Slow LAN Speed, Computer Locking Up

Apr 5, 2008

I've recentely bought a Qnap TS-109 NAS Sever. I am trying to copy all my bideo and music files over to it, however, as soon as I sart a transfer (either throught windows explorer or FTP) my computer slows to a crawl. Basically videos and music become juddery, my mouse and keyboard become very slow etc. Also I only seem to get about 3.5 MBPS when transfering files. Im on a 100mbps lan, my maths says that says thats a maximum of 12.5 MBPS, I know there are overheads but it should still be faster? Infact streming videos from the NAS server to my computer is worse that streaming them via my 54mbps wireless connection to my PS3. Is there something wrong with my setup? I am using two devolo highspeed home plugs between my pc and router, although my pc still says its connected at 100mbps and the homeplugs say they are linked at 100mbps.

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Computer Locking Up And Or Running VERY Slow..

Jul 16, 2009

the computer was always the last mointh it has been jamming up. locking up where I have to got to task manager and end task to get out. sometimes it look like it is locking up , but is only going SUPER slow, because I can still use the mouse as in sliding the page up or down. when it locks I cant use anything.

sometimes It happens with in a few clicks of the web pages I enter. I have Kasperky installed and I get pop ups about intrusions............

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Slow Internet Speed:speed Goes Down To 300 Kbps

Sep 5, 2008

I have Vista x64 Ultimate and I'm having internet connection issues. My laptop is the HP Pavillion dv7. My ISP tells me everything is fine on his end. I have a router (Linksys model BEFW11S4) 2.4 Ghz - 802.11b. When I connect the wire from my modem directly to my laptop, I get internet speeds of 900 Kbps. But when I use the router, the speed goes down to 300 Kbps. Is there a setting in Vista that could be doing this? According to Linksys, I should be able to attain 900 Kbps with the router. The laptop comes with a wireless adapter (Intel Wi-Fi Link 5100AGN).

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Computer Locking Up

Jun 5, 2008

After starting my computer, it runs for sereral minutes & then locks up. Yesterday, I tried to install Vista SP3, it failed to install. The message I got that it would revert the computer to where it was. I noticed all of my settings weren't the same as before. This was yerterday morning & the computer locked up for the first time last night. could this be the problem or could it possibly be something else? I,ve tried System Restore at startup & safe mode, but it won't stay running long enough.

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Computer Keeps Locking, Freezing, Etc

Apr 26, 2009

Allow me to backtrack. A bit over a month ago, my video card started to show some pretty obvious signs of nearing demise. Graphical glitches in video games, random screen black-outs, and even more random total computer lock ups--but only when playing games. So, I replaced it. All was well. Until a couple of weeks ago. Now, all I'm getting is the lock-ups. These stopped when I first replaced the card, and only recently started happening. These locks are...different, though. For starters, they happen whether I'm playing a game or not. I don't have to be doing anything even remotely graphically intensive. Just staring at my desktop after startup will occasionally freeze. That said, it happens most often while I am playing games--but a counter to that would be that most of the time I'm on my computer, I'm doing that. So it's not exactly a reliable conclusion.

Something else strange about these freezes is that...they usually come to a slow halt, rather than slamming on the breaks. It's most noticeable when I'm typing. Letters will show up a split second late and within a few seconds, the computer is a brick until I manually reboot it. I've tried a few things. The video card is seated properly, the drivers are up to date. I cleaned out what little dust was in my computer. I defragmented. I tried to reinstall Vista. Tried to. I pop the disk in and it does its thing for what feels like forever, only to give me an error message and revert my system back to before it started. Honestly, I didn't write the error down though I know I should have. It was dawn, and I was too busy slamming my head against my desk.

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Computer Locking Up And Not Installing

Aug 15, 2008

My friend bought a new computer a few months ago that came with Vista installed. It also came with a bunch of other programs (bloatware) installed. I uninstalled all the stuff she didn't want, which included Norton AV, and replaced that particular program with AntiVir, which I have used and liked for years. She doesn't use the computer for much except playing pre-installed card games and reading email, and she didn't install anything except her Kodak printer. I installed the Comodo firewall, but that didn't work well for her, so when Zone Alarm released a Vista-compatible version, I uninstalled Comodo and installed ZA.

