Can't Access The Folders On The Vista

Mar 7, 2009

I have 2 XP machines and one new Vista machine. I have set up my wireless/wired network just fine. My 2 XP machines can share files and I can use either computer to access the other's files. Enter the Vista machine. I set up the network as requied and have a Workgroup. I can "see" the names of the files/folders being shared on all machines. I can use my Vista machine and move files back and forth, access them, etc. But when I sit at either of my XP machines, I can't access the folders on the Vista machine. When I try, I'm told "access denied." I've eliminated my firewalls, I have allowed full sharing. But nothing works.

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Vista & XP Networking; Access Shared Folders Between The Two Computers

Mar 23, 2008

I have a desktop with XP and a laptop I recently purchased with Vista on it. I have been trying to access shared folders between the two computers and have found it impossible access each other. Here are some things you should know:

- Network discovery, file sharing, public folder sharing, and media sharing is turned ON. Printer sharing and Password protected sharing are OFF.

- Network is set to Private

- All computers are verified to be in the workgroup "WORKGROUP"

- Both computers can ping eachother

- Windows firewall is disabled on both computers. I have disabled and deleted Norton Anti Virus from both computers as well.

- Resolving through IP or Computer Name does NOT work

- Downloaded and installed Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) Responder on XP Computer from microsofts website

- Tried enabled NetBIOS on all computers as suggested by a forum post I read

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Access Folders Under My Name (set Up As Administrator), Most Of The Time I Get Access Denied

Jan 27, 2009

I try to access folders under my name (set up as administrator), most of the time I get access denied. It is driving me nuts. I want to change the start menu and get rid of a bunch of garbage but I can't enter the folder to do so. When I use the start menu program, it only has a few basic folders. This happens frequently, even when trying to view pictures or video in the folder. What do I need to change to remove this very annoying problem?

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Can't Get Access Certain Folders

Mar 23, 2008

I can't get access to certain folders, everything was fine until my HD went KaPuT, so I installed a new dual 160GB raid system so I won;t lose it all again, the only problem is now that I reloaded Vista Ultimate I can't access anything, I have turned UAC off (my god what a mess that is, who thought up that POS?) and gave permissions and turned over ownership of everything to me, there is nobody else listed as a user in my system, yet when I use my AutoCad LT 2008 and try to access files, when I click on the directory I need to get into, it does nothing, I can get into other ones, but not any of the ones with little tiny curved arrows in boxes on the lower left. I have access of them in explorer, but not through LT 2008, HALP !! I need to get back to work and this is killing me, I am fairly knowledgable in puter stuff, but Vista is insane. up until now I have liked it, but XP is looking better all the time.

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Access To Folders

May 3, 2009

I recently purchased a new laptop with Vista on it, and I continue to be frustrated by the layers of security I have to constantly wade through. I am the owner, administrator and sole user of this computer. It is used in my home and is not part of any LAN. Yet even though I am the administrator and only user, I still have to give myself permission before I can do certain things or run certain programs. Is there any quick and easy way I can change a setting somewhere so that I don't have to constantly give myself permission to do various things?

Also, I have managed to change the security settings on various folders by going into Properties so that I can access the folders freely and see and access all files. But there are certain folders like the main Windows folder where I can't quite get the settings right so that I can have full control over the folder. I still see certain things grayed out on security screens under Properties where I am trying to give myself full control.............

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Can't Access Certain Folders

Jun 22, 2008

While logged in with administrator privileges, why can I not access certain folders, such as Application Data, Local Settings, Temporary Internet files, etc.?

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Can't Get Access To Certain Folders

Mar 26, 2008

I can't get access to certain folders, everything was fine until my HD went KaPuT, so I installed a new dual 160GB raid system so I won;t lose it all again, the only problem is now that I reloaded Vista Ultimate I can't access anything, I have turned UAC off (my god what a mess that is, who thought up that POS?) and gave permissions and turned over ownership of everything to me, there is nobody else listed as a user in my system, yet when I use my AutoCad LT 2008 and try to access files, when I click on the directory I need to get into, it does nothing, I can get into other ones, but not any of the ones with little tiny curved arrows in boxes on the lower left. I have access of them in explorer, but not through LT 2008.

