Windows Help &support: Get Topic Not Found &This Content Under Construction

Feb 27, 2009

When I try and ask for help in Windows help&support it gives me the reply 1)Topic not found and then 2)This content under construction. When I look under the programs I have on my computer no where does it say Windows Help and Support.

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Off Topic

Jun 2, 2009

Windows 7 is going RTM in latter July. General availability is set for
October 22.

If you are currently running Vista the upgrade is painless.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP
Windows Desktop Experience

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Windows Media Center Can Not Content Online Services

Feb 6, 2009

I've just installed Windows Vista (32bit) Ultimate on a second machine in my home network, and the content for on-line services is very different on them both. The regional settings for both of these machines are the same (Netherlands), but the content is very different. How can I add/change the on-line regional content for media center? I've already looked into adding .mcl files into the AppData directory, but this isn't the solution that I'm looking for.

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Windows XP Support Extended Until 2014

Jun 27, 2008

Windows XP Support Extended until 2014. We can still use the best OS made from Microsoft until windows7 comes out. That way we can skip the horrible VISTA monster. Even though MS would like XP to vanish and everyone to buy Vista - Crapista many companies will still be offering XP with new computers via various workarounds.

The demand for XP will be very strong until and if a better version of windows than Vista the OS for MORONS, comes out Article: Microsoft has finally given in to public demand. The company has decided to offer technical support for Windows XP with updates and security patches for an extended period until April 2014. However, it will not go back on its decision to discontinue Windows XP sales after June 30.

This means that after June 30, Microsoft will stop distributing Windows XP as a stand-alone product, as well as stop licensing it to PC manufacturers like Dell, HP, Lenovo, and others. However, it doesn't mean that XP will disappear overnight. Consumers may still find copies of the software or computers pre-loaded with it for months, as stores and PC makers typically work through their inventories.......

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Windows Vista Support Dialog Box

Feb 20, 2010

I have what amounts to a minor problem with my Help and support, but I would like to find out the cause of the problem (was it something I did) and fix it. The problem is best illustrated, so I have attached a screen capture of a typical Help and support dialog box. As illustrated, each discussion point has a red X on the selection button (sorry, do not know the proper term for this). works fine but the image or icon on each button is gone and only a red X remains.

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Using Windows Dreamscene (with Extra Dreamscene Content)

Feb 14, 2007

There has been a lot of interest in the Windows Dreamscene Ultimate Extra, previously known as motion desktop, that allows you to use video files as your desktop wallpaper. This extra that started out as a rumor and finally into a product adds a great deal of "wow" to your desktop.

Earlier this year at CES 2007 when Bill Gates introduced this feature in the keynote I witnessed something that rarely happens to Microsoft.  Right after the presenter turned on Windows Dreamscene and the static picture of a waterfall turned into a moving flowing waterfall the crowd responded with a level of excitement and applause that was greater than I ever heard at a Microsoft keynote. The attendees were truly excited and impressed with this little Vista add-on. To see a quick demo of Windows Dreamscene, check out my CES Dreamscene article here.

Windows Dreamscene has been released and users of Windows Vista Ultimate edition can begin to customize their desktops with this great Ultimate Extra.  Follow the steps below to get Windows Dreamscene installed on your computer.  Before you continue, make sure that you have Windows Vista Ultimate edition. Windows Dreamscene can not be downloaded and installed on any other version.

Click on the Start Menu and type in Windows Update and hit Enter.

Once Windows Update loads, click Check for Updates.

Under the Ultimate Extras section, check the Windows Dreamscene option and hit Install.

After Windows Dreamscene is installed you may need to reboot.

After a reboot, right click on your desktop and select Personalize.

Next, click Desktop Wallpaper.

Browse and select the video file you want to use and hit OK.

Your selected video file will now be displayed as your wallpaper.

Extra Windows Dreamscene Content Videos

After a short while you may become bored of the stock videos that come with Windows Dreamscene.  Below are some sites that I use to download additional videos that I use as my Dreamscene wallpaper.  Some of these sites offer free downloads while others are not. If you find a video you like keep in mind that you can always edit it to shorten it in Windows Movie Maker....

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Windows Mail Can No Longer Support HTTP

Jul 29, 2009

I have read that the solution to the error message that says that Windows Mail "can no longer support HTTP" is by installing Windows Live. I did install Windows Live, however, and the error still appears. What else has to be done?

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Support For Windows :Windows Essentials

Mar 30, 2010

I just read that Microsoft is stopping support of Windows Vista effective April 13, 2009.I hope this is not true since it means that system updates will be discontinued and Windows Essentials will no longer provide security for this Windows application.

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Windows Backups Not Found

Jul 7, 2008

I've never encountered a problem with Windows automatic backup program, until today. First, nothing about my settings or backup location have changed. Its been running every day at midnight.............. Now, everything i see about my backup sets are present, including what it says it can't find.

