Cannot See Pictures In Vista Explorer

Sep 5, 2009

this hasn't really bothered me lately but i have noticed that, when i want to find a picture in C:UsersLil' DomiiPicturesWallpapers i try to look for the picture by seeing the image, but the explorer just shows this: ...

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Emailing Pictures From Windows Explorer - Email Button Brings Outlook Instead Of Thunderbird

Jun 26, 2009

Contact has a Vista business laptop that until recently when you went into Windows Explorer to look at pictures you can press the email button and it would prepare an email in their email client Mozilla Thunderbird with the image as a file attachment.

However recently this has changed back to Microsoft Outlook for no particular reason. Checked all the defaults and they all point to Thunderbird still being the default program for email. Under file associations, have checked that for protocols, SENDTO is set to Thunderbird. However the "E-mail" button still now brings up Outlook. How can I change this back. It's very frustrating and I've played around for a good long while.

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Changing Filename COLORS In (VISTA )Windows Explorer (explorer.exe)

Mar 23, 2008

I need to change the display filename colors in Vista Windows Explorer similar to the MAC O/S Feature. This question does NOT deal with Encrypted Files or Compressed Files. I simply want to change the display names of the files to colors such as BLUE, GREY, etc., just like I can do on the MAC O/S for the past 5 years.

I do NOT want to use any third party software file managers. There must be a way to do it in Windows since APPLE has been doing it for 60 months now. I can't believe that Windows STILL Cannot perform this simple task! If you have a working solution using Windows Explorer please email me and let me know.

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Need Resizer For Pictures For VISTA

Apr 2, 2009

the re-sizer in Win.XP power toys is great, but now i have i understand it it wont work in vista.:cry: did they put out asmilerr version for vista, or is there fix or patch to make the XPre-sizerr work with vista ?? i love the simplicity and built in way the XPre-sizerr worked and would love to have it for VISTA. any chance it cam be made to work in Vista ? or is there a similarversionn?

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Send Pictures With Windows Mail Using Vista

Sep 26, 2009

How do I send pictures with windows mail using vista. My message with pictures attatched are ready to be sent in the outbox. I use for my ISP.

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Internet Explorer 8 In Vista Causes Windows Explorer

Mar 21, 2009

I wasn't quite sure if IE8 was the culprit, but it became apparent once I removed it. Internet Explorer 8 interferes with the functionality in Windows Explorer for Vista. Say for example: With IE8 installed, open up "Computer". Close it, then open it again. It should be instantaneous. But its not. A window will take over to 10 seconds to show its initial contents. Once its open though, its very fast because the instance is already running. But once it closes it will take another 10 seconds to open again. Internet Explorer 8 itself opens up very slowly even after the first opening. Can any Vista users verify this?

1. Install IE8

2. Go: Start > click Computer

3. Close that Window.

4. Repeat step 2.

Is it an instantaneous opening or does the window take more than 5 seconds to populate? Repeat those steps with opening Internet Explorer. Is it the same? If so, welcome to the club. Does Microsoft have any way to report this bug to developers?

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Pictures Not Coming From MY PICTURES Folder

May 15, 2010

I have recently had strange pixilated images mixed in with our photos when playing music and selecting slide show, our photos appear along with random images, they are not coming from MY PICTURES folder as i have right clicked when the odd pic appears and they are coming from random folders that i can't find.

I thought the strange graphics were coming from itunes or Tom Tom so i have uninstalled them both...but the images keep coming. How do i stop media center looking and producing these annoying images

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Pictures Disappeared From Pictures Folder!

Aug 26, 2009

All the pictures in my Pictures folder have disappeared, leaving behind a bunch of empty folders. I did not delete them, and I have no viruses according to AVG. It appears that this happened to a few others on this forum, but no solutions were presented. I noticed that the Read Only button was checked on the main folder, so I unchecked it, and I watched the status window un-apply "read only" protection from all my actual pictures files, so it seems to me that they're still there but invisible.

I performed a system restore, and Recova is in the process of performing a "Deep Scan" for my pictures (the quicker scan did not find the files). Has anyone solved the problem of the disappearing pictures? Is this a Vista problem, or perhaps a problem with an update?

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Windows Explorer Startup: Open Windows Explorer In Either XP Or Vista It Opens The "My Document"

Jun 8, 2009

When I open windows explorer in either XP or Vista it opens the "My Document" folder as the default. However I only want "My Computer" to be expanded and everything else left unexpanded.

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Vista Explorer Can't Respond

Nov 20, 2008

Explorer tells me it has "no respond" when reading my D driver, it will look at for an hour to tell it cannot respond. A report will be generated so Microsoft can tell me they will "research my problem" So every day for two weeks I have sent Microsoft a note telling them my problem should be their problem. I installed a new dvd reader and get the same respond which is "not responding" I update all my drivers and again try to read my game only to have Vista explorer tell me to reload explorer and we will generate a report Has this happen to you? Is it a Gateway 5426e 32bit problem or just Microsoft having some fun best to all and to all a microsoft christmas

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Vista Explorer: Re-opens, And Then Closes

Apr 21, 2008

My Vista Explorer (desktop) experienced a problem and closes after which it re-opens, and then closes again. It carry on indefinitely so I cannot do any thing on my PC. Take note - it is not IE!