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PC Can't Access It's Own Shared Folders.

Apr 14, 2008

I am trying to organize the File and Printer Sharing on my home network, but I have one stubborn Vista PC (PC1) that can't access any of the network shared folders, or even it's own.

From PC1:
- Double-clicking on the PC1 icon in Network displays a "\PC1 is not accessible" error
- Typing \PC1 (or 192.168.x.x) into IE or Run gives the same error
- Clicking on "show me all the shared network folders on this computer" does nothing the point turns into circle for a few seconds but then nothing happens.

PC1 is running Vista Home edition
- Network Discovery is ON
- File and Printer Sharing is ON
- All computers are in the same WORKGROUP
- Password access is OFF
- Windows Firewall only (no Third Party Firewalls).

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Access Denied To Certain Folders

May 16, 2008

I am trying to access certain folders, such as C:Windows, and get the message that access is denied. The account under which I am logged in is the only administrator account on the machine. How do I change the so I have full access to everything on the machine?

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Cannot Access Shared Folders

May 28, 2008

We have a network domain, all XP pro compters, though the domain controller is NT. I have successfully joined this vista pc, and can 'see' all of the computers and servers on the domain, BUT cannot access any of the shared folders. Can't map to them which is what we usually do, can't browse to them, it asks for a username and password but will not authenticate using good credentials, actually will not even authenticate using the server credentials. I have exhaustively checked the network settings but do not know where else to look.

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Folders Access Is Denied

Jun 25, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium, am the administrator. In the folders left pane are some files with what appear to be a shortcut symbol attached. When I try to access or right click them, I get the message "Access is denied". What are these files and why can't I access them?

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Admin Cannot Access Many Folders.

Jan 22, 2009

In Explore, there are several folders with a little black "arrow", and inside those folders, there are many that I cannot open. It says, "Not Accessbile. Access Denied" I am the one and only user, the admin, so why can't I see what is in those folders? One example is C:doc & settingsAll Usersstartup. I want to see what is in the ll users startup menu, but it won't let me. To me, this is very odd.

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Open These Folders, I Get: Access Denied

Mar 26, 2008

In Windows Vista Home Premium there appeared new restrictions on some (not all) folders, like Application Data, Desktop, Documents etc. They all seem to have in the lower left corner a little square with a blue arrow pointing toward 2 o???clock. When I try to open these folders, I get: ???Access denied.???

When I check the security of the folders (right clicking the folder and clicking security), I notice that the accessible folders have Gerhard (DesktopGerhard) listed, whereas the non- accessible ones have Every-one. But when I try to add in the non-accessible folder Gerhard (DesktopGerhard), it says:???The following object, Gerhard (DesktopGerhard), is not from a domain listed in the Select Location dialog box and therefore not valid. I???m the only user and have administrative privileges. These restrictions did not exist before.

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Access Denied When Sharing Folders

Aug 18, 2008

I have a HTPC running vista ultimate 32bit, 250gb OS drive and 1tb mirror storage drive (need some fault tolerance since my pics and music will be stored here.) I would like to have this machine also act as a mini server and be able to share out the folders housing my music and my pictures. ( makes it easier for me to dump off my recently taken pics from vacations that i may have dumped onto my laptop, and now that i am back home would like to dump back to the vista machine.) This machine is also part of a domain (a whole other nightmare to get vista to join my domain) My server is running windows 2003 standard.

I set folder permissions and and i just can't seem to get passed the access denied. when trying to open up one of the vista shared folders. from the domain controller i mapped the folders that i need and i can open them but can not make any changes or create new directories. what am i doing wrong? I know i am no expert when it comes to networking but xp has never given me this much of a headache. *the reason it is on a domain and not a workgroup - is to broaden my skill and familiarity with working with servers, Domain controllers and Active Directory*

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How To Access The Shared Files/folders

Mar 21, 2009

I have Vista x64 Ultimate on my desktop and Vista x64 Home Premium on my wireless laptop. I’m trying to share files and folders. I believe I’ve done everything I needed to enable file sharing on both computers. All my Sharing and Discovery buttons are turned on except Password Protect Sharing. I added “Everyone” to my sharing list on both computers. Both computers have the same Workgroup name.

