on the laptop so I know I do not have any virus issues...I did run my virus scan once to make sure and it got nothing...

I suppose I could just require my computer to not need a password if I wake it from Sleep, but still, I shouldn't have to resort to that.

Does anyone else know what I should do? System restore maybe?

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How To Change The User Name On A Vista Operated Computer Without Completely Reinstalling

Mar 5, 2009

how to change the user name on a Vista operated computer without completely reinstalling the operating system software and all the applications that already installed? I need to put her name in as the user and remove mines.

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Slow UAC, "User Access Control"

Jul 29, 2009

When I run a program as an administrator or when windows needs my permission to run a program "User Access Control", it some times, actualy a lot of the time it takes a long time "up to 10 secondes" until it displays the UAC box,

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User Account Control "An Unidentified Program Wants Access To Your Computer"

Apr 17, 2008

Is there a way to prevent the "An unidentified program wants access to your computer" box from coming up every time I open the same program?

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User Account Control: Prevent The "An Unidentified Program Wants Access To Your Computer"

Apr 16, 2008

Is there a way to prevent the "An unidentified program wants access to your computer" box from coming up every time I open the same program?

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Icons/Files From User Folder Showing Up In Computer Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I have several icons/files from my "User" folder showing up in the "Computer" folder (several in duplicate), PLUS numerous blank icons. This seems to have occurred after the Common Files folder became corrupted, after I somewhat riskily decided to power off while Vista was attempting to come out of Sleep mode - it had already taken about 3 mins and I was in a hurry - bad move, I know. That delay appears to have been due to an old version of Online Armor, and has now been fixed (by an update). Chkdsk scanned and (apparently) corrected some errors, and I also ran SFC which said it had corrected some errors but had also found some that it couldn't correct.

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User Admin Previous User Missing

Mar 26, 2008

[This is my second post on the same subject. The first thread died] I had this Vista Home Basic machine working okay, but the power went out and then another person who was high used the machine. They named a new user as administrator. I don't know what else they did.

Now I have a new user as administrator and the previous users are gone. I still see evidence of them in the file tree but the old programs are gone and the documents are buried in C > Users > Admin (that was a name of a previous user that I had named when I first got the machine) I've gradually installed some of my old programs and I'm currently
just rebuilding everything, but it would be a lot easier if I could revert to the old user system. The Control Panel > add or remove user accounts is useless. I only have two icons there So is there anyway to return to the original condition? How can I recover the missing users?

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Administration: User Name In Task Manager Under User Shows Up As "BOBLAFAYETTE Est"

Feb 6, 2009

Received my computer back yesterday from HP with reinstalled clean version of Vista Home Premium. It came back with a user name of 'test'. I attempted to change the name to my name "Bob Lafayette" and the user name in task manager under user shows up as "BOBLAFAYETTE est". In System Information the user name shows as BOBLAFAYETTE est

In user profiles the administrator shows as Bob Lafayette. The computer name shows as "BobLafayette." Computer description shows as "Bob's Computer." How can I amend the user name in task manager to reflect solely "BobLafayette"? Without the "test"?

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Computer Shuts Down: Run CHKDSK /F And Check For Hard Drive Corruption And Then Restart Your Computer"

Sep 30, 2009

Before the computer actually came to the point of "shuting down just before it tried to load the o/s" it literrly kept shuting down on its own randomly for a week or so. Then the blue screen appeard with this error: 0x0000007BC , 0x84C5DBA0, 0x0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 "Run CHKDSK /F and check for Hard Drive Corruption and then restart your computer"

Basically it's telling me the DRIVE is corruptet! Well, I plugged that SATA 2 HDD into my other computer (windows xp), detected it correctly and actually formated the drive and reinstalled XP on it without any types of problem. Does it still mean - SATA 2 is corrupted or broken!? How about the RAM then ... indeed, I did run the MemTest for 7 times and no errors were found. So the RAM are ok in this case, or am I wrong?! Maybe it's the PSU... ermmm no that cannot be 'cos the computer never shuts down, if I leave it run for (e.g 5 hours) and even if it's comes to "overheating" that cannot be the case eather, as its *again" never shuts down when you leave it run on the power.........

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Reboot Computer Through Windows The Computer Shuts Down Correctly

Jun 16, 2009

When I reboot my computer through Windows the computer shuts down correctly, but then the monitor remains black and the bios starts beeping out the error code for "VGA not detected". Why would this be? I am forced to press the power button and wait from 5 to 10 minutes to reboot normally. (I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate x64, have an ASUS P6T Deluxe motherboard and a Gigabyte Geforce GTX 280. 800 watts ZION power supply) Is this a BIOS settings or GPU problem? I already reseated the GPU. Could it be a power supply failure?

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How To Transfer Quickbooks 2007 Data From Xp Computer To A New Computer

Feb 22, 2009

How do I transfer my quickbooks 2007 data on my xp computer to my new vista x64 computer with quickbooks 2007? Can this be done? If so how do I do it?

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Importing/exporting Contacts From One Computer To Second Computer

May 5, 2008

I would like to export my contacts from my computer to my second computer. Both computers use Windows Mail. I tried exporting the contacts as CSV and vCard files. Using both methods, I was able to import my contacts into my second computer but they weren't neatly organized in files: i.e. business contacts, personal contacts, family, etc. Is there a way to export my contacts so they are still in the correct files and are neatly organized?

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XP Computer Disappears And Reappears Arbitrarily From Computer

Jul 29, 2009

I have a Vista Laptop that needs to access a printer on an XP computer in my sister's law office. I'm having trouble trying to even have the XP computer show up consistently on my sister's computer. I can ping it every time from the command prompt. I have all firewalls unenabled on both computers. Identical user accounts on both systems. File and Print sharing set up on both. The Link Layer topology is present on the Vista computer. When the laptop sits for a while the XP computer will show up on the map; but, Vista comes up with an error message when I try to access the XP computer.

Beyond that, the map will lose the XP computer on occassion. The Vista computer can access the internet well enough through the router. At this point I can't install the printer on the Vista computer for not being able to access the XP computer from Vista. I've networked Vista computers before on XP networks, and this is the first time I've encountered this problem. Additional info; net view will not show xp computer. Workgroup name is the same for both XP and Vista computer. The restrict anonymous registry key on the XP computer is set at 1. Was originally set at 0. (Norton's Systemwork altered setting)

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