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Windows Blinking Edges! Found

Oct 2, 2008

I've got a new PC witn vista on it and i noticed that the edges on every window is blinking and it effects every windows i open espically the search bar in windows. Well i've searched every where for a solution and I found some. Some say the Display card, some say Bluetooth driver, some say ..... etc etc. Non of these solution helped me, and i bet som people are still buged with this problem.

Well I've found the solution Click on start and type "Services", Scroll down to "Shell Hardware Detection" right click on it and choose "Properties" Disable it from "Startup type" and Stop the service, a message will tell that another service will be stoped, and it asks you if you want to go on, well if you want to get rid of the blinking, you'd better go on. After stoping the service you will notice the blinking is gone, but just to make sure, restart the computer and check. I am sorry for not beeing able to attach any pictures to make it easier for some people, But i'm not good with writing threads either.

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Windows 7 Haven't Found An (English)

Jun 15, 2009

I've got my newsreader to re-read all newsgroups, but haven't found an (English) one for Windows 7. (I found point me to the English one?

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Subject Line And Content Different.

Oct 15, 2009

I recently exported all my mail from Windows mail, re-installed Windows, then imported my mail back in again, along with my account info and contacts. Everything has seemed fine, however approximately one in every 20-50 emails has a strange problem. The subject line will show a subject and sender, however the content pane will show a comletely different email, an email from a different sender and on a diferent date.

1. I might receive an email with a certain sender and subject on the 2nd of Oct 2009.
2. Click on the subject and see different email content from a different sender in the content pane.
3. Check the email headers with the subject selected (Ctrl+F3) and see the headers show it is from the person in the content pane and was sent on the 1st of Oct 2009.

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Place Web Content On Desktop?

May 7, 2009

I'm actually asking this for Win7 but I guess the same is on Vista. Can you place some web page (or portion of it)on your desktop, like you could do with XP (from display settingsdesktopcustomizeweb)?

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Reactivated Windows Defender, Updated, Found Nothing

Aug 8, 2009

The latency symptoms I described have disappeared although Disk Cleanup might have removed something that was clogging up IE8 and/or the desktop. Besides that I reactivated Windows Defender, updated and ran it. But it found nothing. I then ran the latest MS Malicious Software Removal Tool and it found nothing. And I ran another KIS sweep. It noted something like a Java update I needed and a Firefox update I needed and after updating those then found no vulnerabilities. I also unloaded the game DVD, 'Prototype' that was in the tray installed and ready to play.

And at some point after rebooting I tried IE8 again and left it running for most of a day and the latency in its Favorites or in the desktop Task Bar has not returned once since. I loaded the game DVD again and played it a few times but left the DVD with the tray closed and still no latency issue has returned. This had been bothering me a number of days prior in-between reboots and running many several apps in the course of a day and seeing this latency problem many times, which was usually what would drive me to reboot since that would clear up the problem for a while............

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Setting Up Windows Mail .. SMTP Could Not Be Found

Feb 20, 2010

So i have a Vista and have i've been trying for hours to set up Outlook-Windows Mail and i keep getting this msg. tell me what i'm doing wrong, i'm not very computer smart when it comes to this kind of stuff. The host 'SMTP' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Subject 'Test', Account: 'POP3 (1)', Server: 'SMTP', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Sixaxis On Windows Haven't Found In 64Bit?

Aug 8, 2008

I want to use my PS3 controller, aka my Sixaxis, on my computer. I know there are drivers for it, but I haven't found any for Vista x64.

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Windows Found Driver Attempting Unsuccessful

Jun 20, 2008

windows found driver software for your device but encountered an rror while attempting to install installiation unsuccessful, what should I do?

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Trouble With Displaying Of Mhtml Content

Feb 7, 2010

I've trouble with displaying of *.mhtml files / content on a Vista SP2 PC.

IE8 shows "The page cannot be displayed", and Windows Mail isn't able to show mail content (IMAP server), but the list of mails is updated as usual.

Currently saved web pages (as *.mht ) can be opened!
(And their content looks very similar.)

This trouble only affects one (restricted) user account. Others and Administrator eren't affected. So reason is located in this special user profile.

The mshtml.dll is ok, of course (only Administrator is allowed to change).

A virus scan didn't produce a result.

Do anybody know how the display of *.mhtml files is working en detail?

Where can I look for the reason of this display problem (with mshtml.dll)?