I don’t know how to access the shared files/folders from either computer. All the web sites I’ve visited tell me how to enable sharing but none of them tell me how to access them. It’s probably a simple process but I can’t figure it out.

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Open Folders: Access Is Denied

Feb 17, 2009

Running Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium. When I try to open some folders I get a message that says "C:Usersryant\DocumentsMy Pictures is not accessible. Access is denied". How do I correct this?

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Denied Permission To Access Folders

Oct 22, 2009

The problem is , i have few hundred files, video and etc to take over. How can i do it in a faster way. How can i remove the ownership problem forever?

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Cannot Access Denied: Certain Files/folders

Apr 13, 2009

Experiencing problems trying to access certain files/folders and wonder if someone can advise the reason why and how to resolve the situation. Apart from the attached any further information required will forward upon request.

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Access Denied: My Documents Or My Music Folders

Oct 31, 2007

When I try to access the My Documents or My Music folders in my user account folder, it says Access Denied. Also, when I tried to disable indexing for my hard drive, I was denied access as well. Do I need to be on the root admin account to have access to these things? How do I get rid of all these annoying restrictions so I can use them on my regular account? I have UAC disabled.

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Email Server Cannot Access Share Folders

Jun 5, 2009

Our Server upgraded from SBS 2003 to Win Server 08 & Exchange 07 last year. This email server is domain controller and we have one more file server which is windows server 03 joins in the domain. After upgraded the server, all of the User PC & email server cannot access or see share folders of another PC & email server each other except the email server can be able to access some windows vista PC. But all of the PC & servers (include email & filer server) can access file server share folders. Could you tell me which setting in server is wrong that cause this problem?

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See Admin And Regular Account Folders, Cant Access

Feb 14, 2009

I had been using the true admin account to do my everyday work (now i know i shouldn't have) also had my old admin account (both password protected) and lastnight i decided to change my SID using the NewSid program just for kicks and giggles.. the first time around it just sat there for a couple hours not managing anything but to open a new account.. the machine account... since i had no idea what it was or what it did i chose to delete it (again, now i know i shouldn't have).. then i tried the NewSid again, only this time it worked.. it did what it was supposed to change registries and hives, and rebooted the system.. only to find out I only had my guest account, my admin and regular account were not showing up at all just the guest one is showing up yet my hard drive is still intact, and I can still see my admin and regular account folders.. just cant access them..

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Access Files In Most System Folders Failed

Feb 25, 2008

I am new to Vista having just purchased a laptop with Vista Home Premium running on it. As a long time user of Windows XP, I have encounterd a Vista issue that perpelexes me. From my days with XP, I am quite used to access files in most system folders, to check on them or occasionly even modify them - for example changing the Startup layout. However, in Vista, I am unable to access such directories as "Application data" or "Local Settings" even while using my administrator account. These aand other inaccessible directories have a unique icon with an arrow running through it, as if they were shortcut files. This suggests that they are somehow special to Vista. My question is whether these files are really unacessable to all users with even the highest security privleges, or have I configured something wrong in Vista's rather "curious" security system?

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PC Can Access Shared Folders But Can't Connect To Local LAN Servers

May 16, 2008

I have one Vista PC that is being completely uncooperative.We have a bunch of computer connected through a router, some xp, acouple Vista.The best computer is an XP one, so I want to use it as a server for asmall upcoming LAN party. All computers can see and join the server for various games...all except this Asus Laptop with Vista!

I have firewalls shut off for the server computer and this laptop. I have the network on the laptop set to Private. On the laptop, I canactually see the XP computer. I can even open up and download shared files from it!

Regardless, I cannot see or manually connect to IP for any other server in the network (the XP or others...even the other Vista). This computer ust refuses. I have a LAN party scheduled for tomorrow and I'mfreaking out that some of the vista computers won't work.

