Control Panel:Ease Of Access Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

When I go to Control panel of mine most of my setting features are not shown amongst whom the important one is the Ease of Access. I don't know if it is a problem which came by updating the Vista or what? I was thinking if SP1 for Vista could help me so please let me know if there is a way to fix the problem of having a compact Vista. The Windows games also don't work and many many other thinks (in Control panel) are also to be mentioned.

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Cannot Access Control Panel

Mar 21, 2009

I am using Vista ultimate x64bit.

Suddenly I cannot access the control panel or vista update or Backup,also the shortcut to Administrative tools is no longer there.

I have searched in vain with google and have not found a solution to this problem.

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Unable To Access Control Panel Selections

Jun 14, 2008

I'm running Vista Home Premium x64, 2GB memory, NVidia 8600 GT with ASUS M2N motherboard. My problem is this: About four days ago I started my system and left the room. When I came back the monitor was blank even though the computer was running. I had to do power button shut down. It started back up without a problem. Later on I tried to open the device manager from the control panel and got a half second flash of a screen but it would not open. That started me looking at other shortcuts in the control panel (classic view).

I have since found that I cannot access: Auto Play, Backup and Restore, Default Programs, Ease of Access, Network and Sharing Center, Parental Controls, Performance Information and Tools, Personalization, Power Options, Speech Recognition Options, System, User Accounts, Welcome Center, Windows Anytime Upgrade, Windows Sideshow and WWindows Update. I haven't been able to find any information about this particular problem anywhere I've looked. I had the UAC turned off and always got a warning after startup that it was disabled. I turned it back on and can now access the device manager but everything else is still inaccessable. I'm still able to use my system but it's driving me nuts knowing it's not 100%.

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Unable To Access Nvidia Control Panel

Sep 16, 2008

I can't access the NVIDIA Control panel, I get an instant error message, as per attached. I am running 175.16 driver and I can't install newest driver as I need to access the NVIDIA Control panel so I can set up dual monitors. I can't even run Driver Sweeper, it leaves 3 files behind and I don't think it does an uninstall.

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Control Panel :: Single Click Shortcuts For Ready Access?

Dec 19, 2008

I use Maxthon 2 as my bowser. Within M2, one can place many single click shortcuts for ready access. I'd like to place Control Panel there, but I need to know its pathway

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Control Panel Mail And Fax Not Working

Apr 16, 2009

When I try to open Mail and Fax in Control Panel I get this message: "You need more memory or system resources. Close some windows and try again." I have closed all programs in the tray and tried again which gets the same message. I have restarted Windows Vista Home Premium and tried again which gets the same message. I have looked at Task Manager and do not see any unusual program useage going on. As mentioned, my OS is Windows Vista Home Premium. What solution do I need to apply?

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Control Panel Cause Explorer To Stop Working

May 15, 2008

Everytime I try to open up the control pane, Vista tells me that Windows Explorer has stopped working, then restarts it.

I'm using Business Ultimate 64bit. I've run sfc /scannow several times.

I have a custom built PC,
Giga-Byte EP35-DS4 Motherboard
Intel Core 2 Quad at 2.4Ghz, Kentsfield model
2GB Ram, Crucial Ballistix DDR2
eVGA GeForce 8800 GT
Seagate 500GB HD
Samsung DVD Burner
Encore Wireless card

That's about it. Default BIOS setup.I tried running 'msconfig' and disabling all Non-Microsoft Services and all Startup items.

Interestingly enough, when I boot into Safe Mode I can access the Control Panel just fine. I don't know what that means.. I'm new to this, I'm a Mac user by default.

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NVidia Control Panel Stopped Working In Vista 64

Jun 16, 2009

I have a dual boot system with Win XP on one partition and Vista 64 Ultimate on the second partition. Sometime recently, perhaps at the latest Windows Update on Vista, my nVidia Control Panel stopped working in Vista 64. I am using nVidia driver 185.85, the latest non-beta version available. I am using nVidia system tools 6.05, the latest set available. I have cleaned out my drivers with Driver Sweeper, and reloaded them with no change. I have loaded the drivers with all virus software shut down, with all unnecessary apps shut down. When I try to start up the nVidia control panel, whether in the Windows Control Panel or other shortcut, Vista tells me that "nVidia Control Panel has stopped working". I am getting the impression that the nVidia drivers are not running, since when I add them they are not defaulting to max resolution like they normally do. The system seems to be running on some default video driver instead. CPU, GPU, MCP temperatures are nominal, no indications of problems there.......