She began telling me the computer was freezing up from time to time. Then it began freezing up regularly. Now it is freezing up so badly that she can't even play her games. I reviewed the event log and found errors involving Windows Error Reporting service, and warnings about the printer. I turned off the error reporting and unplugged the printer. The problem persisted..............

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Locking Computer After 1 Minute.

Aug 23, 2009

just curious why it locks, and if it can be changed.

- If I turn on screensaver, and choose 'On resume, display logon screen'
- If I turn it off again, it locks my computer after the time set in screensaver. Even though it's turned off.

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How Disable Automatic Locking Of Computer?

Sep 26, 2008

My Vista home premium automatically locks after a short time. This is super annoying. I want to turn it off. My screen saver used to come on, but now it locks instead. I am using the Webshots screen saver, and it does not have anything on it for setting a password, so I cannot set that, as was suggested in another forum. Isn't there some way to simply tell windows to NOT automatically lock my computer, EVER?

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Slow Cpu Speed

Aug 1, 2009

i have reloaded window last night every think has gone fine and the computer is just as fast as it use to be BUT i have updated my wei and it came back with 5.9 for every think but the cpu which use to be 5.9 but now is 5.4. i then installed cool and quit of the asus driver disc to find that it says it is runing 1300 and not 2600 which is what the cpu is but if you go into the bios it says it is runing 2600 and the clock timing is set to auto i have manualy put in 2600 in on the seting but cool and quite still see it as runing 1300 . like ive said the system does not sem and slower but i would like to now what is wrong. i have update the bios and the cool and quite to the lateist one.

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IE7 Slow : How To Speed Up

Jun 7, 2008

I tried to disable a lot of things without any success... (phising filter, protected mode etc) ex. will take 10 second to load firefox 3 it will take 1 second and there is a lot of websites that behave the same way WHY IS Ie7 so slow ?? it doesn't make sense to be 10x slower on some pages

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Slow Download Speed Using

Aug 6, 2009

My internet server is Verizon FIOS running at 10 MB/S. I noticed that my download speed is much, much slower than my old computer which was a Dimension 8400 Pentium 4 630 (3 GHz) with 1 GB RAM. I first contacted Verizon and they uploaded software to measure download speed. It showed that I was downloading at close to the rated 10 MB/S. I also loaded Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) to speed up downloads but files still are only being received about 100-200 KB/S.

I tried contacting Dell Tech Support but they seemed to have no idea and blamed it on software in the computer. Other than the Vista Operating System and software preloaded by Dell. I have the same software that was on my older XP which I never
measured but downloaded visibly faster. Could this slowdown be caused by Vista?

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Slow Internet Speed.

Dec 7, 2008

I got my internet speed slower and limited! I dunno how, but it just change very drastically. Why i just know that is that my roomate, use his own laptop but he has an internet speed 8 times faster!! He use Win XP on his laptop. It happen when i installed a McAfee Enterprise 8.7i in my laptop. Before the installation progress, my Internet speed is as fast as my roomate does. But it suddenly happen like that and i got system restore but it useless. So, my question is, how can i got my internet speed to normal.

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Network Speed Slow

Apr 10, 2008

I have a desktop dual boot with XP and VistaSP1 and a laptop with XP, when I move files from XP to XP via network the speed os fast. when I move files from XP to Vista and vise versus, the speed is half to one third of when Im runing XP. Why is this and how can I fix it. I have tried disabling firewalls and antivirus on both machines with no effect.

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Slow Internet Speed

Mar 16, 2008

ever since I started using Windows Vista I've had a low internet download speed (not the amount that I'm paying for). I know this isn't a problem with my ISP because on my other computer that has Windows XP, the internet connection is just fine.

I've tried the following tutorials:
Auto Tuning - TCP/IP receive level
QoS Bandwidth Reserve Limit

Neither of them have resolved my problem. My download speed is the only problem, the upload speed is "normal". I'm paying for 8Mbps but I get 0.5-2Mbps on my Vista system. I have my modem directly connected to my computer, through one of the two Ethernet ports on my computer.

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Slow Context Menu, How Speed Up?