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Re-installing Original Content And Freezes Up

Sep 25, 2009

I have a Compaq Presario desktop running windows vista, home basic, 32 bit. Several weeks ago, the hard drive died. I replaced it with a 500GB Seagate Barracuda hdd. Here is my problem. Hopefully, I can get some ideas. I have tried unsuccessfully to re-install the os using the recovery disks. When I attempt it, one of two things will happen. It will boot as far as the green windows loading bar, then go to a dark screen with no curser, arrow, nothing. Or, it will get to the factory image restore screen, with two check boxes, one saying reformatting windows partition, the other saying re-installing original content. It does neither. Just freezes up. I created the recovery disks when I bought the computer about 2 years ago. Could the disks be bad? Or is it possible I may have other issues?

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Forum: Messages Are Deleted For Content

May 7, 2008

I access through Google and all the messages appear. When I use Outlook and attach to,messages are deleted for content. Is there a way to access the vista.general group through Google using Outlook Express? The display is much better and the messages are presented better.

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Dreamscene Content Pack Update

Mar 23, 2008

I'm new on this forum. I cannot see update for DreamScene Content Pack. Right now i got only one DreamScene video. When i look for Ultimate Extra updates it says that there are no more updates... I have not install the content pack... How can i get them? can anybody please send me ONLY those videos that are provided by Microsoft Content Pack? my email is: extreme [dot] aly [at] gmail [dot] com

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FTP Through Explorer Strips Content Of Some Files

Sep 12, 2009

I am having a weird problem when I try to ftp files through explorer - certain files are completely stripped of their content. I've attached some sample files to this message. The files that start with "doesnt_work" will get stripped when copied over ftp. The files that start with "works" will not get stripped. The only difference between the works and doesn’t_work is that I have removed some of the content for the works version.

Some facts:All the files are plain text. I've verified that this happens on multiple ftp servers. It happens regardless of the file extension. I've turned off antivirus and netnanny software and it still happens. If I use another ftp client such as CoreFTP lite, or ftp.exe from the command line, it doesn't happen- all files transfer properly This also happens with explorer-ftp transfers on windows XP.

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Print Folder Content In Explore

Mar 23, 2008

how to print folder contents from explore.

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Emails Showing Same/duplicate Content

Mar 23, 2008

I imported my mailboxes from XP when I installed Vista a while back. I don't know if it has anything to do with the problem, but figured I would mention it. It seems to only happen when I put an email into a folder for organization (work stuff, personal, etc), but not in the mail inbox folder.

Just about all emails in that folder show the same content as one seemingly random email in there as well. On the main list where it shows the sender and subject file, everything is fine. But when I click on one of them, they all show the exact same content in the preview pane and if I double click it to open it. The same sender, subject and body. It even duplicates attachments.

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CD Content: See Disk As Blank Media

Jun 12, 2008

I have Vista in HP Laptop, whenever i put a CD/DVD with Data, Vista see this disk as a blank media. If i open the MS-DOS prompt (cmd) i do dir to the drive i can see the content.

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File Search Based On Content?

Mar 9, 2009

I've got a hard copy of an Excel file but it doesn't have a title. I don't know the file name nor do I know the date that it was done. In Windows Vista (Enterprise 2007) is there a way to search for a file on my computer based on key words in the file content?

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Outlook Mail : Content Blocked

Mar 18, 2010

I can sent emails to my sister in St. Paul, MN to her business address, but when she tries to reply to my messages she is blocked from sending them to me. I live in Tulsa, OK and this problem does NOT happen when we communicate between her home email address and mine.

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Can Not Find Inbox Content Stored

Sep 25, 2008

I am currently backing up my PC (Windows Vista Basic) but it is only saving the folders and not the actual content within the folders. The problem is I cannot find where my inbox content would be located in order to back it up. Previously, I would be looking for .pst files in XP but this isn't the case with Vista.

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Host Process For Windows Service No New Solutions Found

Jul 24, 2009

I am consistently being plagued with problems in my Host Process for Windows Service and from two different sources in the Wdi Service Host. These are all the source for constant ongoing and automatic reporting to MS.

For the Wdi Service problems, if I manually check for solutions to these, the same old "No new solutions......

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Dreme Scene 3 Content Crashing Explorer?

Apr 24, 2008

I am a vista ultimate owner, and have downloaded the dremescene features as well as the older content. Recently with the patch to SP1, I downloaded via the windows update when it became available. Tonight I downloaded the Dremescene 3 content as it became available.

However when I go in to see what the content contains, my Windows Explorer crashes every time.... Regardless if through windows explorer or through the control panel window. Is anyone else experiencing this phenomenon? I.E. is it a Video Codec that didn't get installed correctly and therefore I just need to download and install it so that Vista and Windows Media Player can decode and show the previews?

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Content 'filter Software', Website Has Been Blocked

Dec 23, 2009

a program where I can select what kind of content on a site or a game is blocked, and when that 'filter software' is set off, that the screen it gives you wont say something like "This website has been blocked" "Blocked by 'parental control'. It should look like the page was unable to load. Additionally, the program should be able to start up on its own, and secretly. n a nutshell, I want a completly secret filter.

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