Windows Mail Can No Longer Support HTTP

Jul 29, 2009

I have read that the solution to the error message that says that Windows Mail "can no longer support HTTP" is by installing Windows Live. I did install Windows Live, however, and the error still appears. What else has to be done?

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Windows Mail No Longer Supports Http Servers

Feb 12, 2010

Used to access my Hotmail account using Windows Mail. After re-installing my O/S, Windows Vista Home Premium, I can no longer set this up. When I get to the point where it asks for my e-mail address I input this, click on next, and the message "Windows Mail no longer supports the http servers used by Hotmail.......". I remember this happened when I bought my computer but managed to get round it, but can't remember how. I have a paid subscription to Windows Live Onecare and believe this is something to do with the "paid " subscription referred to on other threads.

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Does Premium Support Ftp/http Service?

Jun 26, 2008

Does Vista Premium support ftp service? It says it's not supported by Vista Home but i can't find it in premium?

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The Mail That I Received In Home Vista System Windows Mail Then I No Longer Can Receive In Office Mail Client

Feb 6, 2009

My main mail client is my office XP system, I also receive mail in home. So I select the 'Leave mail on Server' in my home XP system and it work fine. But after I upgrade my home PC to Vista system (I export my mail account for XP outlook express then inport it to my Vista system.) then it have problem - when the mail that I received in home Vista system Windows Mail then i no longer can receive in office mail client. Does anyone know is it the bug of Vista Windows Mail?

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MSN Mail, HTTP Based,

Sep 22, 2009

Now that MSN mail is no longer HTTP based and is POP3 is there some hope of Windows Mail being fixed so that we can use it with our MSN email? While I realize there is the answer of using Windows Live Mail there are some of us out here that like Windows Mail a whole lot better.

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Direct Mail Won't Accespt Http

May 7, 2008

Im having trouble sending pics using direct mail-wont accespt http and that s all i have

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Printing Email Not Longer Working In Windows Mail (System: 64, IE8)

Apr 29, 2009

i have Vista64 and Windows Mail. Yesterday i installed IE8 and all the office 2007 patches (don't know if relevant). Now i am having problems printing emails. I get a windows with a script error (i have a German windows, so i try to translate the error to english):

Title: Internet Explorer Scripterror

Line 291
Character ( Column ?) 1
Error: Interface not registered
Code 0

No i can stop the script or continue, but nothing happens. I don't get a print dialog nor a print out.

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Windows Cannot Find Http:// Etc

Dec 26, 2009

running Vista OS 32 bit on hp pavilion laptop. Began getting the error msg about a month ago when I try to connect to Internet ... sometimes it connects, most times not. I've run two different AV pgms plus malware pgm, but to no avail; problem still persists.

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Contact Folder: Windows Mail Doesn't Support Folders In The Contact Area

May 31, 2008

I'm very disappointed that windows mail doesn't support folders in the contact area. I hope some one from Microsoft see this and they reconsider putting a update to re add this feature. I just got this computer and already I want to send it back. I really need folders to keep my contacts sorted. Either add the option or let me download the old Outlook to install. And buying Office outlook is not a option.

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Lost Links From Emails, Windows Cannot Find Http://

Apr 26, 2008

All of a sudden, web links from emails are not being passed to my browser. Instead I get a message "windows cannot find http://..(url of the link) ..." Make sure you have typed the name correctly .......

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Vista Is Being Used By The US Armed Forces. <>

Apr 23, 2009

It might not be the most popular operating system with civilians, but that?s not stopping the U.S. Department of Defense from embracing Windows Vista.Military IT technicians on Friday will start the process of upgrading about 30,000 personal computers used by Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine personnel on the Korean peninsula from Windows XP to Windows Vista, according to an official military publication. I guess I must have been blind when I say Vista machines on a USAF base.

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Can No Longer Receive Mail On 2nd Computer

Jul 29, 2009

I receive mail on my desktop with Windows XP and Outlook Express. Until recently, I have also been receiving the same mail messages (having been saved on my server) on my laptop running Windows Vista with Windows Mail.

All of a sudden Windows Mail is indicating I have "no new messages" yet my desktop is still receiving new mail.

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Mail No Longer Remembers Password

Mar 23, 2008

All of a sudden Windows Mail no longer remembers the log on password. Under Account Setup/Servers, the password field is blank and the 'Remember Password' square is checked. The same applies for Newsgroups. No programs were loaded or unloaded. The computer was shut off over night. The problem showed up in the morning upon booting up.

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Status Bar Of Win Mail Not Longer Shows

Jul 29, 2009

I use Windows Mail to read news groups only. I have noticed that the status bar of Win Mail not longer shows the number of messages downloaded and the number of messages unread. This only occur in the MS news groups. Other NG's display normally. How can I get the info back in the MS NG's? PS: I hope I explained this properly Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 - 32 Bit

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No Longer Connects To E-mail Server

Apr 15, 2008

My e-mail was working on my vista laptop until recently. It is working fine on two other machines running XP. The machine running Vista no longer connects to my e-mail server.