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Nvidia Control Panel Refuses To Load Stopped Working

Oct 24, 2008

Ever since installing 178.24 driver Ive not been able to load the nvidia control panel. It just says this program has stopped working. Ive tried uninstalling it and installing it again and also trying same with the beta 180 driver.

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After Bootup Only Ease Of Access And Shut Down Buttons Visible

Feb 6, 2009

It looks like after I was messing with the registry of my Acer Aspire 5720 I can't boot up properly :cry:.

After booting up I see the Windows Vista home premium text with Vista's
blue/green background and only two buttons. On the left is Ease of
Access and on the right is Shut Down/Restart/Sleep button.

I don't see the task bar, can't call the task manager with ctr-alt-del
no Start button, no desktop icons.

The safe mode starts fine (I'm writing this while in safe mode with networking).

I've tried repair windows option with no luck.

Startup recovery says: Could not detect a problem

System restore says: No restore points have been created

Complete PC restore: No valid backup locations could be found

When I start command prompt it starts ok with x:windowssystem32 if not little strange since I don't have an X drive . I've tried unsuccesfully to start windows explorer by going to c: and typingexplorer.exe.

This all started after I uninstalled Logmein software, or rather after I deleted all the remains of logmein in registry after I uninstalled the software.

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Lag In Like Control Panel

Sep 20, 2006

Just installed Vista RC1 yesterday on my Packard Bell R0900 Notebook. Everything went well with the install, until it came to the performance test... I let it run for 1,5 hours and nothing seemed to happen (screen went black in the beginning, but that was all). So I decided to not let him do the test (after a hard reboot). And all looked fine, except for:

- Opening windows give a big lag (like control panel). It takes about 5 sec to load one window!
- Same for the start menu...
- On fading when for example vista asks whether you will allow something to run, makes it lag alot too... (Same when shutting down or logging of (the fade takes like 20 secs).
- When typing something, it takes like 3 secs to show the first letters...

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Set Associations Control Panel

Feb 20, 2009

i am unable to open links in my emails, the error i get is: this file does not havea program associated with it for performing this action create an association in the set asociations control panel.

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Cant Open The Control Panel

Jun 24, 2008

I cant open the control panel on my system either fron the desktop shortcut or the start menu. I did think it may be a driver issue after i upgraded my 8800gtxoc2 to the latest nvidia driver. I decided to do a system restore to just before i did the instalation, but after 6 attempts on several restore points they have all failed. I have strated my comp up in safe mode and removed the driver but the problem is still there. i have restarted the software licence but i am stuck now and need some advice before i bite the bullet and reformat. Using the origional vista disk is there a way of doing a re-instal without losing my data.

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Cant Get My Control Panel To Open

Aug 30, 2009

I turned on my pc and cannot get online wireless.. can not get windows live one care to work.. cant get my control panel to open... Alot of stuff not working...
Running vista home premium.

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Can't Open Control Panel

Aug 18, 2007

I can't open the CONTROL PANEL, after going start>control panel, the control panel comes up but then i get this message , "WINDOWS EXPLORER HAS STOPPED WORKING" and after that "WINdOWS EXPLORER IS RESTARTING" , all windows close and everything restarts.

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Control Panel Not Opening

Dec 31, 2007

I have vista home edition 32 bits. My control panel doesn't open. A screen opens then closes. I also can't get to the properties from right clicking my computer. I can't update windows.

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Set Association Control Panel

May 6, 2008

I am trying to open microsoft powerpoint slide show and i get this error message: This file does not have a program association with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel. How do i do this?

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Control Panel Is Empty?

Oct 14, 2006

I did a clean install. (RC1 - Build 5600) At first, everything was working great, then the next day I have nothing in Control Panel. From the Start Menu it says (empty) after attempting to load it for 20-ish seconds. If I click the desktop shortcut, it will load the window frame with no content, then just close after 5 seconds. In Windows Explorer I can expand the Control Panel from the sidebar, and pick from there, but just selecting Control Panel, again doesn't work. I remember this being corrupted .cpl files back in the 3.x days, same thing maybe? I ran System File Checker, didn't fix it (did find corrupted files though, oi vey).

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Control Panel Does Not Keep Its Position

Mar 26, 2008

I have a new Windows Ultimate Installation and changed the Control Panel to Classic View, and also expanded it into the upper part of the monitor, but it does not remember it.

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Control Panel Not Keep Its Position

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Windows Ultimate Installation and changed the Control Panel to Classic View, and also expanded it into the upper part of the monitor, but it does not remember it.