Aug 25, 2009

Why does it take so long for the context menu to come up when I right click? Is there something I can do to speed it up?

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Startup Speed And Shut Down Are Extremely Slow

May 31, 2009

I've recently "clean install" Vista SP1 Home Premium to replace XP on my Dell Desktop; it's working but start up and shut down are extremely slow. I have a new laptop with same Vista SP1 version but it's much faster on power up and down. By the way, I have CA virus program on the Desktop, but McAfee on the laptop. One major difference between two computers is that I do have MSOffice Bussiness 2007 with Outlook and using the outlook on the desktop but I am using Windows Mail on the Laptop

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Media Player Slow Burn Speed

Mar 23, 2008

Everytime I attempt to burn a CD, I get an error Windows Media Player encountered a problem while burning the file to the disc. For additional assistance, click Web Help. I go to web help and get a C00D10DA error code. Ive changed disk manufacturers 3 times, attempted to slow the burn speed, and still no luck.

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How To Speed Up Computer

Feb 24, 2010

I have a toshiba L-305 laptop with 3 gigs ram and windows premium vista installed by
the manufacturer without the c.d. I use it wirelesly with a linksys router and a usb accelerator by linksys. I am not very computer literate, (newby), and I want to find out ways to speed up this computer, I am using a satellite ISP, bluemountain;

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Boot: Hear Computer Fan Speed Up

Jul 2, 2008

I noticed every time I boot up I hear my computer fan speed up (as if the computer were working extra hard). When I check Task Mgr I notice SVCHOST running 30% + cpu at times. I checked the service running and it's the plug & play service.

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Speed Up Computer Or To Stop The System Idle Process

Mar 23, 2008

I use my laptop to play an MMoRPG Game and I noticed it runs extremely slower than a few months back. I also noticed the System Idle Process is running and using 90% of the cpu. Is there anything I can do to speed up my computer or to stop the System Idle Process from using up all the CPU?

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Slow Upload Speed, Wouldn't Upload

May 21, 2008

Recently I noticed that my Internet's upload speed is EXTREMELY low. No problem with Download, I have almost a 3M Download. But i ran a speed test on -The Global Broadband Speed Test, and downlaod was fine, no problem, but i simply wouldn't upload. I tried sending an email with a small attachment, very slow, took like 30 minutes to add the attachement. I have AVG 8.0 Internet Security, with everything turned on.

Here is my HijackThis Log.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 9:59:42 PM, on 21/05/2008.............

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Memory Speed: Can't Stop Wondering If The Difference In Speed WOULD Matter

Apr 13, 2008

I just bought a new pc with Vista Home Premium, it came with: 1GB PC2-6400 DDR2 SDRAM, expandable to 4GB. I wanted more memory so I bought a 2GB kit PC2-*5300* DDR2 SDRAM, because it was on sale for $60. The 6400 speed would have cost me over $200. The salesman assured me it would work fine and I wouldn't notice any difference. I installed it when I got home and everything works great, no problems. But I still can't stop wondering if the difference in speed WOULD matter. Can anyone explain, or provide a link explaining, when, if ever, I would benefit from the faster memory. I mostly use my PC for surfing the web, email, and some photo editing.

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Computer Running Slow

Jan 9, 2010

I am running Windows Vista 32 bit edition and the last weeks my computer has slowed down to a snail’s pace, i have checked for viruses and it is clean. I have run CCleaner and to remove all the rubbish but it is still very slow.

I even have trouble booting from a Vista boot DVD, it take approx 5 minutes just to get the welcome screen up that’s before any OS has booted.

I have a CPU monitor on the sidebar and the CPU and the Memory usage is up and down from nothing to 100 % all the time.

And when i do get the computer to work it is very slow and i can only open one window at a time

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Computer Running Too SLOW

May 11, 2008

i've been running my computer pretty much without problems. Recently I have noticed a real slow down in performance. I currently have Spybot S&D, and the purchased version of AVG installed. Thinking that perhaps one of these programs may be causing some kind of problem, I disabled both of them, but to no avail.