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Windows XP Support Extended Until 2014

Jun 27, 2008

Windows XP Support Extended until 2014. We can still use the best OS made from Microsoft until windows7 comes out. That way we can skip the horrible VISTA monster. Even though MS would like XP to vanish and everyone to buy Vista - Crapista many companies will still be offering XP with new computers via various workarounds.

The demand for XP will be very strong until and if a better version of windows than Vista the OS for MORONS, comes out Article: Microsoft has finally given in to public demand. The company has decided to offer technical support for Windows XP with updates and security patches for an extended period until April 2014. However, it will not go back on its decision to discontinue Windows XP sales after June 30.

This means that after June 30, Microsoft will stop distributing Windows XP as a stand-alone product, as well as stop licensing it to PC manufacturers like Dell, HP, Lenovo, and others. However, it doesn't mean that XP will disappear overnight. Consumers may still find copies of the software or computers pre-loaded with it for months, as stores and PC makers typically work through their inventories.......

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Windows Vista Support Dialog Box

Feb 20, 2010

I have what amounts to a minor problem with my Help and support, but I would like to find out the cause of the problem (was it something I did) and fix it. The problem is best illustrated, so I have attached a screen capture of a typical Help and support dialog box. As illustrated, each discussion point has a red X on the selection button (sorry, do not know the proper term for this). works fine but the image or icon on each button is gone and only a red X remains.

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Windows DVD Maker Will No Longer Run

Apr 26, 2008

I have used DVD Maker a few times but no for some reason it will no longer run. I have Vista Ultimate SP1. There are two different error codes:

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:DVDMaker.exe
Application Version:6.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp:479193d1
Fault Module Name:kernel32.dll
Fault Module Version:6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp:4791a76d...........

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Windows X64 Searches 5 Times Longer Than Windows XP!

May 10, 2008

Why does Windows Vista x64 search so long, especially when the progress in the bar is at the end and the ring is rolling (a replacement for the sand glass)? When a search is not "nearly instantaneous" it takes nearly forever. That is, when you ask for an Advanced Search of Computer, the bar first goes half-way across fairly quickly. Then it goes more slowly to about 3/4 of the way, appearing to redraw the bar every second or so, then more slowly still to 7/8, etc., getting closer to the end with each redraw - but never quite reaching the end. I watch hopefully as it gets to the little down-pointing triangle, thinking that it will give up when it gets there and report that it can't find what it's searching for. But it doesn't.

It keeps creeping further, past the vertical separator at the end of the Address Bar, and then at a maddeningly slow pace across the red "X" and... hours later, the green bar is still being redrawn and it STILL hasn't got to the end. Windows XP Pro on the same computer (but on another HDD) searches for the same files (on all HDDs) five times faster.

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Windows Help &support: Get Topic Not Found &This Content Under Construction

Feb 27, 2009

When I try and ask for help in Windows help&support it gives me the reply 1)Topic not found and then 2)This content under construction. When I look under the programs I have on my computer no where does it say Windows Help and Support.

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Windows Update No Longer Works

Mar 31, 2009

An earlier thread mentioned the Conficker worm, how it is affecting Vista, and that the threat has changed. I have two symptoms of the worm - Windows Update no longer works (when I load it goes to a blank windows explorer screen, which I have force quit through Task Manager), and Windows Defender no longer works. I have used multiple Conficker removal tools (BD, F Smart, MS Removal) and none of these have found anything wrong. Any ideas if this is Conficker adapting or if its something else?

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Support For Windows :Windows Essentials

Mar 30, 2010

I just read that Microsoft is stopping support of Windows Vista effective April 13, 2009.I hope this is not true since it means that system updates will be discontinued and Windows Essentials will no longer provide security for this Windows application.

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Windows Defender And Firewall No Longer Supported

Jul 29, 2009

Everytime when I boot up my laptop, the Firewall and Malware Protection under my Windows Security Center section are constantly turned off. I can turn them on manually, but they will occasionally switch back off again. I'm assuming it's some spyware or something, but all my scans have come out clean. Aside from that, another issue in the Malware Protection area is under the Virus Protection section. It shows me the following message: "Windows Live OneCare is on but is reporting its status to Windows Security Center in a format that is no longer supported. Use the
program's automatic updating feature for an updated version."

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IE: Always Preceed This With Http://?

Mar 31, 2008

I type a url, I have to always preceed this with http:// or I go nowhere. what made this change? If I do this on a Windows XP machine with IE7, no issues.

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Windows Explorer Preview Pane No Longer Gives Previews

May 13, 2008

I don't know why this happened, but for some reason whenever I single click on a file the preview pane no longer generates a preview of the file. For files that a preview cannot be generated it still gives me the "no preview available" message, but for files that a preview should be present the preview pane just goes blank.