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Cannot See A 1TB Hard Disk In Vista Explorer

Apr 7, 2010

For some reason, I cannot see a 1TB hard disk in Vista Explorer. There are no relevant messages in the event logs etc. I can save data to it (via apps, word, excel, downloads etc). I just cannot see it in windows when I go to my computer. Also, can't seem to find anything pertinent on the web, lost about a vista drive not being seen by windows 7 (vice versa), but not what I am looking for. My concern is that if Windows won't display the drive, it may be going bad and it's only 6 months old. Any pointer(s)

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Win Explorer In Vista Cannot Drag&drop

Dec 6, 2008

When I use Win explorer in Vista Ultimate, and click on a folder in the left pane, it opens the folder full screen and wont show me the left pane anymore so I can't drag&drop from the open folder to another folder. What am I doing wrong? Also, the back button only goes back to desktop.ini

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Upgraded To Vista Ultimate: Internet Explorer 8

Dec 15, 2009

I was using yista home premium and upgraded to vista ultimate however it is causing to many problems with other sofftware I use and the internet explorer 8. Is there a way to dowm grade or restore to the previous version without doing a complete system restore. I tried to restore to an earlier date, but it was not early enough.

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Solution :: Explorer.exe Repeatedly Crashing In Vista Ultimate X64

Mar 18, 2009

A few days ago I began experiencing an odd behavior on my Vista box, every time I opened the start menu and typed something into the search box explorer.exe crashed. Further investigation discovered that was also happening when typing anything into the Run command, into a window address bar and even when typing anything into a New Shortcut address.

NOTE: If you just want to know the solution go to the end of the post .

Using the great tools provided by Sysinternals and by Microsoft, I launched my comprehensive investigation of the problem.

First of all, I set WinDBG to be the default JIT debugger for crashed applications by running Code: windbg.exe -I.

Next, I caused explorer.exe to crash (which was easy) and analyzed the dump using !analyze -v.

Studying the dump I didn't find any interesting clues except that the call stack of the faulting thread showed that some ole32 and urlmonitor extensions of explorer were there.

So, using Autoruns (by Sysinternals) I first disabled 3rd party extensions like FileZilla shell extension and WinRAR shell extension. Crashed explorer, it restarted and the problem persisted. Next, I disabled all OLE32 and URLMON related extensions, but still explorer was crashing.

Well, if at first you don't succeed - USE MORE EXPLOSIVES!!!

Next, I disabled everything in the Explorer tab of Autoruns hoping that it wouldn't break anything and stop explorer from crashing but to no avail.

Now I got pissed, I launched Process Monitor and Process Explorer, and started crashing the hell out of explorer while comparing the dumps, call stacks, thread IDs, thread methods, file accessed by explorer prior to the crash and registry keys accessed by explorer prior to the crash.

Well, the thread causing the crash was running SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsRootW and by examining the output of Process Monitor I could see that it was looking for whatever I typed into the address box in PATH folders, favorites and search locations.

Finally, I decided to become BFF with the WinDBG help and find out what else the !analyze extension could offer. Apparently, beside the (very useful) -v switch it also provides the -f and -hang switches that give you more information.

Using these I found that the problem was cause by urlmon.dll, specifically by the ~CUri destructor. From the call stack I could see that ntdll!RtlFreeHeap was the last method to be called, and it was called by the ~CUri destructor and caused a Heap Corruption Exception.

Anyway, since I was really annoyed by this problem for two days by now and in an hour I had to be at a wedding I did something that I regret, I used the first solution that came to mind.

!!! SOLUTION !!!

I deleted the Internet Explorer browsing history (address history).

It solved the problem which probably was caused by some address (and could be a bug in urlmon.dll) but now I can't further investigate to find what was the exact address in the history that caused the crash.

I apologize for the long story but I feel the need to pass the knowledge to others.

There might be some holes in the plot, but that is probably the best I can do at 3:30 AM after a long day....

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Access FTP Through Vista Explorer, But Couldn't Remember Password

May 21, 2008

I was trying to access my FTP through vista explorer, but couldn't remember my password. I typed in the wrong password a few times and as a result I can no longer access any of my FTP locations. I have turned off Vista's firewall, turned off AVG, checked the router, made a new port 21 rule, and restarted my PC. I simply can't figure out what might have happened and I can't seen to find any solution.

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Vista: Cut, Copy & Paste Icons Used To Be Visible In Explorer Under Windows XP?

Feb 6, 2009

Is there a way in Vista to see the cut, copy & paste icons that used to be visible in Explorer under Windows XP?

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Where Oh Where Have My Pictures Gone...