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Control Panel Stumper

Apr 18, 2009

I have a question why does my control panel icon move from where I place it when Vista starts up also the Icons inside the control panel a HUGE! they have tiny lettering under them but man Stevie Wonder could see these! I mean I might have six Icons showing. I can move the control panel to the top and go into IE8 and boom bottom left hand corner which is where it always goes to. Any thoughts? I would be happy to leave it there but the icons inside now that's another thing. TIA for considerations.........

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Control Panel: Nothing Showing Up

Jul 29, 2009

I was removing some programs form ym computer earlier and It asked me to reboot my computer once I removed BlueSoleil, So I did, When my computer loaded back up the Login Background was black and all I could see was the name and password field, So I decided to go on and as I'm currently learning BATCH program I decided to go and do some to only find that the Icons were missing, It just shown an "Invalid Icon" icon, I thought that couldn't be right and decided to SR (System Restore) But as I went onto the Control Panel nothing was showing up, No icons. No words. Nothing. I did WindowKey+F and searched for System Restore and found it bt as I tried to open it, It would give me an error due to the "Run As Administrator" compatability isn't working properly.

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Control Panel Wont Open

Dec 29, 2007

for about 5 months now i have been trying to open control panel. i found a way to get into add or remove programs through computer then click the arrow into other things but we recently got wireless internet and i need to get into network connections or whatever it is which is in control panel. i tried to get it through the long way but it wont open.

This is what the error is:

I go start, control panel. it loads about half of the icons then a dialogue box pops up saying windows explorer has stopped working, looking for a solution etc etc.

Then it restarts windows explorer.

and i still cant access control panel. even though i can access all of the stuff except network connections (which i really need to get wireless) i still want to be able to go into and click control panel and for it to work.

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Nvidia Control Panel Crashing..

Jan 15, 2009

Hey everyone. How ya been.

Basically here's my problem. I'm trying to open the Nvidia Control Panel, and it crashes and gives me the option to check for solutions online.. and Nothing seems to get the Control Panel to open.

Yes, I've done a Re Install of Drivers, I've updated and tried the 180.43, 44, 48 and then just did the 181.20's. Still doesn't work. I was then told that the 185 extreme G drivers helped someone with same problem. So I just barely installed those, with NO luck. It's still crashing. Basically I just got my new GTX 260 today and I now can run SLI, but I can't get the darn control panel open to enable SLI... I'm going crazy here.

I googled the problem, and someone suggested I delete the nvapps.xml folder in the actual driver file location and then reinstall. I tried that as well.

If ANYONE has any idea's on how to fix this I'm very open to suggestions. I've just installed NV system Tools, but if it's anything like nTune I don't want it near my system. lol.

Please help me out. I wanna see these babies in action.


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Control Panel Shows Too Many Entries

Dec 10, 2008

my Vista Control Panel shows too many entries. If you look below, you'll see what I mean (Showing all CCC entries...)

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Memo To Microsoft: Fix Control Panel

May 23, 2008

All of a sudden I'm having a problem with Control Panel. When I try to launch it, I see the outline of a window appear for a split second, and then it disappears, and nothing happens. Did a google search and apparently a lot of people are seeing this
problem, and have been seeing this problem since the alpha version of Vista. I've got SP1 installed, so apparently Microsoft still hasn't fixed the problem. How pathetic.

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Control Panel The Window Is Empty

Apr 7, 2008

i installed a compatible printer for my new computer. it is now saying that i basically need to do it again. when i go to control panel the window is empty until i type printer in the search box and then x out. then the control panel options come up, but when i click on them nothing happens this is my first time with vista.

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Graphics Application: Does Not Appear In Control Panel

Apr 28, 2008

I used to have a graphics application on my computer (RealDraw). I uninstalled it. It does not appear in my Control Panel listing anymore. But, when I go into Windows Explorer, right-click and select the "New" menu selection, I still see the option for a "Real DRAW Project" on the list. Is there a way to get rid of this? If I select it, I get a ".rtw" file, but no application can open it. While this isn't affecting the operation of my comuter (as far as I know), it would be nice to clean up.

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Bluetooth Missing In Control Panel

May 15, 2010

However, since reinstalling Windows (service pack 2) after a major system crash, I have no bluetooth at all and cannot connnect my mobile to upload pics etc. There is no icon in my tray and no bluetooth in the control panel nor on any searches.

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How Find The Associations Control Panel

Mar 23, 2008

When trying to open attachment, I get a error message. "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the set associations control panel." How do I find the associations control panel and correct this error? This doesn't happens all the time.

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Attachments In Control Panel : Not Found

Jul 29, 2009

I cannot open any now. Either when I try, it does nothing, or this last one said to "set association panel in control panel" which I have no clue where that would be in the control panel. Can't see anything.

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