I run spyware searches and virus searches daily, which never really show up any thing of concern. I delete cookies etc on a daily basis too. My computer doesnt need defragged.
Could anyone give me any ideas as to what could be slowing it down so much.I tried to access my company site to process some work stuff and it took forever and a day to load what would normally be a couple of seconds.My computer is only about 8 months old, Intel Core Duo CPU, Memory 2047MB, 32 Bit O.S, with a Windows experience Index rating of 5.5.

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Computer To Slow When Shutdown

May 19, 2008

I Have laptop Toshiba, came with win xp home premium and I upgraded to win vista home premium with SP1.I noticing,when I turn off the computer take about one or two minutes to complete shutdown, even when I go to restart, same problem

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Computer Running So Slow

May 11, 2008

i've been running my computer pretty much without problems. Recently I have noticed a real slow down in performance. I currently have Spybot S&D, and the purchased version of AVG installed. Thinking that perhaps one of these programs may be causing some kind of problem, I disabled both of them, butto no avail. I run spyware searches and virus searches daily, which never really show up any thing of concern. I delete cookies etc on a daily basis too. My computer doesnt need defragged.Could anyone give me any ideas as to what could be slowing it down so much.

I tried to access my company site to process some work stuff and it took forever and a day to load what would normally be a couple of seconds. My computer is only about 8 months old, Intel Core Duo CPU, Memory 2047MB, 32 Bit O.S, with a Windows experience Index rating of 5.5. running Vista Professional.

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Slow And Brand New Computer Freeze Up Sometimes

May 20, 2009

How can brand new computer freeze up sometimes (of course I have a zillion windows at that time), and I think it is slow. Now the person who delivered it put my oold hard drive in it ALSO so that I could transfer the info - would that make a differece. I know they put so much crap on new computers

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Slow Because Spys On Computer Users

Apr 6, 2008

I don't own a Mac but I bought a Vista machine from Dell. I asked to return it because it ran so slow. They offered to install XP as it was the only way to make it run at a decent speed. Here are the facts,

1. XP is still going strong because computer manufactures don't want to sell slow machines.

2. Microsoft it self is so mortified by the slow performance of Vista that they are talking about introducing a new OS next year.

3. It is physically impossible for Vista to run as fast as Mac because they use the same chips and Vista devotes most of its memory watching the computer user......

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Is Slow Because It Spys On The Computer User.

Apr 6, 2008

I don't own a Mac but I bought a Vista machine from Dell. I asked toreturn it because it ran so slow. They offered to install XP as it was the only way to make it run at a decent speed.

These are the facts,

1. XP is still going strong because computer manufactures don't want
to sell slow machines.

2. Microsoft it self is so mortified by the slow performance of Vista
that they are talking about introducing a new OS next year.

3. It is physically impossible for Vista to run as fast as Mac because
they use the same chips and Vista devotes most of its memory watching
the computer user.

Currently, Microsoft penalizes Vista users who fail to activate their operating system software within 30 days, or three days after a major hardware configuration change, by restricting Vista to running in "out-of-grace reduced functionality mode." This denies access to games included in Window Vista and to premium features such as Aero Glass,
ReadyBoost, and BitLocker. It also limits the amount of time the user can remain logged in to one hour.

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After Malware Removal Computer Is Slow

May 17, 2008

what could be causing my computer to boot up so slowly? If anything i thought it would be faster since I just removed a bunch of spyware and a virus too. I had to use stopzilla because live one care was not detecting it .I could see a trojan in my files so I bought stopzilla and it found no less than 34 infections, I removed them all and now is when i actually notice weird behavior from my computer.

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Computer Booting Slow And Freezes

Mar 23, 2008

My computer is really slow then it just freezes after a while. This started a few days ago. I turned on my computer, had a bite to eat. Then when I went to my room, my computer suddenly re-started itself. Then I began to notice it was really slow; I looked at the clocked it it was reseted to like "12:00 am" and the date was like in year 2005." It frooze so I restarted and at the beginning I was able to run a
program but minutes later it begins to be really slow until it freezes for good.

So I just went to "safe" mode and the speed on my computer and everything is normal. It's just when I go into normal mode that's when it's just horrible. I scanned for virus and nothing; cleaned all cookies and such and it didn't work. I dunno what else to do.

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