Oct 16, 2009

I can't find my Pictures amywhere on my hard-drive. I'velooked in "C:usersduncsdocumentsPictures", but I don't have a folder called "documents", or indeed one called "Pictures".In Explorer, under 'Desktop | Duncs' I have the following, among otherthings:Documents - This has a location of G:I don't however, have anything for 'Pictures' or 'My Pictures'. WhenI do a search on my G: drive, for .JPG files, it lists all thepicture files that I have so where are they? Displaying the folder
shows the following-"My Pictures (G", but still I can't find them.There is no folder called 'My Pictures' or 'Pictures' on the G: drive.If I try to right-click and open location, I get the message "G: My Pictures is not accessible. The directory name is invalid."

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Mar 23, 2008

How can I send pictures

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Cant Look At Pictures .

Mar 31, 2010

when i have image file send through msn or the pictures on my pc...when i click on them i get box that seys ... windows cant not open this file open this program windows need to know what to use..somthing along them lines ..when i click select a programme form the list of installed programes..its only shows paint ? when i click the web on i get this Windows File Association

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Can't Send Pictures

Mar 23, 2008

I have been trying to send JPEG files by email unsuccessfully. I get no error message the only sign they haven't gone out comes when the folks I'm mailing say they never arrived. These are not large files (472kb).

Is it maybe the security either in the Vista or the Norton? I can't figure out what or what to do to fix it. I'm a facepainter, I NEED to be able to send pictures.

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Pictures In Documents

Mar 23, 2008

I am having the hardest time trying to catagorize & rename my pictures. Everytime I go to a picture file in my document files, I highlight the pictures that I want to rename. Then when I click rename & type the name of the pics that I want labeled, it scrambles the pictures in a different order & the numbers of the pics are pic 1, pic 1, pic 2, pic 2, etc, etc.

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Can Not Burn Pictures Onto CD

Jun 11, 2008

I am having the same problem as Scubiekim - except I DO use Windows Vista. When I put a CD-R in the drive, and try to burn pics onto it, it tells me I can't. Then every 5 minutes since I've tried, I get a balloon on the bottom of my screen saying "You have files waiting to be burned to disc. To view files, click this balloon". I then click the balloon, and nothing happens. I know it's not a problem with the CD, since I have other pictures on it, and it's not full. The pics I'm trying to work with are JPEG files, the same as the pics that are already on the disc.

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Pictures Folder Has Gone

Feb 6, 2009

my "Pictures" folder, the whole thing, not just the contents got moved to the Music section. I guess I accidently dragged it there or something. I noticed it, wondered it something was wrong. So, I clicked on the start orb and clicked on my pictures. It was still there. So, I deleted the folder that was in my music section and now the whole pictures folder is gone. I tried the "shell:mypictures, but here's the thing... it seems it creating the folder on my DESKTOP. I do NOT want it there. When I delete the folder from my desktop, this is the message it gives me

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Pictures Not Showing

Feb 14, 2009

I searched the forums, but i haven't seen any problem such as mine. I first saw it with the Help and Support program, but it has also appeared in Combat Arms (game) and in Internet Explorer. See attachments to see what i mean. If you need any further information, just post what.

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Cannot Scan Pictures

Dec 24, 2008

I use my computer to scan pictures or look at stuff on ebay. I would say I am on the computer 2 hours a month. I have a hp 2200 all in one printer that worked fine with my old cheap $400.00 computer. My husband thought he would be nice and buy me an upgrade I now have an $1100.00 computer that won't scan pictures and after two months and more time than I have ever spent on a computer I am finding out this is not uncommon.

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Pictures Are Compressed.

Mar 23, 2008

About 25% of the pictures I have become compressed, that is, vista decides to smush the sides together so that I essentially have a column of color where I should have a picture. Entering Paint and saving the picture in paint solves the problem, but how do I keep it from happenning and/or fix multiple pictures at once?

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Unwanted Pictures

Jan 1, 2010

Every day in my "recently changed" file under "DOCUMENTS" I receive hundreds of unwanted pictures.It seems as if they are snapshots from a tv news show.

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Not Able To Print Pictures

Apr 4, 2008

Suddenly for some reason, I am not able to Print any pictures from Windows Photo Gallery After Clicking on Photos, and highlighting them, and then clicking on Print at top of panel, the picture will come up full size with panel of options - I click on Print at bottom of panel and blue line runs across under photo saying it is printing, but it never does.

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Accessing My Pictures Through CMD?

Sep 4, 2008

I got the "Windows Explorer has stopped working" error. For me, it pops up as soon as I log into my account so I have no access to the start menu, anything at all like that. Once I log in, it goes to a grey screen where the error pops up. Unfortunately, I hadn't been using System Restore so that's not an option for me. I don't mind reformatting, but all I really want off my hard drive are all of my pictures. I was wondering if there's any way to access my image files by running some sort of command in the CMD window.

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Everything Lost In Pictures

Feb 21, 2010

Something strange occured on my computer. Within last week everything in MyPictures folder (except link to Sample Pictures) lost somehow. I did not find any traces of my 3000+ photos in Recycle Bin, in neighbouring locations of Windows Explorer tree and even searches of lost (deleted) files with some freeware recovery soft. Could it be some of the recent updates, after what my computer was restarting automatically? Has anyone any clue, where to search or how to avoid such of surprises in the future? I had some backups on external devices, but not all...

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