The most common files I use the preview pane for are .txt, .doc, .wmv, and other image files. Strangely enough, images still show in the pane, but I have had no luck with other files. My default program for videos is still Windows Media Player 11 and my default .txt program is Wordpad [I use Word for .doc]. Is there a way to simply reset this feature or could someone

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Printing: No Longer A Feature With Windows Operating System?

Jan 8, 2010

after weeks of fighting, troubleshooting, debugging, deleting, reloading, uninstalling, installing etc etc etc. I have finally come to the conclusion, that being able to print, is simply no longer a feature with windows operating system. Unless someone can tell me a fix that no one has discovered yet. I refuse to believe that the fix to our printing problems, is throw out the PC and get a new one. If thats the case i'm sure that there will be many people like myself who make the leap to MAC!

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Windows Media Player No Longer Playing DVDs

Mar 23, 2008

My machine is running Vista Ultimate, and I discovered the other day that Windows Media Player no longer plays DVDs. It used to, but it doesn't now. (Because I don't play DVDs on my computer very often, I have no way of knowing exactly how long this has been going on.) When I try to play a DVD in Media Player, I get the message that "Windows Media Player has stopped working," with the explanation that "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." (It perhaps goes without saying that I have yet to receive any such notification.) I'm provided with no other information about the problem; only a Close Program button that shuts down Media Player. I still seem to be able to play MP3s with Media Player, just not watch DVDs. On a whim, I decided to load up Media Center to see if maybe that would make a difference. While I still can't play DVDs, I at least get a different error message: "Application Failure: A critical Windows Media Center process has failed. Please restart the computer and try again. If the problem persists, contact your hardware manufacturer for assistance."

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Loss Of HTTP Connectivity Going Out

Apr 10, 2009

My wife's computer is running Windows Vista. The system works fine for almost all purposes. It accesses the Internet successfully through a wireless network card to our home WiFi router. The WiFi connection is fine with a high signal strength. It's connecting to an old DLink 802.11b router using WEP encryption, which is all the router supports. Periodically, on average every few days, she will lose HTTP connectivity. This happens in both IE7 and Firefox 3.08. She can still send and receive email and still use a web browser via HTTPS, but she cannot connect to ordinary web pages on port 80. The problem normally persists until she reboots, at which time connectivity is restored. Two other computers on my home network (one Linux, one XP) are unaffected. They work fine through the same wireless network while my wife's Vista computer is not connecting...............

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Cannot Connect To A Server Via Http

Jul 17, 2008

I want to connect to a Team Foundation Server through HTTP. I am not in the network (local nor VPN) with the server I want to connect to. I use the public IP of the server. From my laptop with XP it can be reached easily - for example when I enter the http://serverIP:9200 in the Internet Explorer, the browser asks me for a password and if I fail to log it shows that the Access is denied. 9200 is a port number.

When I connect a laptop with Vista and do the same, a browser just informs that it cannot display the page. I can't also connect to the server via telnet. The behaviour is the same also when I turn off the firewall on Vista (on XP I do not need to turn off the firewall). What then can be blocking this connection?? Are there any security settings that I should check? There is no problem to connect to the Web server from the same network as this TFS.

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Slow Browsing And Http Downloads...

Jun 26, 2008

Im having issue browsing and downloading stuff online with IE7 and Firefox, firefox works better but is sometime slow for no reason I though it was the website but i tried on my other pc and its on the fly. I was downloading an update and its only downloading 9k/sec i turned off all other programs and its still slow as hell tried on other computer and its downloading at 300k/sec. I've done a clean install of windows and its still doing the same thing. In IE some pages dont even load... this is getting anoying.

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Cannot Connect To Website Via HTTP Or HTTPS

Apr 25, 2008

I cannot connect to one website via HTTP or HTTPS - After installing SP1, I can no longer connect to this one website. I have Zone Alarm along with Vista's built in firewall installed, and there is a firewall build in to the 2 wire DSL router I have. Antivirus is Symantec antivirus Windows defender is also installed. I've diabled all firewalls and antivirus and setup a DMZ on the router and still cannot connect. When I try to connect in IE, which seems to indicate either a DNS or a firewall error. Running Vista's diagnostic tests says that port 80 or 443 is being blocked, but with all firewalls off, I can't imagine by what. I've installed virtual pc and installed xp with sp2 on the virtual pc and that is able to connect through vista to that website.

Via a XP SP2 laptop on the local LAN i'm also able to connect. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall the NIC. The machine has a PCI wireless card and using that it is also not able to connect. I've tired to use my cellular provider for dial-up access and that also did not work. I've tired safe mode with networking and still no luck. Of course all other sites are normal. I've tried resetting IE settings, adding the site to the trusted sites, running with no add-ons, all with no luck. I've messed with the security settings as suggested in some threads and no luck. I've also tried Opera, Firefox, and Safari and none of them can connect either. There is no proxy setup either. I've reset the IP and Winsock ( ipconfig /flushdns, /renew, netsh int ip reset, netsh winsock reset, etc)..........

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