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Open Folders: "access Is Denied"

Jul 8, 2009

There are nine folders I can't open. Each displays a message that says "access is denied". I am the admin (the only user). I even ran the windows explorer in admin mode (run as administrator). A few that give this message are: C:UsersJohnapplication data; also cookies; local settings; start menu; etc. I tried to set the security of these folders, but access was denied for that function too.

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Delete Folders Which Vista Says I Don

Apr 21, 2009

I have several folders on one of my drives which I cannot delete. Vista responds that I don't have permission, yet I am logged in as the administrator with full rights.

1. Folders are not in use.
2. They are on an external 750GB USB-2 based drive (NTFS).
3. I also tried to delete them from an XP based system to no avail.

How can I get rid of these folders? There must be a simple way to do this without having to mess with the permissions. After all, I am, supposed to have "god rights". That is, I am the administrator of my home system with full RWMD rights.

Computers used:
Main computer: Vista Business SP1 (x32)
Laptop: XP Home SP3 (x32)

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Sharing Xp Folders On XP Using VISTA

Mar 23, 2008

I Have a problem that even Microsoft Esculation departmen't cant seem to fix at this time... I have Windows XP professional with SP2 on an old slow desktop computer connected via 100mb Ethernet Cable to a speedtouch DSL router. I only have two compters on the network. The other computer is a brand new Sony Vaio laptop with Window Vista Home Premium, with all service packs applied. It is connected wireless via the SpeedTouch DSL Router. The XP can Ping the Vista and the Vista can ping the XP. The XP can browse all folders on the vista and open documents and all is well in that direction.

The Vista can see the XP Computer and can see the shared folders on it as well as the printers, but if you try to open the folders that you see, you get an error message that says you probobly don't have the proper security permissions. It hangs there for 3 or 4 minutes before it produces that error...............

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[Vista 64 Bit] Undeletable Folders

Oct 20, 2008

I have a folder that is undeletable.

When trying to delete the folder an error box will pop up saying that...

"Item Not Found"

"Could not find this item"

"This is no longer located in C:... Verify the item's location and try again"

Using the command prompt, or safe mode does not work.

This isnt the 1st time.

It happens when a program is downloading, and the program decides to make 2 folders for the same download.

The 2 folders look identical, with the same name.

You delete 1 of the folders, and you are left with 1.

On a closer look, the folder left behind has a space at the end of the filename.

This could be a space or possibly an illegal character that cant be displayed.

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Is Temp Folders In Vista?

Jul 27, 2008

Are there any temp folders in vista? I am use to cleaning out 6 temp folders in XP about every 7 - 10 days. Search shows up nothing. If there is none it means one less cleaning to do each week.

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Password Protecting Folders Under Vista.

Feb 14, 2010

My pc will be going in for repairs shortly. I'd like to protect some of my folders. Can folders be individually password protected under Vista?

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Folders & Groups :but Vista Does Not Permit Me

May 4, 2008

When using XP/Outlook Express (OE) I was able to sort my 250+ addresses into Folders and Folders into Groups but Vista does not permit me to do it.Folders permitted me to sort by major catagories and Groups permitted me to send bulk distribution within a Folder.If I make a Contact Group in Vista if works like Groups in XP/OE sending mass distribution from the Vista Group.Anyone know how to bring this OE capability back into Vista?

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Having Two Copies Of Vista On One Computer: Install Vista On The Smaller Drive, Boot With That, And Access Files On The Other Drive

Dec 25, 2008

Right now I have a single 640 gig HDD that everything's on. I've got a laptop too that I'm gonna be taking out on rotations eventually. I wanted to get a new smaller (250GB) HDD and put my Vista on that, so my 640 will be data only (then I could take it with me in an external enclosure and leave the desktop for my mom to use til I come back and collect it). I was gonna DBAN the 640, but I wanted to get the data off of it first- about 170 GB of stuff that I'd rather not lose.

My question is-

Can I install Vista on the smaller drive, boot with that, and access files on the other drive? Would it work if there's another Vista running on the other drive? (both SATA).

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